Michael Kitzan 77dd51af39 Fix crash related to unparseable/invalid media resource paths (#4194)
WT crashes when an unparseable/invalid `backgroundImage` or `icon`
resource path is provided in `profiles.json`. This PR averts the crash
by the validating and correcting resource paths as a part of the
`_ValidateSettings()` function in `CascadiaSettings`.
`_ValidateSettings()` is run on start up and any time `profiles.json` is
changed, so a user can not change a file path and avoid the validation

When a bad `backgroundImage` or `icon` resource path is detected, a
warning screen will be presented.

References #4002, which identified a consistent repro for the crash.

To validate the resource, a `Windows::Foundation::Uri` object is
constructed with the path. The ctor will throw if the resource path is
invalid. Whether or not this validation method is robust enough is a
subject worth review. The correction method for when a bad resource path
is detected is to reset the `std::optional<winrt::hstring>` holding the
file path. 

The text in the warning display was cribbed from the text used when an
invalid `colorScheme` is used. Whether or not the case of a bad
background image file path warrants a warning display is a subject worth

Ensured the repro steps in #4002 did not trigger a crash. Additionally,
some potential backdoor paths to a crash were tested: 

- Deleting the file of a validated background image file path
- Changing the actual file name of a validated background image file
- Replacing the file of a validated background image file path with a
  non-image file (of the same name)
- Using a non-image file as a background image

In all the above cases WT does not crash, and instead defaults to the
background color specified in the profile's `colorScheme`. This PR does
not implement this recovery behavior (existing error catching code

Closes #2329
2020-01-16 17:48:37 -08:00

127 lines
4.4 KiB

Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
Licensed under the MIT license.
Module Name:
- CascadiaSettings.h
- This class acts as the container for all app settings. It's composed of two
parts: Globals, which are app-wide settings, and Profiles, which contain
a set of settings that apply to a single instance of the terminal.
Also contains the logic for serializing and deserializing this object.
- Mike Griese - March 2019
#pragma once
#include <winrt/Microsoft.Terminal.TerminalConnection.h>
#include "GlobalAppSettings.h"
#include "TerminalWarnings.h"
#include "Profile.h"
#include "IDynamicProfileGenerator.h"
// fwdecl unittest classes
namespace TerminalAppLocalTests
class SettingsTests;
class ProfileTests;
class ColorSchemeTests;
class KeyBindingsTests;
class TabTests;
namespace TerminalAppUnitTests
class DynamicProfileTests;
namespace TerminalApp
class CascadiaSettings;
class TerminalApp::CascadiaSettings final
CascadiaSettings(const bool addDynamicProfiles);
static std::unique_ptr<CascadiaSettings> LoadDefaults();
static std::unique_ptr<CascadiaSettings> LoadAll();
static std::unique_ptr<CascadiaSettings> LoadUniversal();
static const CascadiaSettings& GetCurrentAppSettings();
std::tuple<GUID, winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::TerminalSettings> BuildSettings(const winrt::TerminalApp::NewTerminalArgs& newTerminalArgs) const;
winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::TerminalSettings BuildSettings(GUID profileGuid) const;
GlobalAppSettings& GlobalSettings();
std::basic_string_view<Profile> GetProfiles() const noexcept;
winrt::TerminalApp::AppKeyBindings GetKeybindings() const noexcept;
static std::unique_ptr<CascadiaSettings> FromJson(const Json::Value& json);
void LayerJson(const Json::Value& json);
static std::wstring GetSettingsPath(const bool useRoamingPath = false);
static std::wstring GetDefaultSettingsPath();
std::optional<GUID> FindGuid(const std::wstring& profileName) const noexcept;
const Profile* FindProfile(GUID profileGuid) const noexcept;
std::vector<TerminalApp::SettingsLoadWarnings>& GetWarnings();
GlobalAppSettings _globals;
std::vector<Profile> _profiles;
std::vector<TerminalApp::SettingsLoadWarnings> _warnings;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<TerminalApp::IDynamicProfileGenerator>> _profileGenerators;
std::string _userSettingsString;
Json::Value _userSettings;
Json::Value _defaultSettings;
Json::Value _userDefaultProfileSettings{ Json::Value::null };
void _LayerOrCreateProfile(const Json::Value& profileJson);
Profile* _FindMatchingProfile(const Json::Value& profileJson);
void _LayerOrCreateColorScheme(const Json::Value& schemeJson);
ColorScheme* _FindMatchingColorScheme(const Json::Value& schemeJson);
void _ParseJsonString(std::string_view fileData, const bool isDefaultSettings);
static const Json::Value& _GetProfilesJsonObject(const Json::Value& json);
static const Json::Value& _GetDisabledProfileSourcesJsonObject(const Json::Value& json);
bool _PrependSchemaDirective();
bool _AppendDynamicProfilesToUserSettings();
void _ApplyDefaultsFromUserSettings();
void _LoadDynamicProfiles();
static bool _IsPackaged();
static void _WriteSettings(const std::string_view content);
static std::optional<std::string> _ReadUserSettings();
static std::optional<std::string> _ReadFile(HANDLE hFile);
GUID _GetProfileForIndex(std::optional<int> index) const;
GUID _GetProfileForArgs(const winrt::TerminalApp::NewTerminalArgs& newTerminalArgs) const;
void _ValidateSettings();
void _ValidateProfilesExist();
void _ValidateProfilesHaveGuid();
void _ValidateDefaultProfileExists();
void _ValidateNoDuplicateProfiles();
void _ReorderProfilesToMatchUserSettingsOrder();
void _RemoveHiddenProfiles();
void _ValidateAllSchemesExist();
void _ValidateMediaResources();
friend class TerminalAppLocalTests::SettingsTests;
friend class TerminalAppLocalTests::ProfileTests;
friend class TerminalAppLocalTests::ColorSchemeTests;
friend class TerminalAppLocalTests::KeyBindingsTests;
friend class TerminalAppLocalTests::TabTests;
friend class TerminalAppUnitTests::DynamicProfileTests;