Mike Griese 9ed3da8b3b
Decouple "Active Terminal" and "Focused Control" (#3540)
## Summary of the Pull Request

Unties the concept of "focused control" from "active control".

Previously, we were exclusively using the "Focused" state of `TermControl`s to determine which one was active. This was fraught with gotchas - if anything else became focused, then suddenly there was _no_ pane focused in the Tab. This happened especially frequently if the user clicked on a tab to focus the window. Furthermore, in experimental branches with more UI added to the Terminal (such as [dev/migrie/f/2046-command-palette](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/tree/dev/migrie/f/2046-command-palette)), when these UIs were added to the Terminal, they'd take focus, which again meant that there was no focused pane.

This fixes these issue by having each Tab manually track which Pane is active in that tab. The Tab is now the arbiter of who in the tree is "active". Panes still track this state, for them to be able to MoveFocus appropriately. 

It also contains a related fix to prevent the tab separator from stealing focus from the TermControl. This required us to set the color of the un-focused Pane border to some color other that Transparent, so I went with the TabViewBackground. Panes now look like the following:


## References

See also: #2046

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #1205
* [x] Closes #522
* [x] Closes #999
* [x] I work here
* [😢] Tests added/passed
* [n/a] Requires documentation to be updated

## Validation Steps Performed

Tested manually opening panes, closing panes, clicking around panes, the whole dance.


* this is janky but is close for some reason?

* This is _almost_ right to solve #1205

  If I want to double up and also fix #522 (which I do), then I need to also
  * when a tab GetsFocus, send the focus instead to the Pane
  * When the border is clicked on, focus that pane's control

  And like a lot of cleanup, because this is horrifying

* hey this autorevoker is really nice

* Encapsulate Pane::pfnGotFocus

* Propogate the events back up on close

* Encapsulate Tab::pfnFocusChanged, and clean up TerminalPage a bit

* Mostly just code cleanup, commenting

* This works to hittest on the borders

  If the border is `Transparent`, then it can't hittest for Tapped events, and it'll fall through (to someone)

  THis at least works, but looks garish

* Match the pane border to the TabViewHeader

* Fix a bit of dead code and a bad copy-pasta

* This _works_ to use a winrt event, but it's dirty

* Clean up everything from the winrt::event debacle.

* This is dead code that shouldn't have been there

* Turn Tab's callback into a winrt::event as well
2019-11-18 15:41:25 -06:00

1129 lines
40 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "pch.h"
#include "Pane.h"
using namespace winrt::Windows::Foundation;
using namespace winrt::Windows::UI;
using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml;
using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::Core;
using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Media;
using namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings;
using namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::TerminalControl;
using namespace winrt::TerminalApp;
static const int PaneBorderSize = 2;
static const int CombinedPaneBorderSize = 2 * PaneBorderSize;
static const float Half = 0.50f;
winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Media::SolidColorBrush Pane::s_focusedBorderBrush = { nullptr };
winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Media::SolidColorBrush Pane::s_unfocusedBorderBrush = { nullptr };
Pane::Pane(const GUID& profile, const TermControl& control, const bool lastFocused) :
_control{ control },
_lastActive{ lastFocused },
_profile{ profile }
_connectionClosedToken = _control.ConnectionClosed({ this, &Pane::_ControlClosedHandler });
// On the first Pane's creation, lookup resources we'll use to theme the
// Pane, including the brushed to use for the focused/unfocused border
// color.
if (s_focusedBorderBrush == nullptr || s_unfocusedBorderBrush == nullptr)
// Register an event with the control to have it inform us when it gains focus.
_gotFocusRevoker = control.GotFocus(winrt::auto_revoke, { this, &Pane::_ControlGotFocusHandler });
// When our border is tapped, make sure to transfer focus to our control.
// LOAD-BEARING: This will NOT work if the border's BorderBrush is set to
// Colors::Transparent! The border won't get Tapped events, and they'll fall
// through to something else.
_border.Tapped([this](auto&, auto& e) {
// Method Description:
// - Update the size of this pane. Resizes each of our columns so they have the
// same relative sizes, given the newSize.
// - Because we're just manually setting the row/column sizes in pixels, we have
// to be told our new size, we can't just use our own OnSized event, because
// that _won't fire when we get smaller_.
// Arguments:
// - newSize: the amount of space that this pane has to fill now.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Pane::ResizeContent(const Size& newSize)
const auto width = newSize.Width;
const auto height = newSize.Height;
if (_splitState == SplitState::Vertical)
const auto paneSizes = _GetPaneSizes(width);
const Size firstSize{ paneSizes.first, height };
const Size secondSize{ paneSizes.second, height };
else if (_splitState == SplitState::Horizontal)
const auto paneSizes = _GetPaneSizes(height);
const Size firstSize{ width, paneSizes.first };
const Size secondSize{ width, paneSizes.second };
// Method Description:
// - Adjust our child percentages to increase the size of one of our children
// and decrease the size of the other.
// - Adjusts the separation amount by 5%
// - Does nothing if the direction doesn't match our current split direction
// Arguments:
// - direction: the direction to move our separator. If it's down or right,
// we'll be increasing the size of the first of our children. Else, we'll be
// decreasing the size of our first child.
// Return Value:
// - false if we couldn't resize this pane in the given direction, else true.
bool Pane::_Resize(const Direction& direction)
if (!DirectionMatchesSplit(direction, _splitState))
return false;
float amount = .05f;
if (direction == Direction::Right || direction == Direction::Down)
amount = -amount;
// Make sure we're not making a pane explode here by resizing it to 0 characters.
const bool changeWidth = _splitState == SplitState::Vertical;
const Size actualSize{ gsl::narrow_cast<float>(_root.ActualWidth()),
gsl::narrow_cast<float>(_root.ActualHeight()) };
// actualDimension is the size in DIPs of this pane in the direction we're
// resizing.
auto actualDimension = changeWidth ? actualSize.Width : actualSize.Height;
const auto firstMinSize = _firstChild->_GetMinSize();
const auto secondMinSize = _secondChild->_GetMinSize();
// These are the minimum amount of space we need for each of our children
const auto firstMinDimension = (changeWidth ? firstMinSize.Width : firstMinSize.Height) + PaneBorderSize;
const auto secondMinDimension = (changeWidth ? secondMinSize.Width : secondMinSize.Height) + PaneBorderSize;
const auto firstMinPercent = firstMinDimension / actualDimension;
const auto secondMinPercent = secondMinDimension / actualDimension;
// Make sure that the first pane doesn't get bigger than the space we need
// to reserve for the second.
const auto firstMaxPercent = 1.0f - secondMinPercent;
if (firstMaxPercent < firstMinPercent)
return false;
_firstPercent = std::clamp(_firstPercent.value() - amount, firstMinPercent, firstMaxPercent);
// Update the other child to fill the remaining percent
_secondPercent = 1.0f - _firstPercent.value();
// Resize our columns to match the new percentages.
return true;
// Method Description:
// - Moves the separator between panes, as to resize each child on either size
// of the separator. Tries to move a separator in the given direction. The
// separator moved is the separator that's closest depth-wise to the
// currently focused pane, that's also in the correct direction to be moved.
// If there isn't such a separator, then this method returns false, as we
// couldn't handle the resize.
// Arguments:
// - direction: The direction to move the separator in.
// Return Value:
// - true if we or a child handled this resize request.
bool Pane::ResizePane(const Direction& direction)
// If we're a leaf, do nothing. We can't possibly have a descendant with a
// separator the correct direction.
if (_IsLeaf())
return false;
// Check if either our first or second child is the currently focused leaf.
// If it is, and the requested resize direction matches our separator, then
// we're the pane that needs to adjust its separator.
// If our separator is the wrong direction, then we can't handle it.
const bool firstIsFocused = _firstChild->_IsLeaf() && _firstChild->_lastActive;
const bool secondIsFocused = _secondChild->_IsLeaf() && _secondChild->_lastActive;
if (firstIsFocused || secondIsFocused)
return _Resize(direction);
// If neither of our children were the focused leaf, then recurse into
// our children and see if they can handle the resize.
// For each child, if it has a focused descendant, try having that child
// handle the resize.
// If the child wasn't able to handle the resize, it's possible that
// there were no descendants with a separator the correct direction. If
// our separator _is_ the correct direction, then we should be the pane
// to resize. Otherwise, just return false, as we couldn't handle it
// either.
if ((!_firstChild->_IsLeaf()) && _firstChild->_HasFocusedChild())
return _firstChild->ResizePane(direction) || _Resize(direction);
if ((!_secondChild->_IsLeaf()) && _secondChild->_HasFocusedChild())
return _secondChild->ResizePane(direction) || _Resize(direction);
return false;
// Method Description:
// - Attempts to handle moving focus to one of our children. If our split
// direction isn't appropriate for the move direction, then we'll return
// false, to try and let our parent handle the move. If our child we'd move
// focus to is already focused, we'll also return false, to again let our
// parent try and handle the focus movement.
// Arguments:
// - direction: The direction to move the focus in.
// Return Value:
// - true if we handled this focus move request.
bool Pane::_NavigateFocus(const Direction& direction)
if (!DirectionMatchesSplit(direction, _splitState))
return false;
const bool focusSecond = (direction == Direction::Right) || (direction == Direction::Down);
const auto newlyFocusedChild = focusSecond ? _secondChild : _firstChild;
// If the child we want to move focus to is _already_ focused, return false,
// to try and let our parent figure it out.
if (newlyFocusedChild->WasLastFocused())
return false;
// Transfer focus to our child, and update the focus of our tree.
return true;
// Method Description:
// - Attempts to move focus to one of our children. If we have a focused child,
// we'll try to move the focus in the direction requested.
// - If there isn't a pane that exists as a child of this pane in the correct
// direction, we'll return false. This will indicate to our parent that they
// should try and move the focus themselves. In this way, the focus can move
// up and down the tree to the correct pane.
// - This method is _very_ similar to ResizePane. Both are trying to find the
// right separator to move (focus) in a direction.
// Arguments:
// - direction: The direction to move the focus in.
// Return Value:
// - true if we or a child handled this focus move request.
bool Pane::NavigateFocus(const Direction& direction)
// If we're a leaf, do nothing. We can't possibly have a descendant with a
// separator the correct direction.
if (_IsLeaf())
return false;
// Check if either our first or second child is the currently focused leaf.
// If it is, and the requested move direction matches our separator, then
// we're the pane that needs to handle this focus move.
const bool firstIsFocused = _firstChild->_IsLeaf() && _firstChild->_lastActive;
const bool secondIsFocused = _secondChild->_IsLeaf() && _secondChild->_lastActive;
if (firstIsFocused || secondIsFocused)
return _NavigateFocus(direction);
// If neither of our children were the focused leaf, then recurse into
// our children and see if they can handle the focus move.
// For each child, if it has a focused descendant, try having that child
// handle the focus move.
// If the child wasn't able to handle the focus move, it's possible that
// there were no descendants with a separator the correct direction. If
// our separator _is_ the correct direction, then we should be the pane
// to move focus into our other child. Otherwise, just return false, as
// we couldn't handle it either.
if ((!_firstChild->_IsLeaf()) && _firstChild->_HasFocusedChild())
return _firstChild->NavigateFocus(direction) || _NavigateFocus(direction);
if ((!_secondChild->_IsLeaf()) && _secondChild->_HasFocusedChild())
return _secondChild->NavigateFocus(direction) || _NavigateFocus(direction);
return false;
// Method Description:
// - Called when our attached control is closed. Triggers listeners to our close
// event, if we're a leaf pane.
// - If this was called, and we became a parent pane (due to work on another
// thread), this function will do nothing (allowing the control's new parent
// to handle the event instead).
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Pane::_ControlClosedHandler()
std::unique_lock lock{ _createCloseLock };
// It's possible that this event handler started being executed, then before
// we got the lock, another thread created another child. So our control is
// actually no longer _our_ control, and instead could be a descendant.
// When the control's new Pane takes ownership of the control, the new
// parent will register it's own event handler. That event handler will get
// fired after this handler returns, and will properly cleanup state.
if (!_IsLeaf())
if (_control.ShouldCloseOnExit())
// Fire our Closed event to tell our parent that we should be removed.
// Method Description:
// - Fire our Closed event to tell our parent that we should be removed.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Pane::Close()
// Fire our Closed event to tell our parent that we should be removed.
// Method Description:
// - Get the root UIElement of this pane. There may be a single TermControl as a
// child, or an entire tree of grids and panes as children of this element.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - the Grid acting as the root of this pane.
Controls::Grid Pane::GetRootElement()
return _root;
// Method Description:
// - If this is the last focused pane, returns itself. Returns nullptr if this
// is a leaf and it's not focused. If it's a parent, it returns nullptr if no
// children of this pane were the last pane to be focused, or the Pane that
// _was_ the last pane to be focused (if there was one).
// - This Pane's control might not currently be focused, if the tab itself is
// not currently focused.
// Return Value:
// - nullptr if we're a leaf and unfocused, or no children were marked
// `_lastActive`, else returns this
std::shared_ptr<Pane> Pane::GetActivePane()
if (_IsLeaf())
return _lastActive ? shared_from_this() : nullptr;
auto firstFocused = _firstChild->GetActivePane();
if (firstFocused != nullptr)
return firstFocused;
return _secondChild->GetActivePane();
// Method Description:
// - Gets the TermControl of this pane. If this Pane is not a leaf, this will return nullptr.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - nullptr if this Pane is a parent, otherwise the TermControl of this Pane.
TermControl Pane::GetTerminalControl()
return _IsLeaf() ? _control : nullptr;
// Method Description:
// - Recursively remove the "Active" state from this Pane and all it's children.
// - Updates our visuals to match our new state, including highlighting our borders.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Pane::ClearActive()
_lastActive = false;
if (!_IsLeaf())
// Method Description:
// - Sets the "Active" state on this Pane. Only one Pane in a tree of Panes
// should be "active", and that pane should be a leaf.
// - Updates our visuals to match our new state, including highlighting our borders.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Pane::SetActive()
_lastActive = true;
// Method Description:
// - Returns nullopt if no children of this pane were the last control to be
// focused, or the GUID of the profile of the last control to be focused (if
// there was one).
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - nullopt if no children of this pane were the last control to be
// focused, else the GUID of the profile of the last control to be focused
std::optional<GUID> Pane::GetFocusedProfile()
auto lastFocused = GetActivePane();
return lastFocused ? lastFocused->_profile : std::nullopt;
// Method Description:
// - Returns true if this pane was the last pane to be focused in a tree of panes.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - true iff we were the last pane focused in this tree of panes.
bool Pane::WasLastFocused() const noexcept
return _lastActive;
// Method Description:
// - Returns true iff this pane has no child panes.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - true iff this pane has no child panes.
bool Pane::_IsLeaf() const noexcept
return _splitState == SplitState::None;
// Method Description:
// - Returns true if this pane is currently focused, or there is a pane which is
// a child of this pane that is actively focused
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - true if the currently focused pane is either this pane, or one of this
// pane's descendants
bool Pane::_HasFocusedChild() const noexcept
// We're intentionally making this one giant expression, so the compiler
// will skip the following lookups if one of the lookups before it returns
// true
return (_control && _lastActive) ||
(_firstChild && _firstChild->_HasFocusedChild()) ||
(_secondChild && _secondChild->_HasFocusedChild());
// Method Description:
// - Update the focus state of this pane. We'll make sure to colorize our
// borders depending on if we are the active pane or not.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Pane::UpdateVisuals()
_border.BorderBrush(_lastActive ? s_focusedBorderBrush : s_unfocusedBorderBrush);
// Method Description:
// - Focuses this control if we're a leaf, or attempts to focus the first leaf
// of our first child, recursively.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Pane::_FocusFirstChild()
if (_IsLeaf())
// Method Description:
// - Attempts to update the settings of this pane or any children of this pane.
// * If this pane is a leaf, and our profile guid matches the parameter, then
// we'll apply the new settings to our control.
// * If we're not a leaf, we'll recurse on our children.
// Arguments:
// - settings: The new TerminalSettings to apply to any matching controls
// - profile: The GUID of the profile these settings should apply to.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Pane::UpdateSettings(const TerminalSettings& settings, const GUID& profile)
if (!_IsLeaf())
_firstChild->UpdateSettings(settings, profile);
_secondChild->UpdateSettings(settings, profile);
if (profile == _profile)
// Method Description:
// - Closes one of our children. In doing so, takes the control from the other
// child, and makes this pane a leaf node again.
// Arguments:
// - closeFirst: if true, the first child should be closed, and the second
// should be preserved, and vice-versa for false.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Pane::_CloseChild(const bool closeFirst)
// Lock the create/close lock so that another operation won't concurrently
// modify our tree
std::unique_lock lock{ _createCloseLock };
// If we're a leaf, then chances are both our children closed in close
// succession. We waited on the lock while the other child was closed, so
// now we don't have a child to close anymore. Return here. When we moved
// the non-closed child into us, we also set up event handlers that will be
// triggered when we return from this.
if (_IsLeaf())
auto closedChild = closeFirst ? _firstChild : _secondChild;
auto remainingChild = closeFirst ? _secondChild : _firstChild;
// If the only child left is a leaf, that means we're a leaf now.
if (remainingChild->_IsLeaf())
// When the remaining child is a leaf, that means both our children were
// previously leaves, and the only difference in their borders is the
// border that we gave them. Take a bitwise AND of those two children to
// remove that border. Other borders the children might have, they
// inherited from us, so the flag will be set for both children.
_borders = _firstChild->_borders & _secondChild->_borders;
// take the control and profile of the pane that _wasn't_ closed.
_control = remainingChild->_control;
_profile = remainingChild->_profile;
// Add our new event handler before revoking the old one.
_connectionClosedToken = _control.ConnectionClosed({ this, &Pane::_ControlClosedHandler });
// Revoke the old event handlers. Remove both the handlers for the panes
// themselves closing, and remove their handlers for their controls
// closing. At this point, if the remaining child's control is closed,
// they'll trigger only our event handler for the control's close.
// If either of our children was focused, we want to take that focus from
// them.
_lastActive = _firstChild->_lastActive || _secondChild->_lastActive;
// Remove all the ui elements of our children. This'll make sure we can
// re-attach the TermControl to our Grid.
// Reset our UI:
// Reattach the TermControl to our grid.
// Make sure to set our _splitState before focusing the control. If you
// fail to do this, when the tab handles the GotFocus event and asks us
// what our active control is, we won't technically be a "leaf", and
// GetTerminalControl will return null.
_splitState = SplitState::None;
// re-attach our handler for the control's GotFocus event.
_gotFocusRevoker = _control.GotFocus(winrt::auto_revoke, { this, &Pane::_ControlGotFocusHandler });
// If we're inheriting the "last active" state from one of our children,
// focus our control now. This should trigger our own GotFocus event.
if (_lastActive)
// Release our children.
_firstChild = nullptr;
_secondChild = nullptr;
// Determine which border flag we gave to the child when we first split
// it, so that we can take just that flag away from them.
Borders clearBorderFlag = Borders::None;
if (_splitState == SplitState::Horizontal)
clearBorderFlag = closeFirst ? Borders::Top : Borders::Bottom;
else if (_splitState == SplitState::Vertical)
clearBorderFlag = closeFirst ? Borders::Left : Borders::Right;
// First stash away references to the old panes and their tokens
const auto oldFirstToken = _firstClosedToken;
const auto oldSecondToken = _secondClosedToken;
const auto oldFirst = _firstChild;
const auto oldSecond = _secondChild;
// Steal all the state from our child
_splitState = remainingChild->_splitState;
_firstChild = remainingChild->_firstChild;
_secondChild = remainingChild->_secondChild;
// Set up new close handlers on the children
// Revoke the old event handlers on our new children
// Revoke event handlers on old panes and controls
// Reset our UI:
// Copy the old UI over to our grid.
// Start by copying the row/column definitions. Iterate over the
// rows/cols, and remove each one from the old grid, and attach it to
// our grid instead.
while (remainingChild->_root.ColumnDefinitions().Size() > 0)
auto col = remainingChild->_root.ColumnDefinitions().GetAt(0);
while (remainingChild->_root.RowDefinitions().Size() > 0)
auto row = remainingChild->_root.RowDefinitions().GetAt(0);
// Remove the child's UI elements from the child's grid, so we can
// attach them to us instead.
// Take the flag away from the children that they inherited from their
// parent, and update their borders to visually match
WI_ClearAllFlags(_firstChild->_borders, clearBorderFlag);
WI_ClearAllFlags(_secondChild->_borders, clearBorderFlag);
// If the closed child was focused, transfer the focus to it's first sibling.
if (closedChild->_lastActive)
// Release the pointers that the child was holding.
remainingChild->_firstChild = nullptr;
remainingChild->_secondChild = nullptr;
// Method Description:
// - Adds event handlers to our children to handle their close events.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Pane::_SetupChildCloseHandlers()
_firstClosedToken = _firstChild->Closed([this]() {
_root.Dispatcher().RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority::Normal, [=]() {
_secondClosedToken = _secondChild->Closed([this]() {
_root.Dispatcher().RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority::Normal, [=]() {
// Method Description:
// - Sets up row/column definitions for this pane. There are three total
// row/cols. The middle one is for the separator. The first and third are for
// each of the child panes, and are given a size in pixels, based off the
// availiable space, and the percent of the space they respectively consume,
// which is stored in _firstPercent and _secondPercent.
// - Does nothing if our split state is currently set to SplitState::None
// Arguments:
// - rootSize: The dimensions in pixels that this pane (and its children should consume.)
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Pane::_CreateRowColDefinitions(const Size& rootSize)
if (_splitState == SplitState::Vertical)
// Create two columns in this grid: one for each pane
const auto paneSizes = _GetPaneSizes(rootSize.Width);
auto firstColDef = Controls::ColumnDefinition();
auto secondColDef = Controls::ColumnDefinition();
else if (_splitState == SplitState::Horizontal)
// Create two rows in this grid: one for each pane
const auto paneSizes = _GetPaneSizes(rootSize.Height);
auto firstRowDef = Controls::RowDefinition();
auto secondRowDef = Controls::RowDefinition();
// Method Description:
// - Initializes our UI for a new split in this pane. Sets up row/column
// definitions, and initializes the separator grid. Does nothing if our split
// state is currently set to SplitState::None
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Pane::_CreateSplitContent()
Size actualSize{ gsl::narrow_cast<float>(_root.ActualWidth()),
gsl::narrow_cast<float>(_root.ActualHeight()) };
// Method Description:
// - Sets the thickness of each side of our borders to match our _borders state.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Pane::_UpdateBorders()
double top = 0, bottom = 0, left = 0, right = 0;
Thickness newBorders{ 0 };
if (WI_IsFlagSet(_borders, Borders::Top))
top = PaneBorderSize;
if (WI_IsFlagSet(_borders, Borders::Bottom))
bottom = PaneBorderSize;
if (WI_IsFlagSet(_borders, Borders::Left))
left = PaneBorderSize;
if (WI_IsFlagSet(_borders, Borders::Right))
right = PaneBorderSize;
_border.BorderThickness(ThicknessHelper::FromLengths(left, top, right, bottom));
// Method Description:
// - Sets the row/column of our child UI elements, to match our current split type.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Pane::_ApplySplitDefinitions()
if (_splitState == SplitState::Vertical)
Controls::Grid::SetColumn(_firstChild->GetRootElement(), 0);
Controls::Grid::SetColumn(_secondChild->GetRootElement(), 1);
_firstChild->_borders = _borders | Borders::Right;
_secondChild->_borders = _borders | Borders::Left;
_borders = Borders::None;
else if (_splitState == SplitState::Horizontal)
Controls::Grid::SetRow(_firstChild->GetRootElement(), 0);
Controls::Grid::SetRow(_secondChild->GetRootElement(), 1);
_firstChild->_borders = _borders | Borders::Bottom;
_secondChild->_borders = _borders | Borders::Top;
_borders = Borders::None;
// Method Description:
// - Determines whether the pane can be split
// Arguments:
// - splitType: what type of split we want to create.
// Return Value:
// - True if the pane can be split. False otherwise.
bool Pane::CanSplit(SplitState splitType)
if (_IsLeaf())
return _CanSplit(splitType);
if (_firstChild->_HasFocusedChild())
return _firstChild->CanSplit(splitType);
if (_secondChild->_HasFocusedChild())
return _secondChild->CanSplit(splitType);
return false;
// Method Description:
// - Split the focused pane in our tree of panes, and place the given
// TermControl into the newly created pane. If we're the focused pane, then
// we'll create two new children, and place them side-by-side in our Grid.
// Arguments:
// - splitType: what type of split we want to create.
// - profile: The profile GUID to associate with the newly created pane.
// - control: A TermControl to use in the new pane.
// Return Value:
// - The two newly created Panes
std::pair<std::shared_ptr<Pane>, std::shared_ptr<Pane>> Pane::Split(SplitState splitType, const GUID& profile, const TermControl& control)
if (!_IsLeaf())
if (_firstChild->_HasFocusedChild())
return _firstChild->Split(splitType, profile, control);
else if (_secondChild->_HasFocusedChild())
return _secondChild->Split(splitType, profile, control);
return { nullptr, nullptr };
return _Split(splitType, profile, control);
// Method Description:
// - Determines whether the pane can be split.
// Arguments:
// - splitType: what type of split we want to create.
// Return Value:
// - True if the pane can be split. False otherwise.
bool Pane::_CanSplit(SplitState splitType)
const Size actualSize{ gsl::narrow_cast<float>(_root.ActualWidth()),
gsl::narrow_cast<float>(_root.ActualHeight()) };
const Size minSize = _GetMinSize();
if (splitType == SplitState::Vertical)
const auto widthMinusSeparator = actualSize.Width - CombinedPaneBorderSize;
const auto newWidth = widthMinusSeparator * Half;
return newWidth > minSize.Width;
if (splitType == SplitState::Horizontal)
const auto heightMinusSeparator = actualSize.Height - CombinedPaneBorderSize;
const auto newHeight = heightMinusSeparator * Half;
return newHeight > minSize.Height;
return false;
// Method Description:
// - Does the bulk of the work of creating a new split. Initializes our UI,
// creates a new Pane to host the control, registers event handlers.
// Arguments:
// - splitType: what type of split we should create.
// - profile: The profile GUID to associate with the newly created pane.
// - control: A TermControl to use in the new pane.
// Return Value:
// - The two newly created Panes
std::pair<std::shared_ptr<Pane>, std::shared_ptr<Pane>> Pane::_Split(SplitState splitType, const GUID& profile, const TermControl& control)
// Lock the create/close lock so that another operation won't concurrently
// modify our tree
std::unique_lock lock{ _createCloseLock };
// revoke our handler - the child will take care of the control now.
_connectionClosedToken.value = 0;
// Remove our old GotFocus handler from the control. We don't what the
// control telling us that it's now focused, we want it telling its new
// parent.
_splitState = splitType;
_firstPercent = { Half };
_secondPercent = { Half };
// Remove any children we currently have. We can't add the existing
// TermControl to a new grid until we do this.
// Create two new Panes
// Move our control, guid into the first one.
// Move the new guid, control into the second.
_firstChild = std::make_shared<Pane>(_profile.value(), _control);
_profile = std::nullopt;
_control = { nullptr };
_secondChild = std::make_shared<Pane>(profile, control);
// Register event handlers on our children to handle their Close events
_lastActive = false;
return { _firstChild, _secondChild };
// Method Description:
// - Gets the size in pixels of each of our children, given the full size they
// should fill. Since these children own their own separators (borders), this
// size is their portion of our _entire_ size.
// Arguments:
// - fullSize: the amount of space in pixels that should be filled by our
// children and their separators
// Return Value:
// - a pair with the size of our first child and the size of our second child,
// respectively.
std::pair<float, float> Pane::_GetPaneSizes(const float& fullSize)
if (_IsLeaf())
const auto firstSize = fullSize * _firstPercent.value();
const auto secondSize = fullSize * _secondPercent.value();
return { firstSize, secondSize };
// Method Description:
// - Get the absolute minimum size that this pane can be resized to and still
// have 1x1 character visible, in each of its children. If we're a leaf, we'll
// include the space needed for borders _within_ us.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - The minimum size that this pane can be resized to and still have a visible
// character.
Size Pane::_GetMinSize() const
if (_IsLeaf())
auto controlSize = _control.MinimumSize();
auto newWidth = controlSize.Width;
auto newHeight = controlSize.Height;
newWidth += WI_IsFlagSet(_borders, Borders::Left) ? CombinedPaneBorderSize : 0;
newWidth += WI_IsFlagSet(_borders, Borders::Right) ? CombinedPaneBorderSize : 0;
newHeight += WI_IsFlagSet(_borders, Borders::Top) ? CombinedPaneBorderSize : 0;
newHeight += WI_IsFlagSet(_borders, Borders::Bottom) ? CombinedPaneBorderSize : 0;
return { newWidth, newHeight };
const auto firstSize = _firstChild->_GetMinSize();
const auto secondSize = _secondChild->_GetMinSize();
const auto newWidth = firstSize.Width + secondSize.Width;
const auto newHeight = firstSize.Height + secondSize.Height;
return { newWidth, newHeight };
// Event Description:
// - Called when our control gains focus. We'll use this to trigger our GotFocus
// callback. The tab that's hosting us should have registered a callback which
// can be used to mark us as active.
// Arguments:
// - <unused>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Pane::_ControlGotFocusHandler(winrt::Windows::Foundation::IInspectable const& /* sender */,
RoutedEventArgs const& /* args */)
// Function Description:
// - Attempts to load some XAML resources that the Pane will need. This includes:
// * The Color we'll use for active Panes's borders - SystemAccentColor
// * The Brush we'll use for inactive Panes - TabViewBackground (to match the
// color of the titlebar)
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Pane::_SetupResources()
const auto res = Application::Current().Resources();
const auto accentColorKey = winrt::box_value(L"SystemAccentColor");
if (res.HasKey(accentColorKey))
const auto colorFromResources = res.Lookup(accentColorKey);
// If SystemAccentColor is _not_ a Color for some reason, use
// Transparent as the color, so we don't do this process again on
// the next pane (by leaving s_focusedBorderBrush nullptr)
auto actualColor = winrt::unbox_value_or<Color>(colorFromResources, Colors::Black());
s_focusedBorderBrush = SolidColorBrush(actualColor);
// DON'T use Transparent here - if it's "Transparent", then it won't
// be able to hittest for clicks, and then clicking on the border
// will eat focus.
s_focusedBorderBrush = SolidColorBrush{ Colors::Black() };
const auto tabViewBackgroundKey = winrt::box_value(L"TabViewBackground");
if (res.HasKey(accentColorKey))
winrt::Windows::Foundation::IInspectable obj = res.Lookup(tabViewBackgroundKey);
s_unfocusedBorderBrush = obj.try_as<winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Media::SolidColorBrush>();
// DON'T use Transparent here - if it's "Transparent", then it won't
// be able to hittest for clicks, and then clicking on the border
// will eat focus.
s_unfocusedBorderBrush = SolidColorBrush{ Colors::Black() };
DEFINE_EVENT(Pane, Closed, _closedHandlers, ConnectionClosedEventArgs);
DEFINE_EVENT(Pane, GotFocus, _GotFocusHandlers, winrt::delegate<std::shared_ptr<Pane>>);