Dustin L. Howett (MSFT) 8c3af2d066
Add default icons for the default profiles (#934)
This commit introduces a handful of default icons whose paths will be
emitted into the default profiles.

Icons are named after the profile GUIDs, which for the default profiles
are stable v5 UUIDs based on the name of the profile. The plan is that
we'll never have a duplicate default profile, and if the user wants to
duplicate it they'll need to issue it a new GUID.

Eventually, when icons can be inserted through the settings UI, we can
keep the GUID name (to unique them among all icons for all profiles) and
move them into ms-appdata:///roaming/.

The currently included icons are named for the following profiles:

"cmd" `{0caa0dad-35be-5f56-a8ff-afceeeaa6101}`
"PowerShell Core" `{574e775e-4f2a-5b96-ac1e-a2962a402336}`
"Windows PowerShell" `{61c54bbd-c2c6-5271-96e7-009a87ff44bf}`
"WSL" `{9acb9455-ca41-5af7-950f-6bca1bc9722f}`

The PowerShell profile names aren't being used yet, but this is in
preparation for #918 merging.

Fixes #933.
2019-05-22 13:03:10 -07:00

611 lines
20 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "pch.h"
#include "Profile.h"
#include "../../types/inc/Utils.hpp"
#include <DefaultSettings.h>
using namespace TerminalApp;
using namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings;
using namespace winrt::TerminalApp;
using namespace winrt::Windows::Data::Json;
using namespace ::Microsoft::Console;
static constexpr std::wstring_view NAME_KEY{ L"name" };
static constexpr std::wstring_view GUID_KEY{ L"guid" };
static constexpr std::wstring_view COLORSCHEME_KEY{ L"colorscheme" };
static constexpr std::wstring_view FOREGROUND_KEY{ L"foreground" };
static constexpr std::wstring_view BACKGROUND_KEY{ L"background" };
static constexpr std::wstring_view COLORTABLE_KEY{ L"colorTable" };
static constexpr std::wstring_view HISTORYSIZE_KEY{ L"historySize" };
static constexpr std::wstring_view SNAPONINPUT_KEY{ L"snapOnInput" };
static constexpr std::wstring_view CURSORCOLOR_KEY{ L"cursorColor" };
static constexpr std::wstring_view CURSORSHAPE_KEY{ L"cursorShape" };
static constexpr std::wstring_view CURSORHEIGHT_KEY{ L"cursorHeight" };
static constexpr std::wstring_view COMMANDLINE_KEY{ L"commandline" };
static constexpr std::wstring_view FONTFACE_KEY{ L"fontFace" };
static constexpr std::wstring_view FONTSIZE_KEY{ L"fontSize" };
static constexpr std::wstring_view ACRYLICTRANSPARENCY_KEY{ L"acrylicOpacity" };
static constexpr std::wstring_view USEACRYLIC_KEY{ L"useAcrylic" };
static constexpr std::wstring_view SCROLLBARSTATE_KEY{ L"scrollbarState" };
static constexpr std::wstring_view CLOSEONEXIT_KEY{ L"closeOnExit" };
static constexpr std::wstring_view PADDING_KEY{ L"padding" };
static constexpr std::wstring_view STARTINGDIRECTORY_KEY{ L"startingDirectory" };
static constexpr std::wstring_view ICON_KEY{ L"icon" };
// Possible values for Scrollbar state
static constexpr std::wstring_view ALWAYS_VISIBLE{ L"visible" };
static constexpr std::wstring_view ALWAYS_HIDE{ L"hidden" };
// Possible values for Cursor Shape
static constexpr std::wstring_view CURSORSHAPE_VINTAGE{ L"vintage" };
static constexpr std::wstring_view CURSORSHAPE_BAR{ L"bar" };
static constexpr std::wstring_view CURSORSHAPE_UNDERSCORE{ L"underscore" };
static constexpr std::wstring_view CURSORSHAPE_FILLEDBOX{ L"filledBox" };
static constexpr std::wstring_view CURSORSHAPE_EMPTYBOX{ L"emptyBox" };
Profile::Profile() :
Profile::Profile(const winrt::guid& guid):
_name{ L"Default" },
_defaultForeground{ },
_defaultBackground{ },
_snapOnInput{ true },
_cursorShape{ CursorStyle::Bar },
_commandline{ L"cmd.exe" },
_startingDirectory{ },
_acrylicTransparency{ 0.5 },
_useAcrylic{ false },
_scrollbarState{ },
_closeOnExit{ true },
_padding{ DEFAULT_PADDING },
_icon{ }
GUID Profile::GetGuid() const noexcept
return _guid;
// Function Description:
// - Searches a list of color schemes to find one matching the given name. Will
//return the first match in the list, if the list has multiple schemes with the same name.
// Arguments:
// - schemes: a list of schemes to search
// - schemeName: the name of the sceme to look for
// Return Value:
// - a non-ownership pointer to the matching scheme if we found one, else nullptr
const ColorScheme* _FindScheme(const std::vector<ColorScheme>& schemes,
const std::wstring& schemeName)
for (auto& scheme : schemes)
if (scheme.GetName() == schemeName)
return &scheme;
return nullptr;
// Method Description:
// - Create a TerminalSettings from this object. Apply our settings, as well as
// any colors from our colorscheme, if we have one.
// Arguments:
// - schemes: a list of schemes to look for our color scheme in, if we have one.
// Return Value:
// - a new TerminalSettings object with our settings in it.
TerminalSettings Profile::CreateTerminalSettings(const std::vector<ColorScheme>& schemes) const
TerminalSettings terminalSettings{};
// Fill in the Terminal Setting's CoreSettings from the profile
for (int i = 0; i < _colorTable.size(); i++)
terminalSettings.SetColorTableEntry(i, _colorTable[i]);
// Fill in the remaining properties from the profile
if (_startingDirectory)
const auto evaluatedDirectory = Profile::EvaluateStartingDirectory(_startingDirectory.value());
if (_schemeName)
const ColorScheme* const matchingScheme = _FindScheme(schemes, _schemeName.value());
if (matchingScheme)
if (_defaultForeground)
if (_defaultBackground)
if (_scrollbarState)
ScrollbarState result = ParseScrollbarState(_scrollbarState.value());
return terminalSettings;
// Method Description:
// - Serialize this object to a JsonObject.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - a JsonObject which is an equivalent serialization of this object.
JsonObject Profile::ToJson() const
winrt::Windows::Data::Json::JsonObject jsonObject;
// Profile-specific settings
const auto guidStr = Utils::GuidToString(_guid);
const auto guid = JsonValue::CreateStringValue(guidStr);
const auto name = JsonValue::CreateStringValue(_name);
// Core Settings
const auto historySize = JsonValue::CreateNumberValue(_historySize);
const auto snapOnInput = JsonValue::CreateBooleanValue(_snapOnInput);
const auto cursorColor = JsonValue::CreateStringValue(Utils::ColorToHexString(_cursorColor));
// Control Settings
const auto cmdline = JsonValue::CreateStringValue(_commandline);
const auto fontFace = JsonValue::CreateStringValue(_fontFace);
const auto fontSize = JsonValue::CreateNumberValue(_fontSize);
const auto acrylicTransparency = JsonValue::CreateNumberValue(_acrylicTransparency);
const auto useAcrylic = JsonValue::CreateBooleanValue(_useAcrylic);
const auto closeOnExit = JsonValue::CreateBooleanValue(_closeOnExit);
const auto padding = JsonValue::CreateStringValue(_padding);
if (_startingDirectory)
const auto startingDirectory = JsonValue::CreateStringValue(_startingDirectory.value());
jsonObject.Insert(STARTINGDIRECTORY_KEY, startingDirectory);
jsonObject.Insert(GUID_KEY, guid);
jsonObject.Insert(NAME_KEY, name);
// Core Settings
if (_defaultForeground)
const auto defaultForeground = JsonValue::CreateStringValue(Utils::ColorToHexString(_defaultForeground.value()));
jsonObject.Insert(FOREGROUND_KEY, defaultForeground);
if (_defaultBackground)
const auto defaultBackground = JsonValue::CreateStringValue(Utils::ColorToHexString(_defaultBackground.value()));
jsonObject.Insert(BACKGROUND_KEY, defaultBackground);
if (_schemeName)
const auto scheme = JsonValue::CreateStringValue(_schemeName.value());
jsonObject.Insert(COLORSCHEME_KEY, scheme);
JsonArray tableArray{};
for (auto& color : _colorTable)
auto s = Utils::ColorToHexString(color);
jsonObject.Insert(COLORTABLE_KEY, tableArray);
jsonObject.Insert(HISTORYSIZE_KEY, historySize);
jsonObject.Insert(SNAPONINPUT_KEY, snapOnInput);
jsonObject.Insert(CURSORCOLOR_KEY, cursorColor);
// Only add the cursor height property if we're a legacy-style cursor.
if (_cursorShape == CursorStyle::Vintage)
jsonObject.Insert(CURSORHEIGHT_KEY, JsonValue::CreateNumberValue(_cursorHeight));
jsonObject.Insert(CURSORSHAPE_KEY, JsonValue::CreateStringValue(_SerializeCursorStyle(_cursorShape)));
// Control Settings
jsonObject.Insert(COMMANDLINE_KEY, cmdline);
jsonObject.Insert(FONTFACE_KEY, fontFace);
jsonObject.Insert(FONTSIZE_KEY, fontSize);
jsonObject.Insert(ACRYLICTRANSPARENCY_KEY, acrylicTransparency);
jsonObject.Insert(USEACRYLIC_KEY, useAcrylic);
jsonObject.Insert(CLOSEONEXIT_KEY, closeOnExit);
jsonObject.Insert(PADDING_KEY, padding);
if (_scrollbarState)
const auto scrollbarState = JsonValue::CreateStringValue(_scrollbarState.value());
jsonObject.Insert(SCROLLBARSTATE_KEY, scrollbarState);
if (_icon)
const auto icon = JsonValue::CreateStringValue(_icon.value());
jsonObject.Insert(ICON_KEY, icon);
return jsonObject;
// Method Description:
// - Create a new instance of this class from a serialized JsonObject.
// Arguments:
// - json: an object which should be a serialization of a Profile object.
// Return Value:
// - a new Profile instance created from the values in `json`
Profile Profile::FromJson(winrt::Windows::Data::Json::JsonObject json)
Profile result{};
// Profile-specific Settings
if (json.HasKey(NAME_KEY))
result._name = json.GetNamedString(NAME_KEY);
if (json.HasKey(GUID_KEY))
const auto guidString = json.GetNamedString(GUID_KEY);
// TODO: MSFT:20737698 - if this fails, display an approriate error
const auto guid = Utils::GuidFromString(guidString.c_str());
result._guid = guid;
// Core Settings
if (json.HasKey(FOREGROUND_KEY))
const auto fgString = json.GetNamedString(FOREGROUND_KEY);
// TODO: MSFT:20737698 - if this fails, display an approriate error
const auto color = Utils::ColorFromHexString(fgString.c_str());
result._defaultForeground = color;
if (json.HasKey(BACKGROUND_KEY))
const auto bgString = json.GetNamedString(BACKGROUND_KEY);
// TODO: MSFT:20737698 - if this fails, display an approriate error
const auto color = Utils::ColorFromHexString(bgString.c_str());
result._defaultBackground = color;
if (json.HasKey(COLORSCHEME_KEY))
result._schemeName = json.GetNamedString(COLORSCHEME_KEY);
if (json.HasKey(COLORTABLE_KEY))
const auto table = json.GetNamedArray(COLORTABLE_KEY);
int i = 0;
for (auto v : table)
if (v.ValueType() == JsonValueType::String)
const auto str = v.GetString();
// TODO: MSFT:20737698 - if this fails, display an approriate error
const auto color = Utils::ColorFromHexString(str.c_str());
result._colorTable[i] = color;
if (json.HasKey(HISTORYSIZE_KEY))
// TODO:MSFT:20642297 - Use a sentinel value (-1) for "Infinite scrollback"
result._historySize = static_cast<int32_t>(json.GetNamedNumber(HISTORYSIZE_KEY));
if (json.HasKey(SNAPONINPUT_KEY))
result._snapOnInput = json.GetNamedBoolean(SNAPONINPUT_KEY);
if (json.HasKey(CURSORCOLOR_KEY))
const auto cursorString = json.GetNamedString(CURSORCOLOR_KEY);
// TODO: MSFT:20737698 - if this fails, display an approriate error
const auto color = Utils::ColorFromHexString(cursorString.c_str());
result._cursorColor = color;
if (json.HasKey(CURSORHEIGHT_KEY))
result._cursorHeight = static_cast<uint32_t>(json.GetNamedNumber(CURSORHEIGHT_KEY));
if (json.HasKey(CURSORSHAPE_KEY))
const auto shapeString = json.GetNamedString(CURSORSHAPE_KEY);
result._cursorShape = _ParseCursorShape(shapeString.c_str());
// Control Settings
if (json.HasKey(COMMANDLINE_KEY))
result._commandline = json.GetNamedString(COMMANDLINE_KEY);
if (json.HasKey(FONTFACE_KEY))
result._fontFace = json.GetNamedString(FONTFACE_KEY);
if (json.HasKey(FONTSIZE_KEY))
result._fontSize = static_cast<int32_t>(json.GetNamedNumber(FONTSIZE_KEY));
result._acrylicTransparency = json.GetNamedNumber(ACRYLICTRANSPARENCY_KEY);
if (json.HasKey(USEACRYLIC_KEY))
result._useAcrylic = json.GetNamedBoolean(USEACRYLIC_KEY);
if (json.HasKey(CLOSEONEXIT_KEY))
result._closeOnExit = json.GetNamedBoolean(CLOSEONEXIT_KEY);
if (json.HasKey(PADDING_KEY))
result._padding = json.GetNamedString(PADDING_KEY);
result._scrollbarState = json.GetNamedString(SCROLLBARSTATE_KEY);
result._startingDirectory = json.GetNamedString(STARTINGDIRECTORY_KEY);
if (json.HasKey(ICON_KEY))
result._icon = json.GetNamedString(ICON_KEY);
return result;
void Profile::SetFontFace(std::wstring fontFace) noexcept
_fontFace = fontFace;
void Profile::SetColorScheme(std::optional<std::wstring> schemeName) noexcept
_schemeName = schemeName;
void Profile::SetAcrylicOpacity(double opacity) noexcept
_acrylicTransparency = opacity;
void Profile::SetCommandline(std::wstring cmdline) noexcept
_commandline = cmdline;
void Profile::SetStartingDirectory(std::wstring startingDirectory) noexcept
_startingDirectory = startingDirectory;
void Profile::SetName(std::wstring name) noexcept
_name = name;
void Profile::SetUseAcrylic(bool useAcrylic) noexcept
_useAcrylic = useAcrylic;
void Profile::SetDefaultForeground(COLORREF defaultForeground) noexcept
_defaultForeground = defaultForeground;
void Profile::SetDefaultBackground(COLORREF defaultBackground) noexcept
_defaultBackground = defaultBackground;
bool Profile::HasIcon() const noexcept
return _icon.has_value();
// Method Description:
// - Sets this profile's icon path.
// Arguments:
// - path: the path
void Profile::SetIconPath(std::wstring_view path) noexcept
// Method Description:
// - Returns this profile's icon path, if one is set. Otherwise returns the empty string.
// Return Value:
// - this profile's icon path, if one is set. Otherwise returns the empty string.
std::wstring_view Profile::GetIconPath() const noexcept
return HasIcon() ?
std::wstring_view{ _icon.value().c_str(), _icon.value().size() } :
std::wstring_view{ L"", 0 };
// Method Description:
// - Returns the name of this profile.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - the name of this profile
std::wstring_view Profile::GetName() const noexcept
return _name;
bool Profile::GetCloseOnExit() const noexcept
return _closeOnExit;
// Method Description:
// - Helper function for expanding any environment variables in a user-supplied starting directory and validating the resulting path
// Arguments:
// - The value from the profiles.json file
// Return Value:
// - The directory string with any environment variables expanded. If the resulting path is invalid,
// - the function returns an evaluated version of %userprofile% to avoid blocking the session from starting.
std::wstring Profile::EvaluateStartingDirectory(const std::wstring& directory)
// First expand path
DWORD numCharsInput = ExpandEnvironmentStrings(directory.c_str(), nullptr, 0);
std::unique_ptr<wchar_t[]> evaluatedPath = std::make_unique<wchar_t[]>(numCharsInput);
THROW_LAST_ERROR_IF(0 == ExpandEnvironmentStrings(directory.c_str(), evaluatedPath.get(), numCharsInput));
// Validate that the resulting path is legitimate
const DWORD dwFileAttributes = GetFileAttributes(evaluatedPath.get());
if ((dwFileAttributes != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) && (WI_IsFlagSet(dwFileAttributes, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)))
return std::wstring(evaluatedPath.get(), numCharsInput);
// In the event where the user supplied a path that can't be resolved, use a reasonable default (in this case, %userprofile%)
const DWORD numCharsDefault = ExpandEnvironmentStrings(DEFAULT_STARTING_DIRECTORY.c_str(), nullptr, 0);
std::unique_ptr<wchar_t[]> defaultPath = std::make_unique<wchar_t[]>(numCharsDefault);
THROW_LAST_ERROR_IF(0 == ExpandEnvironmentStrings(DEFAULT_STARTING_DIRECTORY.c_str(), defaultPath.get(), numCharsDefault));
return std::wstring(defaultPath.get(), numCharsDefault);
// Method Description:
// - Helper function for converting a user-specified scrollbar state to its corresponding enum
// Arguments:
// - The value from the profiles.json file
// Return Value:
// - The corresponding enum value which maps to the string provided by the user
ScrollbarState Profile::ParseScrollbarState(const std::wstring& scrollbarState)
if (scrollbarState == ALWAYS_VISIBLE)
return ScrollbarState::Visible;
else if (scrollbarState == ALWAYS_HIDE)
return ScrollbarState::Hidden;
// default behavior for invalid data
return ScrollbarState::Visible;
// Method Description:
// - Helper function for converting a user-specified cursor style corresponding
// CursorStyle enum value
// Arguments:
// - cursorShapeString: The string value from the settings file to parse
// Return Value:
// - The corresponding enum value which maps to the string provided by the user
CursorStyle Profile::_ParseCursorShape(const std::wstring& cursorShapeString)
if (cursorShapeString == CURSORSHAPE_VINTAGE)
return CursorStyle::Vintage;
else if (cursorShapeString == CURSORSHAPE_BAR)
return CursorStyle::Bar;
else if (cursorShapeString == CURSORSHAPE_UNDERSCORE)
return CursorStyle::Underscore;
else if (cursorShapeString == CURSORSHAPE_FILLEDBOX)
return CursorStyle::FilledBox;
else if (cursorShapeString == CURSORSHAPE_EMPTYBOX)
return CursorStyle::EmptyBox;
// default behavior for invalid data
return CursorStyle::Bar;
// Method Description:
// - Helper function for converting a CursorStyle to its corresponding string
// value.
// Arguments:
// - cursorShape: The enum value to convert to a string.
// Return Value:
// - The string value for the given CursorStyle
std::wstring_view Profile::_SerializeCursorStyle(const CursorStyle cursorShape)
switch (cursorShape)
case CursorStyle::Underscore:
case CursorStyle::FilledBox:
case CursorStyle::EmptyBox:
case CursorStyle::Vintage:
case CursorStyle::Bar: