Mike Griese 8a69be0cc7
Switch to jsoncpp as our json library (#1005)
Switch to using jsoncpp as our json library. This lets us pretty-print the json file by default, and lets users place comments in the json file.

We will now only re-write the file when the actual logical structure of the json object changes, not only when the serialization changes.

Unfortunately, this will remove any existing ordering of profiles, and make the order random. We don't terribly care though, because when #754 lands, this will be less painful.

It also introduces a top-level globals object to hold all the global properties, including keybindings. Existing profiles should gracefully upgrade.
2019-06-04 16:55:27 -05:00

462 lines
18 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "precomp.h"
#include "inc/utils.hpp"
using namespace Microsoft::Console;
// Function Description:
// - Creates a String representation of a guid, in the format
// "{12345678-ABCD-EF12-3456-7890ABCDEF12}"
// Arguments:
// - guid: the GUID to create the string for
// Return Value:
// - a string representation of the GUID. On failure, throws E_INVALIDARG.
std::wstring Utils::GuidToString(const GUID guid)
wchar_t guid_cstr[39];
const int written = swprintf(guid_cstr, sizeof(guid_cstr),
guid.Data1, guid.Data2, guid.Data3,
guid.Data4[0], guid.Data4[1], guid.Data4[2], guid.Data4[3],
guid.Data4[4], guid.Data4[5], guid.Data4[6], guid.Data4[7]);
THROW_HR_IF(E_INVALIDARG, written == -1);
return std::wstring(guid_cstr);
// Method Description:
// - Parses a GUID from a string representation of the GUID. Throws an exception
// if it fails to parse the GUID. See documentation of IIDFromString for
// details.
// Arguments:
// - wstr: a string representation of the GUID to parse
// Return Value:
// - A GUID if the string could successfully be parsed. On failure, throws the
// failing HRESULT.
GUID Utils::GuidFromString(const std::wstring wstr)
GUID result{};
THROW_IF_FAILED(IIDFromString(wstr.c_str(), &result));
return result;
// Method Description:
// - Creates a GUID, but not via an out parameter.
// Return Value:
// - A GUID if there's enough randomness; otherwise, an exception.
GUID Utils::CreateGuid()
GUID result{};
return result;
// Function Description:
// - Creates a String representation of a color, in the format "#RRGGBB"
// Arguments:
// - color: the COLORREF to create the string for
// Return Value:
// - a string representation of the color
std::string Utils::ColorToHexString(const COLORREF color)
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "#" << std::uppercase << std::setfill('0') << std::hex;
// Force the compiler to promote from byte to int. Without it, the
// stringstream will try to write the components as chars
ss << std::setw(2) << static_cast<int>(GetRValue(color));
ss << std::setw(2) << static_cast<int>(GetGValue(color));
ss << std::setw(2) << static_cast<int>(GetBValue(color));
return ss.str();
// Function Description:
// - Parses a color from a string. The string should be in the format "#RRGGBB"
// Arguments:
// - str: a string representation of the COLORREF to parse
// Return Value:
// - A COLORREF if the string could successfully be parsed. If the string is not
// the correct format, throws E_INVALIDARG
COLORREF Utils::ColorFromHexString(const std::string str)
THROW_HR_IF(E_INVALIDARG, str.size() < 7 || str.size() >= 8);
THROW_HR_IF(E_INVALIDARG, str[0] != '#');
std::string rStr{ &str[1], 2 };
std::string gStr{ &str[3], 2 };
std::string bStr{ &str[5], 2 };
BYTE r = static_cast<BYTE>(std::stoul(rStr, nullptr, 16));
BYTE g = static_cast<BYTE>(std::stoul(gStr, nullptr, 16));
BYTE b = static_cast<BYTE>(std::stoul(bStr, nullptr, 16));
return RGB(r, g, b);
// Routine Description:
// - Shorthand check if a handle value is null or invalid.
// Arguments:
// - Handle
// Return Value:
// - True if non zero and not set to invalid magic value. False otherwise.
bool Utils::IsValidHandle(const HANDLE handle) noexcept
return handle != 0 && handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
// Function Description:
// - Fill the first 16 entries of a given color table with the Campbell color scheme
// Arguments:
// - table: a color table with at least 16 entries
// Return Value:
// - <none>, throws if the table has less that 16 entries
void Utils::InitializeCampbellColorTable(gsl::span<COLORREF>& table)
THROW_HR_IF(E_INVALIDARG, table.size() < 16);
table[0] = RGB( 12, 12, 12);
table[1] = RGB( 197, 15, 31);
table[2] = RGB( 19, 161, 14);
table[3] = RGB( 193, 156, 0);
table[4] = RGB( 0, 55, 218);
table[5] = RGB( 136, 23, 152);
table[6] = RGB( 58, 150, 221);
table[7] = RGB( 204, 204, 204);
table[8] = RGB( 118, 118, 118);
table[9] = RGB( 231, 72, 86);
table[10] = RGB( 22, 198, 12);
table[11] = RGB( 249, 241, 165);
table[12] = RGB( 59, 120, 255);
table[13] = RGB( 180, 0, 158);
table[14] = RGB( 97, 214, 214);
table[15] = RGB( 242, 242, 242);
// Function Description:
// - Fill the first 255 entries of a given color table with the default values
// of a full 256-color table
// Arguments:
// - table: a color table with at least 256 entries
// Return Value:
// - <none>, throws if the table has less that 256 entries
void Utils::Initialize256ColorTable(gsl::span<COLORREF>& table)
THROW_HR_IF(E_INVALIDARG, table.size() < 256);
table[0] = RGB( 0x00, 0x00, 0x00);
table[1] = RGB( 0x80, 0x00, 0x00);
table[2] = RGB( 0x00, 0x80, 0x00);
table[3] = RGB( 0x80, 0x80, 0x00);
table[4] = RGB( 0x00, 0x00, 0x80);
table[5] = RGB( 0x80, 0x00, 0x80);
table[6] = RGB( 0x00, 0x80, 0x80);
table[7] = RGB( 0xc0, 0xc0, 0xc0);
table[8] = RGB( 0x80, 0x80, 0x80);
table[9] = RGB( 0xff, 0x00, 0x00);
table[10] = RGB( 0x00, 0xff, 0x00);
table[11] = RGB( 0xff, 0xff, 0x00);
table[12] = RGB( 0x00, 0x00, 0xff);
table[13] = RGB( 0xff, 0x00, 0xff);
table[14] = RGB( 0x00, 0xff, 0xff);
table[15] = RGB( 0xff, 0xff, 0xff);
table[16] = RGB( 0x00, 0x00, 0x00);
table[17] = RGB( 0x00, 0x00, 0x5f);
table[18] = RGB( 0x00, 0x00, 0x87);
table[19] = RGB( 0x00, 0x00, 0xaf);
table[20] = RGB( 0x00, 0x00, 0xd7);
table[21] = RGB( 0x00, 0x00, 0xff);
table[22] = RGB( 0x00, 0x5f, 0x00);
table[23] = RGB( 0x00, 0x5f, 0x5f);
table[24] = RGB( 0x00, 0x5f, 0x87);
table[25] = RGB( 0x00, 0x5f, 0xaf);
table[26] = RGB( 0x00, 0x5f, 0xd7);
table[27] = RGB( 0x00, 0x5f, 0xff);
table[28] = RGB( 0x00, 0x87, 0x00);
table[29] = RGB( 0x00, 0x87, 0x5f);
table[30] = RGB( 0x00, 0x87, 0x87);
table[31] = RGB( 0x00, 0x87, 0xaf);
table[32] = RGB( 0x00, 0x87, 0xd7);
table[33] = RGB( 0x00, 0x87, 0xff);
table[34] = RGB( 0x00, 0xaf, 0x00);
table[35] = RGB( 0x00, 0xaf, 0x5f);
table[36] = RGB( 0x00, 0xaf, 0x87);
table[37] = RGB( 0x00, 0xaf, 0xaf);
table[38] = RGB( 0x00, 0xaf, 0xd7);
table[39] = RGB( 0x00, 0xaf, 0xff);
table[40] = RGB( 0x00, 0xd7, 0x00);
table[41] = RGB( 0x00, 0xd7, 0x5f);
table[42] = RGB( 0x00, 0xd7, 0x87);
table[43] = RGB( 0x00, 0xd7, 0xaf);
table[44] = RGB( 0x00, 0xd7, 0xd7);
table[45] = RGB( 0x00, 0xd7, 0xff);
table[46] = RGB( 0x00, 0xff, 0x00);
table[47] = RGB( 0x00, 0xff, 0x5f);
table[48] = RGB( 0x00, 0xff, 0x87);
table[49] = RGB( 0x00, 0xff, 0xaf);
table[50] = RGB( 0x00, 0xff, 0xd7);
table[51] = RGB( 0x00, 0xff, 0xff);
table[52] = RGB( 0x5f, 0x00, 0x00);
table[53] = RGB( 0x5f, 0x00, 0x5f);
table[54] = RGB( 0x5f, 0x00, 0x87);
table[55] = RGB( 0x5f, 0x00, 0xaf);
table[56] = RGB( 0x5f, 0x00, 0xd7);
table[57] = RGB( 0x5f, 0x00, 0xff);
table[58] = RGB( 0x5f, 0x5f, 0x00);
table[59] = RGB( 0x5f, 0x5f, 0x5f);
table[60] = RGB( 0x5f, 0x5f, 0x87);
table[61] = RGB( 0x5f, 0x5f, 0xaf);
table[62] = RGB( 0x5f, 0x5f, 0xd7);
table[63] = RGB( 0x5f, 0x5f, 0xff);
table[64] = RGB( 0x5f, 0x87, 0x00);
table[65] = RGB( 0x5f, 0x87, 0x5f);
table[66] = RGB( 0x5f, 0x87, 0x87);
table[67] = RGB( 0x5f, 0x87, 0xaf);
table[68] = RGB( 0x5f, 0x87, 0xd7);
table[69] = RGB( 0x5f, 0x87, 0xff);
table[70] = RGB( 0x5f, 0xaf, 0x00);
table[71] = RGB( 0x5f, 0xaf, 0x5f);
table[72] = RGB( 0x5f, 0xaf, 0x87);
table[73] = RGB( 0x5f, 0xaf, 0xaf);
table[74] = RGB( 0x5f, 0xaf, 0xd7);
table[75] = RGB( 0x5f, 0xaf, 0xff);
table[76] = RGB( 0x5f, 0xd7, 0x00);
table[77] = RGB( 0x5f, 0xd7, 0x5f);
table[78] = RGB( 0x5f, 0xd7, 0x87);
table[79] = RGB( 0x5f, 0xd7, 0xaf);
table[80] = RGB( 0x5f, 0xd7, 0xd7);
table[81] = RGB( 0x5f, 0xd7, 0xff);
table[82] = RGB( 0x5f, 0xff, 0x00);
table[83] = RGB( 0x5f, 0xff, 0x5f);
table[84] = RGB( 0x5f, 0xff, 0x87);
table[85] = RGB( 0x5f, 0xff, 0xaf);
table[86] = RGB( 0x5f, 0xff, 0xd7);
table[87] = RGB( 0x5f, 0xff, 0xff);
table[88] = RGB( 0x87, 0x00, 0x00);
table[89] = RGB( 0x87, 0x00, 0x5f);
table[90] = RGB( 0x87, 0x00, 0x87);
table[91] = RGB( 0x87, 0x00, 0xaf);
table[92] = RGB( 0x87, 0x00, 0xd7);
table[93] = RGB( 0x87, 0x00, 0xff);
table[94] = RGB( 0x87, 0x5f, 0x00);
table[95] = RGB( 0x87, 0x5f, 0x5f);
table[96] = RGB( 0x87, 0x5f, 0x87);
table[97] = RGB( 0x87, 0x5f, 0xaf);
table[98] = RGB( 0x87, 0x5f, 0xd7);
table[99] = RGB( 0x87, 0x5f, 0xff);
table[100] = RGB(0x87, 0x87, 0x00);
table[101] = RGB(0x87, 0x87, 0x5f);
table[102] = RGB(0x87, 0x87, 0x87);
table[103] = RGB(0x87, 0x87, 0xaf);
table[104] = RGB(0x87, 0x87, 0xd7);
table[105] = RGB(0x87, 0x87, 0xff);
table[106] = RGB(0x87, 0xaf, 0x00);
table[107] = RGB(0x87, 0xaf, 0x5f);
table[108] = RGB(0x87, 0xaf, 0x87);
table[109] = RGB(0x87, 0xaf, 0xaf);
table[110] = RGB(0x87, 0xaf, 0xd7);
table[111] = RGB(0x87, 0xaf, 0xff);
table[112] = RGB(0x87, 0xd7, 0x00);
table[113] = RGB(0x87, 0xd7, 0x5f);
table[114] = RGB(0x87, 0xd7, 0x87);
table[115] = RGB(0x87, 0xd7, 0xaf);
table[116] = RGB(0x87, 0xd7, 0xd7);
table[117] = RGB(0x87, 0xd7, 0xff);
table[118] = RGB(0x87, 0xff, 0x00);
table[119] = RGB(0x87, 0xff, 0x5f);
table[120] = RGB(0x87, 0xff, 0x87);
table[121] = RGB(0x87, 0xff, 0xaf);
table[122] = RGB(0x87, 0xff, 0xd7);
table[123] = RGB(0x87, 0xff, 0xff);
table[124] = RGB(0xaf, 0x00, 0x00);
table[125] = RGB(0xaf, 0x00, 0x5f);
table[126] = RGB(0xaf, 0x00, 0x87);
table[127] = RGB(0xaf, 0x00, 0xaf);
table[128] = RGB(0xaf, 0x00, 0xd7);
table[129] = RGB(0xaf, 0x00, 0xff);
table[130] = RGB(0xaf, 0x5f, 0x00);
table[131] = RGB(0xaf, 0x5f, 0x5f);
table[132] = RGB(0xaf, 0x5f, 0x87);
table[133] = RGB(0xaf, 0x5f, 0xaf);
table[134] = RGB(0xaf, 0x5f, 0xd7);
table[135] = RGB(0xaf, 0x5f, 0xff);
table[136] = RGB(0xaf, 0x87, 0x00);
table[137] = RGB(0xaf, 0x87, 0x5f);
table[138] = RGB(0xaf, 0x87, 0x87);
table[139] = RGB(0xaf, 0x87, 0xaf);
table[140] = RGB(0xaf, 0x87, 0xd7);
table[141] = RGB(0xaf, 0x87, 0xff);
table[142] = RGB(0xaf, 0xaf, 0x00);
table[143] = RGB(0xaf, 0xaf, 0x5f);
table[144] = RGB(0xaf, 0xaf, 0x87);
table[145] = RGB(0xaf, 0xaf, 0xaf);
table[146] = RGB(0xaf, 0xaf, 0xd7);
table[147] = RGB(0xaf, 0xaf, 0xff);
table[148] = RGB(0xaf, 0xd7, 0x00);
table[149] = RGB(0xaf, 0xd7, 0x5f);
table[150] = RGB(0xaf, 0xd7, 0x87);
table[151] = RGB(0xaf, 0xd7, 0xaf);
table[152] = RGB(0xaf, 0xd7, 0xd7);
table[153] = RGB(0xaf, 0xd7, 0xff);
table[154] = RGB(0xaf, 0xff, 0x00);
table[155] = RGB(0xaf, 0xff, 0x5f);
table[156] = RGB(0xaf, 0xff, 0x87);
table[157] = RGB(0xaf, 0xff, 0xaf);
table[158] = RGB(0xaf, 0xff, 0xd7);
table[159] = RGB(0xaf, 0xff, 0xff);
table[160] = RGB(0xd7, 0x00, 0x00);
table[161] = RGB(0xd7, 0x00, 0x5f);
table[162] = RGB(0xd7, 0x00, 0x87);
table[163] = RGB(0xd7, 0x00, 0xaf);
table[164] = RGB(0xd7, 0x00, 0xd7);
table[165] = RGB(0xd7, 0x00, 0xff);
table[166] = RGB(0xd7, 0x5f, 0x00);
table[167] = RGB(0xd7, 0x5f, 0x5f);
table[168] = RGB(0xd7, 0x5f, 0x87);
table[169] = RGB(0xd7, 0x5f, 0xaf);
table[170] = RGB(0xd7, 0x5f, 0xd7);
table[171] = RGB(0xd7, 0x5f, 0xff);
table[172] = RGB(0xd7, 0x87, 0x00);
table[173] = RGB(0xd7, 0x87, 0x5f);
table[174] = RGB(0xd7, 0x87, 0x87);
table[175] = RGB(0xd7, 0x87, 0xaf);
table[176] = RGB(0xd7, 0x87, 0xd7);
table[177] = RGB(0xd7, 0x87, 0xff);
table[178] = RGB(0xdf, 0xaf, 0x00);
table[179] = RGB(0xdf, 0xaf, 0x5f);
table[180] = RGB(0xdf, 0xaf, 0x87);
table[181] = RGB(0xdf, 0xaf, 0xaf);
table[182] = RGB(0xdf, 0xaf, 0xd7);
table[183] = RGB(0xdf, 0xaf, 0xff);
table[184] = RGB(0xdf, 0xd7, 0x00);
table[185] = RGB(0xdf, 0xd7, 0x5f);
table[186] = RGB(0xdf, 0xd7, 0x87);
table[187] = RGB(0xdf, 0xd7, 0xaf);
table[188] = RGB(0xdf, 0xd7, 0xd7);
table[189] = RGB(0xdf, 0xd7, 0xff);
table[190] = RGB(0xdf, 0xff, 0x00);
table[191] = RGB(0xdf, 0xff, 0x5f);
table[192] = RGB(0xdf, 0xff, 0x87);
table[193] = RGB(0xdf, 0xff, 0xaf);
table[194] = RGB(0xdf, 0xff, 0xd7);
table[195] = RGB(0xdf, 0xff, 0xff);
table[196] = RGB(0xff, 0x00, 0x00);
table[197] = RGB(0xff, 0x00, 0x5f);
table[198] = RGB(0xff, 0x00, 0x87);
table[199] = RGB(0xff, 0x00, 0xaf);
table[200] = RGB(0xff, 0x00, 0xd7);
table[201] = RGB(0xff, 0x00, 0xff);
table[202] = RGB(0xff, 0x5f, 0x00);
table[203] = RGB(0xff, 0x5f, 0x5f);
table[204] = RGB(0xff, 0x5f, 0x87);
table[205] = RGB(0xff, 0x5f, 0xaf);
table[206] = RGB(0xff, 0x5f, 0xd7);
table[207] = RGB(0xff, 0x5f, 0xff);
table[208] = RGB(0xff, 0x87, 0x00);
table[209] = RGB(0xff, 0x87, 0x5f);
table[210] = RGB(0xff, 0x87, 0x87);
table[211] = RGB(0xff, 0x87, 0xaf);
table[212] = RGB(0xff, 0x87, 0xd7);
table[213] = RGB(0xff, 0x87, 0xff);
table[214] = RGB(0xff, 0xaf, 0x00);
table[215] = RGB(0xff, 0xaf, 0x5f);
table[216] = RGB(0xff, 0xaf, 0x87);
table[217] = RGB(0xff, 0xaf, 0xaf);
table[218] = RGB(0xff, 0xaf, 0xd7);
table[219] = RGB(0xff, 0xaf, 0xff);
table[220] = RGB(0xff, 0xd7, 0x00);
table[221] = RGB(0xff, 0xd7, 0x5f);
table[222] = RGB(0xff, 0xd7, 0x87);
table[223] = RGB(0xff, 0xd7, 0xaf);
table[224] = RGB(0xff, 0xd7, 0xd7);
table[225] = RGB(0xff, 0xd7, 0xff);
table[226] = RGB(0xff, 0xff, 0x00);
table[227] = RGB(0xff, 0xff, 0x5f);
table[228] = RGB(0xff, 0xff, 0x87);
table[229] = RGB(0xff, 0xff, 0xaf);
table[230] = RGB(0xff, 0xff, 0xd7);
table[231] = RGB(0xff, 0xff, 0xff);
table[232] = RGB(0x08, 0x08, 0x08);
table[233] = RGB(0x12, 0x12, 0x12);
table[234] = RGB(0x1c, 0x1c, 0x1c);
table[235] = RGB(0x26, 0x26, 0x26);
table[236] = RGB(0x30, 0x30, 0x30);
table[237] = RGB(0x3a, 0x3a, 0x3a);
table[238] = RGB(0x44, 0x44, 0x44);
table[239] = RGB(0x4e, 0x4e, 0x4e);
table[240] = RGB(0x58, 0x58, 0x58);
table[241] = RGB(0x62, 0x62, 0x62);
table[242] = RGB(0x6c, 0x6c, 0x6c);
table[243] = RGB(0x76, 0x76, 0x76);
table[244] = RGB(0x80, 0x80, 0x80);
table[245] = RGB(0x8a, 0x8a, 0x8a);
table[246] = RGB(0x94, 0x94, 0x94);
table[247] = RGB(0x9e, 0x9e, 0x9e);
table[248] = RGB(0xa8, 0xa8, 0xa8);
table[249] = RGB(0xb2, 0xb2, 0xb2);
table[250] = RGB(0xbc, 0xbc, 0xbc);
table[251] = RGB(0xc6, 0xc6, 0xc6);
table[252] = RGB(0xd0, 0xd0, 0xd0);
table[253] = RGB(0xda, 0xda, 0xda);
table[254] = RGB(0xe4, 0xe4, 0xe4);
table[255] = RGB(0xee, 0xee, 0xee);
// Function Description:
// - Fill the alpha byte of the colors in a given color table with the given value.
// Arguments:
// - table: a color table
// - newAlpha: the new value to use as the alpha for all the entries in that table.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Utils::SetColorTableAlpha(gsl::span<COLORREF>& table, const BYTE newAlpha)
const auto shiftedAlpha = newAlpha << 24;
for( auto& color : table)
WI_UpdateFlagsInMask(color, 0xff000000, shiftedAlpha);
// Function Description:
// - Generate a Version 5 UUID (specified in RFC4122 4.3)
// v5 UUIDs are stable given the same namespace and "name".
// Arguments:
// - namespaceGuid: The GUID of the v5 UUID namespace, which provides both
// a seed and a tacit agreement that all UUIDs generated
// with it will follow the same data format.
// - name: Bytes comprising the name (in a namespace-specific format)
// Return Value:
// - a new stable v5 UUID
GUID Utils::CreateV5Uuid(const GUID& namespaceGuid, const gsl::span<const gsl::byte>& name)
// v5 uuid generation happens over values in network byte order, so let's enforce that
auto correctEndianNamespaceGuid{ EndianSwap(namespaceGuid) };
wil::unique_bcrypt_hash hash;
THROW_IF_NTSTATUS_FAILED(BCryptCreateHash(BCRYPT_SHA1_ALG_HANDLE, &hash, nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0, 0));
// According to N4713 [basic.lval], accessing the bytes underlying an object
// through unsigned char or char pointer *is defined*.
THROW_IF_NTSTATUS_FAILED(BCryptHashData(hash.get(), reinterpret_cast<PUCHAR>(&correctEndianNamespaceGuid), sizeof(GUID), 0));
// BCryptHashData is ill-specified in that it leaves off "const" qualification for pbInput
THROW_IF_NTSTATUS_FAILED(BCryptHashData(hash.get(), reinterpret_cast<PUCHAR>(const_cast<gsl::byte*>(name.data())), gsl::narrow<ULONG>(name.size()), 0));
std::array<uint8_t, 20> buffer;
THROW_IF_NTSTATUS_FAILED(BCryptFinishHash(hash.get(), buffer.data(), gsl::narrow<ULONG>(buffer.size()), 0));
buffer[6] = (buffer[6] & 0x0F) | 0x50; // set the uuid version to 5
buffer[8] = (buffer[8] & 0x3F) | 0x80; // set the variant to 2 (RFC4122)
// We're using memcpy here pursuant to N4713 6.7.2/3 [basic.types],
// "...the underlying bytes making up the object can be copied into an array
// of char or unsigned char...array is copied back into the object..."
// std::copy may compile down to ::memcpy for these types, but using it might
// contravene the standard and nobody's got time for that.
GUID newGuid{ 0 };
::memcpy_s(&newGuid, sizeof(GUID), buffer.data(), sizeof(GUID));
return EndianSwap(newGuid);