Dustin L. Howett (MSFT) 9dc922fc37
Unify and clean up the common build properties (#3429)
This commit cleans up and deduplicates all of the common build
preamble/postamble across exe, dll, lib and c++/winrt projects.

The following specific changes have been made:
* All projects now define their ConfigurationType
* All projects now set all their properties *before* including a common
  build file (or any other build files)
* cppwinrt.pre and cppwinrt.post now delegate most of their
  configuration to common.pre and common.post
* (becuase of the above,) all build options are conserved between
  console and c++/winrt components, including specific warnings and
  preprocessor definitions.
* More properties that are configurable per-project are now
  conditioned so the common props don't override them.
* The exe, dll, exe.or.dll, and lib postincludes have been merged into
  pre or post and switched based on condition as required
* Shared items (-shared, -common) are now explicitly vcxitems instead of
  vcxproj files.
* The link line is now manipulated after Microsoft.Cpp sets it, so the
  libraries we specify "win". All console things link first against
* Fix all compilation errors caused by build unification
* Move CascadiaPackage's resources into a separate item file

Fixes #922.
2019-11-05 14:29:11 -08:00

133 lines
7.6 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project ToolsVersion="15.0" DefaultTargets="Build" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003">
<Import Project="..\..\..\common.openconsole.props" Condition="'$(OpenConsoleDir)'==''" />
<Import Project="$(OpenConsoleDir)src\wap-common.build.pre.props" />
<PropertyGroup Label="Version">
<!-- These fields are picked up by PackageES -->
<PropertyGroup Label="Configuration">
These two properties are very important!
Without them, msbuild will stomp MinVersion and MaxVersionTested in the
Package.appxmanifest and replace them with whatever our values for
TargetPlatformMinVersion and TargetPlatformVersion are.
<PropertyGroup Condition="!Exists('CascadiaPackage_TemporaryKey.pfx')">
<PropertyGroup Condition="Exists('CascadiaPackage_TemporaryKey.pfx')">
<ItemGroup Condition="Exists('CascadiaPackage_TemporaryKey.pfx')">
<None Include="CascadiaPackage_TemporaryKey.pfx" />
<AppxManifest Include="Package.appxmanifest" Condition="'$(WindowsTerminalReleaseBuild)'=='true'">
<AppxManifest Include="Package-Dev.appxmanifest" Condition="'$(WindowsTerminalReleaseBuild)'!='true'">
<!-- Resources -->
<!-- This resw only defines things that are used in this package's AppxManifest,
so it's not in the common resource items. -->
<PRIResource Include="Resources\en-US\Resources.resw" />
<Import Project="$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)..\CascadiaResources.build.items" />
<Import Project="$(OpenConsoleDir)src\wap-common.build.post.props" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\WindowsTerminal\WindowsTerminal.vcxproj" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\..\host\exe\Host.EXE.vcxproj" />
<!-- Stomp the path to conhost.exe.
This task will copy OpenConsole.exe to the appx as conhost.exe, and place it
adjacent to WindowsTerminal.exe.
<Target Name="OpenConsoleStompSourceProjectForWapProject" BeforeTargets="_ConvertItems">
<!-- Stomp all "SourceProject" values for all incoming dependencies to flatten the package. -->
<_TemporaryFilteredWapProjOutput Include="@(_FilteredNonWapProjProjectOutput)" />
<_FilteredNonWapProjProjectOutput Remove="@(_TemporaryFilteredWapProjOutput)" />
<_FilteredNonWapProjProjectOutput Include="@(_TemporaryFilteredWapProjOutput)">
<!-- Override the filename for OpenConsole.exe (only) -->
<TargetPath Condition="'%(Filename)' == 'OpenConsole' and '%(Extension)' == '.exe'">conhost.exe</TargetPath>
<!-- Blank the SourceProject here to vend all files into the root of the package. -->
<!-- Move all the PRI files that would be packaged into the appx into _PriFile so that
GenerateProjectPriFile catches them. This requires us to move payload collection
up before GenerateProjectPriFile, when it is typically _after_ it (because the
DesktopBridge project type is built to only prepare the payload during appx manifest
Since PRI file generation is _before_ manifest generation (for possibly obvious or
important reasons), that doesn't work for us.
<!-- Only for MSBuild versions < 16.3.0 -->
<_GenerateProjectPriFileDependsOn Condition="$(MSBuildVersion) &lt; '16.3.0'">OpenConsoleLiftDesktopBridgePriFiles;$(_GenerateProjectPriFileDependsOn)</_GenerateProjectPriFileDependsOn>
<Target Name="OpenConsoleLiftDesktopBridgePriFiles" DependsOnTargets="_ConvertItems">
<_PriFile Include="@(_NonWapProjProjectOutput)" Condition="'%(Extension)' == '.pri'" />
<!-- Remove all other .pri files from the appx payload. -->
<AppxPackagePayload Remove="@(AppxPackagePayload)" Condition="'%(Extension)' == '.pri'" />
<!-- VS 16.3.0 added a rule to the WAP packaging project that removes all non-WAP payload, which we were relying on to
roll up our subproject resources. We have to suppress that rule but keep part of its logic, because that rule is
where the AppxPackagePayload items are created. -->
<!-- Only for MSBuild versions <= 16.4.0 -->
<!-- TODO: Change this to hard less than once the 16.4.0 previews fix the bug. -->
Condition="$(MSBuildVersion) &lt;= '16.4.0'">
$([MSBuild]::Unescape('$(WapProjBeforeGenerateAppxManifestDependsOn.Replace('_RemoveAllNonWapUWPItems', '_OpenConsoleRemoveAllNonWapUWPItems'))'))
<Target Name="_OpenConsoleRemoveAllNonWapUWPItems">
<AppxPackagePayload Include="@(WapProjPackageFile)" />
<AppxUploadPackagePayload Include="@(UploadWapProjPackageFile)" />
<!-- 16.3.0 - remove non-resources.pri PRI files since we just forced them back in. -->
<AppxPackagePayload Remove="@(AppxPackagePayload)" Condition="'%(Extension)' == '.pri' and '%(Filename)' != 'resources'" />
<AppxUploadPackagePayload Remove="@(AppxUploadPackagePayload)" Condition="'%(Extension)' == '.pri' and '%(Filename)' != 'resources'" />
<!-- This is required to get the package dependency in the AppXManifest. -->
<Import Project="..\..\..\packages\Microsoft.UI.Xaml.2.2.191021001-prerelease\build\native\Microsoft.UI.Xaml.targets" Condition="Exists('..\..\..\packages\Microsoft.UI.Xaml.2.2.191021001-prerelease\build\native\Microsoft.UI.Xaml.targets')" />
<Target Name="EnsureNuGetPackageBuildImports" BeforeTargets="PrepareForBuild">
<ErrorText>This project references NuGet package(s) that are missing on this computer. Use NuGet Package Restore to download them. For more information, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=322105. The missing file is {0}.</ErrorText>
<Error Condition="!Exists('..\..\..\packages\Microsoft.UI.Xaml.2.2.191021001-prerelease\build\native\Microsoft.UI.Xaml.targets')" Text="$([System.String]::Format('$(ErrorText)', '..\..\..\packages\Microsoft.UI.Xaml.2.2.191021001-prerelease\build\native\Microsoft.UI.Xaml.targets'))" />