James Holderness 9a0b6e3b69
Reimplement the VT tab stop functionality (#5173)
## Summary of the Pull Request

This is essentially a rewrite of the VT tab stop functionality, implemented entirely within the `AdaptDispatch` class. This significantly simplifies the `ConGetSet` interface, and should hopefully make it easier to share the functionality with the Windows Terminal VT implementation in the future.

By removing the dependence on the `SCREEN_INFORMATION` class, it fixes the problem of the the tab state not being preserved when switching between the main and alternate buffers. And the new architecture also fixes problems with the tabs not being correctly initialized when the screen is resized.

## References

This fixes one aspect of issue #3545.
It also supersedes the fix for #411 (PR #2816).
I'm hoping the simplification of `ConGetSet` will help with #3849.

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #4669
* [x] CLA signed. If not, go over [here](https://cla.opensource.microsoft.com/microsoft/Terminal) and sign the CLA
* [x] Tests added/passed
* [ ] Requires documentation to be updated
* [ ] I've discussed this with core contributors already. If not checked, I'm ready to accept this work might be rejected in favor of a different grand plan. Issue number where discussion took place: #xxx

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments

In the new tab architecture, there is now a `vector<bool>` (__tabStopColumns_), which tracks whether any particular column is a tab stop or not. There is also a __initDefaultTabStops_ flag indicating whether the default tab stop positions need to be initialised when the screen is resized.

The way this works, the vector is initially empty, and only initialized (to the current width of the screen) when it needs to be used. When the vector grows in size, the __initDefaultTabStops_ flag determines whether the new columns are set to false, or if every 8th column is set to true.

By default we want the latter behaviour - newly revealed columns should have default tab stops assigned to them - so __initDefaultTabStops_ is set to true. However, after a `TBC 3` operation (i.e. we've cleared all tab stops), there should be no tab stops in any newly revealed columns, so __initDefaultTabStops_ is set to false.

Note that the __tabStopColumns_ vector is never made smaller when the window is shrunk, and that way it can preserve the state of tab stops that are off screen, but which may come into range if the window is made bigger again.

However, we can can still reset the vector completely after an `RIS` or `TBC 3` operation, since the state can then be reconstructed automatically based on just the __initDefaultTabStops_ flag.

## Validation Steps Performed

The original screen buffer tests had to be rewritten to set and query the tab stop state using escape sequences rather than interacting with the `SCREEN_INFORMATION` class directly, but otherwise the structure of most tests remained largely the same.

However, the alt buffer test was significantly rewritten, since the original behaviour was incorrect, and the initialization test was dropped completely, since it was no longer applicable. The adapter tests were also dropped, since they were testing the `ConGetSet` interface which has now been removed.

I also had to make an addition to the method setup of the screen buffer tests (making sure the viewport was appropriately initialized), since there were some tests (unrelated to tab stops) that were previously dependent on the state being set in the tab initialization test which has now been removed.

I've manually tested the issue described in #4669 and confirmed that the tabs now produce the correct spacing after a resize.
2020-04-01 12:49:27 +00:00

168 lines
6.7 KiB

Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
Licensed under the MIT license.
Module Name:
- outputStream.hpp
- Classes to process text written into the console on the attached application's output stream (usually STDOUT).
- Michael Niksa <miniksa> July 27 2015
#pragma once
#include "..\terminal\adapter\adaptDefaults.hpp"
#include "..\types\inc\IInputEvent.hpp"
#include "..\inc\conattrs.hpp"
#include "IIoProvider.hpp"
// The WriteBuffer class provides helpers for writing text into the TextBuffer that is backing a particular console screen buffer.
class WriteBuffer : public Microsoft::Console::VirtualTerminal::AdaptDefaults
WriteBuffer(_In_ Microsoft::Console::IIoProvider& io);
// Implement Adapter callbacks for default cases (non-escape sequences)
void Print(const wchar_t wch) override;
void PrintString(const std::wstring_view string) override;
void Execute(const wchar_t wch) override;
[[nodiscard]] NTSTATUS GetResult() { return _ntstatus; };
void _DefaultCase(const wchar_t wch);
void _DefaultStringCase(const std::wstring_view string);
Microsoft::Console::IIoProvider& _io;
NTSTATUS _ntstatus;
#include "..\terminal\adapter\conGetSet.hpp"
// The ConhostInternalGetSet is for the Conhost process to call the entrypoints for its own Get/Set APIs.
// Normally, these APIs are accessible from the outside of the conhost process (like by the process being "hosted") through
// the kernelbase/32 exposed public APIs and routed by the console driver (condrv) to this console host.
// But since we're trying to call them from *inside* the console host itself, we need to get in the way and route them straight to the
// v-table inside this process instance.
class ConhostInternalGetSet final : public Microsoft::Console::VirtualTerminal::ConGetSet
ConhostInternalGetSet(_In_ Microsoft::Console::IIoProvider& io);
bool GetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx(CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFOEX& screenBufferInfo) const override;
bool SetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx(const CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFOEX& screenBufferInfo) override;
bool SetConsoleCursorPosition(const COORD position) override;
bool GetConsoleCursorInfo(CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO& cursorInfo) const override;
bool SetConsoleCursorInfo(const CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO& cursorInfo) override;
bool SetConsoleTextAttribute(const WORD attr) override;
bool PrivateSetLegacyAttributes(const WORD attr,
const bool foreground,
const bool background,
const bool meta) override;
bool PrivateSetDefaultAttributes(const bool foreground,
const bool background) override;
bool SetConsoleXtermTextAttribute(const int xtermTableEntry,
const bool isForeground) override;
bool SetConsoleRGBTextAttribute(const COLORREF rgbColor,
const bool isForeground) override;
bool PrivateBoldText(const bool bolded) override;
bool PrivateGetExtendedTextAttributes(ExtendedAttributes& attrs) override;
bool PrivateSetExtendedTextAttributes(const ExtendedAttributes attrs) override;
bool PrivateGetTextAttributes(TextAttribute& attrs) const override;
bool PrivateSetTextAttributes(const TextAttribute& attrs) override;
bool PrivateWriteConsoleInputW(std::deque<std::unique_ptr<IInputEvent>>& events,
size_t& eventsWritten) override;
bool SetConsoleWindowInfo(bool const absolute,
const SMALL_RECT& window) override;
bool PrivateSetCursorKeysMode(const bool applicationMode) override;
bool PrivateSetKeypadMode(const bool applicationMode) override;
bool PrivateSetScreenMode(const bool reverseMode) override;
bool PrivateSetAutoWrapMode(const bool wrapAtEOL) override;
bool PrivateShowCursor(const bool show) noexcept override;
bool PrivateAllowCursorBlinking(const bool enable) override;
bool PrivateSetScrollingRegion(const SMALL_RECT& scrollMargins) override;
bool PrivateWarningBell() override;
bool PrivateGetLineFeedMode() const override;
bool PrivateLineFeed(const bool withReturn) override;
bool PrivateReverseLineFeed() override;
bool SetConsoleTitleW(const std::wstring_view title) override;
bool PrivateUseAlternateScreenBuffer() override;
bool PrivateUseMainScreenBuffer() override;
bool PrivateEnableVT200MouseMode(const bool enabled) override;
bool PrivateEnableUTF8ExtendedMouseMode(const bool enabled) override;
bool PrivateEnableSGRExtendedMouseMode(const bool enabled) override;
bool PrivateEnableButtonEventMouseMode(const bool enabled) override;
bool PrivateEnableAnyEventMouseMode(const bool enabled) override;
bool PrivateEnableAlternateScroll(const bool enabled) override;
bool PrivateEraseAll() override;
bool PrivateGetConsoleScreenBufferAttributes(WORD& attributes) override;
bool PrivatePrependConsoleInput(std::deque<std::unique_ptr<IInputEvent>>& events,
size_t& eventsWritten) override;
bool SetCursorStyle(CursorType const style) override;
bool SetCursorColor(COLORREF const color) override;
bool PrivateRefreshWindow() override;
bool PrivateSuppressResizeRepaint() override;
bool PrivateWriteConsoleControlInput(const KeyEvent key) override;
bool GetConsoleOutputCP(unsigned int& codepage) override;
bool IsConsolePty() const override;
bool DeleteLines(const size_t count) override;
bool InsertLines(const size_t count) override;
bool MoveToBottom() const override;
bool PrivateSetColorTableEntry(const short index, const COLORREF value) const noexcept override;
bool PrivateSetDefaultForeground(const COLORREF value) const noexcept override;
bool PrivateSetDefaultBackground(const COLORREF value) const noexcept override;
bool PrivateFillRegion(const COORD startPosition,
const size_t fillLength,
const wchar_t fillChar,
const bool standardFillAttrs) noexcept override;
bool PrivateScrollRegion(const SMALL_RECT scrollRect,
const std::optional<SMALL_RECT> clipRect,
const COORD destinationOrigin,
const bool standardFillAttrs) noexcept override;
bool PrivateIsVtInputEnabled() const override;
Microsoft::Console::IIoProvider& _io;