Mike Griese 8987486e85
Add support for --fullscreen, --maximized (#6139)
## Summary of the Pull Request

Adds two new flags to the `wt.exe` alias:

* `--maximized,-M`: Launch the new Terminal window maximized. This flag cannot be combined with `--fullscreen`.
* `--fullscreen,-F`: Launch the new Terminal window fullscreen. This flag cannot be combined with `--maximized`.

## References
* This builds on the work done in #6060.
* The cmdline args megathread: #4632

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #5801
* [x] I work here
* [ ] Tests added/passed
* [n/a] Requires documentation to be updated

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments

* I had to move the commandline arg parsing up a layer from `TerminalPage` to `AppLogic`, because `AppLogic` controls the Terminal's settings, including launch mode settings. This seems like a reasonable change, to put both the settings from the file and the commandline in the same place.
  - **Most of the diff is that movement of code**

* _"What happens when you try to pass both flags, like `wtd -M -F new-tab`?"_:

## Validation Steps Performed
* Ran a bunch of commandlines to see what happened.
2020-06-01 21:57:30 +00:00

116 lines
4.6 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#pragma once
#include "AppLogic.g.h"
#include "Tab.h"
#include "CascadiaSettings.h"
#include "TerminalPage.h"
#include "../../cascadia/inc/cppwinrt_utils.h"
namespace winrt::TerminalApp::implementation
struct AppLogic : AppLogicT<AppLogic>
static AppLogic* Current() noexcept;
~AppLogic() = default;
void Create();
bool IsUwp() const noexcept;
void RunAsUwp();
bool IsElevated() const noexcept;
void LoadSettings();
[[nodiscard]] std::shared_ptr<::TerminalApp::CascadiaSettings> GetSettings() const noexcept;
int32_t SetStartupCommandline(array_view<const winrt::hstring> actions);
winrt::hstring ParseCommandlineMessage();
bool ShouldExitEarly();
winrt::hstring ApplicationDisplayName() const;
winrt::hstring ApplicationVersion() const;
Windows::Foundation::Point GetLaunchDimensions(uint32_t dpi);
winrt::Windows::Foundation::Point GetLaunchInitialPositions(int32_t defaultInitialX, int32_t defaultInitialY);
winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::ElementTheme GetRequestedTheme();
LaunchMode GetLaunchMode();
bool GetShowTabsInTitlebar();
float CalcSnappedDimension(const bool widthOrHeight, const float dimension) const;
Windows::UI::Xaml::UIElement GetRoot() noexcept;
hstring Title();
void TitlebarClicked();
bool OnF7Pressed();
void WindowCloseButtonClicked();
// -------------------------------- WinRT Events ---------------------------------
DECLARE_EVENT_WITH_TYPED_EVENT_HANDLER(RequestedThemeChanged, _requestedThemeChangedHandlers, winrt::Windows::Foundation::IInspectable, winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::ElementTheme);
bool _isUwp{ false };
bool _isElevated{ false };
// If you add controls here, but forget to null them either here or in
// the ctor, you're going to have a bad time. It'll mysteriously fail to
// activate the AppLogic.
// ALSO: If you add any UIElements as roots here, make sure they're
// updated in _ApplyTheme. The root currently is _root.
winrt::com_ptr<TerminalPage> _root{ nullptr };
std::shared_ptr<::TerminalApp::CascadiaSettings> _settings{ nullptr };
HRESULT _settingsLoadedResult;
winrt::hstring _settingsLoadExceptionText{};
bool _loadedInitialSettings;
wil::unique_folder_change_reader_nothrow _reader;
std::shared_mutex _dialogLock;
std::atomic<bool> _settingsReloadQueued{ false };
::TerminalApp::AppCommandlineArgs _appArgs;
int _ParseArgs(winrt::array_view<const hstring>& args);
fire_and_forget _ShowDialog(const winrt::Windows::Foundation::IInspectable& sender, winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Controls::ContentDialog dialog);
void _ShowLoadErrorsDialog(const winrt::hstring& titleKey, const winrt::hstring& contentKey, HRESULT settingsLoadedResult);
void _ShowLoadWarningsDialog();
fire_and_forget _LoadErrorsDialogRoutine();
fire_and_forget _ShowLoadWarningsDialogRoutine();
fire_and_forget _RefreshThemeRoutine();
fire_and_forget _ApplyStartupTaskStateChange();
void _OnLoaded(const IInspectable& sender, const Windows::UI::Xaml::RoutedEventArgs& eventArgs);
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT _TryLoadSettings() noexcept;
void _RegisterSettingsChange();
fire_and_forget _DispatchReloadSettings();
void _ReloadSettings();
void _ApplyTheme(const Windows::UI::Xaml::ElementTheme& newTheme);
// These are events that are handled by the TerminalPage, but are
// exposed through the AppLogic. This macro is used to forward the event
// directly to them.
FORWARDED_TYPED_EVENT(SetTitleBarContent, winrt::Windows::Foundation::IInspectable, winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::UIElement, _root, SetTitleBarContent);
FORWARDED_TYPED_EVENT(TitleChanged, winrt::Windows::Foundation::IInspectable, winrt::hstring, _root, TitleChanged);
FORWARDED_TYPED_EVENT(LastTabClosed, winrt::Windows::Foundation::IInspectable, winrt::TerminalApp::LastTabClosedEventArgs, _root, LastTabClosed);
FORWARDED_TYPED_EVENT(ToggleFullscreen, winrt::Windows::Foundation::IInspectable, winrt::TerminalApp::ToggleFullscreenEventArgs, _root, ToggleFullscreen);
namespace winrt::TerminalApp::factory_implementation
struct AppLogic : AppLogicT<AppLogic, implementation::AppLogic>