Dustin L. Howett 80da24ecf8
Replace basic_string_view<T> with span<const T> (#6921)
We were using std::basic_string_view as a stand-in for std::span so that
we could change over all at once when C++20 dropped with full span
support. That day's not here yet, but as of 54a7fce3e we're using GSL 3,
whose span is C++20-compliant.

This commit replaces every instance of basic_string_view that was not
referring to an actual string with a span of the appropriate type.

I moved the `const` qualifier into span's `T` because while
`basic_string_view.at()` returns `const T&`, `span.at()` returns `T&`
(without the const). I wanted to maintain the invariant that members of
the span were immutable.

* Mechanical Changes
   * `sv.at(x)` -> `gsl::at(sp, x)`
   * `sv.c{begin,end}` -> `sp.{begin,end}` (span's iterators are const)

I had to replace a `std::basic_string<>` with a `std::vector<>` in
ConImeInfo, and I chose to replace a manual array walk in
ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase with a ranged-for. Please review those

This will almost certainly cause a code size regression in Windows
because I'm blowing out all the PGO counts. Whoops.

Related: #3956, #975.
2020-07-15 16:40:42 +00:00

1881 lines
84 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "precomp.h"
#include "CustomTextLayout.h"
#include <wrl.h>
#include <wrl/client.h>
#include <VersionHelpers.h>
#include "BoxDrawingEffect.h"
using namespace Microsoft::Console::Render;
// Routine Description:
// - Creates a CustomTextLayout object for calculating which glyphs should be placed and where
// Arguments:
// - factory - DirectWrite factory reference in case we need other DirectWrite objects for our layout
// - analyzer - DirectWrite text analyzer from the factory that has been cached at a level above this layout (expensive to create)
// - format - The DirectWrite format object representing the size and other text properties to be applied (by default) to a layout
// - font - The DirectWrite font face to use while calculating layout (by default, will fallback if necessary)
// - width - The count of pixels available per column (the expected pixel width of every column)
// - boxEffect - Box drawing scaling effects that are cached for the base font across layouts.
CustomTextLayout::CustomTextLayout(gsl::not_null<IDWriteFactory1*> const factory,
gsl::not_null<IDWriteTextAnalyzer1*> const analyzer,
gsl::not_null<IDWriteTextFormat*> const format,
gsl::not_null<IDWriteFontFace1*> const font,
size_t const width,
IBoxDrawingEffect* const boxEffect) :
_factory{ factory.get() },
_analyzer{ analyzer.get() },
_format{ format.get() },
_font{ font.get() },
_boxDrawingEffect{ boxEffect },
_runIndex{ 0 },
_width{ width },
_isEntireTextSimple{ false }
// Fetch the locale name out once now from the format
_localeName.resize(gsl::narrow_cast<size_t>(format->GetLocaleNameLength()) + 1); // +1 for null
THROW_IF_FAILED(format->GetLocaleName(_localeName.data(), gsl::narrow<UINT32>(_localeName.size())));
//Routine Description:
// - Resets this custom text layout to the freshly allocated state in terms of text analysis.
// Arguments:
// - <none>, modifies internal state
// Return Value:
// - S_OK or suitable memory management issue
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CustomTextLayout::Reset() noexcept
_runIndex = 0;
_isEntireTextSimple = false;
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Appends text to this layout for analysis/processing.
// Arguments:
// - clusters - From the backing buffer, the text to be displayed clustered by the columns it should consume.
// Return Value:
// - S_OK or suitable memory management issue.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CustomTextLayout::AppendClusters(const gsl::span<const ::Microsoft::Console::Render::Cluster> clusters)
_textClusterColumns.reserve(_textClusterColumns.size() + clusters.size());
for (const auto& cluster : clusters)
const auto cols = gsl::narrow<UINT16>(cluster.GetColumns());
const auto text = cluster.GetText();
// Push back the number of columns for this bit of text.
// If there is more than one text character here, push 0s for the rest of the columns
// of the text run.
_textClusterColumns.resize(_textClusterColumns.size() + base::ClampSub(text.size(), 1u), gsl::narrow_cast<UINT16>(0u));
_text += text;
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Figures out how many columns this layout should take. This will use the analyze step only.
// Arguments:
// - columns - The number of columns the layout should consume when done.
// Return Value:
// - S_OK or suitable DirectX/DirectWrite/Direct2D result code.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CustomTextLayout::GetColumns(_Out_ UINT32* columns)
*columns = 0;
const auto totalAdvance = std::accumulate(_glyphAdvances.cbegin(), _glyphAdvances.cend(), 0.0f);
*columns = static_cast<UINT32>(ceil(totalAdvance / _width));
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Implements a drawing interface similarly to the default IDWriteTextLayout which will
// take the string from construction, analyze it for complexity, shape up the glyphs,
// and then draw the final product to the given renderer at the point and pass along
// the context information.
// - This specific class does the layout calculations and complexity analysis, not the
// final drawing. That's the renderer's job (passed in.)
// Arguments:
// - clientDrawingContext - Optional pointer to information that the renderer might need
// while attempting to graphically place the text onto the screen
// - renderer - The interface to be used for actually putting text onto the screen
// - originX - X pixel point of top left corner on final surface for drawing
// - originY - Y pixel point of top left corner on final surface for drawing
// Return Value:
// - S_OK or suitable DirectX/DirectWrite/Direct2D result code.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CustomTextLayout::Draw(_In_opt_ void* clientDrawingContext,
_In_ IDWriteTextRenderer* renderer,
FLOAT originX,
FLOAT originY) noexcept
// Correcting box drawing has to come after both font fallback and
// the glyph run advance correction (which will apply a font size scaling factor).
// We need to know all the proposed X and Y dimension metrics to get this right.
RETURN_IF_FAILED(_DrawGlyphRuns(clientDrawingContext, renderer, { originX, originY }));
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Uses the internal text information and the analyzers/font information from construction
// to determine the complexity of the text. If the text is determined to be entirely simple,
// we'll have more chances to optimize the layout process.
// Arguments:
// - <none> - Uses internal state
// Return Value:
// - S_OK or suitable DirectWrite or STL error code
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT CustomTextLayout::_AnalyzeTextComplexity() noexcept
const auto textLength = gsl::narrow<UINT32>(_text.size());
BOOL isTextSimple = FALSE;
UINT32 uiLengthRead = 0;
// Start from the beginning.
const UINT32 glyphStart = 0;
const HRESULT hr = _analyzer->GetTextComplexity(
_isEntireTextSimple = isTextSimple && uiLengthRead == textLength;
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Uses the internal text information and the analyzers/font information from construction
// to determine the complexity of the text inside this layout, compute the subsections (or runs)
// that contain similar property information, and stores that information internally.
// - We determine line breakpoints, bidirectional information, the script properties,
// number substitution, and font fallback properties in this function.
// Arguments:
// - <none> - Uses internal state
// Return Value:
// - S_OK or suitable DirectWrite or STL error code
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT CustomTextLayout::_AnalyzeRuns() noexcept
// We're going to need the text length in UINT32 format for the DWrite calls.
// Convert it once up front.
const auto textLength = gsl::narrow<UINT32>(_text.size());
// Initially start out with one result that covers the entire range.
// This result will be subdivided by the analysis processes.
auto& initialRun = _runs.front();
initialRun.textLength = textLength;
initialRun.bidiLevel = (_readingDirection == DWRITE_READING_DIRECTION_RIGHT_TO_LEFT);
// Allocate enough room to have one breakpoint per code unit.
if (!_isEntireTextSimple)
// Call each of the analyzers in sequence, recording their results.
RETURN_IF_FAILED(_analyzer->AnalyzeLineBreakpoints(this, 0, textLength, this));
RETURN_IF_FAILED(_analyzer->AnalyzeBidi(this, 0, textLength, this));
RETURN_IF_FAILED(_analyzer->AnalyzeScript(this, 0, textLength, this));
RETURN_IF_FAILED(_analyzer->AnalyzeNumberSubstitution(this, 0, textLength, this));
// Perform our custom font fallback analyzer that mimics the pattern of the real analyzers.
RETURN_IF_FAILED(_AnalyzeFontFallback(this, 0, textLength));
// Ensure that a font face is attached to every run
for (auto& run : _runs)
if (!run.fontFace)
run.fontFace = _font;
// Resequence the resulting runs in order before returning to caller.
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Uses the internal run analysis information (from the analyze step) to map and shape out
// the glyphs from the fonts. This is effectively a loop of _ShapeGlyphRun. See it for details.
// Arguments:
// - <none> - Uses internal state
// Return Value:
// - S_OK or suitable DirectWrite or STL error code
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT CustomTextLayout::_ShapeGlyphRuns() noexcept
// Shapes all the glyph runs in the layout.
const auto textLength = gsl::narrow<UINT32>(_text.size());
// Estimate the maximum number of glyph indices needed to hold a string.
const UINT32 estimatedGlyphCount = _EstimateGlyphCount(textLength);
UINT32 glyphStart = 0;
// Shape each run separately. This is needed whenever script, locale,
// or reading direction changes.
for (UINT32 runIndex = 0; runIndex < _runs.size(); ++runIndex)
LOG_IF_FAILED(_ShapeGlyphRun(runIndex, glyphStart));
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Calculates the following information for any one particular run of text:
// 1. Indices (finding the ID number in each font for each glyph)
// 2. Offsets (the left/right or top/bottom spacing from the baseline origin for each glyph)
// 3. Advances (the width allowed for every glyph)
// 4. Clusters (the bunches of glyphs that represent a particular combined character)
// - A run is defined by the analysis step as a substring of the original text that has similar properties
// such that it can be processed together as a unit.
// Arguments:
// - runIndex - The ID number of the internal runs array to use while shaping
// - glyphStart - On input, which portion of the internal indices/offsets/etc. arrays to use
// to write the shaping information.
// - On output, the position that should be used by the next call as its start position
// Return Value:
// - S_OK or suitable DirectWrite or STL error code
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT CustomTextLayout::_ShapeGlyphRun(const UINT32 runIndex, UINT32& glyphStart) noexcept
// Shapes a single run of text into glyphs.
// Alternately, you could iteratively interleave shaping and line
// breaking to reduce the number glyphs held onto at once. It's simpler
// for this demonstration to just do shaping and line breaking as two
// separate processes, but realize that this does have the consequence that
// certain advanced fonts containing line specific features (like Gabriola)
// will shape as if the line is not broken.
Run& run = _runs.at(runIndex);
const UINT32 textStart = run.textStart;
const UINT32 textLength = run.textLength;
UINT32 maxGlyphCount = gsl::narrow<UINT32>(_glyphIndices.size() - glyphStart);
UINT32 actualGlyphCount = 0;
run.glyphStart = glyphStart;
run.glyphCount = 0;
if (textLength == 0)
return S_FALSE; // Nothing to do..
// Allocate space for shaping to fill with glyphs and other information,
// with about as many glyphs as there are text characters. We'll actually
// need more glyphs than codepoints if they are decomposed into separate
// glyphs, or fewer glyphs than codepoints if multiple are substituted
// into a single glyph. In any case, the shaping process will need some
// room to apply those rules to even make that determination.
if (textLength > maxGlyphCount)
maxGlyphCount = _EstimateGlyphCount(textLength);
const UINT32 totalGlyphsArrayCount = glyphStart + maxGlyphCount;
if (_isEntireTextSimple)
// When the entire text is simple, we can skip GetGlyphs and directly retrieve glyph indices and
// advances(in font design unit). With the help of font metrics, we can calculate the actual glyph
// advances without the need of GetGlyphPlacements. This shortcut will significantly reduce the time
// needed for text analysis.
// With simple text, there's only one run. The actual glyph count is the same as textLength.
USHORT designUnitsPerEm = metrics.designUnitsPerEm;
for (size_t i = glyphStart; i < _glyphAdvances.size(); i++)
_glyphAdvances.at(i) = (float)_glyphDesignUnitAdvances.at(i) / designUnitsPerEm * _format->GetFontSize() * run.fontScale;
// Set all the clusters as sequential. In a simple run, we're going 1 to 1.
// Fill the clusters sequentially from 0 to N-1.
std::iota(_glyphClusters.begin(), _glyphClusters.end(), gsl::narrow_cast<unsigned short>(0));
run.glyphCount = textLength;
glyphStart += textLength;
return S_OK;
std::vector<DWRITE_SHAPING_TEXT_PROPERTIES> textProps(textLength);
std::vector<DWRITE_SHAPING_GLYPH_PROPERTIES> glyphProps(maxGlyphCount);
// Get the glyphs from the text, retrying if needed.
int tries = 0;
hr = _analyzer->GetGlyphs(
run.isSideways, // isSideways,
WI_IsFlagSet(run.bidiLevel, 1), // isRightToLeft
(run.isNumberSubstituted) ? _numberSubstitution.Get() : nullptr,
nullptr, // features
nullptr, // featureLengths
0, // featureCount
maxGlyphCount, // maxGlyphCount
// Try again using a larger buffer.
maxGlyphCount = _EstimateGlyphCount(maxGlyphCount);
const UINT32 totalGlyphsArrayCount = glyphStart + maxGlyphCount;
} while (tries < 2); // We'll give it two chances.
// Get the placement of the all the glyphs.
_glyphAdvances.resize(std::max(gsl::narrow_cast<size_t>(glyphStart) + gsl::narrow_cast<size_t>(actualGlyphCount), _glyphAdvances.size()));
_glyphOffsets.resize(std::max(gsl::narrow_cast<size_t>(glyphStart) + gsl::narrow_cast<size_t>(actualGlyphCount), _glyphOffsets.size()));
const auto fontSizeFormat = _format->GetFontSize();
const auto fontSize = fontSizeFormat * run.fontScale;
hr = _analyzer->GetGlyphPlacements(
(run.bidiLevel & 1), // isRightToLeft
nullptr, // features
nullptr, // featureRangeLengths
0, // featureRanges
// Set the final glyph count of this run and advance the starting glyph.
run.glyphCount = actualGlyphCount;
glyphStart += actualGlyphCount;
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Adjusts the glyph information from shaping to fit the layout pattern required
// for our renderer.
// This is effectively a loop of _CorrectGlyphRun. See it for details.
// Arguments:
// - <none> - Uses internal state
// Return Value:
// - S_OK or suitable DirectWrite or STL error code
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT CustomTextLayout::_CorrectGlyphRuns() noexcept
// For simple text, there is no need to correct runs.
if (_isEntireTextSimple)
return S_OK;
// Correct each run separately. This is needed whenever script, locale,
// or reading direction changes.
for (UINT32 runIndex = 0; runIndex < _runs.size(); ++runIndex)
// If scale corrections were needed, we need to split the run.
for (auto& c : _glyphScaleCorrections)
// Split after the adjustment first so it
// takes a copy of all the run properties before we modify them.
// GH 4665: This is the other half of the potential future perf item.
// If glyphs needing the same scale are coalesced, we could
// break fewer times and have fewer runs.
// Example
// Text:
// LEN = 26
// Runs:
// ^0----^1---------^2-------
// Scale Factors:
// 1.0 1.0 1.0
// (arrows are run begin)
// 0: IDX = 0, LEN = 6
// 1: IDX = 6, LEN = 11
// 2: IDX = 17, LEN = 9
// From the scale correction... we get
// IDX = where the scale starts
// LEN = how long the scale adjustment runs
// SCALE = the scale factor.
// We need to split the run so the SCALE factor
// only applies from IDX to LEN.
// This is the index after the segment we're splitting.
const auto afterIndex = c.textIndex + c.textLength;
// If the after index is still within the text, split the back
// half off first so we don't apply the scale factor to anything
// after this glyph/run segment.
// Example relative to above sample state:
// Correction says: IDX = 12, LEN = 2, FACTOR = 0.8
// We must split off first at 14 to leave the existing factor from 14-16.
// (because the act of splitting copies all properties, we don't want to
// adjust the scale factor BEFORE splitting off the existing one.)
// Text:
// LEN = 26
// Runs:
// ^0----^1----xx^2-^3-------
// (xx is where we're going to put the correction when all is said and done.
// We're adjusting the scale of the "MN" text only.)
// Scale Factors:
// 1 1 1 1
// (arrows are run begin)
// 0: IDX = 0, LEN = 6
// 1: IDX = 6, LEN = 8
// 2: IDX = 14, LEN = 3
// 3: IDX = 17, LEN = 9
if (afterIndex < _text.size())
// If it's after the text, don't bother. The correction will just apply
// from the begin point to the end of the text.
// Example relative to above sample state:
// Correction says: IDX = 24, LEN = 2
// Text:
// LEN = 26
// Runs:
// ^0----^1---------^2-----xx
// xx is where we're going to put the correction when all is said and done.
// We don't need to split off the back portion because there's nothing after the xx.
// Now split just this glyph off.
// Example versus the one above where we did already split the back half off..
// Correction says: IDX = 12, LEN = 2, FACTOR = 0.8
// Text:
// LEN = 26
// Runs:
// ^0----^1----^2^3-^4-------
// (The MN text has been broken into its own run, 2.)
// Scale Factors:
// 1 1 1 1 1
// (arrows are run begin)
// 0: IDX = 0, LEN = 6
// 1: IDX = 6, LEN = 6
// 2: IDX = 12, LEN = 2
// 2: IDX = 14, LEN = 3
// 3: IDX = 17, LEN = 9
// Get the run with the one glyph and adjust the scale.
auto& run = _GetCurrentRun();
run.fontScale = c.scale;
// Correction says: IDX = 12, LEN = 2, FACTOR = 0.8
// Text:
// LEN = 26
// Runs:
// ^0----^1----^2^3-^4-------
// (We've now only corrected run 2, selecting only the MN to 0.8)
// Scale Factors:
// 1 1 .8 1 1
// Dump the glyph scale corrections now that we're done with them.
// Order the runs.
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Adjusts the advances for each glyph in the run so it fits within a fixed-column count of cells.
// Arguments:
// - runIndex - The ID number of the internal runs array to use while shaping.
// Return Value:
// - S_OK or suitable DirectWrite or STL error code
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT CustomTextLayout::_CorrectGlyphRun(const UINT32 runIndex) noexcept
const Run& run = _runs.at(runIndex);
if (run.textLength == 0)
return S_FALSE; // Nothing to do..
// We're going to walk through and check for advances that don't match the space that we expect to give out.
// Glyph Indices represents the number inside the selected font where the glyph image/paths are found.
// Text represents the original text we gave in.
// Glyph Clusters represents the map between Text and Glyph Indices.
// - There is one Glyph Clusters map column per character of text.
// - The value of the cluster at any given position is relative to the 0 index of this run.
// (a.k.a. it resets to 0 for every run)
// - If multiple Glyph Cluster map values point to the same index, then multiple text chars were used
// to create the same glyph cluster.
// - The delta between the value from one Glyph Cluster's value and the next one is how many
// Glyph Indices are consumed to make that cluster.
// We're going to walk the map to find what spans of text and glyph indices make one cluster.
const auto clusterMapBegin = _glyphClusters.cbegin() + run.textStart;
const auto clusterMapEnd = clusterMapBegin + run.textLength;
// Walk through every glyph in the run, collect them into clusters, then adjust them to fit in
// however many columns are expected for display by the text buffer.
#pragma warning(suppress : 26496) // clusterBegin is updated at the bottom of the loop but analysis isn't seeing it.
for (auto clusterBegin = clusterMapBegin; clusterBegin < clusterMapEnd; /* we will increment this inside the loop*/)
// One or more glyphs might belong to a single cluster.
// Consider the following examples:
// 1.
// U+00C1 is Á.
// That is text of length one.
// A given font might have a complete single glyph for this
// which will be mapped into the _glyphIndices array.
// _text[0] = Á
// _glyphIndices[0] = 153
// _glyphClusters[0] = 0
// _glyphClusters[1] = 1
// The delta between the value of Clusters 0 and 1 is 1.
// The number of times "0" is specified is once.
// This means that we've represented one text with one glyph.
// 2.
// U+0041 is A and U+0301 is a combining acute accent ´.
// That is a text length of two.
// A given font might have two glyphs for this
// which will be mapped into the _glyphIndices array.
// _text[0] = A
// _text[1] = ´ (U+0301, combining acute)
// _glyphIndices[0] = 153
// _glyphIndices[1] = 421
// _glyphClusters[0] = 0
// _glyphClusters[1] = 0
// _glyphClusters[2] = 2
// The delta between the value of Clusters 0/1 and 2 is 2.
// The number of times "0" is specified is twice.
// This means that we've represented two text with two glyphs.
// There are two more scenarios that can occur that get us into
// NxM territory (N text by M glyphs)
// 3.
// U+00C1 is Á.
// That is text of length one.
// A given font might represent this as two glyphs
// which will be mapped into the _glyphIndices array.
// _text[0] = Á
// _glyphIndices[0] = 153
// _glyphIndices[1] = 421
// _glyphClusters[0] = 0
// _glyphClusters[1] = 2
// The delta between the value of Clusters 0 and 1 is 2.
// The number of times "0" is specified is once.
// This means that we've represented one text with two glyphs.
// 4.
// U+0041 is A and U+0301 is a combining acute accent ´.
// That is a text length of two.
// A given font might represent this as one glyph
// which will be mapped into the _glyphIndices array.
// _text[0] = A
// _text[1] = ´ (U+0301, combining acute)
// _glyphIndices[0] = 984
// _glyphClusters[0] = 0
// _glyphClusters[1] = 0
// _glyphClusters[2] = 1
// The delta between the value of Clusters 0/1 and 2 is 1.
// The number of times "0" is specified is twice.
// This means that we've represented two text with one glyph.
// Finally, there's one more dimension.
// Due to supporting a specific coordinate system, the text buffer
// has told us how many columns it expects the text it gave us to take
// when displayed.
// That is stored in _textClusterColumns with one value for each
// character in the _text array.
// It isn't aware of how glyphs actually get mapped.
// So it's giving us a column count in terms of text characters
// but expecting it to be applied to all the glyphs in the cluster
// required to represent that text.
// We'll collect that up and use it at the end to adjust our drawing.
// Our goal below is to walk through and figure out...
// A. How many glyphs belong to this cluster?
// B. Which text characters belong with those glyphs?
// C. How many columns, in total, were we told we could use
// to draw the glyphs?
// This is the value under the beginning position in the map.
const auto clusterValue = *clusterBegin;
// Find the cluster end point inside the map.
// We want to walk forward in the map until it changes (or we reach the end).
const auto clusterEnd = std::find_if(clusterBegin, clusterMapEnd, [clusterValue](auto compareVal) -> bool { return clusterValue != compareVal; });
// The beginning of the text span is just how far the beginning of the cluster is into the map.
const auto clusterTextBegin = std::distance(_glyphClusters.cbegin(), clusterBegin);
// The distance from beginning to end is the cluster text length.
const auto clusterTextLength = std::distance(clusterBegin, clusterEnd);
// The beginning of the glyph span is just the original cluster value.
const auto clusterGlyphBegin = clusterValue + run.glyphStart;
// The difference between the value inside the end iterator and the original value is the glyph length.
// If the end iterator was off the end of the map, then it's the total run glyph count minus wherever we started.
const auto clusterGlyphLength = (clusterEnd != clusterMapEnd ? *clusterEnd : run.glyphCount) - clusterValue;
// Now we can specify the spans within the text-index and glyph-index based vectors
// that store our drawing metadata.
// All the text ones run [clusterTextBegin, clusterTextBegin + clusterTextLength)
// All the cluster ones run [clusterGlyphBegin, clusterGlyphBegin + clusterGlyphLength)
// Get how many columns we expected the glyph to have.
const auto columns = base::saturated_cast<UINT16>(std::accumulate(_textClusterColumns.cbegin() + clusterTextBegin,
_textClusterColumns.cbegin() + clusterTextBegin + clusterTextLength,
// Multiply into pixels to get the "advance" we expect this text/glyphs to take when drawn.
const auto advanceExpected = static_cast<float>(columns * _width);
// Sum up the advances across the entire cluster to find what the actual value is that we've been told.
const auto advanceActual = std::accumulate(_glyphAdvances.cbegin() + clusterGlyphBegin,
_glyphAdvances.cbegin() + clusterGlyphBegin + clusterGlyphLength,
// With certain font faces at certain sizes, the advances seem to be slightly more than
// the pixel grid; Cascadia Code at 13pt (though, 200% scale) had an advance of 10.000001.
// We don't want anything sub one hundredth of a cell to make us break up runs, because
// doing so results in suboptimal rendering.
// If what we expect is bigger than what we have... pad it out.
if ((advanceExpected - advanceActual) > 0.001f)
// Get the amount of space we have leftover.
const auto diff = advanceExpected - advanceActual;
// Move the X offset (pixels to the right from the left edge) by half the excess space
// so half of it will be left of the glyph and the other half on the right.
// Here we need to move every glyph in the cluster.
std::for_each(_glyphOffsets.begin() + clusterGlyphBegin,
_glyphOffsets.begin() + clusterGlyphBegin + clusterGlyphLength,
[halfDiff = diff / 2](DWRITE_GLYPH_OFFSET& offset) -> void { offset.advanceOffset += halfDiff; });
// Set the advance of the final glyph in the set to all excess space not consumed by the first few so
// we get the perfect width we want.
_glyphAdvances.at(static_cast<size_t>(clusterGlyphBegin) + clusterGlyphLength - 1) += diff;
// If what we expect is smaller than what we have... rescale the font size to get a smaller glyph to fit.
else if ((advanceExpected - advanceActual) < -0.001f)
const auto scaleProposed = advanceExpected / advanceActual;
// Store the glyph scale correction for future run breaking
// GH 4665: In theory, we could also store the length of the new run and coalesce
// in case two adjacent glyphs need the same scale factor.
scaleProposed });
// Adjust all relevant advances by the scale factor.
std::for_each(_glyphAdvances.begin() + clusterGlyphBegin,
_glyphAdvances.begin() + clusterGlyphBegin + clusterGlyphLength,
[scaleProposed](float& advance) -> void { advance *= scaleProposed; });
clusterBegin = clusterEnd;
// Certain fonts, like Batang, contain glyphs for hidden control
// and formatting characters. So we'll want to explicitly force their
// advance to zero.
// I'm leaving this here for future reference, but I don't think we want invisible glyphs for this renderer.
//if (run.script.shapes & DWRITE_SCRIPT_SHAPES_NO_VISUAL)
// std::fill(_glyphAdvances.begin() + glyphStart,
// _glyphAdvances.begin() + glyphStart + actualGlyphCount,
// 0.0f
// );
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Takes the analyzed and shaped textual information from the layout process and
// forwards it into the given renderer in a run-by-run fashion.
// Arguments:
// - clientDrawingContext - Optional pointer to information that the renderer might need
// while attempting to graphically place the text onto the screen
// - renderer - The interface to be used for actually putting text onto the screen
// - origin - pixel point of top left corner on final surface for drawing
// Return Value:
// - S_OK or suitable DirectX/DirectWrite/Direct2D result code.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT CustomTextLayout::_DrawGlyphRuns(_In_opt_ void* clientDrawingContext,
IDWriteTextRenderer* renderer,
const D2D_POINT_2F origin) noexcept
// We're going to start from the origin given and walk to the right for each
// sub-run that was calculated by the layout analysis.
auto mutableOrigin = origin;
// Draw each run separately.
for (UINT32 runIndex = 0; runIndex < _runs.size(); ++runIndex)
// Get the run
const Run& run = _runs.at(runIndex);
// Prepare the glyph run and description objects by converting our
// internal storage representation into something that matches DWrite's structures.
glyphRun.bidiLevel = run.bidiLevel;
glyphRun.fontEmSize = _format->GetFontSize() * run.fontScale;
glyphRun.fontFace = run.fontFace.Get();
glyphRun.glyphAdvances = &_glyphAdvances.at(run.glyphStart);
glyphRun.glyphCount = run.glyphCount;
glyphRun.glyphIndices = &_glyphIndices.at(run.glyphStart);
glyphRun.glyphOffsets = &_glyphOffsets.at(run.glyphStart);
glyphRun.isSideways = false;
glyphRunDescription.clusterMap = _glyphClusters.data();
glyphRunDescription.localeName = _localeName.data();
glyphRunDescription.string = _text.data();
glyphRunDescription.stringLength = run.textLength;
glyphRunDescription.textPosition = run.textStart;
// Calculate the origin for the next run based on the amount of space
// that would be consumed. We are doing this calculation now, not after,
// because if the text is RTL then we need to advance immediately, before the
// write call since DirectX expects the origin to the RIGHT of the text for RTL.
const auto postOriginX = std::accumulate(_glyphAdvances.begin() + run.glyphStart,
_glyphAdvances.begin() + run.glyphStart + run.glyphCount,
// Check for RTL, if it is, apply space adjustment.
if (WI_IsFlagSet(glyphRun.bidiLevel, 1))
mutableOrigin.x = postOriginX;
// Try to draw it
// Either way, we should be at this point by the end of writing this sequence,
// whether it was LTR or RTL.
mutableOrigin.x = postOriginX;
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Estimates the maximum number of glyph indices needed to hold a string of
// a given length. This is the formula given in the Uniscribe SDK and should
// cover most cases. Degenerate cases will require a reallocation.
// Arguments:
// - textLength - the number of wchar_ts in the original string
// Return Value:
// - An estimate of how many glyph spaces may be required in the shaping arrays
// to hold the data from a string of the given length.
[[nodiscard]] constexpr UINT32 CustomTextLayout::_EstimateGlyphCount(const UINT32 textLength) noexcept
// This formula is from https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/api/dwrite/nf-dwrite-idwritetextanalyzer-getglyphs
// and is the recommended formula for estimating buffer size for glyph count.
return 3 * textLength / 2 + 16;
#pragma region IDWriteTextAnalysisSource methods
// Routine Description:
// - Implementation of IDWriteTextAnalysisSource::GetTextAtPosition
// - This method will retrieve a substring of the text in this layout
// to be used in an analysis step.
// Arguments:
// - textPosition - The index of the first character of the text to retrieve.
// - textString - The pointer to the first character of text at the index requested.
// - textLength - The characters available at/after the textString pointer (string length).
// Return Value:
// - S_OK or appropriate STL/GSL failure code.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CustomTextLayout::GetTextAtPosition(UINT32 textPosition,
_Outptr_result_buffer_(*textLength) WCHAR const** textString,
_Out_ UINT32* textLength)
*textString = nullptr;
*textLength = 0;
if (textPosition < _text.size())
*textString = &_text.at(textPosition);
*textLength = gsl::narrow<UINT32>(_text.size()) - textPosition;
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Implementation of IDWriteTextAnalysisSource::GetTextBeforePosition
// - This method will retrieve a substring of the text in this layout
// to be used in an analysis step.
// Arguments:
// - textPosition - The index one after the last character of the text to retrieve.
// - textString - The pointer to the first character of text at the index requested.
// - textLength - The characters available at/after the textString pointer (string length).
// Return Value:
// - S_OK or appropriate STL/GSL failure code.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CustomTextLayout::GetTextBeforePosition(UINT32 textPosition,
_Outptr_result_buffer_(*textLength) WCHAR const** textString,
_Out_ UINT32* textLength) noexcept
*textString = nullptr;
*textLength = 0;
if (textPosition > 0 && textPosition <= _text.size())
*textString = _text.data();
*textLength = textPosition;
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Implementation of IDWriteTextAnalysisSource::GetParagraphReadingDirection
// - This returns the implied reading direction for this block of text (LTR/RTL/etc.)
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - The reading direction held for this layout from construction
[[nodiscard]] DWRITE_READING_DIRECTION STDMETHODCALLTYPE CustomTextLayout::GetParagraphReadingDirection() noexcept
return _readingDirection;
// Routine Description:
// - Implementation of IDWriteTextAnalysisSource::GetLocaleName
// - Retrieves the locale name to apply to this text. Sometimes analysis and chosen glyphs vary on locale.
// Arguments:
// - textPosition - The index of the first character in the held string for which layout information is needed
// - textLength - How many characters of the string from the index that the returned locale applies to
// - localeName - Zero terminated string of the locale name.
// Return Value:
// - S_OK or appropriate STL/GSL failure code.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CustomTextLayout::GetLocaleName(UINT32 textPosition,
_Out_ UINT32* textLength,
_Outptr_result_z_ WCHAR const** localeName) noexcept
*localeName = _localeName.data();
*textLength = gsl::narrow<UINT32>(_text.size()) - textPosition;
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Implementation of IDWriteTextAnalysisSource::GetNumberSubstitution
// - Retrieves the number substitution object name to apply to this text.
// Arguments:
// - textPosition - The index of the first character in the held string for which layout information is needed
// - textLength - How many characters of the string from the index that the returned locale applies to
// - numberSubstitution - Object to use for substituting numbers inside the determined range
// Return Value:
// - S_OK or appropriate STL/GSL failure code.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CustomTextLayout::GetNumberSubstitution(UINT32 textPosition,
_Out_ UINT32* textLength,
_COM_Outptr_ IDWriteNumberSubstitution** numberSubstitution) noexcept
RETURN_HR_IF_NULL(E_INVALIDARG, numberSubstitution);
*numberSubstitution = nullptr;
*textLength = gsl::narrow<UINT32>(_text.size()) - textPosition;
return S_OK;
#pragma endregion
#pragma region IDWriteTextAnalysisSink methods
// Routine Description:
// - Implementation of IDWriteTextAnalysisSink::SetScriptAnalysis
// - Accepts the result of the script analysis computation performed by an IDWriteTextAnalyzer and
// stores it internally for later shaping and drawing purposes.
// Arguments:
// - textPosition - The index of the first character in the string that the result applies to
// - textLength - How many characters of the string from the index that the result applies to
// - scriptAnalysis - The analysis information for all glyphs starting at position for length.
// Return Value:
// - S_OK or appropriate STL/GSL failure code.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CustomTextLayout::SetScriptAnalysis(UINT32 textPosition,
UINT32 textLength,
_In_ DWRITE_SCRIPT_ANALYSIS const* scriptAnalysis)
while (textLength > 0)
auto& run = _FetchNextRun(textLength);
run.script = *scriptAnalysis;
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Implementation of IDWriteTextAnalysisSink::SetLineBreakpoints
// - Accepts the result of the line breakpoint computation performed by an IDWriteTextAnalyzer and
// stores it internally for later shaping and drawing purposes.
// Arguments:
// - textPosition - The index of the first character in the string that the result applies to
// - textLength - How many characters of the string from the index that the result applies to
// - scriptAnalysis - The analysis information for all glyphs starting at position for length.
// Return Value:
// - S_OK or appropriate STL/GSL failure code.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CustomTextLayout::SetLineBreakpoints(UINT32 textPosition,
UINT32 textLength,
_In_reads_(textLength) DWRITE_LINE_BREAKPOINT const* lineBreakpoints)
if (textLength > 0)
std::copy_n(lineBreakpoints, textLength, _breakpoints.begin() + textPosition);
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Implementation of IDWriteTextAnalysisSink::SetBidiLevel
// - Accepts the result of the bidirectional analysis computation performed by an IDWriteTextAnalyzer and
// stores it internally for later shaping and drawing purposes.
// Arguments:
// - textPosition - The index of the first character in the string that the result applies to
// - textLength - How many characters of the string from the index that the result applies to
// - explicitLevel - The analysis information for all glyphs starting at position for length.
// - resolvedLevel - The analysis information for all glyphs starting at position for length.
// Return Value:
// - S_OK or appropriate STL/GSL failure code.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CustomTextLayout::SetBidiLevel(UINT32 textPosition,
UINT32 textLength,
UINT8 /*explicitLevel*/,
UINT8 resolvedLevel)
while (textLength > 0)
auto& run = _FetchNextRun(textLength);
run.bidiLevel = resolvedLevel;
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Implementation of IDWriteTextAnalysisSink::SetNumberSubstitution
// - Accepts the result of the number substitution analysis computation performed by an IDWriteTextAnalyzer and
// stores it internally for later shaping and drawing purposes.
// Arguments:
// - textPosition - The index of the first character in the string that the result applies to
// - textLength - How many characters of the string from the index that the result applies to
// - numberSubstitution - The analysis information for all glyphs starting at position for length.
// Return Value:
// - S_OK or appropriate STL/GSL failure code.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CustomTextLayout::SetNumberSubstitution(UINT32 textPosition,
UINT32 textLength,
_In_ IDWriteNumberSubstitution* numberSubstitution)
while (textLength > 0)
auto& run = _FetchNextRun(textLength);
run.isNumberSubstituted = (numberSubstitution != nullptr);
return S_OK;
#pragma endregion
#pragma region internal methods for mimicking text analyzer pattern but for font fallback
// Routine Description:
// - Mimics an IDWriteTextAnalyser but for font fallback calculations.
// Arguments:
// - source - a text analysis source to retrieve substrings of the text to be analyzed
// - textPosition - the index to start the substring operation
// - textLength - the length of the substring operation
// Result:
// - S_OK, STL/GSL errors, or a suitable DirectWrite failure code on font fallback analysis.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CustomTextLayout::_AnalyzeFontFallback(IDWriteTextAnalysisSource* const source,
UINT32 textPosition,
UINT32 textLength)
// Get the font fallback first
::Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IDWriteTextFormat1> format1;
if (FAILED(_format.As(&format1)))
// If IDWriteTextFormat1 does not exist, return directly as this OS version doesn't have font fallback.
return S_FALSE;
::Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IDWriteFontFallback> fallback;
::Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IDWriteFontCollection> collection;
std::wstring familyName;
familyName.resize(gsl::narrow_cast<size_t>(format1->GetFontFamilyNameLength()) + 1);
RETURN_IF_FAILED(format1->GetFontFamilyName(familyName.data(), gsl::narrow<UINT32>(familyName.size())));
const auto weight = format1->GetFontWeight();
const auto style = format1->GetFontStyle();
const auto stretch = format1->GetFontStretch();
if (!fallback)
::Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IDWriteFactory2> factory2;
// Walk through and analyze the entire string
while (textLength > 0)
UINT32 mappedLength = 0;
::Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IDWriteFont> mappedFont;
FLOAT scale = 0.0f;
RETURN_IF_FAILED(_SetMappedFont(textPosition, mappedLength, mappedFont.Get(), scale));
textPosition += mappedLength;
textLength -= mappedLength;
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Mimics an IDWriteTextAnalysisSink but for font fallback calculations with our
// Analyzer mimic method above.
// Arguments:
// - textPosition - the index to start the substring operation
// - textLength - the length of the substring operation
// - font - the font that applies to the substring range
// - scale - the scale of the font to apply
// Return Value:
// - S_OK or appropriate STL/GSL failure code.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CustomTextLayout::_SetMappedFont(UINT32 textPosition,
UINT32 textLength,
_In_ IDWriteFont* const font,
FLOAT const scale)
while (textLength > 0)
auto& run = _FetchNextRun(textLength);
if (font != nullptr)
// Get font face from font metadata
::Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IDWriteFontFace> face;
// QI for Face5 interface from base face interface, store into run
run.fontFace = _font;
// Store the font scale as well.
run.fontScale = scale;
return S_OK;
#pragma endregion
#pragma region internal methods for mimicking text analyzer to identify and split box drawing regions
// Routine Description:
// - Helper method to detect if something is a box drawing character.
// Arguments:
// - wch - Specific character.
// Return Value:
// - True if box drawing. False otherwise.
static constexpr bool _IsBoxDrawingCharacter(const wchar_t wch)
if (wch >= 0x2500 && wch <= 0x259F)
return true;
return false;
// Routine Description:
// - Corrects all runs for box drawing characteristics. Splits as it walks, if it must.
// If there are fallback fonts, this must happen after that's analyzed and after the
// advances are corrected so we can use the font size scaling factors to determine
// the appropriate layout heights for the correction scale/translate matrix.
// Arguments:
// - <none> - Operates on all runs then orders them back up.
// Return Value:
// - S_OK, STL/GSL errors, or an E_ABORT from mathematical failures.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CustomTextLayout::_CorrectBoxDrawing() noexcept
RETURN_IF_FAILED(_AnalyzeBoxDrawing(this, 0, gsl::narrow<UINT32>(_text.size())));
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - An analyzer to walk through the source text and search for runs of box drawing characters.
// It will segment the text into runs of those characters and mark them for special drawing, if necessary.
// Arguments:
// - source - a text analysis source to retrieve substrings of the text to be analyzed
// - textPosition - the index to start the substring operation
// - textLength - the length of the substring operation
// Result:
// - S_OK, STL/GSL errors, or an E_ABORT from mathematical failures.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CustomTextLayout::_AnalyzeBoxDrawing(gsl::not_null<IDWriteTextAnalysisSource*> const source,
UINT32 textPosition,
UINT32 textLength)
// Walk through and analyze the entire string
while (textLength > 0)
// Get the substring of text remaining to analyze.
const WCHAR* text;
UINT32 length;
RETURN_IF_FAILED(source->GetTextAtPosition(textPosition, &text, &length));
// Put it into a view for iterator convenience.
const std::wstring_view str(text, length);
// Find the first box drawing character in the string from the front.
const auto firstBox = std::find_if(str.cbegin(), str.cend(), _IsBoxDrawingCharacter);
// If we found no box drawing characters, move on with life.
if (firstBox == str.cend())
return S_OK;
// If we found one, keep looking forward until we find NOT a box drawing character.
// Find the last box drawing character.
const auto lastBox = std::find_if(firstBox, str.cend(), [](wchar_t wch) { return !_IsBoxDrawingCharacter(wch); });
// Skip distance is how far we had to move forward to find a box.
const auto firstBoxDistance = std::distance(str.cbegin(), firstBox);
UINT32 skipDistance;
RETURN_HR_IF(E_ABORT, !base::MakeCheckedNum(firstBoxDistance).AssignIfValid(&skipDistance));
// Move the position/length of the outside counters up to the part where boxes start.
textPosition += skipDistance;
textLength -= skipDistance;
// Run distance is how many box characters in a row there are.
const auto runDistance = std::distance(firstBox, lastBox);
UINT32 mappedLength;
RETURN_HR_IF(E_ABORT, !base::MakeCheckedNum(runDistance).AssignIfValid(&mappedLength));
// Split the run and set the box effect on this segment of the run
RETURN_IF_FAILED(_SetBoxEffect(textPosition, mappedLength));
// Move us forward for the outer loop to continue scanning after this point.
textPosition += mappedLength;
textLength -= mappedLength;
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - A callback to split a run and apply box drawing characteristics to just that sub-run.
// Arguments:
// - textPosition - the index to start the substring operation
// - textLength - the length of the substring operation
// Return Value:
// - S_OK or appropriate STL/GSL failure code.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CustomTextLayout::_SetBoxEffect(UINT32 textPosition,
UINT32 textLength)
while (textLength > 0)
auto& run = _FetchNextRun(textLength);
if (run.fontFace == _font)
run.drawingEffect = _boxDrawingEffect;
::Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IBoxDrawingEffect> eff;
RETURN_IF_FAILED(s_CalculateBoxEffect(_format.Get(), _width, run.fontFace.Get(), run.fontScale, &eff));
// store data in the run
run.drawingEffect = std::move(eff);
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Calculates the box drawing scale/translate matrix values to fit a box glyph into the cell as perfectly as possible.
// Arguments:
// - format - Text format used to determine line spacing (height including ascent & descent) as calculated from the base font.
// - widthPixels - The pixel width of the available cell.
// - face - The font face that is currently being used, may differ from the base font from the layout.
// - fontScale - if the given font face is going to be scaled versus the format, we need to know so we can compensate for that. pass 1.0f for no scaling.
// - effect - Receives the effect to apply to box drawing characters. If no effect is received, special treatment isn't required.
// Return Value:
// - S_OK, GSL/WIL errors, DirectWrite errors, or math errors.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CustomTextLayout::s_CalculateBoxEffect(IDWriteTextFormat* format, size_t widthPixels, IDWriteFontFace1* face, float fontScale, IBoxDrawingEffect** effect) noexcept
// Check for bad in parameters.
// Check the out parameter and fill it up with null.
*effect = nullptr;
// The format is based around the main font that was specified by the user.
// We need to know its size as well as the final spacing that was calculated around
// it when it was first selected to get an idea of how large the bounding box is.
const auto fontSize = format->GetFontSize();
float lineSpacing; // total height of the cells
float baseline; // vertical position counted down from the top where the characters "sit"
RETURN_IF_FAILED(format->GetLineSpacing(&spacingMethod, &lineSpacing, &baseline));
const float ascentPixels = baseline;
const float descentPixels = lineSpacing - baseline;
// We need this for the designUnitsPerEm which will be required to move back and forth between
// Design Units and Pixels. I'll elaborate below.
// If we had font fallback occur, the size of the font given to us (IDWriteFontFace1) can be different
// than the font size used for the original format (IDWriteTextFormat).
const auto scaledFontSize = fontScale * fontSize;
// This is Unicode FULL BLOCK U+2588.
// We presume that FULL BLOCK should be filling its entire cell in all directions so it should provide a good basis
// in knowing exactly where to touch every single edge.
// We're also presuming that the other box/line drawing glyphs were authored in this font to perfectly inscribe
// inside of FULL BLOCK, with the same left/top/right/bottom bearings so they would look great when drawn adjacent.
const UINT32 blockCodepoint = L'\x2588';
// Get the index of the block out of the font.
UINT16 glyphIndex;
RETURN_IF_FAILED(face->GetGlyphIndicesW(&blockCodepoint, 1, &glyphIndex));
// If it was 0, it wasn't found in the font. We're going to try again with
// Unicode BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL U+253C which should be touching
// all the edges of the possible rectangle, much like a full block should.
if (glyphIndex == 0)
const UINT32 alternateCp = L'\x253C';
RETURN_IF_FAILED(face->GetGlyphIndicesW(&alternateCp, 1, &glyphIndex));
// If we still didn't find the glyph index, we haven't implemented any further logic to figure out the box dimensions.
// So we're just going to leave successfully as is and apply no scaling factor. It might look not-right, but it won't
// stop the rendering pipeline.
RETURN_HR_IF(S_FALSE, glyphIndex == 0);
// Get the metrics of the given glyph, which we're going to treat as the outline box in which all line/block drawing
// glyphs will be inscribed within, perfectly touching each edge as to align when two cells meet.
DWRITE_GLYPH_METRICS boxMetrics = { 0 };
RETURN_IF_FAILED(face->GetDesignGlyphMetrics(&glyphIndex, 1, &boxMetrics));
// NOTE: All metrics we receive from DWRITE are going to be in "design units" which are a somewhat agnostic
// way of describing proportions.
// Converting back and forth between real pixels and design units is possible using
// any font's specific fontSize and the designUnitsPerEm FONT_METRIC value.
// Here's what to know about the boxMetrics:
// topLeft --> +--------------------------------+ ---
// | ^ | |
// | | topSide | |
// | | Bearing | |
// | v | |
// | +-----------------+ | |
// | | | | |
// | | | | | a
// | | | | | d
// | | | | | v
// +<---->+ | | | a
// | | | | | n
// | left | | | | c
// | Side | | | | e
// | Bea- | | | | H
// | ring | | right | | e
// vertical | | | Side | | i
// OriginY --> x | | Bea- | | g
// | | | ring | | h
// | | | | | t
// | | +<----->+ |
// | +-----------------+ | |
// | ^ | |
// | bottomSide | | |
// | Bearing | | |
// | v | |
// +--------------------------------+ ---
// | |
// +--------------------------------+
// | advanceWidth |
// NOTE: The bearings can be negative, in which case it is specifying that the glyphs overhang the box
// as defined by the advanceHeight/width.
// See also: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/dwrite/ns-dwrite-dwrite_glyph_metrics
// The scale is a multiplier and the translation is addition. So *1 and +0 will mean nothing happens.
const float defaultBoxVerticalScaleFactor = 1.0f;
float boxVerticalScaleFactor = defaultBoxVerticalScaleFactor;
const float defaultBoxVerticalTranslation = 0.0f;
float boxVerticalTranslation = defaultBoxVerticalTranslation;
// First, find the dimensions of the glyph representing our fully filled box.
// Ascent is how far up from the baseline we'll draw.
// verticalOriginY is the measure from the topLeft corner of the bounding box down to where
// the glyph's version of the baseline is.
// topSideBearing is how much "gap space" is left between that topLeft and where the glyph
// starts drawing. Subtract the gap space to find how far is drawn upward from baseline.
const auto boxAscentDesignUnits = boxMetrics.verticalOriginY - boxMetrics.topSideBearing;
// Descent is how far down from the baseline we'll draw.
// advanceHeight is the total height of the drawn bounding box.
// verticalOriginY is how much was given to the ascent, so subtract that out.
// What remains is then the descent value. Remove the
// bottomSideBearing as the "gap space" on the bottom to find how far is drawn downward from baseline.
const auto boxDescentDesignUnits = boxMetrics.advanceHeight - boxMetrics.verticalOriginY - boxMetrics.bottomSideBearing;
// The height, then, of the entire box is just the sum of the ascent above the baseline and the descent below.
const auto boxHeightDesignUnits = boxAscentDesignUnits + boxDescentDesignUnits;
// Second, find the dimensions of the cell we're going to attempt to fit within.
// We know about the exact ascent/descent units in pixels as calculated when we chose a font and
// adjusted the ascent/descent for a nice perfect baseline and integer total height.
// All we need to do is adapt it into Design Units so it meshes nicely with the Design Units above.
// Use the formula: Pixels * Design Units Per Em / Font Size = Design Units
const auto cellAscentDesignUnits = ascentPixels * fontMetrics.designUnitsPerEm / scaledFontSize;
const auto cellDescentDesignUnits = descentPixels * fontMetrics.designUnitsPerEm / scaledFontSize;
const auto cellHeightDesignUnits = cellAscentDesignUnits + cellDescentDesignUnits;
// OK, now do a few checks. If the drawn box touches the top and bottom of the cell
// and the box is overall tall enough, then we'll not bother adjusting.
// We will presume the font author has set things as they wish them to be.
const auto boxTouchesCellTop = boxAscentDesignUnits >= cellAscentDesignUnits;
const auto boxTouchesCellBottom = boxDescentDesignUnits >= cellDescentDesignUnits;
const auto boxIsTallEnoughForCell = boxHeightDesignUnits >= cellHeightDesignUnits;
// If not...
if (!(boxTouchesCellTop && boxTouchesCellBottom && boxIsTallEnoughForCell))
// Find a scaling factor that will make the total height drawn of this box
// perfectly fit the same number of design units as the cell.
// Since scale factor is a multiplier, it doesn't matter that this is design units.
// The fraction between the two heights in pixels should be exactly the same
// (which is what will matter when we go to actually render it... the pixels that is.)
// Don't scale below 1.0. If it'd shrink, just center it at the prescribed scale.
boxVerticalScaleFactor = std::max(cellHeightDesignUnits / boxHeightDesignUnits, 1.0f);
// The box as scaled might be hanging over the top or bottom of the cell (or both).
// We find out the amount of overhang/underhang on both the top and the bottom.
const auto extraAscent = boxAscentDesignUnits * boxVerticalScaleFactor - cellAscentDesignUnits;
const auto extraDescent = boxDescentDesignUnits * boxVerticalScaleFactor - cellDescentDesignUnits;
// This took a bit of time and effort and it's difficult to put into words, but here goes.
// We want the average of the two magnitudes to find out how much to "take" from one and "give"
// to the other such that both are equal. We presume the glyphs are designed to be drawn
// centered in their box vertically to look good.
// The ordering around subtraction is required to ensure that the direction is correct with a negative
// translation moving up (taking excess descent and adding to ascent) and positive is the opposite.
const auto boxVerticalTranslationDesignUnits = (extraAscent - extraDescent) / 2;
// The translation is just a raw movement of pixels up or down. Since we were working in Design Units,
// we need to run the opposite algorithm shown above to go from Design Units to Pixels.
boxVerticalTranslation = boxVerticalTranslationDesignUnits * scaledFontSize / fontMetrics.designUnitsPerEm;
// The horizontal adjustments follow the exact same logic as the vertical ones.
const float defaultBoxHorizontalScaleFactor = 1.0f;
float boxHorizontalScaleFactor = defaultBoxHorizontalScaleFactor;
const float defaultBoxHorizontalTranslation = 0.0f;
float boxHorizontalTranslation = defaultBoxHorizontalTranslation;
// This is the only difference. We don't have a horizontalOriginX from the metrics.
// However, https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/dwrite/ns-dwrite-dwrite_glyph_metrics says
// the X coordinate is specified by half the advanceWidth to the right of the horizontalOrigin.
// So we'll use that as the "center" and apply it the role that verticalOriginY had above.
const auto boxCenterDesignUnits = boxMetrics.advanceWidth / 2;
const auto boxLeftDesignUnits = boxCenterDesignUnits - boxMetrics.leftSideBearing;
const auto boxRightDesignUnits = boxMetrics.advanceWidth - boxMetrics.rightSideBearing - boxCenterDesignUnits;
const auto boxWidthDesignUnits = boxLeftDesignUnits + boxRightDesignUnits;
const auto cellWidthDesignUnits = widthPixels * fontMetrics.designUnitsPerEm / scaledFontSize;
const auto cellLeftDesignUnits = cellWidthDesignUnits / 2;
const auto cellRightDesignUnits = cellLeftDesignUnits;
const auto boxTouchesCellLeft = boxLeftDesignUnits >= cellLeftDesignUnits;
const auto boxTouchesCellRight = boxRightDesignUnits >= cellRightDesignUnits;
const auto boxIsWideEnoughForCell = boxWidthDesignUnits >= cellWidthDesignUnits;
if (!(boxTouchesCellLeft && boxTouchesCellRight && boxIsWideEnoughForCell))
boxHorizontalScaleFactor = std::max(cellWidthDesignUnits / boxWidthDesignUnits, 1.0f);
const auto extraLeft = boxLeftDesignUnits * boxHorizontalScaleFactor - cellLeftDesignUnits;
const auto extraRight = boxRightDesignUnits * boxHorizontalScaleFactor - cellRightDesignUnits;
const auto boxHorizontalTranslationDesignUnits = (extraLeft - extraRight) / 2;
boxHorizontalTranslation = boxHorizontalTranslationDesignUnits * scaledFontSize / fontMetrics.designUnitsPerEm;
// If we set anything, make a drawing effect. Otherwise, there isn't one.
if (defaultBoxVerticalScaleFactor != boxVerticalScaleFactor ||
defaultBoxVerticalTranslation != boxVerticalTranslation ||
defaultBoxHorizontalScaleFactor != boxHorizontalScaleFactor ||
defaultBoxHorizontalTranslation != boxHorizontalTranslation)
// OK, make the object that will represent our effect, stuff the metrics into it, and return it.
RETURN_IF_FAILED(WRL::MakeAndInitialize<BoxDrawingEffect>(effect, boxVerticalScaleFactor, boxVerticalTranslation, boxHorizontalScaleFactor, boxHorizontalTranslation));
return S_OK;
#pragma endregion
#pragma region internal Run manipulation functions for storing information from sink callbacks
// Routine Description:
// - Used by the sink setters, this returns a reference to the next run.
// Position and length are adjusted to now point after the current run
// being returned.
// Arguments:
// - textLength - The amount of characters for which the next analysis result will apply.
// - The starting index is implicit based on the currently chosen run.
// Return Value:
// - reference to the run needed to store analysis data
[[nodiscard]] CustomTextLayout::LinkedRun& CustomTextLayout::_FetchNextRun(UINT32& textLength)
const auto originalRunIndex = _runIndex;
auto& run = _runs.at(originalRunIndex);
UINT32 runTextLength = run.textLength;
// Split the tail if needed (the length remaining is less than the
// current run's size).
if (textLength < runTextLength)
runTextLength = textLength; // Limit to what's actually left.
const UINT32 runTextStart = run.textStart;
_SplitCurrentRun(runTextStart + runTextLength);
// Just advance the current run.
_runIndex = run.nextRunIndex;
textLength -= runTextLength;
// Return a reference to the run that was just current.
// Careful, we have to look it up again as _SplitCurrentRun can resize the array and reshuffle all the reference locations
return _runs.at(originalRunIndex);
// Routine Description:
// - Retrieves the current run according to the internal
// positioning set by Set/Split Current Run methods.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - Mutable reference ot the current run.
[[nodiscard]] CustomTextLayout::LinkedRun& CustomTextLayout::_GetCurrentRun()
return _runs.at(_runIndex);
// Routine Description:
// - Move the current run to the given position.
// Since the analyzers generally return results in a forward manner,
// this will usually just return early. If not, find the
// corresponding run for the text position.
// Arguments:
// - textPosition - The index into the original string for which we want to select the corresponding run
// Return Value:
// - <none> - Updates internal state
void CustomTextLayout::_SetCurrentRun(const UINT32 textPosition)
if (_runIndex < _runs.size() && _runs.at(_runIndex).ContainsTextPosition(textPosition))
_runIndex = gsl::narrow<UINT32>(
std::find(_runs.begin(), _runs.end(), textPosition) - _runs.begin());
// Routine Description:
// - Splits the current run and adjusts the run values accordingly.
// Arguments:
// - splitPosition - The index into the run where we want to split it into two
// Return Value:
// - <none> - Updates internal state, the back half will be selected after running
void CustomTextLayout::_SplitCurrentRun(const UINT32 splitPosition)
const UINT32 runTextStart = _runs.at(_runIndex).textStart;
if (splitPosition <= runTextStart)
return; // no change
// Grow runs by one.
const size_t totalRuns = _runs.size();
_runs.resize(totalRuns + 1);
catch (...)
return; // Can't increase size. Return same run.
// Copy the old run to the end.
LinkedRun& frontHalf = _runs.at(_runIndex);
LinkedRun& backHalf = _runs.back();
backHalf = frontHalf;
// Adjust runs' text positions and lengths.
const UINT32 splitPoint = splitPosition - runTextStart;
backHalf.textStart += splitPoint;
backHalf.textLength -= splitPoint;
frontHalf.textLength = splitPoint;
frontHalf.nextRunIndex = gsl::narrow<UINT32>(totalRuns);
_runIndex = gsl::narrow<UINT32>(totalRuns);
// If there is already a glyph mapping in these runs,
// we need to correct it for the split as well.
// See also (for NxM):
// https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/993365bc-8689-45ff-a675-c5ed0c011788/dwriteglyphrundescriptionclustermap-explained
if (frontHalf.glyphCount > 0)
// Starting from this:
// TEXT (_text)
// f i ñ e
// CLUSTERMAP (_glyphClusters)
// 0 0 1 3
// GLYPH INDICES (_glyphIndices)
// 19 81 23 72
// With _runs length = 1
// _runs(0):
// - Text Index: 0
// - Text Length: 4
// - Glyph Index: 0
// - Glyph Length: 4
// If we split at text index = 2 (between i and ñ)...
// ... then this will be the state after the text splitting above:
// TEXT (_text)
// f i ñ e
// CLUSTERMAP (_glyphClusters)
// 0 0 1 3
// GLYPH INDICES (_glyphIndices)
// 19 81 23 72
// With _runs length = 2
// _runs(0):
// - Text Index: 0
// - Text Length: 2
// - Glyph Index: 0
// - Glyph Length: 4
// _runs(1):
// - Text Index: 2
// - Text Length: 2
// - Glyph Index: 0
// - Glyph Length: 4
// Notice that the text index/length values are correct,
// but we haven't fixed up the glyph index/lengths to match.
// We need it to say:
// With _runs length = 2
// _runs(0):
// - Text Index: 0
// - Text Length: 2
// - Glyph Index: 0
// - Glyph Length: 1
// _runs(1):
// - Text Index: 2
// - Text Length: 2
// - Glyph Index: 1
// - Glyph Length: 3
// Which means that the cluster map value under the beginning
// of the right-hand text range is our offset to fix all the values.
// In this case, that's 1 corresponding with the ñ.
const auto mapOffset = _glyphClusters.at(backHalf.textStart);
// The front half's glyph start index (position in _glyphIndices)
// stays the same.
// The front half's glyph count (items in _glyphIndices to consume)
// is the offset value as that's now one past the end of the front half.
// (and count is end index + 1)
frontHalf.glyphCount = mapOffset;
// The back half starts at the index that's one past the end of the front
backHalf.glyphStart += mapOffset;
// And the back half count (since it was copied from the front half above)
// now just needs to be subtracted by how many we gave the front half.
backHalf.glyphCount -= mapOffset;
// The CLUSTERMAP is also wrong given that it is relative
// to each run. And now there are two runs so the map
// value under the ñ and e need to updated to be relative
// to the text index "2" now instead of the original.
// For the entire range of the back half, we need to walk through and
// slide all the glyph mapping values to be relative to the new
// backHalf.glyphStart, or adjust it by the offset we just set it to.
const auto updateBegin = _glyphClusters.begin() + backHalf.textStart;
std::for_each(updateBegin, updateBegin + backHalf.textLength, [mapOffset](UINT16& n) {
n -= mapOffset;
// Routine Description:
// - Takes the linked runs stored in the state variable _runs
// and ensures that their vector/array indexes are in order in which they're drawn.
// - This is to be used after splitting and reordering them with the split/select functions
// as those manipulate the runs like a linked list (instead of an ordered array)
// while splitting to reduce copy overhead and just reorder them when complete with this func.
// Arguments:
// - <none> - Manipulates _runs variable.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void CustomTextLayout::_OrderRuns()
std::sort(_runs.begin(), _runs.end(), [](auto& a, auto& b) { return a.textStart < b.textStart; });
for (UINT32 i = 0; i < _runs.size() - 1; ++i)
til::at(_runs, i).nextRunIndex = i + 1;
_runs.back().nextRunIndex = 0;
#pragma endregion