Michael Niksa 525be22bd8
Eliminate more transient allocations: Titles and invalid rectangles and bitmap runs and utf8 conversions (#8621)
## References
* See also #8617 

## PR Checklist
* [x] Supports #3075
* [x] I work here.
* [x] Manual test.

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments

### Window Title Generation
Every time the renderer checks the title, it's doing two bad things that
I've fixed:
1. It's assembling the prefix to the full title doing a concatenation.
   No one ever gets just the prefix ever after it is set besides the
   concat. So instead of storing prefix and the title, I store the
   assembled prefix + title and the bare title.
2. A copy must be made because it was returning `std::wstring` instead
   of `std::wstring&`. Now it returns the ref.

### Dirty Area Return
Every time the renderer checks the dirty area, which is sometimes
multiple times per pass (regular text printing, again for selection,
etc.), a vector is created off the heap to return the rectangles. The
consumers only ever iterate this data. Now we return a span over a
rectangle or rectangles that the engine must store itself.
1. For some renderers, it's always a constant 1 element. They update
   that 1 element when dirty is queried and return it in the span with a
   span size of 1.
2. For other renderers with more complex behavior, they're already
   holding a cached vector of rectangles. Now it's effectively giving
   out the ref to those in the span for iteration.

### Bitmap Runs
The `til::bitmap` used a `std::optional<std::vector<til::rectangle>>`
inside itself to cache its runs and would clear the optional when the
runs became invalidated. Unfortunately doing `.reset()` to clear the
optional will destroy the underlying vector and have it release its
memory. We know it's about to get reallocated again, so we're just going
to make it a `std::pmr::vector` and give it a memory pool. 

The alternative solution here was to use a `bool` and
`std::vector<til::rectangle>` and just flag when the vector was invalid,
but that was honestly more code changes and I love excuses to try out
PMR now.

Also, instead of returning the ref to the vector... I'm just returning a
span now. Everyone just iterates it anyway, may as well not share the
implementation detail.

### UTF-8 conversions
When testing with Terminal and looking at the `conhost.exe`'s PTY
renderer, it spends a TON of allocation time on converting all the
UTF-16 stuff inside to UTF-8 before it sends it out the PTY. This was
because `ConvertToA` was allocating a string inside itself and returning
it just to have it freed after printing and looping back around again...
as a PTY does.

The change here is to use `til::u16u8` that accepts a buffer out
parameter so the caller can just hold onto it.

## Validation Steps Performed
- [x] `big.txt` in conhost.exe (GDI renderer)
- [x] `big.txt` in Terminal (DX, PTY renderer)
- [x] Ensure WDDM and BGFX build under Razzle with this change.
2021-02-16 20:52:33 +00:00

267 lines
9.8 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "precomp.h"
#include "gdirenderer.hpp"
#pragma hdrstop
using namespace Microsoft::Console::Render;
// Routine Description:
// - Gets the size in characters of the current dirty portion of the frame.
// Arguments:
// - area - The character dimensions of the current dirty area of the frame.
// This is an Inclusive rect.
// Return Value:
// - S_OK or math failure
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT GdiEngine::GetDirtyArea(gsl::span<const til::rectangle>& area) noexcept
RECT rc = _psInvalidData.rcPaint;
SMALL_RECT sr = { 0 };
RETURN_IF_FAILED(_ScaleByFont(&rc, &sr));
_invalidCharacters = sr;
area = { &_invalidCharacters, 1 };
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Uses the currently selected font to determine how wide the given character will be when rendered.
// - NOTE: Only supports determining half-width/full-width status for CJK-type languages (e.g. is it 1 character wide or 2. a.k.a. is it a rectangle or square.)
// Arguments:
// - glyph - utf16 encoded codepoint to check
// - pResult - receives return value, True if it is full-width (2 wide). False if it is half-width (1 wide).
// Return Value:
// - S_OK
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT GdiEngine::IsGlyphWideByFont(const std::wstring_view glyph, _Out_ bool* const pResult) noexcept
bool isFullWidth = false;
if (glyph.size() == 1)
const wchar_t wch = glyph.front();
if (_IsFontTrueType())
ABC abc;
if (GetCharABCWidthsW(_hdcMemoryContext, wch, wch, &abc))
int const totalWidth = abc.abcA + abc.abcB + abc.abcC;
isFullWidth = totalWidth > _GetFontSize().X;
INT cpxWidth = 0;
if (GetCharWidth32W(_hdcMemoryContext, wch, wch, &cpxWidth))
isFullWidth = cpxWidth > _GetFontSize().X;
// can't find a way to make gdi measure the width of utf16 surrogate pairs.
// in the meantime, better to be too wide than too narrow.
isFullWidth = true;
*pResult = isFullWidth;
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Scales a character region (SMALL_RECT) into a pixel region (RECT) by the current font size.
// Arguments:
// - psr = Character region (SMALL_RECT) from the console text buffer.
// - prc - Pixel region (RECT) for drawing to the client surface.
// Return Value:
// - S_OK or safe math failure value.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT GdiEngine::_ScaleByFont(const SMALL_RECT* const psr, _Out_ RECT* const prc) const noexcept
COORD const coordFontSize = _GetFontSize();
RETURN_HR_IF(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_STATE), coordFontSize.X == 0 || coordFontSize.Y == 0);
RECT rc;
RETURN_IF_FAILED(LongMult(psr->Left, coordFontSize.X, &rc.left));
RETURN_IF_FAILED(LongMult(psr->Right, coordFontSize.X, &rc.right));
RETURN_IF_FAILED(LongMult(psr->Top, coordFontSize.Y, &rc.top));
RETURN_IF_FAILED(LongMult(psr->Bottom, coordFontSize.Y, &rc.bottom));
*prc = rc;
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Scales a character coordinate (COORD) into a pixel coordinate (POINT) by the current font size.
// Arguments:
// - pcoord - Character coordinate (COORD) from the console text buffer.
// - ppt - Pixel coordinate (POINT) for drawing to the client surface.
// Return Value:
// - S_OK or safe math failure value.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT GdiEngine::_ScaleByFont(const COORD* const pcoord, _Out_ POINT* const pPoint) const noexcept
COORD const coordFontSize = _GetFontSize();
RETURN_HR_IF(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_STATE), coordFontSize.X == 0 || coordFontSize.Y == 0);
RETURN_IF_FAILED(LongMult(pcoord->X, coordFontSize.X, &pt.x));
RETURN_IF_FAILED(LongMult(pcoord->Y, coordFontSize.Y, &pt.y));
*pPoint = pt;
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Scales a pixel region (RECT) into a character region (SMALL_RECT) by the current font size.
// Arguments:
// - prc - Pixel region (RECT) from drawing to the client surface.
// - psr - Character region (SMALL_RECT) from the console text buffer.
// Return Value:
// - S_OK or safe math failure value.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT GdiEngine::_ScaleByFont(const RECT* const prc, _Out_ SMALL_RECT* const psr) const noexcept
COORD const coordFontSize = _GetFontSize();
RETURN_HR_IF(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_STATE), coordFontSize.X == 0 || coordFontSize.Y == 0);
sr.Left = static_cast<SHORT>(prc->left / coordFontSize.X);
sr.Top = static_cast<SHORT>(prc->top / coordFontSize.Y);
// We're dividing integers so we're always going to round down to the next whole number on division.
// To make sure that when we round down, we remain an exclusive rectangle, we need to add the width (or height) - 1 before
// dividing such that a 1 px size rectangle will become a 1 ch size character.
// For example:
// L = 1px, R = 2px. Font Width = 8. What we want to see is a character rect that will only draw the 0th character (0 to 1).
// A. Simple divide
// 1px / 8px = 0ch for the Left measurement.
// 2px / 8px = 0ch for the Right which would be inclusive not exclusive.
// A Conclusion = doesn't work.
// B. Add a character
// 1px / 8px = 0ch for the Left measurement.
// (2px + 8px) / 8px = 1ch for the Right which seems alright.
// B Conclusion = plausible, but see C for why not.
// C. Add one pixel less than a full character, but this time R = 8px (which in exclusive terms still only addresses 1 character of pixels.)
// 1px / 8px = 0ch for the Left measurement.
// (8px + 8px) / 8px = 2ch for the Right measurement. Now we're redrawing 2 chars when we only needed to do one because this caused us to effectively round up.
// C Conclusion = this works because our addition can never completely push us over to adding an additional ch to the rectangle.
// So the algorithm below is using the C conclusion's math.
// Do math as long and fit to short at the end.
LONG lRight = prc->right;
LONG lBottom = prc->bottom;
// Add the width of a font (in pixels) to the rect
RETURN_IF_FAILED(LongAdd(lRight, coordFontSize.X, &lRight));
RETURN_IF_FAILED(LongAdd(lBottom, coordFontSize.Y, &lBottom));
// Subtract 1 to ensure that we round down.
RETURN_IF_FAILED(LongSub(lRight, 1, &lRight));
RETURN_IF_FAILED(LongSub(lBottom, 1, &lBottom));
// Divide by font size to see how many rows/columns
// note: no safe math for div.
lRight /= coordFontSize.X;
lBottom /= coordFontSize.Y;
// Attempt to fit into SMALL_RECT's short variable.
RETURN_IF_FAILED(LongToShort(lRight, &sr.Right));
RETURN_IF_FAILED(LongToShort(lBottom, &sr.Bottom));
// Pixels are exclusive and character rects are inclusive. Subtract 1 to go from exclusive to inclusive rect.
RETURN_IF_FAILED(ShortSub(sr.Right, 1, &sr.Right));
RETURN_IF_FAILED(ShortSub(sr.Bottom, 1, &sr.Bottom));
*psr = sr;
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Scales the given pixel measurement up from the typical system DPI (generally 96) to whatever the given DPI is.
// Arguments:
// - iPx - Pixel length measurement.
// - iDpi - Given DPI scalar value
// Return Value:
// - Pixel measurement scaled against the given DPI scalar.
int GdiEngine::s_ScaleByDpi(const int iPx, const int iDpi)
return MulDiv(iPx, iDpi, s_iBaseDpi);
// Routine Description:
// - Shrinks the given pixel measurement down from whatever the given DPI is to the typical system DPI (generally 96).
// Arguments:
// - iPx - Pixel measurement scaled against the given DPI.
// - iDpi - Given DPI for pixel scaling
// Return Value:
// - Pixel length measurement.
int GdiEngine::s_ShrinkByDpi(const int iPx, const int iDpi)
return MulDiv(iPx, s_iBaseDpi, iDpi);
// Routine Description:
// - Uses internal invalid structure to determine the top left pixel point of the invalid frame to be painted.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - Top left corner in pixels of where to start repainting the frame.
POINT GdiEngine::_GetInvalidRectPoint() const
pt.x = _psInvalidData.rcPaint.left;
pt.y = _psInvalidData.rcPaint.top;
return pt;
// Routine Description:
// - Uses internal invalid structure to determine the size of the invalid area of the frame to be painted.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - Width and height in pixels of the invalid area of the frame.
SIZE GdiEngine::_GetInvalidRectSize() const
return _GetRectSize(&_psInvalidData.rcPaint);
// Routine Description:
// - Converts a pixel region (RECT) into its width/height (SIZE)
// Arguments:
// - Pixel region (RECT)
// Return Value:
// - Pixel dimensions (SIZE)
SIZE GdiEngine::_GetRectSize(const RECT* const pRect) const
SIZE sz;
sz.cx = pRect->right - pRect->left;
sz.cy = pRect->bottom - pRect->top;
return sz;
// Routine Description:
// - Performs a "CombineRect" with the "OR" operation.
// - Basically extends the existing rect outward to also encompass the passed-in region.
// Arguments:
// - pRectExisting - Expand this rectangle to encompass the add rect.
// - pRectToOr - Add this rectangle to the existing one.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void GdiEngine::_OrRect(_In_ RECT* const pRectExisting, const RECT* const pRectToOr) const
pRectExisting->left = std::min(pRectExisting->left, pRectToOr->left);
pRectExisting->top = std::min(pRectExisting->top, pRectToOr->top);
pRectExisting->right = std::max(pRectExisting->right, pRectToOr->right);
pRectExisting->bottom = std::max(pRectExisting->bottom, pRectToOr->bottom);