James Holderness 9a070490d4
Fix out-of-bounds exceptions in Set...{Buffer,Screen}Size (#8309)
This fixes a number of exceptions that can cause conhost to crash when
the buffer is resized in such a way that the viewport or cursor position
end up out of bounds.

Technically this is a fix for issue #256, although that has been closed
as "needs-repro".

The main fix was to add checks in the `SetConsoleScreenBufferSizeImpl`
and `SetConsoleScreenBufferInfoExImpl` methods, to make sure the
viewport doesn't extend past the bottom or right of the buffer after a
resize. If it has overflowed, we move the viewport back up or left until
it's back within the buffer boundaries. We also check if the cursor
position has ended up out of bounds, and if so, clamp it back inside the

The `SCREEN_INFORMATION::SetViewport` was also a source of viewport
overflow problems, because it was mistakenly using inclusive coordinates
in its range checks, which resulted in them being off by one. That has
now been corrected to use exclusive coordinates.

Finally, the `IsCursorDoubleWidth` method was incorrectly marked as
`noexcept`, which was preventing its exceptions from being caught.
Ideally it shouldn't be throwing exceptions at all any more, but I've
removed the `noexcept` specifier, so if it does throw an exception,
it'll at least have more chance of recovering without a crash.

## Validation Steps Performed

I put together a few test cases (based on the reports in issues #276 and
#1976) which consistently caused conhost to crash, or to generate an
exception visible in the debug output. With this PR applied, those test
cases are no longer crashing or triggering exceptions.

Closes #1976
2020-11-17 13:17:51 -08:00

2253 lines
89 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "precomp.h"
#include "getset.h"
#include "_output.h"
#include "_stream.h"
#include "output.h"
#include "dbcs.h"
#include "handle.h"
#include "misc.h"
#include "cmdline.h"
#include "../types/inc/convert.hpp"
#include "../types/inc/viewport.hpp"
#include "ApiRoutines.h"
#include "..\interactivity\inc\ServiceLocator.hpp"
#pragma hdrstop
// The following mask is used to test for valid text attributes.
using namespace Microsoft::Console::Types;
using namespace Microsoft::Console::Interactivity;
// Routine Description:
// - Retrieves the console input mode (settings that apply when manipulating the input buffer)
// Arguments:
// - context - The input buffer concerned
// - mode - Receives the mode flags set
void ApiRoutines::GetConsoleInputModeImpl(InputBuffer& context, ULONG& mode) noexcept
const CONSOLE_INFORMATION& gci = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().getConsoleInformation();
auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&] { UnlockConsole(); });
mode = context.InputMode;
WI_SetFlagIf(mode, ENABLE_INSERT_MODE, gci.GetInsertMode());
// Routine Description:
// - Retrieves the console output mode (settings that apply when manipulating the output buffer)
// Arguments:
// - context - The output buffer concerned
// - mode - Receives the mode flags set
void ApiRoutines::GetConsoleOutputModeImpl(SCREEN_INFORMATION& context, ULONG& mode) noexcept
auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&] { UnlockConsole(); });
mode = context.GetActiveBuffer().OutputMode;
// Routine Description:
// - Retrieves the number of console event items in the input queue right now
// Arguments:
// - context - The input buffer concerned
// - event - The count of events in the queue
// Return Value:
// - S_OK or math failure.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT ApiRoutines::GetNumberOfConsoleInputEventsImpl(const InputBuffer& context, ULONG& events) noexcept
auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&] { UnlockConsole(); });
const auto readyEventCount = context.GetNumberOfReadyEvents();
RETURN_IF_FAILED(SizeTToULong(readyEventCount, &events));
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Retrieves metadata associated with the output buffer (size, default colors, etc.)
// Arguments:
// - context - The output buffer concerned
// - data - Receives structure filled with metadata about the output buffer
void ApiRoutines::GetConsoleScreenBufferInfoExImpl(const SCREEN_INFORMATION& context,
auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&] { UnlockConsole(); });
data.bFullscreenSupported = FALSE; // traditional full screen with the driver support is no longer supported.
// see MSFT: 19918103
// Make sure to use the active buffer here. There are clients that will
// use WINDOW_SIZE_EVENTs as a signal to then query the console
// with GetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx to get the actual viewport
// size.
// If they're in the alt buffer, then when they query in that way, the
// value they'll get is the main buffer's size, which isn't updated
// until we switch back to it.
// Callers of this function expect to receive an exclusive rect, not an
// inclusive one. The driver will mangle this value for us
// - For GetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx, it will re-decrement these values
// to return an inclusive rect.
// - For GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo, it will leave these values
// untouched, returning an exclusive rect.
data.srWindow.Right += 1;
data.srWindow.Bottom += 1;
// Routine Description:
// - Retrieves information about the console cursor's display state
// Arguments:
// - context - The output buffer concerned
// - size - The size as a percentage of the total possible height (0-100 for percentages).
// - isVisible - Whether the cursor is displayed or hidden
void ApiRoutines::GetConsoleCursorInfoImpl(const SCREEN_INFORMATION& context,
ULONG& size,
bool& isVisible) noexcept
auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&] { UnlockConsole(); });
size = context.GetActiveBuffer().GetTextBuffer().GetCursor().GetSize();
isVisible = context.GetTextBuffer().GetCursor().IsVisible();
// Routine Description:
// - Retrieves information about the selected area in the console
// Arguments:
// - consoleSelectionInfo - contains flags, anchors, and area to describe selection area
void ApiRoutines::GetConsoleSelectionInfoImpl(CONSOLE_SELECTION_INFO& consoleSelectionInfo) noexcept
auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&] { UnlockConsole(); });
const auto& selection = Selection::Instance();
if (selection.IsInSelectingState())
consoleSelectionInfo.dwFlags = selection.GetPublicSelectionFlags();
WI_SetFlag(consoleSelectionInfo.dwFlags, CONSOLE_SELECTION_IN_PROGRESS);
consoleSelectionInfo.dwSelectionAnchor = selection.GetSelectionAnchor();
consoleSelectionInfo.srSelection = selection.GetSelectionRectangle();
ZeroMemory(&consoleSelectionInfo, sizeof(consoleSelectionInfo));
// Routine Description:
// - Retrieves the number of buttons on the mouse as reported by the system
// Arguments:
// - buttons - Count of buttons
void ApiRoutines::GetNumberOfConsoleMouseButtonsImpl(ULONG& buttons) noexcept
auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&] { UnlockConsole(); });
buttons = ServiceLocator::LocateSystemConfigurationProvider()->GetNumberOfMouseButtons();
// Routine Description:
// - Retrieves information about a known font based on index
// Arguments:
// - context - The output buffer concerned
// - index - We only accept 0 now as we don't keep a list of fonts in memory.
// - size - The X by Y pixel size of the font
// Return Value:
// - S_OK, E_INVALIDARG or code from thrown exception
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT ApiRoutines::GetConsoleFontSizeImpl(const SCREEN_INFORMATION& context,
const DWORD index,
COORD& size) noexcept
auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&] { UnlockConsole(); });
if (index == 0)
// As of the November 2015 renderer system, we only have a single font at index 0.
size = context.GetActiveBuffer().GetCurrentFont().GetUnscaledSize();
return S_OK;
// Invalid font is 0,0 with STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER
size = { 0 };
// Routine Description:
// - Retrieves information about the console cursor's display state
// Arguments:
// - context - The output buffer concerned
// - isForMaximumWindowSize - Returns the maximum number of characters in the largest window size if true. Otherwise, it's the size of the font.
// - consoleFontInfoEx - structure containing font information like size, family, weight, etc.
// Return Value:
// - S_OK, string copy failure code or code from thrown exception
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT ApiRoutines::GetCurrentConsoleFontExImpl(const SCREEN_INFORMATION& context,
const bool isForMaximumWindowSize,
CONSOLE_FONT_INFOEX& consoleFontInfoEx) noexcept
auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&] { UnlockConsole(); });
const SCREEN_INFORMATION& activeScreenInfo = context.GetActiveBuffer();
COORD WindowSize;
if (isForMaximumWindowSize)
WindowSize = activeScreenInfo.GetMaxWindowSizeInCharacters();
WindowSize = activeScreenInfo.GetCurrentFont().GetUnscaledSize();
consoleFontInfoEx.dwFontSize = WindowSize;
consoleFontInfoEx.nFont = 0;
const FontInfo& fontInfo = activeScreenInfo.GetCurrentFont();
consoleFontInfoEx.FontFamily = fontInfo.GetFamily();
consoleFontInfoEx.FontWeight = fontInfo.GetWeight();
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Sets the current font to be used for drawing
// Arguments:
// - context - The output buffer concerned
// - isForMaximumWindowSize - Obsolete.
// - consoleFontInfoEx - structure containing font information like size, family, weight, etc.
// Return Value:
// - S_OK, string copy failure code or code from thrown exception
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT ApiRoutines::SetCurrentConsoleFontExImpl(IConsoleOutputObject& context,
const bool /*isForMaximumWindowSize*/,
const CONSOLE_FONT_INFOEX& consoleFontInfoEx) noexcept
const CONSOLE_INFORMATION& gci = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().getConsoleInformation();
auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&] { UnlockConsole(); });
SCREEN_INFORMATION& activeScreenInfo = context.GetActiveBuffer();
WCHAR FaceName[ARRAYSIZE(consoleFontInfoEx.FaceName)];
RETURN_IF_FAILED(StringCchCopyW(FaceName, ARRAYSIZE(FaceName), consoleFontInfoEx.FaceName));
FontInfo fi(FaceName,
gsl::narrow_cast<unsigned char>(consoleFontInfoEx.FontFamily),
// TODO: MSFT: 9574827 - should this have a failure case?
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Sets the input mode for the console
// Arguments:
// - context - The input buffer concerned
// - mode - flags that change behavior of the buffer
// Return Value:
// - S_OK, E_INVALIDARG, or failure code from thrown exception
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT ApiRoutines::SetConsoleInputModeImpl(InputBuffer& context, const ULONG mode) noexcept
CONSOLE_INFORMATION& gci = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().getConsoleInformation();
auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&] { UnlockConsole(); });
if (WI_IsAnyFlagSet(mode, PRIVATE_MODES))
const bool PreviousInsertMode = gci.GetInsertMode();
gci.SetInsertMode(WI_IsFlagSet(mode, ENABLE_INSERT_MODE));
if (gci.GetInsertMode() != PreviousInsertMode)
if (gci.HasPendingCookedRead())
context.InputMode = mode;
WI_ClearAllFlags(context.InputMode, PRIVATE_MODES);
// NOTE: For compatibility reasons, we need to set the modes and then return the error codes, not the other way around
// as might be expected.
// This is a bug from a long time ago and some applications depend on this functionality to operate properly.
// ---
// A prime example of this is that PSReadline module in Powershell will set the invalid mode 0x1e4
// which includes 0x4 for ECHO_INPUT but turns off 0x2 for LINE_INPUT. This is invalid, but PSReadline
// relies on it to properly receive the ^C printout and make a new line when the user presses Ctrl+C.
// Flags we don't understand are invalid.
// ECHO on with LINE off is invalid.
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Sets the output mode for the console
// Arguments:
// - context - The output buffer concerned
// - mode - flags that change behavior of the buffer
// Return Value:
// - S_OK, E_INVALIDARG, or failure code from thrown exception
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT ApiRoutines::SetConsoleOutputModeImpl(SCREEN_INFORMATION& context, const ULONG mode) noexcept
CONSOLE_INFORMATION& gci = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().getConsoleInformation();
auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&] { UnlockConsole(); });
// Flags we don't understand are invalid.
SCREEN_INFORMATION& screenInfo = context.GetActiveBuffer();
const DWORD dwOldMode = screenInfo.OutputMode;
const DWORD dwNewMode = mode;
screenInfo.OutputMode = dwNewMode;
// if we're moving from VT on->off
// jiggle the handle
gci.SetVirtTermLevel(WI_IsFlagSet(dwNewMode, ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_PROCESSING) ? 1 : 0);
gci.SetAutomaticReturnOnNewline(WI_IsFlagSet(screenInfo.OutputMode, DISABLE_NEWLINE_AUTO_RETURN) ? false : true);
gci.SetGridRenderingAllowedWorldwide(WI_IsFlagSet(screenInfo.OutputMode, ENABLE_LVB_GRID_WORLDWIDE));
// if we changed rendering modes then redraw the output buffer,
// but only do this if we're not in conpty mode.
if (!gci.IsInVtIoMode() &&
auto* pRender = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().pRender;
if (pRender)
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Sets the given output buffer as the active one
// Arguments:
// - context - The output buffer concerned
void ApiRoutines::SetConsoleActiveScreenBufferImpl(SCREEN_INFORMATION& newContext) noexcept
auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&] { UnlockConsole(); });
// Routine Description:
// - Clears all items out of the input buffer queue
// Arguments:
// - context - The input buffer concerned
void ApiRoutines::FlushConsoleInputBuffer(InputBuffer& context) noexcept
auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&] { UnlockConsole(); });
// Routine Description:
// - Gets the largest possible window size in characters.
// Arguments:
// - context - The output buffer concerned
// - size - receives the size in character count (rows/columns)
void ApiRoutines::GetLargestConsoleWindowSizeImpl(const SCREEN_INFORMATION& context,
COORD& size) noexcept
auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&] { UnlockConsole(); });
const SCREEN_INFORMATION& screenInfo = context.GetActiveBuffer();
size = screenInfo.GetLargestWindowSizeInCharacters();
// Routine Description:
// - Sets the size of the output buffer (screen buffer) in rows/columns
// Arguments:
// - context - The output buffer concerned
// - size - size in character rows and columns
// Return Value:
// - S_OK, E_INVALIDARG, or failure code from thrown exception
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT ApiRoutines::SetConsoleScreenBufferSizeImpl(SCREEN_INFORMATION& context,
const COORD size) noexcept
auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&] { UnlockConsole(); });
SCREEN_INFORMATION& screenInfo = context.GetActiveBuffer();
// microsoft/terminal#3907 - We shouldn't resize the buffer to be
// smaller than the viewport. This was previously erroneously checked
// when the host was not in conpty mode.
RETURN_HR_IF(E_INVALIDARG, (size.X < screenInfo.GetViewport().Width() || size.Y < screenInfo.GetViewport().Height()));
// see MSFT:17415266
// We only really care about the minimum window size if we have a head.
if (!ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().IsHeadless())
COORD const coordMin = screenInfo.GetMinWindowSizeInCharacters();
// Make sure requested screen buffer size isn't smaller than the window.
RETURN_HR_IF(E_INVALIDARG, (size.Y < coordMin.Y || size.X < coordMin.X));
// Ensure the requested size isn't larger than we can handle in our data type.
// Only do the resize if we're actually changing one of the dimensions
COORD const coordScreenBufferSize = screenInfo.GetBufferSize().Dimensions();
if (size.X != coordScreenBufferSize.X || size.Y != coordScreenBufferSize.Y)
RETURN_IF_NTSTATUS_FAILED(screenInfo.ResizeScreenBuffer(size, TRUE));
// Make sure the viewport doesn't now overflow the buffer dimensions.
auto overflow = screenInfo.GetViewport().EndExclusive() - screenInfo.GetBufferSize().Dimensions();
if (overflow.X > 0 || overflow.Y > 0)
overflow = { std::max<SHORT>(overflow.X, 0), std::max<SHORT>(overflow.Y, 0) };
RETURN_IF_NTSTATUS_FAILED(screenInfo.SetViewportOrigin(false, -overflow, false));
// And also that the cursor position is clamped within the buffer boundaries.
auto& cursor = screenInfo.GetTextBuffer().GetCursor();
auto clampedCursorPosition = cursor.GetPosition();
if (clampedCursorPosition != cursor.GetPosition())
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Sets metadata information on the output buffer
// Arguments:
// - context - The output buffer concerned
// - data - metadata information structure like buffer size, viewport size, colors, and more.
// Return Value:
// - S_OK, E_INVALIDARG, or failure code from thrown exception
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT ApiRoutines::SetConsoleScreenBufferInfoExImpl(SCREEN_INFORMATION& context,
const CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFOEX& data) noexcept
// clang-format off
RETURN_HR_IF(E_INVALIDARG, (data.dwSize.X == 0 ||
data.dwSize.Y == 0 ||
data.dwSize.X == SHRT_MAX ||
data.dwSize.Y == SHRT_MAX));
// clang-format on
auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&] { UnlockConsole(); });
Globals& g = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals();
CONSOLE_INFORMATION& gci = g.getConsoleInformation();
const COORD coordScreenBufferSize = context.GetBufferSize().Dimensions();
const COORD requestedBufferSize = data.dwSize;
if (requestedBufferSize.X != coordScreenBufferSize.X ||
requestedBufferSize.Y != coordScreenBufferSize.Y)
CommandLine& commandLine = CommandLine::Instance();
LOG_IF_FAILED(context.ResizeScreenBuffer(data.dwSize, TRUE));
const COORD newBufferSize = context.GetBufferSize().Dimensions();
for (size_t i = 0; i < std::size(data.ColorTable); i++)
gci.SetColorTableEntry(i, data.ColorTable[i]);
context.SetDefaultAttributes(TextAttribute{ data.wAttributes }, TextAttribute{ data.wPopupAttributes });
const Viewport requestedViewport = Viewport::FromExclusive(data.srWindow);
COORD NewSize = requestedViewport.Dimensions();
// If we have a window, clamp the requested viewport to the max window size
if (!ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().IsHeadless())
NewSize.X = std::min(NewSize.X, data.dwMaximumWindowSize.X);
NewSize.Y = std::min(NewSize.Y, data.dwMaximumWindowSize.Y);
// If wrap text is on, then the window width must be the same size as the buffer width
if (gci.GetWrapText())
NewSize.X = newBufferSize.X;
if (NewSize.X != context.GetViewport().Width() ||
NewSize.Y != context.GetViewport().Height())
// GH#1856 - make sure to hide the commandline _before_ we execute
// the resize, and the re-display it after the resize. If we leave
// it displayed, we'll crash during the resize when we try to figure
// out if the bounds of the old commandline fit within the new
// window (it might not).
CommandLine& commandLine = CommandLine::Instance();
IConsoleWindow* const pWindow = ServiceLocator::LocateConsoleWindow();
if (pWindow != nullptr)
// Despite the fact that this API takes in a srWindow for the viewport, it traditionally actually doesn't set
// anything using that member - for moving the viewport, you need SetConsoleWindowInfo
// (see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms686125(v=vs.85).aspx and DoSrvSetConsoleWindowInfo)
// Note that it also doesn't set cursor position.
// However, we do need to make sure the viewport doesn't now overflow the buffer dimensions.
auto overflow = context.GetViewport().EndExclusive() - context.GetBufferSize().Dimensions();
if (overflow.X > 0 || overflow.Y > 0)
overflow = { std::max<SHORT>(overflow.X, 0), std::max<SHORT>(overflow.Y, 0) };
RETURN_IF_NTSTATUS_FAILED(context.SetViewportOrigin(false, -overflow, false));
// And also that the cursor position is clamped within the buffer boundaries.
auto& cursor = context.GetTextBuffer().GetCursor();
auto clampedCursorPosition = cursor.GetPosition();
if (clampedCursorPosition != cursor.GetPosition())
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Sets the cursor position in the given output buffer
// Arguments:
// - context - The output buffer concerned
// - position - The X/Y (row/column) position in the buffer to place the cursor
// Return Value:
// - S_OK, E_INVALIDARG, or failure code from thrown exception
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT ApiRoutines::SetConsoleCursorPositionImpl(SCREEN_INFORMATION& context,
const COORD position) noexcept
auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&] { UnlockConsole(); });
CONSOLE_INFORMATION& gci = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().getConsoleInformation();
auto& buffer = context.GetActiveBuffer();
const COORD coordScreenBufferSize = buffer.GetBufferSize().Dimensions();
// clang-format off
RETURN_HR_IF(E_INVALIDARG, (position.X >= coordScreenBufferSize.X ||
position.Y >= coordScreenBufferSize.Y ||
position.X < 0 ||
position.Y < 0));
// clang-format on
// MSFT: 15813316 - Try to use this SetCursorPosition call to inherit the cursor position.
RETURN_IF_NTSTATUS_FAILED(buffer.SetCursorPosition(position, true));
// Attempt to "snap" the viewport to the cursor position. If the cursor
// is not in the current viewport, we'll try and move the viewport so
// that the cursor is visible.
// microsoft/terminal#1222 - Use the "virtual" viewport here, so that
// when the console is in terminal-scrolling mode, the viewport snaps
// back to the virtual viewport's location.
const SMALL_RECT currentViewport = gci.IsTerminalScrolling() ?
buffer.GetVirtualViewport().ToInclusive() :
COORD delta{ 0 };
if (currentViewport.Left > position.X)
delta.X = position.X - currentViewport.Left;
else if (currentViewport.Right < position.X)
delta.X = position.X - currentViewport.Right;
if (currentViewport.Top > position.Y)
delta.Y = position.Y - currentViewport.Top;
else if (currentViewport.Bottom < position.Y)
delta.Y = position.Y - currentViewport.Bottom;
COORD newWindowOrigin{ 0 };
newWindowOrigin.X = currentViewport.Left + delta.X;
newWindowOrigin.Y = currentViewport.Top + delta.Y;
// SetViewportOrigin will worry about clamping these values to the
// buffer for us.
RETURN_IF_NTSTATUS_FAILED(buffer.SetViewportOrigin(true, newWindowOrigin, true));
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Sets metadata on the cursor
// Arguments:
// - context - The output buffer concerned
// - size - Height percentage of the displayed cursor (when visible)
// - isVisible - Whether or not the cursor should be displayed
// Return Value:
// - S_OK, E_INVALIDARG, or failure code from thrown exception
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT ApiRoutines::SetConsoleCursorInfoImpl(SCREEN_INFORMATION& context,
const ULONG size,
const bool isVisible) noexcept
auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&] { UnlockConsole(); });
// If more than 100% or less than 0% cursor height, reject it.
RETURN_HR_IF(E_INVALIDARG, (size > 100 || size == 0));
context.SetCursorInformation(size, isVisible);
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Sets the viewport/window information for displaying a portion of the output buffer visually
// Arguments:
// - context - The output buffer concerned
// - isAbsolute - Coordinates are based on the entire screen buffer (origin 0,0) if true.
// - If false, coordinates are a delta from the existing viewport position
// - windowRect - Updated viewport rectangle information
// Return Value:
// - S_OK, E_INVALIDARG, or failure code from thrown exception
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT ApiRoutines::SetConsoleWindowInfoImpl(SCREEN_INFORMATION& context,
const bool isAbsolute,
const SMALL_RECT& windowRect) noexcept
auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&] { UnlockConsole(); });
Globals& g = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals();
SMALL_RECT Window = windowRect;
if (!isAbsolute)
SMALL_RECT currentViewport = context.GetViewport().ToInclusive();
Window.Left += currentViewport.Left;
Window.Right += currentViewport.Right;
Window.Top += currentViewport.Top;
Window.Bottom += currentViewport.Bottom;
RETURN_HR_IF(E_INVALIDARG, (Window.Right < Window.Left || Window.Bottom < Window.Top));
COORD NewWindowSize;
NewWindowSize.X = (SHORT)(CalcWindowSizeX(Window));
NewWindowSize.Y = (SHORT)(CalcWindowSizeY(Window));
// see MSFT:17415266
// If we have a actual head, we care about the maximum size the window can be.
// if we're headless, not so much. However, GetMaxWindowSizeInCharacters
// will only return the buffer size, so we can't use that to clip the arg here.
// So only clip the requested size if we're not headless
if (g.getConsoleInformation().IsInVtIoMode())
// SetViewportRect doesn't cause the buffer to resize. Manually resize the buffer.
RETURN_IF_NTSTATUS_FAILED(context.ResizeScreenBuffer(Viewport::FromInclusive(Window).Dimensions(), false));
if (!g.IsHeadless())
COORD const coordMax = context.GetMaxWindowSizeInCharacters();
RETURN_HR_IF(E_INVALIDARG, (NewWindowSize.X > coordMax.X || NewWindowSize.Y > coordMax.Y));
// Even if it's the same size, we need to post an update in case the scroll bars need to go away.
context.SetViewport(Viewport::FromInclusive(Window), true);
if (context.IsActiveScreenBuffer())
// TODO: MSFT: 9574827 - shouldn't we be looking at or at least logging the failure codes here? (Or making them non-void?)
// Use WriteToScreen to invalidate the viewport with the renderer.
// GH#3490 - If we're in conpty mode, don't invalidate the entire
// viewport. In conpty mode, the VtEngine will later decide what
// part of the buffer actually needs to be re-sent to the terminal.
if (!(g.getConsoleInformation().IsInVtIoMode() && g.getConsoleInformation().GetVtIo()->IsResizeQuirkEnabled()))
WriteToScreen(context, context.GetViewport());
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Moves a portion of text from one part of the output buffer to another
// Arguments:
// - context - The output buffer concerned
// - source - The rectangular region to copy from
// - target - The top left corner of the destination to paste the copy (source)
// - clip - The rectangle inside which all operations should be bounded (or no bounds if not given)
// - fillCharacter - Fills in the region left behind when the source is "lifted" out of its original location. The symbol to display.
// - fillAttribute - Fills in the region left behind when the source is "lifted" out of its original location. The color to use.
// Return Value:
// - S_OK, E_INVALIDARG, or failure code from thrown exception
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT ApiRoutines::ScrollConsoleScreenBufferAImpl(SCREEN_INFORMATION& context,
const SMALL_RECT& source,
const COORD target,
std::optional<SMALL_RECT> clip,
const char fillCharacter,
const WORD fillAttribute) noexcept
wchar_t const unicodeFillCharacter = CharToWchar(&fillCharacter, 1);
return ScrollConsoleScreenBufferWImpl(context, source, target, clip, unicodeFillCharacter, fillAttribute);
// Routine Description:
// - Moves a portion of text from one part of the output buffer to another
// Arguments:
// - context - The output buffer concerned
// - source - The rectangular region to copy from
// - target - The top left corner of the destination to paste the copy (source)
// - clip - The rectangle inside which all operations should be bounded (or no bounds if not given)
// - fillCharacter - Fills in the region left behind when the source is "lifted" out of its original location. The symbol to display.
// - fillAttribute - Fills in the region left behind when the source is "lifted" out of its original location. The color to use.
// - enableCmdShim - true iff the client process that's calling this
// method is "cmd.exe". Used to enable certain compatibility shims for
// conpty mode. See GH#3126.
// Return Value:
// - S_OK, E_INVALIDARG, or failure code from thrown exception
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT ApiRoutines::ScrollConsoleScreenBufferWImpl(SCREEN_INFORMATION& context,
const SMALL_RECT& source,
const COORD target,
std::optional<SMALL_RECT> clip,
const wchar_t fillCharacter,
const WORD fillAttribute,
const bool enableCmdShim) noexcept
auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&] { UnlockConsole(); });
auto& buffer = context.GetActiveBuffer();
TextAttribute useThisAttr(fillAttribute);
ScrollRegion(buffer, source, clip, target, fillCharacter, useThisAttr);
// GH#3126 - This is a shim for cmd's `cls` function. In the
// legacy console, `cls` is supposed to clear the entire buffer. In
// conpty however, there's no difference between the viewport and the
// entirety of the buffer. We're going to see if this API call exactly
// matched the way we expect cmd to call it. If it does, then
// let's manually emit a ^[[3J to the connected terminal, so that their
// entire buffer will be cleared as well.
auto& gci = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().getConsoleInformation();
if (enableCmdShim && gci.IsInVtIoMode())
const auto currentBufferDimensions = buffer.GetBufferSize().Dimensions();
const bool sourceIsWholeBuffer = (source.Top == 0) &&
(source.Left == 0) &&
(source.Right == currentBufferDimensions.X) &&
(source.Bottom == currentBufferDimensions.Y);
const bool targetIsNegativeBufferHeight = (target.X == 0) &&
(target.Y == -currentBufferDimensions.Y);
const bool noClipProvided = clip == std::nullopt;
const bool fillIsBlank = (fillCharacter == UNICODE_SPACE) &&
(fillAttribute == buffer.GetAttributes().GetLegacyAttributes());
if (sourceIsWholeBuffer && targetIsNegativeBufferHeight && noClipProvided && fillIsBlank)
hr = gci.GetVtIo()->ManuallyClearScrollback();
return hr;
// Routine Description:
// - Adjusts the default color used for future text written to this output buffer
// Arguments:
// - context - The output buffer concerned
// - attribute - Color information
// Return Value:
// - S_OK, E_INVALIDARG, or failure code from thrown exception
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT ApiRoutines::SetConsoleTextAttributeImpl(SCREEN_INFORMATION& context,
const WORD attribute) noexcept
CONSOLE_INFORMATION& gci = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().getConsoleInformation();
auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&] { UnlockConsole(); });
const TextAttribute attr{ attribute };
return S_OK;
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DoSrvSetConsoleOutputCodePage(const unsigned int codepage)
CONSOLE_INFORMATION& gci = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().getConsoleInformation();
// Return if it's not known as a valid codepage ID.
RETURN_HR_IF(E_INVALIDARG, !(IsValidCodePage(codepage)));
// Do nothing if no change.
if (gci.OutputCP != codepage)
// Set new code page
gci.OutputCP = codepage;
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Sets the codepage used for translating text when calling A versions of functions affecting the output buffer.
// Arguments:
// - codepage - The codepage
// Return Value:
// - S_OK, E_INVALIDARG, or failure code from thrown exception
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT ApiRoutines::SetConsoleOutputCodePageImpl(const ULONG codepage) noexcept
auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&] { UnlockConsole(); });
return DoSrvSetConsoleOutputCodePage(codepage);
// Routine Description:
// - Sets the codepage used for translating text when calling A versions of functions affecting the input buffer.
// Arguments:
// - codepage - The codepage
// Return Value:
// - S_OK, E_INVALIDARG, or failure code from thrown exception
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT ApiRoutines::SetConsoleInputCodePageImpl(const ULONG codepage) noexcept
CONSOLE_INFORMATION& gci = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().getConsoleInformation();
auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&] { UnlockConsole(); });
// Return if it's not known as a valid codepage ID.
RETURN_HR_IF(E_INVALIDARG, !(IsValidCodePage(codepage)));
// Do nothing if no change.
if (gci.CP != codepage)
// Set new code page
gci.CP = codepage;
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Gets the codepage used for translating text when calling A versions of functions affecting the input buffer.
// Arguments:
// - codepage - The codepage
void ApiRoutines::GetConsoleInputCodePageImpl(ULONG& codepage) noexcept
const CONSOLE_INFORMATION& gci = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().getConsoleInformation();
auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&] { UnlockConsole(); });
codepage = gci.CP;
void DoSrvGetConsoleOutputCodePage(unsigned int& codepage)
const CONSOLE_INFORMATION& gci = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().getConsoleInformation();
codepage = gci.OutputCP;
// Routine Description:
// - Gets the codepage used for translating text when calling A versions of functions affecting the output buffer.
// Arguments:
// - codepage - The codepage
void ApiRoutines::GetConsoleOutputCodePageImpl(ULONG& codepage) noexcept
auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&] { UnlockConsole(); });
unsigned int cp;
codepage = cp;
// Routine Description:
// - Gets the window handle ID for the console
// Arguments:
// - hwnd - The window handle ID
void ApiRoutines::GetConsoleWindowImpl(HWND& hwnd) noexcept
// Set return to null before we do anything in case of failures/errors.
hwnd = nullptr;
auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&] { UnlockConsole(); });
const IConsoleWindow* pWindow = ServiceLocator::LocateConsoleWindow();
const CONSOLE_INFORMATION& gci = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().getConsoleInformation();
if (pWindow != nullptr)
hwnd = pWindow->GetWindowHandle();
// Some applications will fail silently if this API returns 0 (cygwin)
// If we're in pty mode, we need to return a fake window handle that
// doesn't actually do anything, but is a unique HWND to this
// console, so that they know that this console is in fact a real
// console window.
if (gci.IsInVtIoMode())
hwnd = ServiceLocator::LocatePseudoWindow();
// Routine Description:
// - Gets metadata about the storage of command history for cooked read modes
// Arguments:
// - consoleHistoryInformation - metadata pertaining to the number of history buffers and their size and modes.
void ApiRoutines::GetConsoleHistoryInfoImpl(CONSOLE_HISTORY_INFO& consoleHistoryInfo) noexcept
const CONSOLE_INFORMATION& gci = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().getConsoleInformation();
auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&] { UnlockConsole(); });
consoleHistoryInfo.HistoryBufferSize = gci.GetHistoryBufferSize();
consoleHistoryInfo.NumberOfHistoryBuffers = gci.GetNumberOfHistoryBuffers();
WI_SetFlagIf(consoleHistoryInfo.dwFlags, HISTORY_NO_DUP_FLAG, WI_IsFlagSet(gci.Flags, CONSOLE_HISTORY_NODUP));
// Routine Description:
// - Sets metadata about the storage of command history for cooked read modes
// Arguments:
// - consoleHistoryInformation - metadata pertaining to the number of history buffers and their size and modes.
// Return Value:
// - S_OK, E_INVALIDARG, or failure code from thrown exception
HRESULT ApiRoutines::SetConsoleHistoryInfoImpl(const CONSOLE_HISTORY_INFO& consoleHistoryInfo) noexcept
CONSOLE_INFORMATION& gci = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().getConsoleInformation();
RETURN_HR_IF(E_INVALIDARG, consoleHistoryInfo.HistoryBufferSize > SHORT_MAX);
RETURN_HR_IF(E_INVALIDARG, consoleHistoryInfo.NumberOfHistoryBuffers > SHORT_MAX);
RETURN_HR_IF(E_INVALIDARG, WI_IsAnyFlagSet(consoleHistoryInfo.dwFlags, ~CHI_VALID_FLAGS));
auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&] { UnlockConsole(); });
WI_UpdateFlag(gci.Flags, CONSOLE_HISTORY_NODUP, WI_IsFlagSet(consoleHistoryInfo.dwFlags, HISTORY_NO_DUP_FLAG));
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Gets whether or not the console is full screen
// Arguments:
// - flags - Field contains full screen flag or doesn't.
// NOTE: This was in private.c, but turns out to be a public API: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms683164(v=vs.85).aspx
void ApiRoutines::GetConsoleDisplayModeImpl(ULONG& flags) noexcept
auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&] { UnlockConsole(); });
// Initialize flags portion of structure
flags = 0;
IConsoleWindow* const pWindow = ServiceLocator::LocateConsoleWindow();
if (pWindow != nullptr && pWindow->IsInFullscreen())
// Routine Description:
// - This routine sets the console display mode for an output buffer.
// - This API is only supported on x86 machines.
// Parameters:
// - context - Supplies a console output handle.
// - flags - Specifies the display mode. Options are:
// CONSOLE_FULLSCREEN_MODE - data is displayed fullscreen
// CONSOLE_WINDOWED_MODE - data is displayed in a window
// - newSize - On output, contains the new dimensions of the screen buffer. The dimensions are in rows and columns for textmode screen buffers.
// Return value:
// - TRUE - The operation was successful.
// - FALSE/nullptr - The operation failed. Extended error status is available using GetLastError.
// NOTE:
// - This was in private.c, but turns out to be a public API:
// - See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms686028(v=vs.85).aspx
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT ApiRoutines::SetConsoleDisplayModeImpl(SCREEN_INFORMATION& context,
const ULONG flags,
COORD& newSize) noexcept
// SetIsFullscreen() below ultimately calls SetwindowLong, which ultimately calls SendMessage(). If we retain
// the console lock, we'll deadlock since ConsoleWindowProc takes the lock before processing messages. Instead,
// we'll release early.
auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&] { UnlockConsole(); });
SCREEN_INFORMATION& screenInfo = context.GetActiveBuffer();
newSize = screenInfo.GetBufferSize().Dimensions();
RETURN_HR_IF(E_INVALIDARG, !(screenInfo.IsActiveScreenBuffer()));
IConsoleWindow* const pWindow = ServiceLocator::LocateConsoleWindow();
if (pWindow != nullptr)
else if (WI_IsFlagSet(flags, CONSOLE_WINDOWED_MODE))
if (pWindow != nullptr)
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - A private API call for changing the cursor keys input mode between normal and application mode.
// The cursor keys are the arrows, plus Home and End.
// Parameters:
// - fApplicationMode - set to true to enable Application Mode Input, false for Numeric Mode Input.
// Return value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
[[nodiscard]] NTSTATUS DoSrvPrivateSetCursorKeysMode(_In_ bool fApplicationMode)
CONSOLE_INFORMATION& gci = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().getConsoleInformation();
if (gci.pInputBuffer == nullptr)
// Routine Description:
// - A private API call for changing the keypad input mode between numeric and application mode.
// This controls what the keys on the numpad translate to.
// Parameters:
// - fApplicationMode - set to true to enable Application Mode Input, false for Numeric Mode Input.
// Return value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
[[nodiscard]] NTSTATUS DoSrvPrivateSetKeypadMode(_In_ bool fApplicationMode)
CONSOLE_INFORMATION& gci = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().getConsoleInformation();
if (gci.pInputBuffer == nullptr)
// Function Description:
// - A private API call which enables/disables sending full input records
// encoded as a string of characters to the client application.
// Parameters:
// - win32InputMode - set to true to enable win32-input-mode, false to disable.
// Return value:
// - <none>
void DoSrvPrivateEnableWin32InputMode(const bool win32InputMode)
CONSOLE_INFORMATION& gci = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().getConsoleInformation();
// Routine Description:
// - A private API call for changing the screen mode between normal and reverse.
// When in reverse screen mode, the background and foreground colors are switched.
// Parameters:
// - reverseMode - set to true to enable reverse screen mode, false for normal mode.
// Return value:
// - STATUS_SUCCESS if handled successfully. Otherwise, an appropriate error code.
[[nodiscard]] NTSTATUS DoSrvPrivateSetScreenMode(const bool reverseMode)
Globals& g = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals();
CONSOLE_INFORMATION& gci = g.getConsoleInformation();
if (g.pRender)
catch (...)
return NTSTATUS_FROM_HRESULT(wil::ResultFromCaughtException());
// Routine Description:
// - A private API call for setting the ENABLE_WRAP_AT_EOL_OUTPUT mode.
// This controls whether the cursor moves to the beginning of the next row
// when it reaches the end of the current row.
// Parameters:
// - wrapAtEOL - set to true to wrap, false to overwrite the last character.
// Return value:
// - STATUS_SUCCESS if handled successfully.
[[nodiscard]] NTSTATUS DoSrvPrivateSetAutoWrapMode(const bool wrapAtEOL)
auto& gci = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().getConsoleInformation();
auto& outputMode = gci.GetActiveOutputBuffer().GetActiveBuffer().OutputMode;
WI_UpdateFlag(outputMode, ENABLE_WRAP_AT_EOL_OUTPUT, wrapAtEOL);
// Routine Description:
// - A private API call for making the cursor visible or not. Does not modify
// blinking state.
// Parameters:
// - show - set to true to make the cursor visible, false to hide.
// Return value:
// - <none>
void DoSrvPrivateShowCursor(SCREEN_INFORMATION& screenInfo, const bool show) noexcept
// Routine Description:
// - A private API call for enabling or disabling the cursor blinking.
// Parameters:
// - fEnable - set to true to enable blinking, false to disable
// Return value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
void DoSrvPrivateAllowCursorBlinking(SCREEN_INFORMATION& screenInfo, const bool fEnable)
// GH#2642 - From what we've gathered from other terminals, when blinking is
// disabled, the cursor should remain On always, and have the visibility
// controlled by the IsVisible property. So when you do a printf "\e[?12l"
// to disable blinking, the cursor stays stuck On. At this point, only the
// cursor visibility property controls whether the user can see it or not.
// (Yes, the cursor can be On and NOT Visible)
// Routine Description:
// - A private API call for setting the top and bottom scrolling margins for
// the current page. This creates a subsection of the screen that scrolls
// when input reaches the end of the region, leaving the rest of the screen
// untouched.
// Currently only accessible through the use of ANSI sequence DECSTBM
// Parameters:
// - scrollMargins - A rect who's Top and Bottom members will be used to set
// the new values of the top and bottom margins. If (0,0), then the margins
// will be disabled. NOTE: This is a rect in the case that we'll need the
// left and right margins in the future.
// Return value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
[[nodiscard]] NTSTATUS DoSrvPrivateSetScrollingRegion(SCREEN_INFORMATION& screenInfo, const SMALL_RECT& scrollMargins)
if (scrollMargins.Top > scrollMargins.Bottom)
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status))
SMALL_RECT srScrollMargins = screenInfo.GetRelativeScrollMargins().ToInclusive();
srScrollMargins.Top = scrollMargins.Top;
srScrollMargins.Bottom = scrollMargins.Bottom;
return Status;
// Routine Description:
// - A private API call for performing a line feed, possibly preceded by carriage return.
// Moves the cursor down one line, and possibly also to the leftmost column.
// Parameters:
// - screenInfo - A pointer to the screen buffer that should perform the line feed.
// - withReturn - Set to true if a carriage return should be performed as well.
// Return value:
// - STATUS_SUCCESS if handled successfully. Otherwise, an appropriate status code indicating the error.
[[nodiscard]] NTSTATUS DoSrvPrivateLineFeed(SCREEN_INFORMATION& screenInfo, const bool withReturn)
auto& textBuffer = screenInfo.GetTextBuffer();
auto cursorPosition = textBuffer.GetCursor().GetPosition();
// We turn the cursor on before an operation that might scroll the viewport, otherwise
// that can result in an old copy of the cursor being left behind on the screen.
// Since we are explicitly moving down a row, clear the wrap status on the row we're leaving
cursorPosition.Y += 1;
if (withReturn)
cursorPosition.X = 0;
return AdjustCursorPosition(screenInfo, cursorPosition, FALSE, nullptr);
// Routine Description:
// - A private API call for performing a "Reverse line feed", essentially, the opposite of '\n'.
// Moves the cursor up one line, and tries to keep its position in the line
// Parameters:
// - screenInfo - a pointer to the screen buffer that should perform the reverse line feed
// Return value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
[[nodiscard]] NTSTATUS DoSrvPrivateReverseLineFeed(SCREEN_INFORMATION& screenInfo)
const SMALL_RECT viewport = screenInfo.GetActiveBuffer().GetViewport().ToInclusive();
const COORD oldCursorPosition = screenInfo.GetTextBuffer().GetCursor().GetPosition();
const COORD newCursorPosition = { oldCursorPosition.X, oldCursorPosition.Y - 1 };
// If the cursor is at the top of the viewport, we don't want to shift the viewport up.
// We want it to stay exactly where it is.
// In that case, shift the buffer contents down, to emulate inserting a line
// at the top of the buffer.
if (oldCursorPosition.Y > viewport.Top)
// Cursor is below the top line of the viewport
Status = AdjustCursorPosition(screenInfo, newCursorPosition, TRUE, nullptr);
// If we don't have margins, or the cursor is within the boundaries of the margins
// It's important to check if the cursor is in the margins,
// If it's not, but the margins are set, then we don't want to scroll anything
if (screenInfo.IsCursorInMargins(oldCursorPosition))
// Cursor is at the top of the viewport
// Rectangle to cut out of the existing buffer. This is inclusive.
// It will be clipped to the buffer boundaries so SHORT_MAX gives us the full buffer width.
SMALL_RECT srScroll;
srScroll.Left = 0;
srScroll.Right = SHORT_MAX;
srScroll.Top = viewport.Top;
srScroll.Bottom = viewport.Bottom;
// Clip to the DECSTBM margin boundary
if (screenInfo.AreMarginsSet())
srScroll.Bottom = screenInfo.GetAbsoluteScrollMargins().BottomInclusive();
// Paste coordinate for cut text above
COORD coordDestination;
coordDestination.X = 0;
coordDestination.Y = viewport.Top + 1;
// Note the revealed lines are filled with the standard erase attributes.
Status = NTSTATUS_FROM_HRESULT(DoSrvPrivateScrollRegion(screenInfo,
return Status;
// Routine Description:
// - A private API call for swapping to the alternate screen buffer. In virtual terminals, there exists both a "main"
// screen buffer and an alternate. ASBSET creates a new alternate, and switches to it. If there is an already
// existing alternate, it is discarded.
// Parameters:
// - screenInfo - a reference to the screen buffer that should use an alternate buffer
// Return value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
[[nodiscard]] NTSTATUS DoSrvPrivateUseAlternateScreenBuffer(SCREEN_INFORMATION& screenInfo)
return screenInfo.GetActiveBuffer().UseAlternateScreenBuffer();
// Routine Description:
// - A private API call for swapping to the main screen buffer. From the
// alternate buffer, returns to the main screen buffer. From the main
// screen buffer, does nothing. The alternate is discarded.
// Parameters:
// - screenInfo - a reference to the screen buffer that should use the main buffer
// Return value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
void DoSrvPrivateUseMainScreenBuffer(SCREEN_INFORMATION& screenInfo)
// Routine Description:
// - A private API call for enabling VT200 style mouse mode.
// Parameters:
// - fEnable - true to enable default tracking mode, false to disable mouse mode.
// Return value:
// - None
void DoSrvPrivateEnableVT200MouseMode(const bool fEnable)
CONSOLE_INFORMATION& gci = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().getConsoleInformation();
// Routine Description:
// - A private API call for enabling utf8 style mouse mode.
// Parameters:
// - fEnable - true to enable, false to disable.
// Return value:
// - None
void DoSrvPrivateEnableUTF8ExtendedMouseMode(const bool fEnable)
CONSOLE_INFORMATION& gci = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().getConsoleInformation();
// Routine Description:
// - A private API call for enabling SGR style mouse mode.
// Parameters:
// - fEnable - true to enable, false to disable.
// Return value:
// - None
void DoSrvPrivateEnableSGRExtendedMouseMode(const bool fEnable)
CONSOLE_INFORMATION& gci = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().getConsoleInformation();
// Routine Description:
// - A private API call for enabling button-event mouse mode.
// Parameters:
// - fEnable - true to enable button-event mode, false to disable mouse mode.
// Return value:
// - None
void DoSrvPrivateEnableButtonEventMouseMode(const bool fEnable)
CONSOLE_INFORMATION& gci = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().getConsoleInformation();
// Routine Description:
// - A private API call for enabling any-event mouse mode.
// Parameters:
// - fEnable - true to enable any-event mode, false to disable mouse mode.
// Return value:
// - None
void DoSrvPrivateEnableAnyEventMouseMode(const bool fEnable)
CONSOLE_INFORMATION& gci = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().getConsoleInformation();
// Routine Description:
// - A private API call for enabling alternate scroll mode
// Parameters:
// - fEnable - true to enable alternate scroll mode, false to disable.
// Return value:
// None
void DoSrvPrivateEnableAlternateScroll(const bool fEnable)
CONSOLE_INFORMATION& gci = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().getConsoleInformation();
// Routine Description:
// - A private API call for performing a VT-style erase all operation on the buffer.
// See SCREEN_INFORMATION::VtEraseAll's description for details.
// Parameters:
// The ScreenBuffer to perform the erase on.
// Return value:
// - S_OK if we succeeded, otherwise the HRESULT of the failure.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DoSrvPrivateEraseAll(SCREEN_INFORMATION& screenInfo)
return screenInfo.GetActiveBuffer().VtEraseAll();
void DoSrvSetCursorStyle(SCREEN_INFORMATION& screenInfo,
const CursorType cursorType)
void DoSrvSetCursorColor(SCREEN_INFORMATION& screenInfo,
const COLORREF cursorColor)
void DoSrvAddHyperlink(SCREEN_INFORMATION& screenInfo,
const std::wstring_view uri,
const std::wstring_view params)
auto attr = screenInfo.GetAttributes();
const auto id = screenInfo.GetTextBuffer().GetHyperlinkId(uri, params);
screenInfo.GetTextBuffer().AddHyperlinkToMap(uri, id);
void DoSrvEndHyperlink(SCREEN_INFORMATION& screenInfo)
auto attr = screenInfo.GetAttributes();
// Routine Description:
// - A private API call for forcing the renderer to repaint the screen. If the
// input screen buffer is not the active one, then just do nothing. We only
// want to redraw the screen buffer that requested the repaint, and
// switching screen buffers will already force a repaint.
// Parameters:
// The ScreenBuffer to perform the repaint for.
// Return value:
// - None
void DoSrvPrivateRefreshWindow(_In_ const SCREEN_INFORMATION& screenInfo)
Globals& g = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals();
if (&screenInfo == &g.getConsoleInformation().GetActiveOutputBuffer().GetActiveBuffer())
// Routine Description:
// - Gets title information from the console. It can be truncated if the buffer is too small.
// Arguments:
// - title - If given, this buffer is filled with the title information requested.
// - Use nullopt to request buffer size required.
// - written - The number of characters filled in the title buffer.
// - needed - The number of characters we would need to completely write out the title.
// - isOriginal - If true, gets the title when we booted up. If false, gets whatever it is set to right now.
// Return Value:
// - S_OK, E_INVALIDARG, or failure code from thrown exception
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT GetConsoleTitleWImplHelper(std::optional<gsl::span<wchar_t>> title,
size_t& written,
size_t& needed,
const bool isOriginal) noexcept
const CONSOLE_INFORMATION& gci = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().getConsoleInformation();
// Ensure output variables are initialized.
written = 0;
needed = 0;
if (title.has_value() && title->size() > 0)
til::at(*title, 0) = ANSI_NULL;
// Get the appropriate title and length depending on the mode.
const wchar_t* pwszTitle;
size_t cchTitleLength;
if (isOriginal)
pwszTitle = gci.GetOriginalTitle().c_str();
cchTitleLength = gci.GetOriginalTitle().length();
pwszTitle = gci.GetTitle().c_str();
cchTitleLength = gci.GetTitle().length();
// Always report how much space we would need.
needed = cchTitleLength;
// If we have a pointer to receive the data, then copy it out.
if (title.has_value())
HRESULT const hr = StringCchCopyNW(title->data(), title->size(), pwszTitle, cchTitleLength);
// Insufficient buffer is allowed. If we return a partial string, that's still OK by historical/compat standards.
// Just say how much we managed to return.
written = std::min(title->size(), cchTitleLength);
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Gets title information from the console. It can be truncated if the buffer is too small.
// Arguments:
// - title - If given, this buffer is filled with the title information requested.
// - Use nullopt to request buffer size required.
// - written - The number of characters filled in the title buffer.
// - needed - The number of characters we would need to completely write out the title.
// - isOriginal - If true, gets the title when we booted up. If false, gets whatever it is set to right now.
// Return Value:
// - S_OK, E_INVALIDARG, or failure code from thrown exception
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT GetConsoleTitleAImplHelper(gsl::span<char> title,
size_t& written,
size_t& needed,
const bool isOriginal) noexcept
const CONSOLE_INFORMATION& gci = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().getConsoleInformation();
// Ensure output variables are initialized.
written = 0;
needed = 0;
if (title.size() > 0)
til::at(title, 0) = ANSI_NULL;
// Figure out how big our temporary Unicode buffer must be to get the title.
size_t unicodeNeeded;
size_t unicodeWritten;
RETURN_IF_FAILED(GetConsoleTitleWImplHelper(std::nullopt, unicodeWritten, unicodeNeeded, isOriginal));
// If there's nothing to get, then simply return.
RETURN_HR_IF(S_OK, 0 == unicodeNeeded);
// Allocate a unicode buffer of the right size.
size_t const unicodeSize = unicodeNeeded + 1; // add one for null terminator space
std::unique_ptr<wchar_t[]> unicodeBuffer = std::make_unique<wchar_t[]>(unicodeSize);
const gsl::span<wchar_t> unicodeSpan(unicodeBuffer.get(), unicodeSize);
// Retrieve the title in Unicode.
RETURN_IF_FAILED(GetConsoleTitleWImplHelper(unicodeSpan, unicodeWritten, unicodeNeeded, isOriginal));
// Convert result to A
const auto converted = ConvertToA(gci.CP, { unicodeBuffer.get(), unicodeWritten });
// The legacy A behavior is a bit strange. If the buffer given doesn't have enough space to hold
// the string without null termination (e.g. the title is 9 long, 10 with null. The buffer given isn't >= 9).
// then do not copy anything back and do not report how much space we need.
if (title.size() >= converted.size())
// Say how many characters of buffer we would need to hold the entire result.
needed = converted.size();
// Copy safely to output buffer
HRESULT const hr = StringCchCopyNA(title.data(), title.size(), converted.data(), converted.size());
// Insufficient buffer is allowed. If we return a partial string, that's still OK by historical/compat standards.
// Just say how much we managed to return.
// And return the size copied (either the size of the buffer or the null terminated length of the string we filled it with.)
written = std::min(title.size(), converted.size() + 1);
// Another compatibility fix... If we had exactly the number of bytes needed for an unterminated string,
// then replace the terminator left behind by StringCchCopyNA with the final character of the title string.
if (title.size() == converted.size())
title.back() = converted.back();
// If we didn't copy anything back and there is space, null terminate the given buffer and return.
if (title.size() > 0)
til::at(title, 0) = ANSI_NULL;
written = 1;
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Gets title information from the console. It can be truncated if the buffer is too small.
// Arguments:
// - title - If given, this buffer is filled with the title information requested.
// - Use nullopt to request buffer size required.
// - written - The number of characters filled in the title buffer.
// - needed - The number of characters we would need to completely write out the title.
// Return Value:
// - S_OK, E_INVALIDARG, or failure code from thrown exception
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT ApiRoutines::GetConsoleTitleAImpl(gsl::span<char> title,
size_t& written,
size_t& needed) noexcept
auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&] { UnlockConsole(); });
return GetConsoleTitleAImplHelper(title, written, needed, false);
// Routine Description:
// - Gets title information from the console. It can be truncated if the buffer is too small.
// Arguments:
// - title - If given, this buffer is filled with the title information requested.
// - Use nullopt to request buffer size required.
// - written - The number of characters filled in the title buffer.
// - needed - The number of characters we would need to completely write out the title.
// Return Value:
// - S_OK, E_INVALIDARG, or failure code from thrown exception
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT ApiRoutines::GetConsoleTitleWImpl(gsl::span<wchar_t> title,
size_t& written,
size_t& needed) noexcept
auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&] { UnlockConsole(); });
return GetConsoleTitleWImplHelper(title, written, needed, false);
// Routine Description:
// - Gets title information from the console. It can be truncated if the buffer is too small.
// Arguments:
// - title - If given, this buffer is filled with the title information requested.
// - Use nullopt to request buffer size required.
// - written - The number of characters filled in the title buffer.
// - needed - The number of characters we would need to completely write out the title.
// Return Value:
// - S_OK, E_INVALIDARG, or failure code from thrown exception
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT ApiRoutines::GetConsoleOriginalTitleAImpl(gsl::span<char> title,
size_t& written,
size_t& needed) noexcept
auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&] { UnlockConsole(); });
return GetConsoleTitleAImplHelper(title, written, needed, true);
// Routine Description:
// - Gets title information from the console. It can be truncated if the buffer is too small.
// Arguments:
// - title - If given, this buffer is filled with the title information requested.
// - Use nullopt to request buffer size required.
// - written - The number of characters filled in the title buffer.
// - needed - The number of characters we would need to completely write out the title.
// Return Value:
// - S_OK, E_INVALIDARG, or failure code from thrown exception
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT ApiRoutines::GetConsoleOriginalTitleWImpl(gsl::span<wchar_t> title,
size_t& written,
size_t& needed) noexcept
auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&] { UnlockConsole(); });
return GetConsoleTitleWImplHelper(title, written, needed, true);
// Routine Description:
// - Sets title information from the console.
// Arguments:
// - title - The new title to store and display on the console window.
// Return Value:
// - S_OK, E_INVALIDARG, or failure code from thrown exception
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT ApiRoutines::SetConsoleTitleAImpl(const std::string_view title) noexcept
const CONSOLE_INFORMATION& gci = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().getConsoleInformation();
const auto titleW = ConvertToW(gci.CP, title);
return SetConsoleTitleWImpl(titleW);
// Routine Description:
// - Sets title information from the console.
// Arguments:
// - title - The new title to store and display on the console window.
// Return Value:
// - S_OK, E_INVALIDARG, or failure code from thrown exception
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT ApiRoutines::SetConsoleTitleWImpl(const std::wstring_view title) noexcept
auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&] { UnlockConsole(); });
return DoSrvSetConsoleTitleW(title);
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DoSrvSetConsoleTitleW(const std::wstring_view title) noexcept
CONSOLE_INFORMATION& gci = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().getConsoleInformation();
// Sanitize the input if we're in pty mode. No control chars - this string
// will get emitted back to the TTY in a VT sequence, and we don't want
// to embed control characters in that string.
if (gci.IsInVtIoMode())
std::wstring sanitized;
for (size_t i = 0; i < title.size(); i++)
if (title.at(i) >= UNICODE_SPACE)
gci.SetTitle({ sanitized });
// SetTitle will trigger the renderer to update the titlebar for us.
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - A private API call for forcing the VT Renderer to NOT paint the next resize
// event. This is used by InteractDispatch, to prevent resizes from echoing
// between terminal and host.
// Parameters:
// <none>
// Return value:
// - STATUS_SUCCESS if we succeeded, otherwise the NTSTATUS version of the failure.
[[nodiscard]] NTSTATUS DoSrvPrivateSuppressResizeRepaint()
CONSOLE_INFORMATION& gci = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().getConsoleInformation();
return NTSTATUS_FROM_HRESULT(gci.GetVtIo()->SuppressResizeRepaint());
// Routine Description:
// - An API call for checking if the console host is acting as a pty.
// Parameters:
// - isPty: receives the bool indicating whether or not we're in pty mode.
// Return value:
// <none>
void DoSrvIsConsolePty(bool& isPty)
const CONSOLE_INFORMATION& gci = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().getConsoleInformation();
isPty = gci.IsInVtIoMode();
// Routine Description:
// - internal logic for adding or removing lines in the active screen buffer
// this also moves the cursor to the left margin, which is expected behavior for IL and DL
// Parameters:
// - count - the number of lines to modify
// - insert - true if inserting lines, false if deleting lines
void DoSrvPrivateModifyLinesImpl(const size_t count, const bool insert)
auto& screenInfo = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().getConsoleInformation().GetActiveOutputBuffer().GetActiveBuffer();
auto& textBuffer = screenInfo.GetTextBuffer();
const auto cursorPosition = textBuffer.GetCursor().GetPosition();
if (screenInfo.IsCursorInMargins(cursorPosition))
// Rectangle to cut out of the existing buffer. This is inclusive.
// It will be clipped to the buffer boundaries so SHORT_MAX gives us the full buffer width.
SMALL_RECT srScroll;
srScroll.Left = 0;
srScroll.Right = SHORT_MAX;
srScroll.Top = cursorPosition.Y;
srScroll.Bottom = screenInfo.GetViewport().BottomInclusive();
// Clip to the DECSTBM margin boundary
if (screenInfo.AreMarginsSet())
srScroll.Bottom = screenInfo.GetAbsoluteScrollMargins().BottomInclusive();
// Paste coordinate for cut text above
COORD coordDestination;
coordDestination.X = 0;
if (insert)
coordDestination.Y = (cursorPosition.Y) + gsl::narrow<short>(count);
coordDestination.Y = (cursorPosition.Y) - gsl::narrow<short>(count);
// Note the revealed lines are filled with the standard erase attributes.
// The IL and DL controls are also expected to move the cursor to the left margin.
// For now this is just column 0, since we don't yet support DECSLRM.
LOG_IF_NTSTATUS_FAILED(screenInfo.SetCursorPosition({ 0, cursorPosition.Y }, false));
// Routine Description:
// - a private API call for deleting lines in the active screen buffer.
// Parameters:
// - count - the number of lines to delete
void DoSrvPrivateDeleteLines(const size_t count)
DoSrvPrivateModifyLinesImpl(count, false);
// Routine Description:
// - a private API call for inserting lines in the active screen buffer.
// Parameters:
// - count - the number of lines to insert
void DoSrvPrivateInsertLines(const size_t count)
DoSrvPrivateModifyLinesImpl(count, true);
// Method Description:
// - Snaps the screen buffer's viewport to the "virtual bottom", the last place
//the viewport was before the user scrolled it (with the mouse or scrollbar)
// Arguments:
// - screenInfo: the buffer to move the viewport for.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void DoSrvPrivateMoveToBottom(SCREEN_INFORMATION& screenInfo)
// Method Description:
// - Retrieve the color table value at the specified index.
// Arguments:
// - index: the index in the table to retrieve.
// - value: receives the RGB value for the color at that index in the table.
// Return Value:
// - E_INVALIDARG if index is >= 256, else S_OK
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DoSrvPrivateGetColorTableEntry(const size_t index, COLORREF& value) noexcept
Globals& g = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals();
CONSOLE_INFORMATION& gci = g.getConsoleInformation();
value = gci.GetColorTableEntry(::Xterm256ToWindowsIndex(index));
return S_OK;
// Method Description:
// - Sets the color table value in index to the color specified in value.
// Can be used to set the 256-color table as well as the 16-color table.
// Arguments:
// - index: the index in the table to change.
// - value: the new RGB value to use for that index in the color table.
// Return Value:
// - E_INVALIDARG if index is >= 256, else S_OK
// Notes:
// Does not take a buffer parameter. The color table for a console and for
// terminals as well is global, not per-screen-buffer.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DoSrvPrivateSetColorTableEntry(const size_t index, const COLORREF value) noexcept
Globals& g = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals();
CONSOLE_INFORMATION& gci = g.getConsoleInformation();
gci.SetColorTableEntry(::Xterm256ToWindowsIndex(index), value);
// Update the screen colors if we're not a pty
// No need to force a redraw in pty mode.
if (g.pRender && !gci.IsInVtIoMode())
return S_OK;
// Method Description:
// - Sets the default foreground color to the color specified in value.
// Arguments:
// - value: the new RGB value to use, as a COLORREF, format 0x00BBGGRR.
// Return Value:
// - S_OK
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DoSrvPrivateSetDefaultForegroundColor(const COLORREF value) noexcept
Globals& g = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals();
CONSOLE_INFORMATION& gci = g.getConsoleInformation();
// Update the screen colors if we're not a pty
// No need to force a redraw in pty mode.
if (g.pRender && !gci.IsInVtIoMode())
return S_OK;
// Method Description:
// - Sets the default background color to the color specified in value.
// Arguments:
// - value: the new RGB value to use, as a COLORREF, format 0x00BBGGRR.
// Return Value:
// - S_OK
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DoSrvPrivateSetDefaultBackgroundColor(const COLORREF value) noexcept
Globals& g = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals();
CONSOLE_INFORMATION& gci = g.getConsoleInformation();
// Update the screen colors if we're not a pty
// No need to force a redraw in pty mode.
if (g.pRender && !gci.IsInVtIoMode())
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - A private API call for filling a region of the screen buffer.
// Arguments:
// - screenInfo - Reference to screen buffer info.
// - startPosition - The position to begin filling at.
// - fillLength - The number of characters to fill.
// - fillChar - Character to fill the target region with.
// - standardFillAttrs - If true, fill with the standard erase attributes.
// If false, fill with the default attributes.
// Return value:
// - S_OK or failure code from thrown exception
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DoSrvPrivateFillRegion(SCREEN_INFORMATION& screenInfo,
const COORD startPosition,
const size_t fillLength,
const wchar_t fillChar,
const bool standardFillAttrs) noexcept
if (fillLength == 0)
return S_OK;
auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&] { UnlockConsole(); });
// For most VT erasing operations, the standard requires that the
// erased area be filled with the current background color, but with
// no additional meta attributes set. For all other cases, we just
// fill with the default attributes.
auto fillAttrs = TextAttribute{};
if (standardFillAttrs)
fillAttrs = screenInfo.GetAttributes();
const auto fillData = OutputCellIterator{ fillChar, fillAttrs, fillLength };
screenInfo.Write(fillData, startPosition, false);
// Notify accessibility
auto endPosition = startPosition;
const auto bufferSize = screenInfo.GetBufferSize();
bufferSize.MoveInBounds(fillLength - 1, endPosition);
screenInfo.NotifyAccessibilityEventing(startPosition.X, startPosition.Y, endPosition.X, endPosition.Y);
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - A private API call for moving a block of data in the screen buffer,
// optionally limiting the effects of the move to a clipping rectangle.
// Arguments:
// - screenInfo - Reference to screen buffer info.
// - scrollRect - Region to copy/move (source and size).
// - clipRect - Optional clip region to contain buffer change effects.
// - destinationOrigin - Upper left corner of target region.
// - standardFillAttrs - If true, fill with the standard erase attributes.
// If false, fill with the default attributes.
// Return value:
// - S_OK or failure code from thrown exception
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DoSrvPrivateScrollRegion(SCREEN_INFORMATION& screenInfo,
const SMALL_RECT scrollRect,
const std::optional<SMALL_RECT> clipRect,
const COORD destinationOrigin,
const bool standardFillAttrs) noexcept
auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&] { UnlockConsole(); });
// For most VT scrolling operations, the standard requires that the
// erased area be filled with the current background color, but with
// no additional meta attributes set. For all other cases, we just
// fill with the default attributes.
auto fillAttrs = TextAttribute{};
if (standardFillAttrs)
fillAttrs = screenInfo.GetAttributes();
return S_OK;