Dustin L. Howett 8f73145d9d
Move CharToKeyEvents (and friends) into InteractivityBase (#9106)
These functions have a dependency on the "VT Redirected" versions of
VkKeyScanW, MapVirtualKeyW and GetKeyState. Those implementations depend
on the service locator and therefore the entire interactivity stack.

This meant that anybody depending on just Types had to pull in **the
entire host** worth of dependencies (!).

Since these functions are only used in places where we have or are
testing interactivity, it makes sense to consolidate them here.
2021-02-10 17:10:56 -08:00

179 lines
7.4 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "precomp.h"
#include "inc/convert.hpp"
#include "../inc/unicode.hpp"
#pragma hdrstop
// Routine Description:
// - Takes a multibyte string, allocates the appropriate amount of memory for the conversion, performs the conversion,
// and returns the Unicode UTF-16 result in the smart pointer (and the length).
// Arguments:
// - codepage - Windows Code Page representing the multibyte source text
// - source - View of multibyte characters of source text
// Return Value:
// - The UTF-16 wide string.
// - NOTE: Throws suitable HRESULT errors from memory allocation, safe math, or MultiByteToWideChar failures.
[[nodiscard]] std::wstring ConvertToW(const UINT codePage, const std::string_view source)
// If there's nothing to convert, bail early.
if (source.empty())
return {};
int iSource; // convert to int because Mb2Wc requires it.
THROW_IF_FAILED(SizeTToInt(source.size(), &iSource));
// Ask how much space we will need.
// In certain codepages, Mb2Wc will "successfully" produce zero characters (like in CP50220, where a SHIFT-IN character
// is consumed but not transformed into anything) without explicitly failing. When it does this, GetLastError will return
// the last error encountered by the last function that actually did have an error.
// This is arguably correct (as the documentation says "The function returns 0 if it does not succeed"). There is a
// difference that we **don't actually care about** between failing and successfully producing zero characters.,
// Anyway: we need to clear the last error so that we can fail out and IGNORE_BAD_GLE after it inevitably succeed-fails.
int const iTarget = MultiByteToWideChar(codePage, 0, source.data(), iSource, nullptr, 0);
size_t cchNeeded;
THROW_IF_FAILED(IntToSizeT(iTarget, &cchNeeded));
// Allocate ourselves some space
std::wstring out;
// Attempt conversion for real.
THROW_LAST_ERROR_IF_AND_IGNORE_BAD_GLE(0 == MultiByteToWideChar(codePage, 0, source.data(), iSource, out.data(), iTarget));
// Return as a string
return out;
// Routine Description:
// - Takes a wide string, allocates the appropriate amount of memory for the conversion, performs the conversion,
// and returns the Multibyte result
// Arguments:
// - codepage - Windows Code Page representing the multibyte destination text
// - source - Unicode (UTF-16) characters of source text
// Return Value:
// - The multibyte string encoded in the given codepage
// - NOTE: Throws suitable HRESULT errors from memory allocation, safe math, or MultiByteToWideChar failures.
[[nodiscard]] std::string ConvertToA(const UINT codepage, const std::wstring_view source)
// If there's nothing to convert, bail early.
if (source.empty())
return {};
int iSource; // convert to int because Wc2Mb requires it.
THROW_IF_FAILED(SizeTToInt(source.size(), &iSource));
// Ask how much space we will need.
// clang-format off
#pragma prefast(suppress: __WARNING_W2A_BEST_FIT, "WC_NO_BEST_FIT_CHARS doesn't work in many codepages. Retain old behavior.")
// clang-format on
int const iTarget = WideCharToMultiByte(codepage, 0, source.data(), iSource, nullptr, 0, nullptr, nullptr);
THROW_LAST_ERROR_IF(0 == iTarget);
size_t cchNeeded;
THROW_IF_FAILED(IntToSizeT(iTarget, &cchNeeded));
// Allocate ourselves some space
std::string out;
// Attempt conversion for real.
// clang-format off
#pragma prefast(suppress: __WARNING_W2A_BEST_FIT, "WC_NO_BEST_FIT_CHARS doesn't work in many codepages. Retain old behavior.")
// clang-format on
THROW_LAST_ERROR_IF(0 == WideCharToMultiByte(codepage, 0, source.data(), iSource, out.data(), iTarget, nullptr, nullptr));
// Return as a string
return out;
// Routine Description:
// - Takes a wide string, and determines how many bytes it would take to store it with the given Multibyte codepage.
// Arguments:
// - codepage - Windows Code Page representing the multibyte destination text
// - source - Array of Unicode characters of source text
// Return Value:
// - Length in characters of multibyte buffer that would be required to hold this text after conversion
// - NOTE: Throws suitable HRESULT errors from memory allocation, safe math, or WideCharToMultiByte failures.
[[nodiscard]] size_t GetALengthFromW(const UINT codepage, const std::wstring_view source)
// If there's no bytes, bail early.
if (source.empty())
return 0;
int iSource; // convert to int because Wc2Mb requires it
THROW_IF_FAILED(SizeTToInt(source.size(), &iSource));
// Ask how many bytes this string consumes in the other codepage
// clang-format off
#pragma prefast(suppress: __WARNING_W2A_BEST_FIT, "WC_NO_BEST_FIT_CHARS doesn't work in many codepages. Retain old behavior.")
// clang-format on
int const iTarget = WideCharToMultiByte(codepage, 0, source.data(), iSource, nullptr, 0, nullptr, nullptr);
THROW_LAST_ERROR_IF(0 == iTarget);
// Convert types safely.
size_t cchTarget;
THROW_IF_FAILED(IntToSizeT(iTarget, &cchTarget));
return cchTarget;
// Routine Description:
// - naively determines the width of a UCS2 encoded wchar
// Arguments:
// - wch - the wchar_t to measure
// Return Value:
// - CodepointWidth indicating width of wch
// Notes:
// 04-08-92 ShunK Created.
// Jul-27-1992 KazuM Added Screen Information and Code Page Information.
// Jan-29-1992 V-Hirots Substruct Screen Information.
// Oct-06-1996 KazuM Not use RtlUnicodeToMultiByteSize and WideCharToMultiByte
// Because 950 (Chinese Traditional) only defined 13500 chars,
// and unicode defined almost 18000 chars.
// So there are almost 4000 chars can not be mapped to big5 code.
// Apr-30-2015 MiNiksa Corrected unknown character code assumption. Max Width in Text Metric
// is not reliable for calculating half/full width. Must use current
// display font data (cached) instead.
// May-23-2017 migrie Forced Box-Drawing Characters (x2500-x257F) to narrow.
// Jan-16-2018 migrie Separated core lookup from asking the renderer the width
// May-01-2019 MiNiksa Forced lookup-via-renderer for retroactively recategorized emoji
// that used to be narrow but now might be wide. (approx x2194-x2b55, not inclusive)
// Also forced block characters segment (x2580-x259F) to narrow
// Oct-25-2020 DuHowett Replaced the entire table with a set of overrides that get built into
// CodepointWidthDetector (unicode_width_overrides.xml)
CodepointWidth GetQuickCharWidth(const wchar_t wch) noexcept
if (0x20 <= wch && wch <= 0x7e)
/* ASCII */
return CodepointWidth::Narrow;
return CodepointWidth::Invalid;
wchar_t Utf16ToUcs2(const std::wstring_view charData)
THROW_HR_IF(E_INVALIDARG, charData.empty());
if (charData.size() > 1)
return charData.front();