Dustin L. Howett 8f73145d9d
Move CharToKeyEvents (and friends) into InteractivityBase (#9106)
These functions have a dependency on the "VT Redirected" versions of
VkKeyScanW, MapVirtualKeyW and GetKeyState. Those implementations depend
on the service locator and therefore the entire interactivity stack.

This meant that anybody depending on just Types had to pull in **the
entire host** worth of dependencies (!).

Since these functions are only used in places where we have or are
testing interactivity, it makes sense to consolidate them here.
2021-02-10 17:10:56 -08:00

213 lines
7.6 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "precomp.h"
#include "InteractDispatch.hpp"
#include "DispatchCommon.hpp"
#include "conGetSet.hpp"
#include "../../interactivity/inc/EventSynthesis.hpp"
#include "../../types/inc/Viewport.hpp"
#include "../../inc/unicode.hpp"
using namespace Microsoft::Console::Types;
using namespace Microsoft::Console::VirtualTerminal;
// takes ownership of pConApi
InteractDispatch::InteractDispatch(std::unique_ptr<ConGetSet> pConApi) :
// Method Description:
// - Writes a collection of input to the host. The new input is appended to the
// end of the input buffer.
// If Ctrl+C is written with this function, it will not trigger a Ctrl-C
// interrupt in the client, but instead write a Ctrl+C to the input buffer
// to be read by the client.
// Arguments:
// - inputEvents: a collection of IInputEvents
// Return Value:
// True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool InteractDispatch::WriteInput(std::deque<std::unique_ptr<IInputEvent>>& inputEvents)
size_t written = 0;
return _pConApi->PrivateWriteConsoleInputW(inputEvents, written);
// Method Description:
// - Writes a key event to the host in a fashion that will enable the host to
// process special keys such as Ctrl-C or Ctrl+Break. The host will then
// decide what to do with it, including potentially sending an interrupt to a
// client application.
// Arguments:
// - event: The key to send to the host.
// Return Value:
// True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool InteractDispatch::WriteCtrlKey(const KeyEvent& event)
return _pConApi->PrivateWriteConsoleControlInput(event);
// Method Description:
// - Writes a string of input to the host. The string is converted to keystrokes
// that will faithfully represent the input by CharToKeyEvents.
// Arguments:
// - string : a string to write to the console.
// Return Value:
// True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool InteractDispatch::WriteString(const std::wstring_view string)
if (string.empty())
return true;
unsigned int codepage = 0;
bool success = _pConApi->GetConsoleOutputCP(codepage);
if (success)
std::deque<std::unique_ptr<IInputEvent>> keyEvents;
for (const auto& wch : string)
std::deque<std::unique_ptr<KeyEvent>> convertedEvents = Microsoft::Console::Interactivity::CharToKeyEvents(wch, codepage);
success = WriteInput(keyEvents);
return success;
//Method Description:
// Window Manipulation - Performs a variety of actions relating to the window,
// such as moving the window position, resizing the window, querying
// window state, forcing the window to repaint, etc.
// This is kept separate from the output version, as there may be
// codes that are supported in one direction but not the other.
// - function - An identifier of the WindowManipulation function to perform
// - parameter1 - The first optional parameter for the function
// - parameter2 - The second optional parameter for the function
// Return value:
// True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool InteractDispatch::WindowManipulation(const DispatchTypes::WindowManipulationType function,
const VTParameter parameter1,
const VTParameter parameter2)
bool success = false;
// Other Window Manipulation functions:
// MSFT:13271098 - QueryViewport
// MSFT:13271146 - QueryScreenSize
switch (function)
case DispatchTypes::WindowManipulationType::RefreshWindow:
success = DispatchCommon::s_RefreshWindow(*_pConApi);
case DispatchTypes::WindowManipulationType::ResizeWindowInCharacters:
// TODO:GH#1765 We should introduce a better `ResizeConpty` function to
// the ConGetSet interface, that specifically handles a conpty resize.
success = DispatchCommon::s_ResizeWindow(*_pConApi, parameter2.value_or(0), parameter1.value_or(0));
if (success)
success = false;
return success;
//Method Description:
// Move Cursor: Moves the cursor to the provided VT coordinates. This is the
// coordinate space where 1,1 is the top left cell of the viewport.
// - row: The row to move the cursor to.
// - col: The column to move the cursor to.
// Return value:
// True if we successfully moved the cursor to the given location.
// False otherwise, including if given invalid coordinates (either component being 0)
// or if any API calls failed.
bool InteractDispatch::MoveCursor(const size_t row, const size_t col)
size_t rowFixed = row;
size_t colFixed = col;
bool success = true;
// In VT, the origin is 1,1. For our array, it's 0,0. So subtract 1.
if (row != 0)
rowFixed = row - 1;
// The parser should never return 0 (0 maps to 1), so this is a failure condition.
success = false;
if (col != 0)
colFixed = col - 1;
// The parser should never return 0 (0 maps to 1), so this is a failure condition.
success = false;
if (success)
// First retrieve some information about the buffer
csbiex.cbSize = sizeof(CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFOEX);
success = _pConApi->GetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx(csbiex);
if (success)
COORD coordCursor = csbiex.dwCursorPosition;
// Safely convert the size_t positions we were given into shorts (which is the size the console deals with)
success = SUCCEEDED(SizeTToShort(rowFixed, &coordCursor.Y)) &&
SUCCEEDED(SizeTToShort(colFixed, &coordCursor.X));
if (success)
// Set the line and column values as offsets from the viewport edge. Use safe math to prevent overflow.
success = SUCCEEDED(ShortAdd(coordCursor.Y, csbiex.srWindow.Top, &coordCursor.Y)) &&
SUCCEEDED(ShortAdd(coordCursor.X, csbiex.srWindow.Left, &coordCursor.X));
if (success)
// Apply boundary tests to ensure the cursor isn't outside the viewport rectangle.
coordCursor.Y = std::clamp(coordCursor.Y, csbiex.srWindow.Top, gsl::narrow<SHORT>(csbiex.srWindow.Bottom - 1));
coordCursor.X = std::clamp(coordCursor.X, csbiex.srWindow.Left, gsl::narrow<SHORT>(csbiex.srWindow.Right - 1));
// Finally, attempt to set the adjusted cursor position back into the console.
success = _pConApi->SetConsoleCursorPosition(coordCursor);
return success;
// Routine Description:
// - Checks if the InputBuffer is willing to accept VT Input directly
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return value:
// - true if enabled (see IsInVirtualTerminalInputMode). false otherwise.
bool InteractDispatch::IsVtInputEnabled() const
return _pConApi->PrivateIsVtInputEnabled();