Mike Griese a544f56e17
Add an ENUM setting for disabling rendering "intense" text as bold (#10759)
## Summary of the Pull Request

This adds a new setting `intenseTextStyle`. It's a per-appearance, control setting, defaulting to `"all"`.
* When set to `"all"` or `["bold", "bright"]`, then we'll render text as both **bold** and bright (1.10 behavior)
* When set to `"bold"`, `["bold"]`, we'll render text formatted with `^[[1m` as **bold**, but not bright
* When set to `"bright"`, `["bright"]`, we'll render text formatted with `^[[1m` as bright, but not bold. This is the pre 1.10 behavior
* When set to `"none"`, we won't do anything special for it at all. 

## references
* I last did this in #10648. This time it's an enum, so we can add bright in the future. It's got positive wording this time.
* ~We will want to add `"bright"` as a value in the future, to disable the auto intense->bright conversion.~ I just did that now.
* #5682 is related

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #10576 
* [x] I seriously don't think we have an issue for "disable intense is bright", but I'm not crazy, people wanted that, right? https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/issues/2916#issuecomment-544880423 was the closest
* [x] I work here
* [x] Tests added/passed
* [x] https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/terminal/pull/381

## Validation Steps Performed

<!-- ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/18356694/125480327-07f6b711-6bca-4c1b-9a76-75fc978c702d.png) -->

Yea that works. Printed some bold text, toggled it on, the text was no longer bold. hooray.

### EDIT, 10 Aug

"intenseTextStyle": "none",
"intenseTextStyle": "bold",
"intenseTextStyle": "bright",
"intenseTextStyle": "all",
"intenseTextStyle": ["bold", "bright"],

all work now. Repro script:
printf "\e[1m[bold]\e[m[normal]\e[34m[blue]\e[1m[bold blue]\e[m\n"
2021-08-16 13:45:56 +00:00

63 lines
3.2 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "pch.h"
#include "ActionAndArgs.h"
#include "JsonUtils.h"
#include "TerminalSettingsSerializationHelpers.h"
#include "EnumMappings.h"
#include "EnumMappings.g.cpp"
using namespace winrt;
using namespace winrt::Windows::Foundation::Collections;
using namespace ::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model;
#define DEFINE_ENUM_MAP(type, name) \
winrt::Windows::Foundation::Collections::IMap<winrt::hstring, type> EnumMappings::name() \
{ \
static IMap<winrt::hstring, type> enumMap = []() { \
auto map = single_threaded_map<winrt::hstring, type>(); \
for (auto [enumStr, enumVal] : JsonUtils::ConversionTrait<type>::mappings) \
{ \
map.Insert(winrt::to_hstring(enumStr), enumVal); \
} \
return map; \
}(); \
return enumMap; \
namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::implementation
// Global Settings
DEFINE_ENUM_MAP(winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::ElementTheme, ElementTheme);
DEFINE_ENUM_MAP(winrt::Microsoft::UI::Xaml::Controls::TabViewWidthMode, TabViewWidthMode);
DEFINE_ENUM_MAP(Model::LaunchMode, LaunchMode);
DEFINE_ENUM_MAP(Model::TabSwitcherMode, TabSwitcherMode);
DEFINE_ENUM_MAP(Microsoft::Terminal::Control::CopyFormat, CopyFormat);
DEFINE_ENUM_MAP(Model::WindowingMode, WindowingMode);
// Profile Settings
DEFINE_ENUM_MAP(Model::CloseOnExitMode, CloseOnExitMode);
DEFINE_ENUM_MAP(Microsoft::Terminal::Control::ScrollbarState, ScrollbarState);
DEFINE_ENUM_MAP(Windows::UI::Xaml::Media::Stretch, BackgroundImageStretchMode);
DEFINE_ENUM_MAP(Microsoft::Terminal::Control::TextAntialiasingMode, TextAntialiasingMode);
DEFINE_ENUM_MAP(Microsoft::Terminal::Core::CursorStyle, CursorStyle);
DEFINE_ENUM_MAP(Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::IntenseStyle, IntenseTextStyle);
// FontWeight is special because the JsonUtils::ConversionTrait for it
// creates a FontWeight object, but we need to use the uint16_t value.
winrt::Windows::Foundation::Collections::IMap<winrt::hstring, uint16_t> EnumMappings::FontWeight()
static IMap<winrt::hstring, uint16_t> enumMap = []() {
auto map = single_threaded_map<winrt::hstring, uint16_t>();
for (auto [enumStr, enumVal] : JsonUtils::ConversionTrait<Windows::UI::Text::FontWeight>::mappings)
map.Insert(winrt::to_hstring(enumStr), enumVal);
return map;
return enumMap;