Dustin L. Howett (MSFT) d57ef135cc
On second thought, embed the third-party notices in the package (#5673)
This commit introduces a NOTICE.html file that will be embedded into the
package. It will be stamped down with the real notices during a branded
release build (as part of the build pipeline.)

It, in part, reverts some of the really good work in determining the
commit hash at build time. That work will be preserved in history.

This is more compliant with our duties to the OSS we consume.
2020-04-30 15:06:13 -07:00

15 lines
383 B

[Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)][string]$MarkdownNoticePath,
[Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true)][string]$OutputPath
<head><title>Third-Party Notices</title></head>
$(ConvertFrom-Markdown $MarkdownNoticePath | Select -Expand Html)
"@ | Out-File -Encoding UTF-8 $OutputPath -Force