Michael Niksa 7b1a660e59
Create settings/tasks definitions for VScode builds and registration (#9297)
I wanted to start using VScode. It wasn't easy. I wrote some tasks that allow us to build the various flavors of OpenConsole and Windows Terminal from one of the tasks. I also wrote a task that allows registration of the loose Windows Terminal package and a shortcut one to launch it. 

Also it was grinding away at its own Intellisense forever because it was indexing obj, bin, packages, etc. I excluded those.

Things should be easier now for folks in general. I expect we'll make more task types in the future.
2021-02-26 18:50:15 +00:00

107 lines
3.6 KiB

"version": "2.0.0",
"tasks": [
"type": "process",
"label": "Build Terminal/Console",
"command": "powershell.exe",
"args": [
"Import-Module ${workspaceFolder}\\tools\\OpenConsole.psm1;",
"$project = switch(\"${input:buildProjectChoice}\"){OpenConsole{\"Conhost\\Host_EXE\"} Terminal{\"Terminal\\CascadiaPackage\"}};",
"$target = switch(\"${input:buildModeChoice}\"){Build{\"\"} Rebuild{\":Rebuild\"} Clean{\":Clean\"}};",
"$target = $project + $target;",
"problemMatcher": ["$msCompile"],
"group": {
"kind": "build",
"isDefault": true
"runOptions": {
"reevaluateOnRerun": false,
"instanceLimit": 1,
"runOn": "default"
"type": "process",
"label": "Register Windows Terminal x64 Debug",
"command": "powershell.exe",
"args": [
"Import-Module ${workspaceFolder}\\tools\\OpenConsole.psm1;",
"Set-Location -Path ${workspaceFolder}\\src\\cascadia\\CascadiaPackage\\AppPackages\\CascadiaPackage_0.0.1.0_x64_Debug_Test;",
"if ((Get-AppxPackage -Name 'WindowsTerminalDev*') -ne $null) { Remove-AppxPackage 'WindowsTerminalDev_0.0.1.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe'};",
"New-Item ..\\loose -Type Directory -Force;",
"makeappx unpack /v /o /p .\\CascadiaPackage_0.0.1.0_x64_Debug.msix /d ..\\Loose\\;",
"Add-AppxPackage -Path ..\\loose\\AppxManifest.xml -Register -ForceUpdateFromAnyVersion -ForceApplicationShutdown"
"problemMatcher": ["$msCompile"],
"group": {
"kind": "build",
"isDefault": true
"type": "process",
"label": "Run Windows Terminal Dev",
"command": "wtd.exe",
"args": [
"problemMatcher": ["$msCompile"],
"id": "platformChoice",
"type": "pickString",
"description": "Processor architecture choice",
"default": "x64"
"id": "configChoice",
"type": "pickString",
"description": "Debug or release?",
"default": "Debug"
"id": "buildModeChoice",
"type": "pickString",
"description": "Build, rebuild, or clean?",
"default": "Build"
"id": "buildProjectChoice",
"type": "pickString",
"description": "OpenConsole or Terminal?",
"default": "Terminal"