
193 lines
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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "precomp.h"
#include "readDataDirect.hpp"
#include "dbcs.h"
#include "misc.h"
#include "..\interactivity\inc\ServiceLocator.hpp"
// Routine Description:
// - Constructs direct read data class to hold context across sessions
// generally when there's not enough data to return. Also used a bit
// internally to just pass some information along the stack
// (regardless of wait necessity).
// Arguments:
// - pInputBuffer - Buffer that data will be read from.
// - pInputReadHandleData - Context stored across calls from the same
// input handle to return partial data appropriately.
// the user's buffer (pOutRecords)
// - eventReadCount - the number of events to read
// - partialEvents - any partial events already read
// Return Value:
// - THROW: Throws E_INVALIDARG for invalid pointers.
DirectReadData::DirectReadData(_In_ InputBuffer* const pInputBuffer,
_In_ INPUT_READ_HANDLE_DATA* const pInputReadHandleData,
const size_t eventReadCount,
_In_ std::deque<std::unique_ptr<IInputEvent>> partialEvents) :
ReadData(pInputBuffer, pInputReadHandleData),
_eventReadCount{ eventReadCount },
_partialEvents{ std::move(partialEvents) },
// Routine Description:
// - Destructs a read data class.
// - Decrements count of readers waiting on the given handle.
// Routine Description:
// - This routine is called to complete a direct read that blocked in
// ReadInputBuffer. The context of the read was saved in the DirectReadData
// structure. This routine is called when events have been written to
// the input buffer. It is called in the context of the writing thread.
// Arguments:
// - TerminationReason - if this routine is called because a ctrl-c or
// ctrl-break was seen, this argument contains CtrlC or CtrlBreak. If
// the owning thread is exiting, it will have ThreadDying. Otherwise 0.
// - fIsUnicode - Should we return UCS-2 unicode data, or should we
// run the final data through the current Input Codepage before
// returning?
// - pReplyStatus - The status code to return to the client
// application that originally called the API (before it was queued to
// wait)
// - pNumBytes - not used
// - pControlKeyState - For certain types of reads, this specifies
// which modifier keys were held.
// - pOutputData - a pointer to a
// std::deque<std::unique_ptr<IInputEvent>> that is used to the read
// input events back to the server
// Return Value:
// - true if the wait is done and result buffer/status code can be sent back to the client.
// - false if we need to continue to wait until more data is available.
bool DirectReadData::Notify(const WaitTerminationReason TerminationReason,
const bool fIsUnicode,
_Out_ NTSTATUS* const pReplyStatus,
_Out_ size_t* const pNumBytes,
_Out_ DWORD* const pControlKeyState,
_Out_ void* const pOutputData)
FAIL_FAST_IF(_pInputReadHandleData->GetReadCount() == 0);
const CONSOLE_INFORMATION& gci = Microsoft::Console::Interactivity::ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().getConsoleInformation();
*pReplyStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS;
*pControlKeyState = 0;
*pNumBytes = 0;
bool retVal = true;
std::deque<std::unique_ptr<IInputEvent>> readEvents;
// If ctrl-c or ctrl-break was seen, ignore it.
if (WI_IsAnyFlagSet(TerminationReason, (WaitTerminationReason::CtrlC | WaitTerminationReason::CtrlBreak)))
return false;
// check if a partial byte is already stored that we should read
if (!fIsUnicode &&
_pInputBuffer->IsReadPartialByteSequenceAvailable() &&
_eventReadCount == 1)
// See if called by CsrDestroyProcess or CsrDestroyThread
// via ConsoleNotifyWaitBlock. If so, just decrement the ReadCount and return.
if (WI_IsFlagSet(TerminationReason, WaitTerminationReason::ThreadDying))
// We must see if we were woken up because the handle is being
// closed. If so, we decrement the read count. If it goes to
// zero, we wake up the close thread. Otherwise, we wake up any
// other thread waiting for data.
else if (WI_IsFlagSet(TerminationReason, WaitTerminationReason::HandleClosing))
*pReplyStatus = STATUS_ALERTED;
// if we get to here, this routine was called either by the input
// thread or a write routine. both of these callers grab the
// current console lock.
// calculate how many events we need to read
size_t amountAlreadyRead;
if (FAILED(SizeTAdd(_partialEvents.size(), _outEvents.size(), &amountAlreadyRead)))
return retVal;
size_t amountToRead;
if (FAILED(SizeTSub(_eventReadCount, amountAlreadyRead, &amountToRead)))
return retVal;
*pReplyStatus = _pInputBuffer->Read(readEvents,
if (*pReplyStatus == CONSOLE_STATUS_WAIT)
retVal = false;
if (*pReplyStatus != CONSOLE_STATUS_WAIT)
// split key events to oem chars if necessary
if (*pReplyStatus == STATUS_SUCCESS && !fIsUnicode)
// combine partial and whole events
while (!_partialEvents.empty())
// move read events to out storage
for (size_t i = 0; i < _eventReadCount; ++i)
if (readEvents.empty())
// store partial event if necessary
if (!readEvents.empty())
// move events to pOutputData
std::deque<std::unique_ptr<IInputEvent>>* const pOutputDeque = reinterpret_cast<std::deque<std::unique_ptr<IInputEvent>>* const>(pOutputData);
*pNumBytes = _outEvents.size() * sizeof(INPUT_RECORD);
return retVal;