Michael Niksa 906edf7002
Implement Default Terminal (#7489)
- Implements the default application behavior and handoff mechanisms
  between console and terminal. The inbox portion is done already. This
  adds the ability for our OpenConsole.exe to accept the incoming server
  connection from the Windows OS, stand up a PTY session, start the
  Windows Terminal as a listener for an incoming connection, and then
  send it the incoming PTY connection for it to launch a tab.
- The tab is launched with default settings at the moment.
- You must configure the default application using the `conhost.exe`
  propsheet or with the registry keys. Finishing the setting inside
  Windows Terminal will be a todo after this is complete. The OS
  Settings panel work to surface this setting is a dependency delivered
  by another team and you will not see it here.

## Validation Steps Performed
- [x] Manual adjust of registry keys to the delegation conhost/terminal
- [x] Adjustment of the delegation options with the propsheet
- [x] Launching things from the run box manually and watching them show
  in Terminal
- [x] Launching things from shortcuts and watching them show in the

Documentation on how it works will be a TODO post completion in #9462

References #7414 - Default Terminal spec

Closes #492
2021-03-26 17:09:49 -05:00

696 lines
22 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "precomp.h"
#include "ConsoleArguments.hpp"
#include "../types/inc/utils.hpp"
#include <shellapi.h>
using namespace Microsoft::Console::Utils;
const std::wstring_view ConsoleArguments::VT_MODE_ARG = L"--vtmode";
const std::wstring_view ConsoleArguments::HEADLESS_ARG = L"--headless";
const std::wstring_view ConsoleArguments::SERVER_HANDLE_ARG = L"--server";
const std::wstring_view ConsoleArguments::SIGNAL_HANDLE_ARG = L"--signal";
const std::wstring_view ConsoleArguments::HANDLE_PREFIX = L"0x";
const std::wstring_view ConsoleArguments::CLIENT_COMMANDLINE_ARG = L"--";
const std::wstring_view ConsoleArguments::FORCE_V1_ARG = L"-ForceV1";
const std::wstring_view ConsoleArguments::FILEPATH_LEADER_PREFIX = L"\\??\\";
const std::wstring_view ConsoleArguments::WIDTH_ARG = L"--width";
const std::wstring_view ConsoleArguments::HEIGHT_ARG = L"--height";
const std::wstring_view ConsoleArguments::INHERIT_CURSOR_ARG = L"--inheritcursor";
const std::wstring_view ConsoleArguments::RESIZE_QUIRK = L"--resizeQuirk";
const std::wstring_view ConsoleArguments::WIN32_INPUT_MODE = L"--win32input";
const std::wstring_view ConsoleArguments::FEATURE_ARG = L"--feature";
const std::wstring_view ConsoleArguments::FEATURE_PTY_ARG = L"pty";
const std::wstring_view ConsoleArguments::COM_SERVER_ARG = L"-Embedding";
std::wstring EscapeArgument(std::wstring_view ac)
if (ac.empty())
return L"\"\"";
bool hasSpace = false;
auto n = ac.size();
for (auto c : ac)
switch (c)
case L'"':
case L'\\':
case ' ':
case '\t':
hasSpace = true;
if (hasSpace)
n += 2;
if (n == ac.size())
return std::wstring{ ac };
std::wstring buf;
if (hasSpace)
size_t slashes = 0;
for (auto c : ac)
switch (c)
case L'\\':
case L'"':
for (; slashes > 0; slashes--)
slashes = 0;
if (hasSpace)
for (; slashes > 0; slashes--)
return buf;
ConsoleArguments::ConsoleArguments(const std::wstring& commandline,
const HANDLE hStdIn,
const HANDLE hStdOut) :
_receivedEarlySizeChange{ false },
_originalWidth{ -1 },
_originalHeight{ -1 }
_clientCommandline = L"";
_vtMode = L"";
_headless = false;
_runAsComServer = false;
_createServerHandle = true;
_serverHandle = 0;
_signalHandle = 0;
_forceV1 = false;
_width = 0;
_height = 0;
_inheritCursor = false;
ConsoleArguments::ConsoleArguments() :
ConsoleArguments(L"", nullptr, nullptr)
ConsoleArguments& ConsoleArguments::operator=(const ConsoleArguments& other)
if (this != &other)
_commandline = other._commandline;
_clientCommandline = other._clientCommandline;
_vtInHandle = other._vtInHandle;
_vtOutHandle = other._vtOutHandle;
_vtMode = other._vtMode;
_headless = other._headless;
_createServerHandle = other._createServerHandle;
_serverHandle = other._serverHandle;
_signalHandle = other._signalHandle;
_forceV1 = other._forceV1;
_width = other._width;
_height = other._height;
_inheritCursor = other._inheritCursor;
_receivedEarlySizeChange = other._receivedEarlySizeChange;
_runAsComServer = other._runAsComServer;
return *this;
// Routine Description:
// - Consumes the argument at the given index off of the vector.
// Arguments:
// - args - The vector full of args
// - index - The item to consume/remove from the vector.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void ConsoleArguments::s_ConsumeArg(_Inout_ std::vector<std::wstring>& args, _In_ size_t& index)
args.erase(args.begin() + index);
// Routine Description:
// Given the commandline of tokens `args`, tries to find the argument at
// index+1, and places its value into pSetting.
// If there aren't enough args, then returns E_INVALIDARG.
// If we found a value, then we take the elements at both index and index+1 out
// of args. We'll also decrement index, so that a caller who is using index
// as a loop index will autoincrement it to have it point at the correct
// next index.
// EX: for args=[--foo, bar, --baz]
// index=0 would place "bar" in pSetting,
// args is now [--baz], index is now -1, caller increments to 0
// index=2 would return E_INVALIDARG,
// args is still [--foo, bar, --baz], index is still 2, caller increments to 3.
// Arguments:
// args: A collection of wstrings representing command-line arguments
// index: the index of the argument of which to get the value for. The value
// should be at (index+1). index will be decremented by one on success.
// pSetting: receives the string at index+1
// Return Value:
// S_OK if we parsed the string successfully, otherwise E_INVALIDARG indicating
// failure.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT ConsoleArguments::s_GetArgumentValue(_Inout_ std::vector<std::wstring>& args,
_Inout_ size_t& index,
_Out_opt_ std::wstring* const pSetting)
bool hasNext = (index + 1) < args.size();
if (hasNext)
s_ConsumeArg(args, index);
if (pSetting != nullptr)
*pSetting = args[index];
s_ConsumeArg(args, index);
return (hasNext) ? S_OK : E_INVALIDARG;
// Routine Description:
// Similar to s_GetArgumentValue.
// Attempts to get the next arg as a "feature" arg - this can be used for
// feature detection.
// If the next arg is not recognized, then we don't support that feature.
// Currently, the only supported feature arg is `pty`, to identify pty support.
// Arguments:
// args: A collection of wstrings representing command-line arguments
// index: the index of the argument of which to get the value for. The value
// should be at (index+1). index will be decremented by one on success.
// pSetting: receives the string at index+1
// Return Value:
// S_OK if we parsed the string successfully, otherwise E_INVALIDARG indicating
// failure.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT ConsoleArguments::s_HandleFeatureValue(_Inout_ std::vector<std::wstring>& args, _Inout_ size_t& index)
bool hasNext = (index + 1) < args.size();
if (hasNext)
s_ConsumeArg(args, index);
std::wstring value = args[index];
if (value == FEATURE_PTY_ARG)
hr = S_OK;
s_ConsumeArg(args, index);
return (hasNext) ? hr : E_INVALIDARG;
// Method Description:
// Routine Description:
// Given the commandline of tokens `args`, tries to find the argument at
// index+1, and places its value into pSetting. See above for examples.
// This implementation attempts to parse a short from the argument.
// Arguments:
// args: A collection of wstrings representing command-line arguments
// index: the index of the argument of which to get the value for. The value
// should be at (index+1). index will be decremented by one on success.
// pSetting: receives the short at index+1
// Return Value:
// S_OK if we parsed the short successfully, otherwise E_INVALIDARG indicating
// failure. This could be the case for non-numeric arguments, or for >SHORT_MAX args.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT ConsoleArguments::s_GetArgumentValue(_Inout_ std::vector<std::wstring>& args,
_Inout_ size_t& index,
_Out_opt_ short* const pSetting)
bool succeeded = (index + 1) < args.size();
if (succeeded)
s_ConsumeArg(args, index);
if (pSetting != nullptr)
size_t pos = 0;
int value = std::stoi(args[index], &pos);
// If the entire string was a number, pos will be equal to the
// length of the string. Otherwise, a string like 8foo will
// be parsed as "8"
if (value > SHORT_MAX || pos != args[index].length())
succeeded = false;
*pSetting = static_cast<short>(value);
succeeded = true;
catch (...)
succeeded = false;
s_ConsumeArg(args, index);
return (succeeded) ? S_OK : E_INVALIDARG;
// Routine Description:
// - Parsing helper that will turn a string into a handle value if possible.
// Arguments:
// - handleAsText - The string representation of the handle that was passed in on the command line
// - handleAsVal - The location to store the value if we can appropriately convert it.
// Return Value:
// - S_OK if we could successfully parse the given text and store it in the handle value location.
// - E_INVALIDARG if we couldn't parse the text as a valid hex-encoded handle number OR
// if the handle value was already filled.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT ConsoleArguments::s_ParseHandleArg(const std::wstring& handleAsText, _Inout_ DWORD& handleAsVal)
// The handle should have a valid prefix.
if (handleAsText.substr(0, HANDLE_PREFIX.length()) != HANDLE_PREFIX)
else if (0 == handleAsVal)
handleAsVal = wcstoul(handleAsText.c_str(), nullptr /*endptr*/, 16 /*base*/);
// If the handle didn't parse into a reasonable handle ID, invalid.
if (handleAsVal == 0)
// If we're trying to set the handle a second time, invalid.
return hr;
// Routine Description:
// Given the commandline of tokens `args`, creates a wstring containing all of
// the remaining args after index joined with spaces. If skipFirst==true,
// then we omit the argument at index from this finished string. skipFirst
// should only be true if the first arg is
// ConsoleArguments::CLIENT_COMMANDLINE_ARG. Removes all the args starting
// at index from the collection.
// The finished commandline is placed in _clientCommandline
// Arguments:
// args: A collection of wstrings representing command-line arguments
// index: the index of the argument of which to start the commandline from.
// skipFirst: if true, omit the arg at index (which should be "--")
// Return Value:
// S_OK if we parsed the string successfully, otherwise E_INVALIDARG indicating
// failure.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT ConsoleArguments::_GetClientCommandline(_Inout_ std::vector<std::wstring>& args, const size_t index, const bool skipFirst)
auto start = args.begin() + index;
// Erase the first token.
// Used to get rid of the explicit commandline token "--"
if (skipFirst)
// Make sure that the arg we're deleting is "--"
_clientCommandline = L"";
size_t j = 0;
for (j = index; j < args.size(); j++)
_clientCommandline += EscapeArgument(args[j]); // escape commandline
if (j + 1 < args.size())
_clientCommandline += L" ";
args.erase(args.begin() + index, args.begin() + j);
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// Attempts to parse the commandline that this ConsoleArguments was initialized
// with. Fills all of our members with values that were specified on the
// commandline.
// Arguments:
// <none>
// Return Value:
// S_OK if we parsed our _commandline successfully, otherwise E_INVALIDARG
// indicating failure.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT ConsoleArguments::ParseCommandline()
// If the commandline was empty, quick return.
if (_commandline.length() == 0)
return S_OK;
std::vector<std::wstring> args;
// Make a mutable copy of the commandline for tokenizing
std::wstring copy = _commandline;
// Tokenize the commandline
int argc = 0;
wil::unique_hlocal_ptr<PWSTR[]> argv;
argv.reset(CommandLineToArgvW(copy.c_str(), &argc));
RETURN_LAST_ERROR_IF(argv == nullptr);
for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i)
// Parse args out of the commandline.
// As we handle a token, remove it from the args.
// At the end of parsing, there should be nothing left.
for (size_t i = 0; i < args.size();)
std::wstring arg = args[i];
if (arg.substr(0, HANDLE_PREFIX.length()) == HANDLE_PREFIX ||
// server handle token accepted two ways:
// --server 0x4 (new method)
// 0x4 (legacy method)
// If we see >1 of these, it's invalid.
std::wstring serverHandleVal = arg;
hr = s_GetArgumentValue(args, i, &serverHandleVal);
s_ConsumeArg(args, i);
hr = S_OK;
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
hr = s_ParseHandleArg(serverHandleVal, _serverHandle);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
_createServerHandle = false;
else if (arg == SIGNAL_HANDLE_ARG)
std::wstring signalHandleVal;
hr = s_GetArgumentValue(args, i, &signalHandleVal);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
hr = s_ParseHandleArg(signalHandleVal, _signalHandle);
else if (arg == FORCE_V1_ARG)
// -ForceV1 command line switch for NTVDM support
_forceV1 = true;
s_ConsumeArg(args, i);
hr = S_OK;
else if (arg == COM_SERVER_ARG)
_runAsComServer = true;
s_ConsumeArg(args, i);
hr = S_OK;
else if (arg.substr(0, FILEPATH_LEADER_PREFIX.length()) == FILEPATH_LEADER_PREFIX)
// beginning of command line -- includes file path
// skipped for historical reasons.
s_ConsumeArg(args, i);
hr = S_OK;
else if (arg == VT_MODE_ARG)
hr = s_GetArgumentValue(args, i, &_vtMode);
else if (arg == WIDTH_ARG)
hr = s_GetArgumentValue(args, i, &_width);
else if (arg == HEIGHT_ARG)
hr = s_GetArgumentValue(args, i, &_height);
else if (arg == FEATURE_ARG)
hr = s_HandleFeatureValue(args, i);
else if (arg == HEADLESS_ARG)
_headless = true;
s_ConsumeArg(args, i);
hr = S_OK;
else if (arg == INHERIT_CURSOR_ARG)
_inheritCursor = true;
s_ConsumeArg(args, i);
hr = S_OK;
else if (arg == RESIZE_QUIRK)
_resizeQuirk = true;
s_ConsumeArg(args, i);
hr = S_OK;
else if (arg == WIN32_INPUT_MODE)
_win32InputMode = true;
s_ConsumeArg(args, i);
hr = S_OK;
// Everything after this is the explicit commandline
hr = _GetClientCommandline(args, i, true);
// TODO: handle the rest of the possible params (MSFT:13271366, MSFT:13631640)
// TODO: handle invalid args
// e.g. "conhost --foo bar" should not make the clientCommandline "--foo bar"
// If we encounter something that doesn't match one of our other
// args, then it's the start of the commandline
hr = _GetClientCommandline(args, i, false);
if (FAILED(hr))
// We should have consumed every token at this point.
// if not, it is some sort of parsing error.
// If we failed to parse an arg, then no need to assert.
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
return hr;
// Routine Description:
// - Returns true if we already have opened handles to use for the VT server
// streams.
// - If false, try next to see if we have pipe names to open instead.
// Arguments:
// - <none> - uses internal state
// Return Value:
// - True or false (see description)
bool ConsoleArguments::HasVtHandles() const
return IsValidHandle(_vtInHandle) && IsValidHandle(_vtOutHandle);
// Routine Description:
// - Returns true if we were passed a seemingly valid signal handle on startup.
// Arguments:
// - <none> - uses internal state
// Return Value:
// - True or false (see description)
bool ConsoleArguments::HasSignalHandle() const
return IsValidHandle(GetSignalHandle());
// Routine Description:
// - Returns true if we already have at least one handle for conpty streams.
// Arguments:
// - <none> - uses internal state
// Return Value:
// - True or false (see description)
bool ConsoleArguments::InConptyMode() const noexcept
// If we only have a signal handle, then that's fine, they probably called
// CreatePseudoConsole with neither handle.
// If we only have one of the other handles, that's fine they're still
// invoking us by passing in pipes, so they know what they're doing.
return IsValidHandle(_vtInHandle) || IsValidHandle(_vtOutHandle) || HasSignalHandle();
bool ConsoleArguments::IsHeadless() const
return _headless;
bool ConsoleArguments::ShouldCreateServerHandle() const
return _createServerHandle;
bool ConsoleArguments::ShouldRunAsComServer() const
return _runAsComServer;
HANDLE ConsoleArguments::GetServerHandle() const
return ULongToHandle(_serverHandle);
HANDLE ConsoleArguments::GetSignalHandle() const
return ULongToHandle(_signalHandle);
HANDLE ConsoleArguments::GetVtInHandle() const
return _vtInHandle;
HANDLE ConsoleArguments::GetVtOutHandle() const
return _vtOutHandle;
std::wstring ConsoleArguments::GetOriginalCommandLine() const
return _commandline;
std::wstring ConsoleArguments::GetClientCommandline() const
return _clientCommandline;
std::wstring ConsoleArguments::GetVtMode() const
return _vtMode;
bool ConsoleArguments::GetForceV1() const
return _forceV1;
short ConsoleArguments::GetWidth() const
return _width;
short ConsoleArguments::GetHeight() const
return _height;
bool ConsoleArguments::GetInheritCursor() const
return _inheritCursor;
bool ConsoleArguments::IsResizeQuirkEnabled() const
return _resizeQuirk;
bool ConsoleArguments::IsWin32InputModeEnabled() const
return _win32InputMode;
// Method Description:
// - Tell us to use a different size than the one parsed as the size of the
// console. This is called by the PtySignalInputThread when it receives a
// resize before the first client has connected. Because there's no client,
// there's also no buffer yet, so it has nothing to resize.
// However, we shouldn't just discard that first resize message. Instead,
// store it in here, so we can use the value when the first client does connect.
// Arguments:
// - dimensions: the new size in characters of the conpty buffer & viewport.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void ConsoleArguments::SetExpectedSize(COORD dimensions) noexcept
_width = dimensions.X;
_height = dimensions.Y;
// Stash away the original values we parsed when this is called.
// This is to help debugging - if the signal thread DOES change these values,
// we can still recover what was given to us on the commandline.
if (!_receivedEarlySizeChange)
_originalWidth = _width;
_originalHeight = _height;
// Mark that we've changed size from what our commandline values were
_receivedEarlySizeChange = true;
// Method Description:
// - This is a test helper method. It can be used to trick us into thinking
// we're headless (in conpty mode), even without parsing any arguments.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void ConsoleArguments::EnableConptyModeForTests()
_headless = true;