2021-08-25 12:49:36 -05:00

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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "pch.h"
#include "AppHost.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include "../types/inc/User32Utils.hpp"
#include <WilErrorReporting.h>
using namespace winrt;
using namespace winrt::Windows::UI;
using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::Composition;
using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Hosting;
using namespace winrt::Windows::Foundation::Numerics;
// We keep a weak ref to our ContentProcess singleton here.
// Why?
// We need to always return the _same_ ContentProcess when someone comes to
// instantiate this class. So we want to track the single instance we make. We
// also want to track when the last outstanding reference to this object is
// removed. If we're keeping a strong ref, then the ref count will always be > 1
winrt::weak_ref<winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Control::ContentProcess> g_weak{ nullptr };
wil::unique_event g_canExitThread;
struct ContentProcessFactory : implements<ContentProcessFactory, IClassFactory>
ContentProcessFactory(winrt::guid g) :
_guid{ g } {};
HRESULT __stdcall CreateInstance(IUnknown* outer, GUID const& iid, void** result) noexcept final
*result = nullptr;
if (outer)
if (!g_weak)
// Instantiate the ContentProcess here
winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Control::ContentProcess strong{ _guid };
// Now, create a weak ref to that ContentProcess object.
winrt::weak_ref<winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Control::ContentProcess> weak{ strong };
// Stash away that weak ref for future callers.
g_weak = weak;
return strong.as(iid, result);
auto strong = g_weak.get();
// !! LOAD BEARING !! If you set this event in the _first_ branch
// here, when we first create the object, then there will be _no_
// referernces to the ContentProcess object for a small slice. We'll
// stash the ContentProcess in the weak_ptr, and return it, and at
// that moment, there will be 0 outstanding references, it'll dtor,
// and wei'll ExitProcess.
// Instead, set the event here, once there's already a reference
// outside of just the weak one we keep. Experimentation showed this
// waw always hit when creating the ContentProcess at least once.
return strong.as(iid, result);
HRESULT __stdcall LockServer(BOOL) noexcept final
return S_OK;
winrt::guid _guid;
static bool checkIfContentProcess(winrt::guid& contentProcessGuid, HANDLE& eventHandle)
std::vector<std::wstring> args;
if (auto commandline{ GetCommandLineW() })
int argc = 0;
// Get the argv, and turn them into a hstring array to pass to the app.
wil::unique_any<LPWSTR*, decltype(&::LocalFree), ::LocalFree> argv{ CommandLineToArgvW(commandline, &argc) };
if (argv)
for (auto& elem : wil::make_range(argv.get(), argc))
if (args.size() == 5 &&
args.at(1) == L"--content" &&
args.at(3) == L"--signal")
auto& guidString{ args.at(2) };
auto canConvert = guidString.length() == 38 && guidString.front() == '{' && guidString.back() == '}';
if (canConvert)
GUID result{};
THROW_IF_FAILED(IIDFromString(guidString.c_str(), &result));
contentProcessGuid = result;
eventHandle = reinterpret_cast<HANDLE>(wcstoul(args.at(4).c_str(),
nullptr /*endptr*/,
16 /*base*/));
return true;
return false;
static void doContentProcessThing(const winrt::guid& contentProcessGuid, const HANDLE& eventHandle)
// !! LOAD BEARING !! - important to be a MTA for these COM calls.
DWORD registrationHostClass{};
// Signal the event handle that was passed to us that we're now set up and
// ready to go.
void TryRunAsContentProcess()
winrt::guid contentProcessGuid{};
if (checkIfContentProcess(contentProcessGuid, eventHandle))
g_canExitThread = wil::unique_event{ CreateEvent(nullptr, true, false, nullptr /*L"ContentProcessReady"*/) };
doContentProcessThing(contentProcessGuid, eventHandle);
WaitForSingleObject(g_canExitThread.get(), INFINITE);
// This is the conhost thing - if we ExitThread the main thread, the
// other threads can keep running till one calls ExitProcess.