Michael Niksa 8ea9b327f3
Adjusts High DPI scaling to enable differential rendering (#5345)
## Summary of the Pull Request
- Adjusts scaling practices in `DxEngine` (and related scaling practices in `TerminalControl`) for pixel-perfect row baselines and spacing at High DPI such that differential row-by-row rendering can be applied at High DPI.

## References
- #5185 

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #5320, closes #3515, closes #1064
* [x] I work here.
* [x] Manually tested.
* [x] No doc.
* [x] Am core contributor. Also discussed with some of them already via Teams.

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments

- We were using implicit DPI scaling on the `ID2D1RenderTarget` and running all of our processing in DIPs (Device-Independent Pixels). That's all well and good for getting things bootstrapped quickly, but it leaves the actual scaling of the draw commands up to the discretion of the rendering target.
- When we don't get to explicitly choose exactly how many pixels tall/wide and our X/Y placement perfectly, the nature of floating point multiplication and division required to do the presentation can cause us to drift off slightly out of our control depending on what the final display resolution actually is.
- Differential drawing cannot work unless we can know the exact integer pixels that need to be copied/moved/preserved/replaced between frames to give to the `IDXGISwapChain1::Present1` method. If things spill into fractional pixels or the sizes of rows/columns vary as they are rounded up and down implicitly, then we cannot do the differential rendering.

- When deciding on a font, the `DxEngine` will take the scale factor into account and adjust the proposed height of the requested font. Then the remainder of the existing code that adjusts the baseline and integer-ifies each character cell will run naturally from there. That code already works correctly to align the height at normal DPI and scale out the font heights and advances to take an exact integer of pixels.
- `TermControl` has to use the scale now, in some places, and stop scaling in other places. This has to do with how the target's nature used to be implicit and is now explicit. For instance, determining where the cursor click hits must be scaled now. And determining the pixel size of the display canvas must no longer be scaled.
- `DxEngine` will no longer attempt to scale the invalid regions per my attempts in #5185 because the cell size is scaled. So it should work the same as at 96 DPI.
- The block is removed from the `DxEngine` that was causing a full invalidate on every frame at High DPI.
- A TODO was removed from `TermControl` that was invalidating everything when the DPI changed because the underlying renderer will already do that.

## Validation Steps Performed
* [x] Check at 150% DPI. Print text, scroll text down and up, do selection.
* [x] Check at 100% DPI. Print text, scroll text down and up, do selection.
* [x] Span two different DPI monitors and drag between them.
* [x] Giant pile of tests in https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/pull/5345#issuecomment-614127648

Co-authored-by: Dustin Howett <duhowett@microsoft.com>
Co-authored-by: Mike Griese <migrie@microsoft.com>
2020-04-22 14:59:51 -07:00

436 lines
13 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#pragma once
class BitmapTests;
namespace til // Terminal Implementation Library. Also: "Today I Learned"
namespace details
class _bitmap_const_iterator
using iterator_category = typename std::input_iterator_tag;
using value_type = typename const til::rectangle;
using difference_type = typename ptrdiff_t;
using pointer = typename const til::rectangle*;
using reference = typename const til::rectangle&;
_bitmap_const_iterator(const dynamic_bitset<>& values, til::rectangle rc, ptrdiff_t pos) :
_bitmap_const_iterator& operator++()
_pos = _nextPos;
return (*this);
_bitmap_const_iterator operator++(int)
const auto prev = *this;
return prev;
constexpr bool operator==(const _bitmap_const_iterator& other) const noexcept
return _pos == other._pos && _values == other._values;
constexpr bool operator!=(const _bitmap_const_iterator& other) const noexcept
return !(*this == other);
constexpr bool operator<(const _bitmap_const_iterator& other) const noexcept
return _pos < other._pos;
constexpr bool operator>(const _bitmap_const_iterator& other) const noexcept
return _pos > other._pos;
constexpr reference operator*() const noexcept
return _run;
constexpr pointer operator->() const noexcept
return &_run;
const dynamic_bitset<>& _values;
const til::rectangle _rc;
ptrdiff_t _pos;
ptrdiff_t _nextPos;
const ptrdiff_t _end;
til::rectangle _run;
void _calculateArea()
// Backup the position as the next one.
_nextPos = _pos;
// Seek forward until we find an on bit.
while (_nextPos < _end && !_values[_nextPos])
// If we haven't reached the end yet...
if (_nextPos < _end)
// pos is now at the first on bit.
const auto runStart = _rc.point_at(_nextPos);
// We'll only count up until the end of this row.
// a run can be a max of one row tall.
const ptrdiff_t rowEndIndex = _rc.index_of(til::point(_rc.right() - 1, runStart.y())) + 1;
// Find the length for the rectangle.
ptrdiff_t runLength = 0;
// We have at least 1 so start with a do/while.
} while (_nextPos < rowEndIndex && _values[_nextPos]);
// Keep going until we reach end of row, end of the buffer, or the next bit is off.
// Assemble and store that run.
_run = til::rectangle{ runStart, til::size{ runLength, static_cast<ptrdiff_t>(1) } };
// If we reached the end, set the pos because the run is empty.
_pos = _nextPos;
_run = til::rectangle{};
class bitmap
using const_iterator = details::_bitmap_const_iterator;
bitmap() noexcept :
bitmap(til::size sz) :
bitmap(sz, false)
bitmap(til::size sz, bool fill) :
if (fill)
constexpr bool operator==(const bitmap& other) const noexcept
return _sz == other._sz &&
_rc == other._rc &&
_bits == other._bits;
// _runs excluded because it's a cache of generated state.
constexpr bool operator!=(const bitmap& other) const noexcept
return !(*this == other);
const_iterator begin() const
return const_iterator(_bits, _sz, 0);
const_iterator end() const
return const_iterator(_bits, _sz, _sz.area());
const std::vector<til::rectangle>& runs() const
// If we don't have cached runs, rebuild.
if (!_runs.has_value())
_runs.emplace(begin(), end());
// Return a reference to the runs.
return _runs.value();
// optional fill the uncovered area with bits.
void translate(const til::point delta, bool fill = false)
// FUTURE: PERF: GH #4015: This could use in-place walk semantics instead of a temporary.
til::bitmap other{ _sz };
for (auto run : *this)
// Offset by the delta
run += delta;
// Intersect with the bounds of our bitmap area
// as part of it could have slid out of bounds.
run &= _rc;
// Set it into the new bitmap.
// If we were asked to fill... find the uncovered region.
if (fill)
// Original Rect of As.
// X <-- origin
// A A A A
// A A A A
// A A A A
// A A A A
const auto originalRect = _rc;
// If Delta = (2, 2)
// Translated Rect of Bs.
// X <-- origin
// B B B B
// B B B B
// B B B B
// B B B B
const auto translatedRect = _rc + delta;
// Subtract the B from the A one to see what wasn't filled by the move.
// C is the overlap of A and B:
// X <-- origin
// A A A A 1 1 1 1
// A A A A 1 1 1 1
// A A C C B B subtract 2 2
// A A C C B B ---------> 2 2
// B B B B A - B
// B B B B
// 1 and 2 are the spaces to fill that are "uncovered".
const auto fillRects = originalRect - translatedRect;
for (const auto& f : fillRects)
// Swap us with the temporary one.
std::swap(other, *this);
void set(const til::point pt)
THROW_HR_IF(E_INVALIDARG, !_rc.contains(pt));
_runs.reset(); // reset cached runs on any non-const method
void set(const til::rectangle rc)
THROW_HR_IF(E_INVALIDARG, !_rc.contains(rc));
_runs.reset(); // reset cached runs on any non-const method
for (auto row = rc.top(); row < rc.bottom(); ++row)
_bits.set(_rc.index_of(til::point{ rc.left(), row }), rc.width(), true);
void set_all() noexcept
_runs.reset(); // reset cached runs on any non-const method
void reset_all() noexcept
_runs.reset(); // reset cached runs on any non-const method
// True if we resized. False if it was the same size as before.
// Set fill if you want the new region (on growing) to be marked dirty.
bool resize(til::size size, bool fill = false)
_runs.reset(); // reset cached runs on any non-const method
// Don't resize if it's not different
if (_sz != size)
// Make a new bitmap for the other side, empty initially.
auto newMap = bitmap(size, false);
// Copy any regions that overlap from this map to the new one.
// Just iterate our runs...
for (const auto run : *this)
// intersect them with the new map
// so we don't attempt to set bits that fit outside
// the new one.
const auto intersect = run & newMap._rc;
// and if there is still anything left, set them.
if (!intersect.empty())
// Then, if we were requested to fill the new space on growing,
// find the space in the new rectangle that wasn't in the old
// and fill it up.
if (fill)
// A subtraction will yield anything in the new that isn't
// a part of the old.
const auto newAreas = newMap._rc - _rc;
for (const auto& area : newAreas)
// Swap and return.
std::swap(newMap, *this);
return true;
return false;
constexpr bool one() const noexcept
return _bits.count() == 1;
constexpr bool any() const noexcept
return !none();
constexpr bool none() const noexcept
return _bits.none();
constexpr bool all() const noexcept
return _bits.all();
constexpr til::size size() const noexcept
return _sz;
std::wstring to_string() const
std::wstringstream wss;
wss << std::endl
<< L"Bitmap of size " << _sz.to_string() << " contains the following dirty regions:" << std::endl;
wss << L"Runs:" << std::endl;
for (auto& item : *this)
wss << L"\t- " << item.to_string() << std::endl;
return wss.str();
til::size _sz;
til::rectangle _rc;
dynamic_bitset<> _bits;
mutable std::optional<std::vector<til::rectangle>> _runs;
friend class ::BitmapTests;
#ifdef __WEX_COMMON_H__
namespace WEX::TestExecution
class VerifyOutputTraits<::til::bitmap>
static WEX::Common::NoThrowString ToString(const ::til::bitmap& rect)
return WEX::Common::NoThrowString(rect.to_string().c_str());
class VerifyCompareTraits<::til::bitmap, ::til::bitmap>
static bool AreEqual(const ::til::bitmap& expected, const ::til::bitmap& actual) noexcept
return expected == actual;
static bool AreSame(const ::til::bitmap& expected, const ::til::bitmap& actual) noexcept
return &expected == &actual;
static bool IsLessThan(const ::til::bitmap& expectedLess, const ::til::bitmap& expectedGreater) = delete;
static bool IsGreaterThan(const ::til::bitmap& expectedGreater, const ::til::bitmap& expectedLess) = delete;
static bool IsNull(const ::til::bitmap& object) noexcept
return object == til::bitmap{};