Michael Niksa 906edf7002
Implement Default Terminal (#7489)
- Implements the default application behavior and handoff mechanisms
  between console and terminal. The inbox portion is done already. This
  adds the ability for our OpenConsole.exe to accept the incoming server
  connection from the Windows OS, stand up a PTY session, start the
  Windows Terminal as a listener for an incoming connection, and then
  send it the incoming PTY connection for it to launch a tab.
- The tab is launched with default settings at the moment.
- You must configure the default application using the `conhost.exe`
  propsheet or with the registry keys. Finishing the setting inside
  Windows Terminal will be a todo after this is complete. The OS
  Settings panel work to surface this setting is a dependency delivered
  by another team and you will not see it here.

## Validation Steps Performed
- [x] Manual adjust of registry keys to the delegation conhost/terminal
- [x] Adjustment of the delegation options with the propsheet
- [x] Launching things from the run box manually and watching them show
  in Terminal
- [x] Launching things from shortcuts and watching them show in the

Documentation on how it works will be a TODO post completion in #9462

References #7414 - Default Terminal spec

Closes #492
2021-03-26 17:09:49 -05:00

92 lines
3.2 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#pragma once
#include "ConptyConnection.g.h"
#include "ConnectionStateHolder.h"
#include "../inc/cppwinrt_utils.h"
#include <conpty-static.h>
namespace wil
// These belong in WIL upstream, so when we reingest the change that has them we'll get rid of ours.
using unique_static_pseudoconsole_handle = wil::unique_any<HPCON, decltype(&::ConptyClosePseudoConsole), ::ConptyClosePseudoConsole>;
namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::TerminalConnection::implementation
struct ConptyConnection : ConptyConnectionT<ConptyConnection>, ConnectionStateHolder<ConptyConnection>
ConptyConnection(const HANDLE hSig,
const HANDLE hIn,
const HANDLE hOut,
const HANDLE hClientProcess);
const hstring& cmdline,
const hstring& startingDirectory,
const hstring& startingTitle,
const Windows::Foundation::Collections::IMapView<hstring, hstring>& environment,
const uint32_t rows,
const uint32_t cols,
const guid& guid);
static winrt::fire_and_forget final_release(std::unique_ptr<ConptyConnection> connection);
void Start();
void WriteInput(hstring const& data);
void Resize(uint32_t rows, uint32_t columns);
void Close() noexcept;
winrt::guid Guid() const noexcept;
static void StartInboundListener();
static void StopInboundListener();
static winrt::event_token NewConnection(NewConnectionHandler const& handler);
static void NewConnection(winrt::event_token const& token);
WINRT_CALLBACK(TerminalOutput, TerminalOutputHandler);
HRESULT _LaunchAttachedClient() noexcept;
void _indicateExitWithStatus(unsigned int status) noexcept;
void _ClientTerminated() noexcept;
static HRESULT NewHandoff(HANDLE in, HANDLE out, HANDLE signal, HANDLE process) noexcept;
uint32_t _initialRows{};
uint32_t _initialCols{};
hstring _commandline;
hstring _startingDirectory;
hstring _startingTitle;
Windows::Foundation::Collections::IMapView<hstring, hstring> _environment;
guid _guid{}; // A unique session identifier for connected client
hstring _clientName{}; // The name of the process hosted by this ConPTY connection (as of launch).
bool _receivedFirstByte{ false };
std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point _startTime{};
wil::unique_hfile _inPipe; // The pipe for writing input to
wil::unique_hfile _outPipe; // The pipe for reading output from
wil::unique_handle _hOutputThread;
wil::unique_process_information _piClient;
wil::unique_static_pseudoconsole_handle _hPC;
wil::unique_threadpool_wait _clientExitWait;
til::u8state _u8State;
std::wstring _u16Str;
std::array<char, 4096> _buffer;
DWORD _OutputThread();
namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::TerminalConnection::factory_implementation
struct ConptyConnection : ConptyConnectionT<ConptyConnection, implementation::ConptyConnection>