Michael Niksa 906edf7002
Implement Default Terminal (#7489)
- Implements the default application behavior and handoff mechanisms
  between console and terminal. The inbox portion is done already. This
  adds the ability for our OpenConsole.exe to accept the incoming server
  connection from the Windows OS, stand up a PTY session, start the
  Windows Terminal as a listener for an incoming connection, and then
  send it the incoming PTY connection for it to launch a tab.
- The tab is launched with default settings at the moment.
- You must configure the default application using the `conhost.exe`
  propsheet or with the registry keys. Finishing the setting inside
  Windows Terminal will be a todo after this is complete. The OS
  Settings panel work to surface this setting is a dependency delivered
  by another team and you will not see it here.

## Validation Steps Performed
- [x] Manual adjust of registry keys to the delegation conhost/terminal
- [x] Adjustment of the delegation options with the propsheet
- [x] Launching things from the run box manually and watching them show
  in Terminal
- [x] Launching things from shortcuts and watching them show in the

Documentation on how it works will be a TODO post completion in #9462

References #7414 - Default Terminal spec

Closes #492
2021-03-26 17:09:49 -05:00

335 lines
14 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "precomp.h"
#include "ConsoleArguments.hpp"
#include "srvinit.h"
#include "CConsoleHandoff.h"
#include "../server/Entrypoints.h"
#include "../interactivity/inc/ServiceLocator.hpp"
#include "../inc/conint.h"
// Define TraceLogging provider
// {770aa552-671a-5e97-579b-151709ec0dbd}
(0x770aa552, 0x671a, 0x5e97, 0x57, 0x9b, 0x15, 0x17, 0x09, 0xec, 0x0d, 0xbd),
// Define a specialization of WRL::Module so we can specify a REGCLS_SINGLEUSE type server.
// We would like to use all the conveniences afforded to us by WRL::Module<T>, but it only
// creates REGCLS_MULTIPLEUSE with no override. This makes an override for it by taking advantage
// of its existing virtual declarations.
#pragma region Single Use Out of Proc Specialization
template<int RegClsType>
class DefaultOutOfProcModuleWithRegistrationFlag;
template<int RegClsType, typename ModuleT = DefaultOutOfProcModuleWithRegistrationFlag<RegClsType>>
class OutOfProcModuleWithRegistrationFlag : public Microsoft::WRL::Module<Microsoft::WRL::ModuleType::OutOfProc, ModuleT>
using Elsewhere = Module<OutOfProc, ModuleT>;
using Super = Details::OutOfProcModuleBase<ModuleT>;
(_In_opt_z_ const wchar_t* serverName, _In_reads_(count) IID* clsids, _In_reads_(count) IClassFactory** factories, _Inout_updates_(count) DWORD* cookies, unsigned int count)
return Microsoft::WRL::Details::RegisterCOMObject<RegClsType>(serverName, clsids, factories, cookies, count);
template<int RegClsType>
class DefaultOutOfProcModuleWithRegistrationFlag : public OutOfProcModuleWithRegistrationFlag<RegClsType, DefaultOutOfProcModuleWithRegistrationFlag<RegClsType>>
#pragma endregion
// Holds the wwinmain open until COM tells us there are no more server connections
wil::unique_event _comServerExitEvent;
static bool ConhostV2ForcedInRegistry()
// If the registry value doesn't exist, or exists and is non-zero, we should default to using the v2 console.
// Otherwise, in the case of an explicit value of 0, we should use the legacy console.
bool fShouldUseConhostV2 = true;
PCSTR pszErrorDescription = nullptr;
bool fIgnoreError = false;
// open HKCU\Console
wil::unique_hkey hConsoleSubKey;
LONG lStatus = NTSTATUS_FROM_WIN32(RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"Console", 0, KEY_READ, &hConsoleSubKey));
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == lStatus)
// now get the value of the ForceV2 reg value, if it exists
DWORD dwValue;
DWORD dwType;
DWORD cbValue = sizeof(dwValue);
lStatus = RegQueryValueExW(hConsoleSubKey.get(),
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == lStatus &&
dwType == REG_DWORD && // response is a DWORD
cbValue == sizeof(dwValue)) // response data exists
// Value exists. If non-zero use v2 console.
fShouldUseConhostV2 = dwValue != 0;
pszErrorDescription = "RegQueryValueKey Failed";
fIgnoreError = lStatus == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND;
pszErrorDescription = "RegOpenKey Failed";
// ignore error caused by RegOpenKey if it's a simple case of the key not being found
fIgnoreError = lStatus == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND;
return fShouldUseConhostV2;
[[nodiscard]] static HRESULT ValidateServerHandle(const HANDLE handle)
// Make sure this is a console file.
NTSTATUS const Status = NtQueryVolumeInformationFile(handle, &IoStatusBlock, &DeviceInformation, sizeof(DeviceInformation), FileFsDeviceInformation);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status))
else if (DeviceInformation.DeviceType != FILE_DEVICE_CONSOLE)
return S_OK;
static bool ShouldUseLegacyConhost(const ConsoleArguments& args)
if (args.InConptyMode())
return false;
if (args.GetForceV1())
return true;
// Per the documentation in ConhostV2ForcedInRegistry, it checks the value
// of HKCU\Console:ForceV2. If it's *not found* or nonzero, "v2" is forced.
return !ConhostV2ForcedInRegistry();
[[nodiscard]] static HRESULT ActivateLegacyConhost(const HANDLE handle)
// TraceLog that we're using the legacy console. We won't log new console
// because there's already a count of how many total processes were launched.
// Total - legacy = new console.
// We expect legacy launches to be infrequent enough to not cause an issue.
TraceLoggingWrite(g_ConhostLauncherProvider, "IsLegacyLoaded", TraceLoggingBool(true, "ConsoleLegacy"), TraceLoggingKeyword(MICROSOFT_KEYWORD_TELEMETRY));
const PCWSTR pszConhostDllName = L"ConhostV1.dll";
// Load our implementation, and then Load/Launch the IO thread.
wil::unique_hmodule hConhostBin(LoadLibraryExW(pszConhostDllName, nullptr, LOAD_LIBRARY_SEARCH_SYSTEM32));
if (hConhostBin.get() != nullptr)
PFNCONSOLECREATEIOTHREAD pfnConsoleCreateIoThread = (PFNCONSOLECREATEIOTHREAD)GetProcAddress(hConhostBin.get(), "ConsoleCreateIoThread");
if (pfnConsoleCreateIoThread != nullptr)
hr = HRESULT_FROM_NT(pfnConsoleCreateIoThread(handle));
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError());
// setup status error
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError());
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
return hr;
// Routine Description:
// - Called back when COM says there is nothing left for our server to do and we can tear down.
static void _releaseNotifier() noexcept
// Routine Description:
// - Main entry point for EXE version of console launching.
// This can be used as a debugging/diagnostics tool as well as a method of testing the console without
// replacing the system binary.
// Arguments:
// - hInstance - This module instance pointer is saved for resource lookups.
// - hPrevInstance - Unused pointer to the module instances. See wWinMain definitions @ MSDN for more details.
// - pwszCmdLine - Unused variable. We will look up the command line using GetCommandLineW().
// - nCmdShow - Unused variable specifying window show/hide state for Win32 mode applications.
// Return value:
// - [[noreturn]] - This function will not return. It will kill the thread we were called from and the console server threads will take over.
int CALLBACK wWinMain(
_In_ HINSTANCE hInstance,
_In_ HINSTANCE /*hPrevInstance*/,
_In_ PWSTR /*pwszCmdLine*/,
_In_ int /*nCmdShow*/)
Microsoft::Console::Interactivity::ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().hInstance = hInstance;
// Set up OutOfProc COM server stuff in case we become one.
// WRL Module gets going right before winmain is called, so if we don't
// set this up appropriately... other things using WRL that aren't us
// could get messed up by the singleton module and cause unexpected errors.
// We will use a single use server to ensure that each out-of-box console that
// gets activated to take over a session from the OS console will only be responsible
// for ONE console server session. This ensures that we, as the handoff target, are
// responsible for only one session and one server handle to the driver and we maintain
// the one-to-one relationship between console sessions and servers just like the inbox
// one. Theoretically we could combine them if we had any way of keeping track of all
// of the console state separately per server connection... but that's not how this is
// all designed (so many globals) and it would potentially risk one session's crash
// taking down some completely unrelated command-line clients.
// ----
// The general flow is...
// 1. The in-box console looks up the registered delegation console
// 2. An OpenConsole.exe is typically found which is a newer version of the
// same code that is in-box and may have more bug fixes or features (especially
// an improved VT dialect or something of that ilk).
// 3. By activating the registered CLSID, the in-box console will be starting `openconsole.exe -Embedding`
// through the OutOfProc COM server infrastructure.
// 4. The `openconsole.exe -Embedding` that starts will come through right here and register
// `CConsoleHandoff` to accept ONE connection.
// 5. The in-box console will then receive an `IConsoleHandoff` to this `CConsoleHandoff` and the registration
// immediately expires, letting no one else in. The next caller will start another new `openconsole.exe -Embedding` process.
// 6. The in-box console invokes the handoff method on the interface and it transfers some data into `CConsoleHandoff`
// of the `OpenConsole.exe` which will then stand up its own server IO thread and handle all console server session
// messages going forward.
// 7. The out-of-box `OpenConsole.exe` can then attempt to lookup and invoke a `CTerminalHandoff` to ask a registered
// Terminal to become the UI. This OpenConsole.exe will put itself in PTY mode and let the Terminal handle user interaction.
auto& module = OutOfProcModuleWithRegistrationFlag<REGCLS_SINGLEUSE>::Create(&_releaseNotifier);
// Register Trace provider by GUID
// Pass command line and standard handles at this point in time as
// potential preferences for execution that were passed on process creation.
ConsoleArguments args(GetCommandLineW(),
HRESULT hr = args.ParseCommandline();
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
// Only try to register as a handoff target if we are NOT a part of Windows.
bool defAppEnabled = false;
if (args.ShouldRunAsComServer() && SUCCEEDED(Microsoft::Console::Internal::DefaultApp::CheckDefaultAppPolicy(defAppEnabled)) && defAppEnabled)
// OK we have to do this here and not in another method because
// we would either have to store the module ref above in some accessible
// variable (which would be awful because of the gigantic template name)
// or we would have to come up with some creativity to extract it out
// of the singleton module base without accidentally having WRL
// think we're recreating it (and then assert because it's already created.)
// Also this is all a problem because the decrementing count of used objects
// in this module in WRL::Module base doesn't null check the release notifier
// callback function in the OutOfProc variant in the 18362 SDK. So if anything
// else uses WRL directly or indirectly, it'll crash if the refcount
// ever hits 0.
// It does in the 19041 SDK so this can be cleaned into its own class if
// we ever build with 19041 or later.
auto comScope{ wil::CoInitializeEx(COINIT_MULTITHREADED) };
if (ShouldUseLegacyConhost(args))
if (args.ShouldCreateServerHandle())
hr = ValidateServerHandle(args.GetServerHandle());
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
hr = ActivateLegacyConhost(args.GetServerHandle());
if (args.ShouldCreateServerHandle())
hr = Entrypoints::StartConsoleForCmdLine(args.GetClientCommandline().c_str(), &args);
hr = ValidateServerHandle(args.GetServerHandle());
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
hr = Entrypoints::StartConsoleForServerHandle(args.GetServerHandle(), &args);
// Unregister Tracelogging
// Only do this if startup was successful. Otherwise, this will leave conhost.exe running with no hosted application.
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
// Since the lifetime of conhost.exe is inextricably tied to the lifetime of its client processes we set our process
// shutdown priority to zero in order to effectively opt out of shutdown process enumeration. Conhost will exit when
// all of its client processes do.
SetProcessShutdownParameters(0, 0);
return hr;