PankajBhojwani f04fd089fe
Fix mouse coordinates when viewport is scrolled for all events, not just pressed (#11290)
Does the mouse coordinate adjustment added in #10642 for all the other mouse events as well (moved, released, wheel)

Closes #10190
2021-09-22 19:41:01 +00:00

160 lines
6.9 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
// Module Name:
// - ControlInteractivity.h
// Abstract:
// - This is a wrapper for the `ControlCore`. It holds the logic for things like
// double-click, right click copy/paste, selection, etc. This is intended to
// be a UI framework-independent abstraction. The methods this layer exposes
// can be called the same from both the WinUI `TermControl` and the WPF
// control.
// Author:
// - Mike Griese (zadjii-msft) 01-Apr-2021
#pragma once
#include "ControlInteractivity.g.h"
#include "EventArgs.h"
#include "../buffer/out/search.h"
#include "cppwinrt_utils.h"
#include "ControlCore.h"
namespace ControlUnitTests
class ControlCoreTests;
class ControlInteractivityTests;
namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Control::implementation
struct ControlInteractivity : ControlInteractivityT<ControlInteractivity>
ControlInteractivity(IControlSettings settings,
TerminalConnection::ITerminalConnection connection);
void GotFocus();
void LostFocus();
void UpdateSettings();
void Initialize();
Control::ControlCore Core();
Control::InteractivityAutomationPeer OnCreateAutomationPeer();
::Microsoft::Console::Types::IUiaData* GetUiaData() const;
#pragma region Input Methods
void PointerPressed(Control::MouseButtonState buttonState,
const unsigned int pointerUpdateKind,
const uint64_t timestamp,
const ::Microsoft::Terminal::Core::ControlKeyStates modifiers,
const til::point pixelPosition);
void TouchPressed(const til::point contactPoint);
void PointerMoved(Control::MouseButtonState buttonState,
const unsigned int pointerUpdateKind,
const ::Microsoft::Terminal::Core::ControlKeyStates modifiers,
const bool focused,
const til::point pixelPosition,
const bool pointerPressedInBounds);
void TouchMoved(const til::point newTouchPoint,
const bool focused);
void PointerReleased(Control::MouseButtonState buttonState,
const unsigned int pointerUpdateKind,
const ::Microsoft::Terminal::Core::ControlKeyStates modifiers,
const til::point pixelPosition);
void TouchReleased();
bool MouseWheel(const ::Microsoft::Terminal::Core::ControlKeyStates modifiers,
const int32_t delta,
const til::point pixelPosition,
const Control::MouseButtonState state);
void UpdateScrollbar(const double newValue);
#pragma endregion
bool CopySelectionToClipboard(bool singleLine,
const Windows::Foundation::IReference<CopyFormat>& formats);
void RequestPasteTextFromClipboard();
void SetEndSelectionPoint(const til::point pixelPosition);
TYPED_EVENT(OpenHyperlink, IInspectable, Control::OpenHyperlinkEventArgs);
TYPED_EVENT(PasteFromClipboard, IInspectable, Control::PasteFromClipboardEventArgs);
TYPED_EVENT(ScrollPositionChanged, IInspectable, Control::ScrollPositionChangedArgs);
// NOTE: _uiaEngine must be ordered before _core.
// ControlCore::AttachUiaEngine receives a IRenderEngine as a raw pointer, which we own.
// We must ensure that we first destroy the ControlCore before the UiaEngine instance
// in order to safely resolve this unsafe pointer dependency. Otherwise a deallocated
// IRenderEngine is accessed when ControlCore calls Renderer::TriggerTeardown.
// (C++ class members are destroyed in reverse order.)
std::unique_ptr<::Microsoft::Console::Render::UiaEngine> _uiaEngine;
winrt::com_ptr<ControlCore> _core{ nullptr };
unsigned int _rowsToScroll;
double _internalScrollbarPosition{ 0.0 };
// If this is set, then we assume we are in the middle of panning the
// viewport via touch input.
std::optional<til::point> _touchAnchor;
using Timestamp = uint64_t;
// imported from WinUser
// Used for PointerPoint.Timestamp Property (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/uwp/api/windows.ui.input.pointerpoint.timestamp#Windows_UI_Input_PointerPoint_Timestamp)
Timestamp _multiClickTimer;
unsigned int _multiClickCounter;
Timestamp _lastMouseClickTimestamp;
std::optional<til::point> _lastMouseClickPos;
std::optional<til::point> _singleClickTouchdownPos;
std::optional<til::point> _lastMouseClickPosNoSelection;
// This field tracks whether the selection has changed meaningfully
// since it was last copied. It's generally used to prevent copyOnSelect
// from firing when the pointer _just happens_ to be released over the
// terminal.
bool _selectionNeedsToBeCopied;
std::optional<COORD> _lastHoveredCell{ std::nullopt };
// Track the last hyperlink ID we hovered over
uint16_t _lastHoveredId{ 0 };
std::optional<interval_tree::IntervalTree<til::point, size_t>::interval> _lastHoveredInterval{ std::nullopt };
unsigned int _numberOfClicks(til::point clickPos, Timestamp clickTime);
void _updateSystemParameterSettings() noexcept;
void _mouseTransparencyHandler(const double mouseDelta);
void _mouseZoomHandler(const double mouseDelta);
void _mouseScrollHandler(const double mouseDelta,
const til::point terminalPosition,
const bool isLeftButtonPressed);
void _hyperlinkHandler(const std::wstring_view uri);
bool _canSendVTMouseInput(const ::Microsoft::Terminal::Core::ControlKeyStates modifiers);
void _sendPastedTextToConnection(std::wstring_view wstr);
til::point _getTerminalPosition(const til::point& pixelPosition);
bool _sendMouseEventHelper(const til::point terminalPosition,
const unsigned int pointerUpdateKind,
const ::Microsoft::Terminal::Core::ControlKeyStates modifiers,
const SHORT wheelDelta,
Control::MouseButtonState buttonState);
friend class ControlUnitTests::ControlCoreTests;
friend class ControlUnitTests::ControlInteractivityTests;
namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Control::factory_implementation