Mike Griese 7f3bc3cb04
Only access ControlInteractivity through the projection (#10051)
## Summary of the Pull Request

This forces the `TermControl` to only use `ControlCore` and `ControlInteractivity` via their WinRT projections. We want this, because WinRT projections can be used across process boundaries. In the future, `ControlCore` and `ControlInteractivity` are going to be living in a different process entirely from `TermControl`. By enforcing this boundary now, we can make sure that they will work seamlessly in the future.

## References
* Tear-out: #1256
* Megathread: #5000
* Project: https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/projects/5

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/projects/5#card-50760270
* [x] I work here
* [x] Tests added/passed
* [n/a] Requires documentation to be updated

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments

Most all this was just converting pure c++ types to winrt types when possible. I've added a couple helper projections with `til` converters, which made most of this really easy.

The "`MouseButtonState` needs to be composed of `Int32`s instead of `bool`s" is MENTAL. I have no idea why this is, but when I had the control OOP in the sample, that would crash when trying to de-marshal the bools. BODGY.

The biggest changes are in the way the UIA stuff is hooked up. The UiaEngine needs to be attached directly to the `Renderer`, and it can't be easily projected, so it needs to live next to the `ControlCore`. But the `TermControlAutomationPeer` needed the `UiaEngine` to help implement some interfaces.

Now, there's a new layer we've introduced. `InteractivityAutomationPeer` does the `ITextProvider`, `IControlAccessibilityInfo` and the `IUiaEventDispatcher` thing. `TermControlAutomationPeer` now has a 
`InteractivityAutomationPeer` stashed inside itself, so that it can ask the interactivity layer to do the real work. We still need the `TermControlAutomationPeer` though, to be able to attach to the real UI tree.

## Validation Steps Performed

The terminal behaves basically the same as before.

Most importantly, I whipped out Accessibility Insights, and the Terminal looks the same as before.
2021-07-19 11:59:30 -05:00

84 lines
3.7 KiB

Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
Licensed under the MIT license.
Module Name:
- TermControlAutomationPeer.h
- This module provides UI Automation access to the TermControl
to support both automation tests and accessibility (screen
reading) applications. This mainly interacts with ScreenInfoUiaProvider
to allow for shared code between ConHost and Windows Terminal
accessibility providers.
- Based on the Custom Automation Peers guide on msdn
- Wraps the UIAutomationCore ITextProvider
with a XAML ITextProvider
- Carlos Zamora (CaZamor) 2019
- May 2021: Pulled the core logic of ITextProvider implementation into the
InteractivityAutomationPeer, to support tab tear out.
#pragma once
#include "TermControl.h"
#include "ControlInteractivity.h"
#include "TermControlAutomationPeer.g.h"
#include "../types/TermControlUiaProvider.hpp"
#include "../types/IUiaEventDispatcher.h"
#include "../types/IControlAccessibilityInfo.h"
namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Control::implementation
struct TermControlAutomationPeer :
public TermControlAutomationPeerT<TermControlAutomationPeer>,
TermControlAutomationPeer(Microsoft::Terminal::Control::implementation::TermControl* owner,
Control::InteractivityAutomationPeer implementation);
void UpdateControlBounds();
void SetControlPadding(const Core::Padding padding);
#pragma region FrameworkElementAutomationPeer
hstring GetClassNameCore() const;
Windows::UI::Xaml::Automation::Peers::AutomationControlType GetAutomationControlTypeCore() const;
hstring GetLocalizedControlTypeCore() const;
Windows::Foundation::IInspectable GetPatternCore(Windows::UI::Xaml::Automation::Peers::PatternInterface patternInterface) const;
Windows::UI::Xaml::Automation::Peers::AutomationOrientation GetOrientationCore() const;
hstring GetNameCore() const;
hstring GetHelpTextCore() const;
Windows::UI::Xaml::Automation::Peers::AutomationLiveSetting GetLiveSettingCore() const;
#pragma endregion
#pragma region IUiaEventDispatcher
void SignalSelectionChanged() override;
void SignalTextChanged() override;
void SignalCursorChanged() override;
#pragma endregion
#pragma region ITextProvider Pattern
Windows::UI::Xaml::Automation::Provider::ITextRangeProvider RangeFromPoint(Windows::Foundation::Point screenLocation);
Windows::UI::Xaml::Automation::Provider::ITextRangeProvider RangeFromChild(Windows::UI::Xaml::Automation::Provider::IRawElementProviderSimple childElement);
com_array<Windows::UI::Xaml::Automation::Provider::ITextRangeProvider> GetVisibleRanges();
com_array<Windows::UI::Xaml::Automation::Provider::ITextRangeProvider> GetSelection();
Windows::UI::Xaml::Automation::SupportedTextSelection SupportedTextSelection();
Windows::UI::Xaml::Automation::Provider::ITextRangeProvider DocumentRange();
#pragma endregion
winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Control::implementation::TermControl* _termControl;
Control::InteractivityAutomationPeer _contentAutomationPeer;
winrt::com_array<Windows::UI::Xaml::Automation::Provider::ITextRangeProvider> WrapArrayOfTextRangeProviders(SAFEARRAY* textRanges);