2021-09-22 14:49:46 -05:00

274 lines
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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "pch.h"
#include "ApplicationState.h"
#include "CascadiaSettings.h"
#include "ApplicationState.g.cpp"
#include "WindowLayout.g.cpp"
#include "ActionAndArgs.h"
#include "JsonUtils.h"
#include "FileUtils.h"
#include "../../types/inc/utils.hpp"
static constexpr std::wstring_view stateFileName{ L"state.json" };
static constexpr std::wstring_view elevatedStateFileName{ L"elevated-state.json" };
static constexpr std::wstring_view unelevatedStateFileName{ L"user-state.json" };
static constexpr std::string_view TabLayoutKey{ "tabLayout" };
static constexpr std::string_view InitialPositionKey{ "initialPosition" };
static constexpr std::string_view InitialSizeKey{ "initialSize" };
namespace Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::JsonUtils
using namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model;
struct ConversionTrait<WindowLayout>
WindowLayout FromJson(const Json::Value& json)
auto layout = winrt::make_self<implementation::WindowLayout>();
GetValueForKey(json, TabLayoutKey, layout->_TabLayout);
GetValueForKey(json, InitialPositionKey, layout->_InitialPosition);
GetValueForKey(json, InitialSizeKey, layout->_InitialSize);
return *layout;
bool CanConvert(const Json::Value& json)
return json.isObject();
Json::Value ToJson(const WindowLayout& val)
Json::Value json{ Json::objectValue };
SetValueForKey(json, TabLayoutKey, val.TabLayout());
SetValueForKey(json, InitialPositionKey, val.InitialPosition());
SetValueForKey(json, InitialSizeKey, val.InitialSize());
return json;
std::string TypeDescription() const
return "WindowLayout";
using namespace ::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model;
namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::implementation
ApplicationState::ApplicationState(const std::filesystem::path& stateRoot) noexcept :
_sharedPath{ stateRoot / stateFileName },
_userPath{ stateRoot / unelevatedStateFileName },
_elevatedPath{ stateRoot / elevatedStateFileName },
_throttler{ std::chrono::seconds(1), [this]() { _write(); } }
// The destructor ensures that the last write is flushed to disk before returning.
// This will ensure that we not just cancel the last outstanding timer,
// but instead force it to run as soon as possible and wait for it to complete.
// Re-read the state.json from disk.
void ApplicationState::Reload() const noexcept
bool ApplicationState::IsStatePath(const winrt::hstring& filename)
static const auto sharedPath{ _sharedPath.filename() };
static const auto elevatedPath{ _elevatedPath.filename() };
static const auto userPath{ _userPath.filename() };
return filename == sharedPath || filename == elevatedPath || filename == userPath;
// Deserializes the state.json and user-state (or elevated-state if
// elevated) into this ApplicationState.
// * ANY errors during app state will result in the creation of a new empty state.
// * ANY errors during runtime will result in changes being partially ignored.
void ApplicationState::_read() const noexcept
std::string errs;
std::unique_ptr<Json::CharReader> reader{ Json::CharReaderBuilder::CharReaderBuilder().newCharReader() };
// First get shared state out of `state.json` into us
const auto sharedData = _readSharedContents().value_or(std::string{});
if (!sharedData.empty())
Json::Value root;
if (!reader->parse(sharedData.data(), sharedData.data() + sharedData.size(), &root, &errs))
throw winrt::hresult_error(WEB_E_INVALID_JSON_STRING, winrt::to_hstring(errs));
FromJson(root, FileSource::Shared);
// Then, try and get anything in user-state/elevated-state
if (const auto localData{ _readLocalContents().value_or(std::string{}) }; !localData.empty())
Json::Value root;
if (!reader->parse(localData.data(), localData.data() + localData.size(), &root, &errs))
throw winrt::hresult_error(WEB_E_INVALID_JSON_STRING, winrt::to_hstring(errs));
FromJson(root, FileSource::Local);
// Serialized this ApplicationState (in `context`) into the state.json at _path.
// * Errors are only logged.
// * _state->_writeScheduled is set to false, signaling our
// setters that _synchronize() needs to be called again.
void ApplicationState::_write() const noexcept
Json::StreamWriterBuilder wbuilder;
_writeSharedContents(Json::writeString(wbuilder, ToJson(FileSource::Shared)));
_writeLocalContents(Json::writeString(wbuilder, ToJson(FileSource::Local)));
// Returns the application-global ApplicationState object.
Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::ApplicationState ApplicationState::SharedInstance()
std::filesystem::path root{ GetBaseSettingsPath() };
static auto state = winrt::make_self<ApplicationState>(root);
return *state;
// Method Description:
// - Loads data from the given json blob. Will only read the data that's in
// the specified parseSource - so if we're reading the Local state file,
// we won't destroy previously parsed Shared data.
// - READ: there's no layering for app state.
void ApplicationState::FromJson(const Json::Value& root, FileSource parseSource) const noexcept
auto state = _state.lock();
// GetValueForKey() comes in two variants:
// * take a std::optional<T> reference
// * return std::optional<T> by value
// At the time of writing the former version skips missing fields in the json,
// but we want to explicitly clear state fields that were removed from state.json.
#define MTSM_APPLICATION_STATE_GEN(source, type, name, key, ...) \
if (parseSource == source) \
state->name = JsonUtils::GetValueForKey<std::optional<type>>(root, key);
Json::Value ApplicationState::ToJson(FileSource parseSource) const noexcept
Json::Value root{ Json::objectValue };
auto state = _state.lock_shared();
#define MTSM_APPLICATION_STATE_GEN(source, type, name, key, ...) \
if (WI_IsFlagSet(parseSource, source)) \
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(root, key, state->name);
return root;
// Generate all getter/setters
#define MTSM_APPLICATION_STATE_GEN(source, type, name, key, ...) \
type ApplicationState::name() const noexcept \
{ \
const auto state = _state.lock_shared(); \
const auto& value = state->name; \
return value ? *value : type{ __VA_ARGS__ }; \
} \
void ApplicationState::name(const type& value) noexcept \
{ \
{ \
auto state = _state.lock(); \
state->name.emplace(value); \
} \
_throttler(); \
// Method Description:
// - Read the contents of our "shared" state - state that should be shared
// for elevated and unelevated instances. This is things like the list of
// generated profiles, the command palette commandlines.
std::optional<std::string> ApplicationState::_readSharedContents() const
return ReadUTF8FileIfExists(_sharedPath);
// Method Description:
// - Read the contents of our "local" state - state that should be kept in
// separate files for elevated and unelevated instances. This is things
// like the persisted window state, and the approved commandlines (though,
// those don't matter when unelevated).
// - When elevated, this will DELETE `elevated-state.json` if it has bad
// permissions, so we don't potentially read malicious data.
std::optional<std::string> ApplicationState::_readLocalContents() const
return ::Microsoft::Console::Utils::IsElevated() ?
ReadUTF8FileIfExists(_elevatedPath, true) :
ReadUTF8FileIfExists(_userPath, false);
// Method Description:
// - Write the contents of our "shared" state - state that should be shared
// for elevated and unelevated instances. This will atomically write to
// `state.json`
void ApplicationState::_writeSharedContents(const std::string_view content) const
WriteUTF8FileAtomic(_sharedPath, content);
// Method Description:
// - Write the contents of our "local" state - state that should be kept in
// separate files for elevated and unelevated instances. When elevated,
// this will write to `elevated-state.json`, and when unelevated, this
// will atomically write to `user-state.json`
void ApplicationState::_writeLocalContents(const std::string_view content) const
if (::Microsoft::Console::Utils::IsElevated())
// DON'T use WriteUTF8FileAtomic, which will write to a temporary file
// then rename that file to the final filename. That actually lets us
// overwrite the elevate file's contents even when unelevated, because
// we're effectively deleting the original file, then renaming a
// different file in it's place.
// We're not worried about someone else doing that though, if they do
// that with the wrong permissions, then we'll just ignore the file and
// start over.
WriteUTF8File(_elevatedPath, content, true);
WriteUTF8FileAtomic(_userPath, content);