Schuyler Rosefield 75e2b5fae7
Persist window layout cont. save multiple windows (#11083)
<!-- Enter a brief description/summary of your PR here. What does it fix/what does it change/how was it tested (even manually, if necessary)? -->
## Summary of the Pull Request
Continuation of https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/pull/10972 to handle multiple windows, requires that to be merged first. 

<!-- Other than the issue solved, is this relevant to any other issues/existing PRs? --> 
## References

<!-- Please review the items on the PR checklist before submitting-->
## PR Checklist
* [x] Also closes #766
* [x] CLA signed. If not, go over [here](https://cla.opensource.microsoft.com/microsoft/Terminal) and sign the CLA
* [ ] Tests added/passed
* [ ] Documentation updated. If checked, please file a pull request on [our docs repo](https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/terminal) and link it here: #xxx
* [x] Schema updated.
* [ ] I've discussed this with core contributors already. If not checked, I'm ready to accept this work might be rejected in favor of a different grand plan. Issue number where discussion took place: #xxx

<!-- Provide a more detailed description of the PR, other things fixed or any additional comments/features here -->
## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments
Rough changelog:
Normally saving is triggered to occur every 30s, or sooner if a window is created/closed. The existing behavior of saving on last close is maintained to bypass that throttling. The automatic saving allows for crash recovery. Additionally all window layouts will be saved upon taking the `quit` action.

For loading we will check if we are the first window, that there are any saved layouts, and if the setting is enabled, and then depending on if we were given command line args or startup actions.

- create a new window for each saved layout, or
- take the first layout for our self and then a new window for each other layout.

This also saves the layout when the quit action is taken.

Misc changes
- A -s,--saved argument was added to the command line to facilitate opening all of the windows with the right settings. This also means that while a terminal session is running you can do wt -s idx to open a copy of window idx. There isn't a stable ordering of which idx each window gets saved as (it is whatever the iteration order of _peasants is), so it is just a cute hack for now.
- All position calculation has been moved up to AppHost this does mean we need to awkwardly pass around positions in a couple of unexpected places, but no solution was perfect.
- Renamed "Open tabs from a previous session" to "Open windows from a previous session". (not reflected in video below)
- Now save runtime tab color and window names
- Only enabled for non-elevated windows
- Add some change tracking to ApplicationState

<!-- Describe how you validated the behavior. Add automated tests wherever possible, but list manual validation steps taken as well -->
## Validation Steps Performed
2021-09-27 21:18:39 +00:00

1895 lines
68 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#pragma once
// HEY YOU: When adding ActionArgs types, make sure to add the corresponding
// *.g.cpp to ActionArgs.cpp!
#include "ActionEventArgs.g.h"
#include "NewTerminalArgs.g.h"
#include "CopyTextArgs.g.h"
#include "NewTabArgs.g.h"
#include "SwitchToTabArgs.g.h"
#include "ResizePaneArgs.g.h"
#include "MoveFocusArgs.g.h"
#include "MovePaneArgs.g.h"
#include "SwapPaneArgs.g.h"
#include "AdjustFontSizeArgs.g.h"
#include "SendInputArgs.g.h"
#include "SplitPaneArgs.g.h"
#include "OpenSettingsArgs.g.h"
#include "SetColorSchemeArgs.g.h"
#include "SetTabColorArgs.g.h"
#include "RenameTabArgs.g.h"
#include "ExecuteCommandlineArgs.g.h"
#include "CloseOtherTabsArgs.g.h"
#include "CloseTabsAfterArgs.g.h"
#include "CloseTabArgs.g.h"
#include "ScrollUpArgs.g.h"
#include "ScrollDownArgs.g.h"
#include "MoveTabArgs.g.h"
#include "ToggleCommandPaletteArgs.g.h"
#include "FindMatchArgs.g.h"
#include "NewWindowArgs.g.h"
#include "PrevTabArgs.g.h"
#include "NextTabArgs.g.h"
#include "RenameWindowArgs.g.h"
#include "GlobalSummonArgs.g.h"
#include "FocusPaneArgs.g.h"
#include "ClearBufferArgs.g.h"
#include "MultipleActionsArgs.g.h"
#include "../../cascadia/inc/cppwinrt_utils.h"
#include "JsonUtils.h"
#include "HashUtils.h"
#include "TerminalWarnings.h"
#include "../inc/WindowingBehavior.h"
#include "TerminalSettingsSerializationHelpers.h"
#define ACTION_ARG(type, name, ...) \
public: \
type name() const noexcept { return _##name.has_value() ? _##name.value() : type{ __VA_ARGS__ }; } \
void name(const type& value) noexcept { _##name = value; } \
private: \
std::optional<type> _##name{ std::nullopt };
// Notes on defining ActionArgs and ActionEventArgs:
// * All properties specific to an action should be defined as an ActionArgs
// class that implements IActionArgs
// * ActionEventArgs holds a single IActionArgs. For events that don't need
// additional args, this can be nullptr.
constexpr size_t Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::HashUtils::HashProperty(const winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::IActionArgs& args)
return gsl::narrow_cast<size_t>(args.Hash());
constexpr size_t Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::HashUtils::HashProperty(const winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::NewTerminalArgs& args)
return gsl::narrow_cast<size_t>(args.Hash());
// Retrieves the hash value for an empty-constructed object.
template<typename T>
static size_t EmptyHash()
// cache the value of the empty hash
static const size_t cachedHash = winrt::make_self<T>()->Hash();
return cachedHash;
namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::implementation
using namespace ::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model;
using FromJsonResult = std::tuple<Model::IActionArgs, std::vector<SettingsLoadWarnings>>;
struct ActionEventArgs : public ActionEventArgsT<ActionEventArgs>
ActionEventArgs() = default;
explicit ActionEventArgs(const Model::IActionArgs& args) :
_ActionArgs{ args } {};
WINRT_PROPERTY(IActionArgs, ActionArgs, nullptr);
WINRT_PROPERTY(bool, Handled, false);
struct NewTerminalArgs : public NewTerminalArgsT<NewTerminalArgs>
NewTerminalArgs() = default;
NewTerminalArgs(int32_t& profileIndex) :
_ProfileIndex{ profileIndex } {};
ACTION_ARG(winrt::hstring, Commandline, L"");
ACTION_ARG(winrt::hstring, StartingDirectory, L"");
ACTION_ARG(winrt::hstring, TabTitle, L"");
ACTION_ARG(Windows::Foundation::IReference<Windows::UI::Color>, TabColor, nullptr);
ACTION_ARG(Windows::Foundation::IReference<int32_t>, ProfileIndex, nullptr);
ACTION_ARG(winrt::hstring, Profile, L"");
ACTION_ARG(Windows::Foundation::IReference<bool>, SuppressApplicationTitle, nullptr);
ACTION_ARG(winrt::hstring, ColorScheme);
static constexpr std::string_view CommandlineKey{ "commandline" };
static constexpr std::string_view StartingDirectoryKey{ "startingDirectory" };
static constexpr std::string_view TabTitleKey{ "tabTitle" };
static constexpr std::string_view TabColorKey{ "tabColor" };
static constexpr std::string_view ProfileIndexKey{ "index" };
static constexpr std::string_view ProfileKey{ "profile" };
static constexpr std::string_view SuppressApplicationTitleKey{ "suppressApplicationTitle" };
static constexpr std::string_view ColorSchemeKey{ "colorScheme" };
hstring GenerateName() const;
hstring ToCommandline() const;
bool Equals(const Model::NewTerminalArgs& other)
auto otherAsUs = other.try_as<NewTerminalArgs>();
if (otherAsUs)
return otherAsUs->_Commandline == _Commandline &&
otherAsUs->_StartingDirectory == _StartingDirectory &&
otherAsUs->_TabTitle == _TabTitle &&
otherAsUs->_TabColor == _TabColor &&
otherAsUs->_ProfileIndex == _ProfileIndex &&
otherAsUs->_Profile == _Profile &&
otherAsUs->_SuppressApplicationTitle == _SuppressApplicationTitle &&
otherAsUs->_ColorScheme == _ColorScheme;
return false;
static Model::NewTerminalArgs FromJson(const Json::Value& json)
// LOAD BEARING: Not using make_self here _will_ break you in the future!
auto args = winrt::make_self<NewTerminalArgs>();
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, CommandlineKey, args->_Commandline);
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, StartingDirectoryKey, args->_StartingDirectory);
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, TabTitleKey, args->_TabTitle);
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, ProfileIndexKey, args->_ProfileIndex);
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, ProfileKey, args->_Profile);
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, TabColorKey, args->_TabColor);
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, SuppressApplicationTitleKey, args->_SuppressApplicationTitle);
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, ColorSchemeKey, args->_ColorScheme);
return *args;
static Json::Value ToJson(const Model::NewTerminalArgs& val)
if (!val)
return {};
Json::Value json{ Json::ValueType::objectValue };
const auto args{ get_self<NewTerminalArgs>(val) };
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, CommandlineKey, args->_Commandline);
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, StartingDirectoryKey, args->_StartingDirectory);
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, TabTitleKey, args->_TabTitle);
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, ProfileIndexKey, args->_ProfileIndex);
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, ProfileKey, args->_Profile);
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, TabColorKey, args->_TabColor);
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, SuppressApplicationTitleKey, args->_SuppressApplicationTitle);
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, ColorSchemeKey, args->_ColorScheme);
return json;
Model::NewTerminalArgs Copy() const
auto copy{ winrt::make_self<NewTerminalArgs>() };
copy->_Commandline = _Commandline;
copy->_StartingDirectory = _StartingDirectory;
copy->_TabTitle = _TabTitle;
copy->_TabColor = _TabColor;
copy->_ProfileIndex = _ProfileIndex;
copy->_Profile = _Profile;
copy->_SuppressApplicationTitle = _SuppressApplicationTitle;
copy->_ColorScheme = _ColorScheme;
return *copy;
size_t Hash() const
return ::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::HashUtils::HashProperty(Commandline(), StartingDirectory(), TabTitle(), TabColor(), ProfileIndex(), Profile(), SuppressApplicationTitle(), ColorScheme());
struct CopyTextArgs : public CopyTextArgsT<CopyTextArgs>
CopyTextArgs() = default;
ACTION_ARG(bool, SingleLine, false);
ACTION_ARG(Windows::Foundation::IReference<Control::CopyFormat>, CopyFormatting, nullptr);
static constexpr std::string_view SingleLineKey{ "singleLine" };
static constexpr std::string_view CopyFormattingKey{ "copyFormatting" };
hstring GenerateName() const;
bool Equals(const IActionArgs& other)
auto otherAsUs = other.try_as<CopyTextArgs>();
if (otherAsUs)
return otherAsUs->_SingleLine == _SingleLine &&
otherAsUs->_CopyFormatting == _CopyFormatting;
return false;
static FromJsonResult FromJson(const Json::Value& json)
// LOAD BEARING: Not using make_self here _will_ break you in the future!
auto args = winrt::make_self<CopyTextArgs>();
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, SingleLineKey, args->_SingleLine);
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, CopyFormattingKey, args->_CopyFormatting);
return { *args, {} };
static Json::Value ToJson(const IActionArgs& val)
if (!val)
return {};
Json::Value json{ Json::ValueType::objectValue };
const auto args{ get_self<CopyTextArgs>(val) };
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, SingleLineKey, args->_SingleLine);
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, CopyFormattingKey, args->_CopyFormatting);
return json;
IActionArgs Copy() const
auto copy{ winrt::make_self<CopyTextArgs>() };
copy->_SingleLine = _SingleLine;
copy->_CopyFormatting = _CopyFormatting;
return *copy;
size_t Hash() const
return ::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::HashUtils::HashProperty(SingleLine(), CopyFormatting());
struct NewTabArgs : public NewTabArgsT<NewTabArgs>
NewTabArgs() = default;
NewTabArgs(const Model::NewTerminalArgs& terminalArgs) :
_TerminalArgs{ terminalArgs } {};
WINRT_PROPERTY(Model::NewTerminalArgs, TerminalArgs, nullptr);
hstring GenerateName() const;
bool Equals(const IActionArgs& other)
auto otherAsUs = other.try_as<NewTabArgs>();
if (otherAsUs)
return otherAsUs->_TerminalArgs.Equals(_TerminalArgs);
return false;
static FromJsonResult FromJson(const Json::Value& json)
// LOAD BEARING: Not using make_self here _will_ break you in the future!
auto args = winrt::make_self<NewTabArgs>();
args->_TerminalArgs = NewTerminalArgs::FromJson(json);
return { *args, {} };
static Json::Value ToJson(const IActionArgs& val)
if (!val)
return {};
const auto args{ get_self<NewTabArgs>(val) };
return NewTerminalArgs::ToJson(args->_TerminalArgs);
IActionArgs Copy() const
auto copy{ winrt::make_self<NewTabArgs>() };
copy->_TerminalArgs = _TerminalArgs.Copy();
return *copy;
size_t Hash() const
return ::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::HashUtils::HashProperty(TerminalArgs());
struct MovePaneArgs : public MovePaneArgsT<MovePaneArgs>
MovePaneArgs() = default;
MovePaneArgs(uint32_t& tabIndex) :
_TabIndex{ tabIndex } {};
ACTION_ARG(uint32_t, TabIndex, 0);
static constexpr std::string_view TabIndexKey{ "index" };
hstring GenerateName() const;
bool Equals(const IActionArgs& other)
auto otherAsUs = other.try_as<MovePaneArgs>();
if (otherAsUs)
return otherAsUs->_TabIndex == _TabIndex;
return false;
static FromJsonResult FromJson(const Json::Value& json)
// LOAD BEARING: Not using make_self here _will_ break you in the future!
auto args = winrt::make_self<MovePaneArgs>();
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, TabIndexKey, args->_TabIndex);
return { *args, {} };
static Json::Value ToJson(const IActionArgs& val)
if (!val)
return {};
Json::Value json{ Json::ValueType::objectValue };
const auto args{ get_self<MovePaneArgs>(val) };
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, TabIndexKey, args->_TabIndex);
return json;
IActionArgs Copy() const
auto copy{ winrt::make_self<MovePaneArgs>() };
copy->_TabIndex = _TabIndex;
return *copy;
size_t Hash() const
return ::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::HashUtils::HashProperty(TabIndex());
struct SwitchToTabArgs : public SwitchToTabArgsT<SwitchToTabArgs>
SwitchToTabArgs() = default;
SwitchToTabArgs(uint32_t& tabIndex) :
_TabIndex{ tabIndex } {};
ACTION_ARG(uint32_t, TabIndex, 0);
static constexpr std::string_view TabIndexKey{ "index" };
hstring GenerateName() const;
bool Equals(const IActionArgs& other)
auto otherAsUs = other.try_as<SwitchToTabArgs>();
if (otherAsUs)
return otherAsUs->_TabIndex == _TabIndex;
return false;
static FromJsonResult FromJson(const Json::Value& json)
// LOAD BEARING: Not using make_self here _will_ break you in the future!
auto args = winrt::make_self<SwitchToTabArgs>();
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, TabIndexKey, args->_TabIndex);
return { *args, {} };
static Json::Value ToJson(const IActionArgs& val)
if (!val)
return {};
Json::Value json{ Json::ValueType::objectValue };
const auto args{ get_self<SwitchToTabArgs>(val) };
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, TabIndexKey, args->_TabIndex);
return json;
IActionArgs Copy() const
auto copy{ winrt::make_self<SwitchToTabArgs>() };
copy->_TabIndex = _TabIndex;
return *copy;
size_t Hash() const
return ::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::HashUtils::HashProperty(TabIndex());
struct ResizePaneArgs : public ResizePaneArgsT<ResizePaneArgs>
ResizePaneArgs() = default;
ACTION_ARG(Model::ResizeDirection, ResizeDirection, ResizeDirection::None);
static constexpr std::string_view DirectionKey{ "direction" };
hstring GenerateName() const;
bool Equals(const IActionArgs& other)
auto otherAsUs = other.try_as<ResizePaneArgs>();
if (otherAsUs)
return otherAsUs->_ResizeDirection == _ResizeDirection;
return false;
static FromJsonResult FromJson(const Json::Value& json)
// LOAD BEARING: Not using make_self here _will_ break you in the future!
auto args = winrt::make_self<ResizePaneArgs>();
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, DirectionKey, args->_ResizeDirection);
if (args->ResizeDirection() == ResizeDirection::None)
return { nullptr, { SettingsLoadWarnings::MissingRequiredParameter } };
return { *args, {} };
static Json::Value ToJson(const IActionArgs& val)
if (!val)
return {};
Json::Value json{ Json::ValueType::objectValue };
const auto args{ get_self<ResizePaneArgs>(val) };
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, DirectionKey, args->_ResizeDirection);
return json;
IActionArgs Copy() const
auto copy{ winrt::make_self<ResizePaneArgs>() };
copy->_ResizeDirection = _ResizeDirection;
return *copy;
size_t Hash() const
return ::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::HashUtils::HashProperty(ResizeDirection());
struct MoveFocusArgs : public MoveFocusArgsT<MoveFocusArgs>
MoveFocusArgs() = default;
MoveFocusArgs(Model::FocusDirection direction) :
_FocusDirection{ direction } {};
ACTION_ARG(Model::FocusDirection, FocusDirection, FocusDirection::None);
static constexpr std::string_view DirectionKey{ "direction" };
hstring GenerateName() const;
bool Equals(const IActionArgs& other)
auto otherAsUs = other.try_as<MoveFocusArgs>();
if (otherAsUs)
return otherAsUs->_FocusDirection == _FocusDirection;
return false;
static FromJsonResult FromJson(const Json::Value& json)
// LOAD BEARING: Not using make_self here _will_ break you in the future!
auto args = winrt::make_self<MoveFocusArgs>();
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, DirectionKey, args->_FocusDirection);
if (args->FocusDirection() == FocusDirection::None)
return { nullptr, { SettingsLoadWarnings::MissingRequiredParameter } };
return { *args, {} };
static Json::Value ToJson(const IActionArgs& val)
if (!val)
return {};
Json::Value json{ Json::ValueType::objectValue };
const auto args{ get_self<MoveFocusArgs>(val) };
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, DirectionKey, args->_FocusDirection);
return json;
IActionArgs Copy() const
auto copy{ winrt::make_self<MoveFocusArgs>() };
copy->_FocusDirection = _FocusDirection;
return *copy;
size_t Hash() const
return ::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::HashUtils::HashProperty(FocusDirection());
struct SwapPaneArgs : public SwapPaneArgsT<SwapPaneArgs>
SwapPaneArgs() = default;
SwapPaneArgs(Model::FocusDirection direction) :
_Direction{ direction } {};
ACTION_ARG(Model::FocusDirection, Direction, FocusDirection::None);
static constexpr std::string_view DirectionKey{ "direction" };
hstring GenerateName() const;
bool Equals(const IActionArgs& other)
auto otherAsUs = other.try_as<SwapPaneArgs>();
if (otherAsUs)
return otherAsUs->_Direction == _Direction;
return false;
static FromJsonResult FromJson(const Json::Value& json)
// LOAD BEARING: Not using make_self here _will_ break you in the future!
auto args = winrt::make_self<SwapPaneArgs>();
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, DirectionKey, args->_Direction);
if (args->Direction() == FocusDirection::None)
return { nullptr, { SettingsLoadWarnings::MissingRequiredParameter } };
return { *args, {} };
static Json::Value ToJson(const IActionArgs& val)
if (!val)
return {};
Json::Value json{ Json::ValueType::objectValue };
const auto args{ get_self<SwapPaneArgs>(val) };
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, DirectionKey, args->_Direction);
return json;
IActionArgs Copy() const
auto copy{ winrt::make_self<SwapPaneArgs>() };
copy->_Direction = _Direction;
return *copy;
size_t Hash() const
return ::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::HashUtils::HashProperty(Direction());
struct AdjustFontSizeArgs : public AdjustFontSizeArgsT<AdjustFontSizeArgs>
AdjustFontSizeArgs() = default;
ACTION_ARG(int32_t, Delta, 0);
static constexpr std::string_view AdjustFontSizeDelta{ "delta" };
hstring GenerateName() const;
bool Equals(const IActionArgs& other)
auto otherAsUs = other.try_as<AdjustFontSizeArgs>();
if (otherAsUs)
return otherAsUs->_Delta == _Delta;
return false;
static FromJsonResult FromJson(const Json::Value& json)
// LOAD BEARING: Not using make_self here _will_ break you in the future!
auto args = winrt::make_self<AdjustFontSizeArgs>();
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, AdjustFontSizeDelta, args->_Delta);
return { *args, {} };
static Json::Value ToJson(const IActionArgs& val)
if (!val)
return {};
Json::Value json{ Json::ValueType::objectValue };
const auto args{ get_self<AdjustFontSizeArgs>(val) };
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, AdjustFontSizeDelta, args->_Delta);
return json;
IActionArgs Copy() const
auto copy{ winrt::make_self<AdjustFontSizeArgs>() };
copy->_Delta = _Delta;
return *copy;
size_t Hash() const
return ::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::HashUtils::HashProperty(Delta());
struct SendInputArgs : public SendInputArgsT<SendInputArgs>
SendInputArgs() = default;
ACTION_ARG(winrt::hstring, Input, L"");
static constexpr std::string_view InputKey{ "input" };
hstring GenerateName() const;
bool Equals(const IActionArgs& other)
if (auto otherAsUs = other.try_as<SendInputArgs>(); otherAsUs)
return otherAsUs->_Input == _Input;
return false;
static FromJsonResult FromJson(const Json::Value& json)
// LOAD BEARING: Not using make_self here _will_ break you in the future!
auto args = winrt::make_self<SendInputArgs>();
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, InputKey, args->_Input);
if (args->Input().empty())
return { nullptr, { SettingsLoadWarnings::MissingRequiredParameter } };
return { *args, {} };
static Json::Value ToJson(const IActionArgs& val)
if (!val)
return {};
Json::Value json{ Json::ValueType::objectValue };
const auto args{ get_self<SendInputArgs>(val) };
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, InputKey, args->_Input);
return json;
IActionArgs Copy() const
auto copy{ winrt::make_self<SendInputArgs>() };
copy->_Input = _Input;
return *copy;
size_t Hash() const
return ::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::HashUtils::HashProperty(Input());
struct SplitPaneArgs : public SplitPaneArgsT<SplitPaneArgs>
SplitPaneArgs() = default;
SplitPaneArgs(SplitType splitMode, SplitDirection direction, double size, const Model::NewTerminalArgs& terminalArgs) :
_SplitMode{ splitMode },
_SplitDirection{ direction },
_SplitSize{ size },
_TerminalArgs{ terminalArgs } {};
SplitPaneArgs(SplitDirection direction, double size, const Model::NewTerminalArgs& terminalArgs) :
_SplitDirection{ direction },
_SplitSize{ size },
_TerminalArgs{ terminalArgs } {};
SplitPaneArgs(SplitDirection direction, const Model::NewTerminalArgs& terminalArgs) :
_SplitDirection{ direction },
_TerminalArgs{ terminalArgs } {};
SplitPaneArgs(SplitType splitMode) :
_SplitMode{ splitMode } {};
ACTION_ARG(Model::SplitDirection, SplitDirection, SplitDirection::Automatic);
WINRT_PROPERTY(Model::NewTerminalArgs, TerminalArgs, nullptr);
ACTION_ARG(SplitType, SplitMode, SplitType::Manual);
ACTION_ARG(double, SplitSize, .5);
static constexpr std::string_view SplitKey{ "split" };
static constexpr std::string_view SplitModeKey{ "splitMode" };
static constexpr std::string_view SplitSizeKey{ "size" };
hstring GenerateName() const;
bool Equals(const IActionArgs& other)
auto otherAsUs = other.try_as<SplitPaneArgs>();
if (otherAsUs)
return otherAsUs->_SplitDirection == _SplitDirection &&
(otherAsUs->_TerminalArgs ? otherAsUs->_TerminalArgs.Equals(_TerminalArgs) :
otherAsUs->_TerminalArgs == _TerminalArgs) &&
otherAsUs->_SplitSize == _SplitSize &&
otherAsUs->_SplitMode == _SplitMode;
return false;
static FromJsonResult FromJson(const Json::Value& json)
// LOAD BEARING: Not using make_self here _will_ break you in the future!
auto args = winrt::make_self<SplitPaneArgs>();
args->_TerminalArgs = NewTerminalArgs::FromJson(json);
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, SplitKey, args->_SplitDirection);
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, SplitModeKey, args->_SplitMode);
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, SplitSizeKey, args->_SplitSize);
if (args->SplitSize() >= 1 || args->SplitSize() <= 0)
return { nullptr, { SettingsLoadWarnings::InvalidSplitSize } };
return { *args, {} };
static Json::Value ToJson(const IActionArgs& val)
if (!val)
return {};
const auto args{ get_self<SplitPaneArgs>(val) };
auto json{ NewTerminalArgs::ToJson(args->_TerminalArgs) };
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, SplitKey, args->_SplitDirection);
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, SplitModeKey, args->_SplitMode);
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, SplitSizeKey, args->_SplitSize);
return json;
IActionArgs Copy() const
auto copy{ winrt::make_self<SplitPaneArgs>() };
copy->_SplitDirection = _SplitDirection;
copy->_TerminalArgs = _TerminalArgs.Copy();
copy->_SplitMode = _SplitMode;
copy->_SplitSize = _SplitSize;
return *copy;
size_t Hash() const
return ::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::HashUtils::HashProperty(SplitDirection(), TerminalArgs(), SplitMode(), SplitSize());
struct OpenSettingsArgs : public OpenSettingsArgsT<OpenSettingsArgs>
OpenSettingsArgs() = default;
OpenSettingsArgs(const SettingsTarget& target) :
_Target{ target } {}
ACTION_ARG(SettingsTarget, Target, SettingsTarget::SettingsFile);
static constexpr std::string_view TargetKey{ "target" };
hstring GenerateName() const;
bool Equals(const IActionArgs& other)
auto otherAsUs = other.try_as<OpenSettingsArgs>();
if (otherAsUs)
return otherAsUs->_Target == _Target;
return false;
static FromJsonResult FromJson(const Json::Value& json)
// LOAD BEARING: Not using make_self here _will_ break you in the future!
auto args = winrt::make_self<OpenSettingsArgs>();
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, TargetKey, args->_Target);
return { *args, {} };
static Json::Value ToJson(const IActionArgs& val)
if (!val)
return {};
Json::Value json{ Json::ValueType::objectValue };
const auto args{ get_self<OpenSettingsArgs>(val) };
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, TargetKey, args->_Target);
return json;
IActionArgs Copy() const
auto copy{ winrt::make_self<OpenSettingsArgs>() };
copy->_Target = _Target;
return *copy;
size_t Hash() const
return ::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::HashUtils::HashProperty(Target());
struct SetColorSchemeArgs : public SetColorSchemeArgsT<SetColorSchemeArgs>
SetColorSchemeArgs() = default;
SetColorSchemeArgs(winrt::hstring name) :
_SchemeName{ name } {};
ACTION_ARG(winrt::hstring, SchemeName, L"");
static constexpr std::string_view NameKey{ "colorScheme" };
hstring GenerateName() const;
bool Equals(const IActionArgs& other)
auto otherAsUs = other.try_as<SetColorSchemeArgs>();
if (otherAsUs)
return otherAsUs->_SchemeName == _SchemeName;
return false;
static FromJsonResult FromJson(const Json::Value& json)
// LOAD BEARING: Not using make_self here _will_ break you in the future!
auto args = winrt::make_self<SetColorSchemeArgs>();
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, NameKey, args->_SchemeName);
if (args->SchemeName().empty())
return { nullptr, { SettingsLoadWarnings::MissingRequiredParameter } };
return { *args, {} };
static Json::Value ToJson(const IActionArgs& val)
if (!val)
return {};
Json::Value json{ Json::ValueType::objectValue };
const auto args{ get_self<SetColorSchemeArgs>(val) };
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, NameKey, args->_SchemeName);
return json;
IActionArgs Copy() const
auto copy{ winrt::make_self<SetColorSchemeArgs>() };
copy->_SchemeName = _SchemeName;
return *copy;
size_t Hash() const
return ::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::HashUtils::HashProperty(SchemeName());
struct SetTabColorArgs : public SetTabColorArgsT<SetTabColorArgs>
SetTabColorArgs() = default;
SetTabColorArgs(Windows::UI::Color tabColor) :
_TabColor{ tabColor } {}
ACTION_ARG(Windows::Foundation::IReference<Windows::UI::Color>, TabColor, nullptr);
static constexpr std::string_view ColorKey{ "color" };
hstring GenerateName() const;
bool Equals(const IActionArgs& other)
auto otherAsUs = other.try_as<SetTabColorArgs>();
if (otherAsUs)
return otherAsUs->_TabColor == _TabColor;
return false;
static FromJsonResult FromJson(const Json::Value& json)
// LOAD BEARING: Not using make_self here _will_ break you in the future!
auto args = winrt::make_self<SetTabColorArgs>();
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, ColorKey, args->_TabColor);
return { *args, {} };
static Json::Value ToJson(const IActionArgs& val)
if (!val)
return {};
Json::Value json{ Json::ValueType::objectValue };
const auto args{ get_self<SetTabColorArgs>(val) };
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, ColorKey, args->_TabColor);
return json;
IActionArgs Copy() const
auto copy{ winrt::make_self<SetTabColorArgs>() };
copy->_TabColor = _TabColor;
return *copy;
size_t Hash() const
return ::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::HashUtils::HashProperty(TabColor());
struct RenameTabArgs : public RenameTabArgsT<RenameTabArgs>
RenameTabArgs() = default;
ACTION_ARG(winrt::hstring, Title, L"");
static constexpr std::string_view TitleKey{ "title" };
hstring GenerateName() const;
bool Equals(const IActionArgs& other)
auto otherAsUs = other.try_as<RenameTabArgs>();
if (otherAsUs)
return otherAsUs->_Title == _Title;
return false;
static FromJsonResult FromJson(const Json::Value& json)
// LOAD BEARING: Not using make_self here _will_ break you in the future!
auto args = winrt::make_self<RenameTabArgs>();
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, TitleKey, args->_Title);
return { *args, {} };
static Json::Value ToJson(const IActionArgs& val)
if (!val)
return {};
Json::Value json{ Json::ValueType::objectValue };
const auto args{ get_self<RenameTabArgs>(val) };
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, TitleKey, args->_Title);
return json;
IActionArgs Copy() const
auto copy{ winrt::make_self<RenameTabArgs>() };
copy->_Title = _Title;
return *copy;
size_t Hash() const
return ::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::HashUtils::HashProperty(Title());
struct ExecuteCommandlineArgs : public ExecuteCommandlineArgsT<ExecuteCommandlineArgs>
ExecuteCommandlineArgs() = default;
ExecuteCommandlineArgs(winrt::hstring commandline) :
_Commandline{ commandline } {};
ACTION_ARG(winrt::hstring, Commandline, L"");
static constexpr std::string_view CommandlineKey{ "commandline" };
hstring GenerateName() const;
bool Equals(const IActionArgs& other)
auto otherAsUs = other.try_as<ExecuteCommandlineArgs>();
if (otherAsUs)
return otherAsUs->_Commandline == _Commandline;
return false;
static FromJsonResult FromJson(const Json::Value& json)
// LOAD BEARING: Not using make_self here _will_ break you in the future!
auto args = winrt::make_self<ExecuteCommandlineArgs>();
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, CommandlineKey, args->_Commandline);
if (args->Commandline().empty())
return { nullptr, { SettingsLoadWarnings::MissingRequiredParameter } };
return { *args, {} };
static Json::Value ToJson(const IActionArgs& val)
if (!val)
return {};
Json::Value json{ Json::ValueType::objectValue };
const auto args{ get_self<ExecuteCommandlineArgs>(val) };
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, CommandlineKey, args->_Commandline);
return json;
IActionArgs Copy() const
auto copy{ winrt::make_self<ExecuteCommandlineArgs>() };
copy->_Commandline = _Commandline;
return *copy;
size_t Hash() const
return ::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::HashUtils::HashProperty(Commandline());
struct CloseOtherTabsArgs : public CloseOtherTabsArgsT<CloseOtherTabsArgs>
CloseOtherTabsArgs() = default;
CloseOtherTabsArgs(uint32_t& tabIndex) :
_Index{ tabIndex } {};
ACTION_ARG(Windows::Foundation::IReference<uint32_t>, Index, nullptr);
static constexpr std::string_view IndexKey{ "index" };
hstring GenerateName() const;
bool Equals(const IActionArgs& other)
auto otherAsUs = other.try_as<CloseOtherTabsArgs>();
if (otherAsUs)
return otherAsUs->_Index == _Index;
return false;
static FromJsonResult FromJson(const Json::Value& json)
// LOAD BEARING: Not using make_self here _will_ break you in the future!
auto args = winrt::make_self<CloseOtherTabsArgs>();
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, IndexKey, args->_Index);
return { *args, {} };
static Json::Value ToJson(const IActionArgs& val)
if (!val)
return {};
Json::Value json{ Json::ValueType::objectValue };
const auto args{ get_self<CloseOtherTabsArgs>(val) };
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, IndexKey, args->_Index);
return json;
IActionArgs Copy() const
auto copy{ winrt::make_self<CloseOtherTabsArgs>() };
copy->_Index = _Index;
return *copy;
size_t Hash() const
return ::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::HashUtils::HashProperty(Index());
struct CloseTabsAfterArgs : public CloseTabsAfterArgsT<CloseTabsAfterArgs>
CloseTabsAfterArgs() = default;
CloseTabsAfterArgs(uint32_t& tabIndex) :
_Index{ tabIndex } {};
ACTION_ARG(Windows::Foundation::IReference<uint32_t>, Index, nullptr);
static constexpr std::string_view IndexKey{ "index" };
hstring GenerateName() const;
bool Equals(const IActionArgs& other)
auto otherAsUs = other.try_as<CloseTabsAfterArgs>();
if (otherAsUs)
return otherAsUs->_Index == _Index;
return false;
static FromJsonResult FromJson(const Json::Value& json)
// LOAD BEARING: Not using make_self here _will_ break you in the future!
auto args = winrt::make_self<CloseTabsAfterArgs>();
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, IndexKey, args->_Index);
return { *args, {} };
static Json::Value ToJson(const IActionArgs& val)
if (!val)
return {};
Json::Value json{ Json::ValueType::objectValue };
const auto args{ get_self<CloseTabsAfterArgs>(val) };
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, IndexKey, args->_Index);
return json;
IActionArgs Copy() const
auto copy{ winrt::make_self<CloseTabsAfterArgs>() };
copy->_Index = _Index;
return *copy;
size_t Hash() const
return ::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::HashUtils::HashProperty(Index());
struct CloseTabArgs : public CloseTabArgsT<CloseTabArgs>
CloseTabArgs() = default;
CloseTabArgs(uint32_t tabIndex) :
_Index{ tabIndex } {};
ACTION_ARG(Windows::Foundation::IReference<uint32_t>, Index, nullptr);
static constexpr std::string_view IndexKey{ "index" };
hstring GenerateName() const;
bool Equals(const IActionArgs& other)
auto otherAsUs = other.try_as<CloseTabArgs>();
if (otherAsUs)
return otherAsUs->_Index == _Index;
return false;
static FromJsonResult FromJson(const Json::Value& json)
// LOAD BEARING: Not using make_self here _will_ break you in the future!
auto args = winrt::make_self<CloseTabArgs>();
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, IndexKey, args->_Index);
return { *args, {} };
static Json::Value ToJson(const IActionArgs& val)
if (!val)
return {};
Json::Value json{ Json::ValueType::objectValue };
const auto args{ get_self<CloseTabArgs>(val) };
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, IndexKey, args->_Index);
return json;
IActionArgs Copy() const
auto copy{ winrt::make_self<CloseTabArgs>() };
copy->_Index = _Index;
return *copy;
size_t Hash() const
return ::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::HashUtils::HashProperty(Index());
struct MoveTabArgs : public MoveTabArgsT<MoveTabArgs>
MoveTabArgs() = default;
MoveTabArgs(MoveTabDirection direction) :
_Direction{ direction } {};
ACTION_ARG(MoveTabDirection, Direction, MoveTabDirection::None);
static constexpr std::string_view DirectionKey{ "direction" };
hstring GenerateName() const;
bool Equals(const IActionArgs& other)
auto otherAsUs = other.try_as<MoveTabArgs>();
if (otherAsUs)
return otherAsUs->_Direction == _Direction;
return false;
static FromJsonResult FromJson(const Json::Value& json)
// LOAD BEARING: Not using make_self here _will_ break you in the future!
auto args = winrt::make_self<MoveTabArgs>();
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, DirectionKey, args->_Direction);
if (args->Direction() == MoveTabDirection::None)
return { nullptr, { SettingsLoadWarnings::MissingRequiredParameter } };
return { *args, {} };
static Json::Value ToJson(const IActionArgs& val)
if (!val)
return {};
Json::Value json{ Json::ValueType::objectValue };
const auto args{ get_self<MoveTabArgs>(val) };
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, DirectionKey, args->_Direction);
return json;
IActionArgs Copy() const
auto copy{ winrt::make_self<MoveTabArgs>() };
copy->_Direction = _Direction;
return *copy;
size_t Hash() const
return ::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::HashUtils::HashProperty(Direction());
struct ScrollUpArgs : public ScrollUpArgsT<ScrollUpArgs>
ScrollUpArgs() = default;
ACTION_ARG(Windows::Foundation::IReference<uint32_t>, RowsToScroll, nullptr);
static constexpr std::string_view RowsToScrollKey{ "rowsToScroll" };
hstring GenerateName() const;
bool Equals(const IActionArgs& other)
auto otherAsUs = other.try_as<ScrollUpArgs>();
if (otherAsUs)
return otherAsUs->_RowsToScroll == _RowsToScroll;
return false;
static FromJsonResult FromJson(const Json::Value& json)
// LOAD BEARING: Not using make_self here _will_ break you in the future!
auto args = winrt::make_self<ScrollUpArgs>();
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, RowsToScrollKey, args->_RowsToScroll);
return { *args, {} };
static Json::Value ToJson(const IActionArgs& val)
if (!val)
return {};
Json::Value json{ Json::ValueType::objectValue };
const auto args{ get_self<ScrollUpArgs>(val) };
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, RowsToScrollKey, args->_RowsToScroll);
return json;
IActionArgs Copy() const
auto copy{ winrt::make_self<ScrollUpArgs>() };
copy->_RowsToScroll = _RowsToScroll;
return *copy;
size_t Hash() const
return ::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::HashUtils::HashProperty(RowsToScroll());
struct ScrollDownArgs : public ScrollDownArgsT<ScrollDownArgs>
ScrollDownArgs() = default;
ACTION_ARG(Windows::Foundation::IReference<uint32_t>, RowsToScroll, nullptr);
static constexpr std::string_view RowsToScrollKey{ "rowsToScroll" };
hstring GenerateName() const;
bool Equals(const IActionArgs& other)
auto otherAsUs = other.try_as<ScrollDownArgs>();
if (otherAsUs)
return otherAsUs->_RowsToScroll == _RowsToScroll;
return false;
static FromJsonResult FromJson(const Json::Value& json)
// LOAD BEARING: Not using make_self here _will_ break you in the future!
auto args = winrt::make_self<ScrollDownArgs>();
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, RowsToScrollKey, args->_RowsToScroll);
return { *args, {} };
static Json::Value ToJson(const IActionArgs& val)
if (!val)
return {};
Json::Value json{ Json::ValueType::objectValue };
const auto args{ get_self<ScrollDownArgs>(val) };
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, RowsToScrollKey, args->_RowsToScroll);
return json;
IActionArgs Copy() const
auto copy{ winrt::make_self<ScrollDownArgs>() };
copy->_RowsToScroll = _RowsToScroll;
return *copy;
size_t Hash() const
return ::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::HashUtils::HashProperty(RowsToScroll());
struct ToggleCommandPaletteArgs : public ToggleCommandPaletteArgsT<ToggleCommandPaletteArgs>
ToggleCommandPaletteArgs() = default;
// To preserve backward compatibility the default is Action.
ACTION_ARG(CommandPaletteLaunchMode, LaunchMode, CommandPaletteLaunchMode::Action);
static constexpr std::string_view LaunchModeKey{ "launchMode" };
hstring GenerateName() const;
bool Equals(const IActionArgs& other)
auto otherAsUs = other.try_as<ToggleCommandPaletteArgs>();
if (otherAsUs)
return otherAsUs->_LaunchMode == _LaunchMode;
return false;
static FromJsonResult FromJson(const Json::Value& json)
// LOAD BEARING: Not using make_self here _will_ break you in the future!
auto args = winrt::make_self<ToggleCommandPaletteArgs>();
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, LaunchModeKey, args->_LaunchMode);
return { *args, {} };
static Json::Value ToJson(const IActionArgs& val)
if (!val)
return {};
Json::Value json{ Json::ValueType::objectValue };
const auto args{ get_self<ToggleCommandPaletteArgs>(val) };
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, LaunchModeKey, args->_LaunchMode);
return json;
IActionArgs Copy() const
auto copy{ winrt::make_self<ToggleCommandPaletteArgs>() };
copy->_LaunchMode = _LaunchMode;
return *copy;
size_t Hash() const
return ::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::HashUtils::HashProperty(LaunchMode());
struct FindMatchArgs : public FindMatchArgsT<FindMatchArgs>
FindMatchArgs() = default;
FindMatchArgs(FindMatchDirection direction) :
_Direction{ direction } {};
ACTION_ARG(FindMatchDirection, Direction, FindMatchDirection::None);
static constexpr std::string_view DirectionKey{ "direction" };
hstring GenerateName() const;
bool Equals(const IActionArgs& other)
auto otherAsUs = other.try_as<FindMatchArgs>();
if (otherAsUs)
return otherAsUs->_Direction == _Direction;
return false;
static FromJsonResult FromJson(const Json::Value& json)
// LOAD BEARING: Not using make_self here _will_ break you in the future!
auto args = winrt::make_self<FindMatchArgs>();
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, DirectionKey, args->_Direction);
if (args->Direction() == FindMatchDirection::None)
return { nullptr, { SettingsLoadWarnings::MissingRequiredParameter } };
return { *args, {} };
static Json::Value ToJson(const IActionArgs& val)
if (!val)
return {};
Json::Value json{ Json::ValueType::objectValue };
const auto args{ get_self<FindMatchArgs>(val) };
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, DirectionKey, args->_Direction);
return json;
IActionArgs Copy() const
auto copy{ winrt::make_self<FindMatchArgs>() };
copy->_Direction = _Direction;
return *copy;
size_t Hash() const
return ::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::HashUtils::HashProperty(Direction());
struct NewWindowArgs : public NewWindowArgsT<NewWindowArgs>
NewWindowArgs() = default;
NewWindowArgs(const Model::NewTerminalArgs& terminalArgs) :
_TerminalArgs{ terminalArgs } {};
WINRT_PROPERTY(Model::NewTerminalArgs, TerminalArgs, nullptr);
hstring GenerateName() const;
bool Equals(const IActionArgs& other)
auto otherAsUs = other.try_as<NewWindowArgs>();
if (otherAsUs)
return otherAsUs->_TerminalArgs.Equals(_TerminalArgs);
return false;
static FromJsonResult FromJson(const Json::Value& json)
// LOAD BEARING: Not using make_self here _will_ break you in the future!
auto args = winrt::make_self<NewWindowArgs>();
args->_TerminalArgs = NewTerminalArgs::FromJson(json);
return { *args, {} };
static Json::Value ToJson(const IActionArgs& val)
if (!val)
return {};
const auto args{ get_self<NewWindowArgs>(val) };
return NewTerminalArgs::ToJson(args->_TerminalArgs);
IActionArgs Copy() const
auto copy{ winrt::make_self<NewWindowArgs>() };
copy->_TerminalArgs = _TerminalArgs.Copy();
return *copy;
size_t Hash() const
return ::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::HashUtils::HashProperty(TerminalArgs());
struct PrevTabArgs : public PrevTabArgsT<PrevTabArgs>
PrevTabArgs() = default;
PrevTabArgs(TabSwitcherMode switcherMode) :
_SwitcherMode(switcherMode) {}
ACTION_ARG(Windows::Foundation::IReference<TabSwitcherMode>, SwitcherMode, nullptr);
static constexpr std::string_view SwitcherModeKey{ "tabSwitcherMode" };
hstring GenerateName() const;
bool Equals(const IActionArgs& other)
auto otherAsUs = other.try_as<PrevTabArgs>();
if (otherAsUs)
return otherAsUs->_SwitcherMode == _SwitcherMode;
return false;
static FromJsonResult FromJson(const Json::Value& json)
// LOAD BEARING: Not using make_self here _will_ break you in the future!
auto args = winrt::make_self<PrevTabArgs>();
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, SwitcherModeKey, args->_SwitcherMode);
return { *args, {} };
static Json::Value ToJson(const IActionArgs& val)
if (!val)
return {};
Json::Value json{ Json::ValueType::objectValue };
const auto args{ get_self<PrevTabArgs>(val) };
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, SwitcherModeKey, args->_SwitcherMode);
return json;
IActionArgs Copy() const
auto copy{ winrt::make_self<PrevTabArgs>() };
copy->_SwitcherMode = _SwitcherMode;
return *copy;
size_t Hash() const
return ::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::HashUtils::HashProperty(SwitcherMode());
struct NextTabArgs : public NextTabArgsT<NextTabArgs>
NextTabArgs() = default;
NextTabArgs(TabSwitcherMode switcherMode) :
_SwitcherMode(switcherMode) {}
ACTION_ARG(Windows::Foundation::IReference<TabSwitcherMode>, SwitcherMode, nullptr);
static constexpr std::string_view SwitcherModeKey{ "tabSwitcherMode" };
hstring GenerateName() const;
bool Equals(const IActionArgs& other)
auto otherAsUs = other.try_as<NextTabArgs>();
if (otherAsUs)
return otherAsUs->_SwitcherMode == _SwitcherMode;
return false;
static FromJsonResult FromJson(const Json::Value& json)
// LOAD BEARING: Not using make_self here _will_ break you in the future!
auto args = winrt::make_self<NextTabArgs>();
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, SwitcherModeKey, args->_SwitcherMode);
return { *args, {} };
static Json::Value ToJson(const IActionArgs& val)
if (!val)
return {};
Json::Value json{ Json::ValueType::objectValue };
const auto args{ get_self<NextTabArgs>(val) };
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, SwitcherModeKey, args->_SwitcherMode);
return json;
IActionArgs Copy() const
auto copy{ winrt::make_self<NextTabArgs>() };
copy->_SwitcherMode = _SwitcherMode;
return *copy;
size_t Hash() const
return ::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::HashUtils::HashProperty(SwitcherMode());
struct RenameWindowArgs : public RenameWindowArgsT<RenameWindowArgs>
RenameWindowArgs() = default;
RenameWindowArgs(winrt::hstring name) :
_Name{ name } {};
ACTION_ARG(winrt::hstring, Name);
static constexpr std::string_view NameKey{ "name" };
hstring GenerateName() const;
bool Equals(const IActionArgs& other)
auto otherAsUs = other.try_as<RenameWindowArgs>();
if (otherAsUs)
return otherAsUs->_Name == _Name;
return false;
static FromJsonResult FromJson(const Json::Value& json)
// LOAD BEARING: Not using make_self here _will_ break you in the future!
auto args = winrt::make_self<RenameWindowArgs>();
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, NameKey, args->_Name);
return { *args, {} };
static Json::Value ToJson(const IActionArgs& val)
if (!val)
return {};
Json::Value json{ Json::ValueType::objectValue };
const auto args{ get_self<RenameWindowArgs>(val) };
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, NameKey, args->_Name);
return json;
IActionArgs Copy() const
auto copy{ winrt::make_self<RenameWindowArgs>() };
copy->_Name = _Name;
return *copy;
size_t Hash() const
return ::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::HashUtils::HashProperty(Name());
struct GlobalSummonArgs : public GlobalSummonArgsT<GlobalSummonArgs>
GlobalSummonArgs() = default;
ACTION_ARG(winrt::hstring, Name, L"");
ACTION_ARG(Model::DesktopBehavior, Desktop, Model::DesktopBehavior::ToCurrent);
ACTION_ARG(Model::MonitorBehavior, Monitor, Model::MonitorBehavior::ToMouse);
ACTION_ARG(bool, ToggleVisibility, true);
ACTION_ARG(uint32_t, DropdownDuration, 0);
static constexpr std::string_view NameKey{ "name" };
static constexpr std::string_view DesktopKey{ "desktop" };
static constexpr std::string_view MonitorKey{ "monitor" };
static constexpr std::string_view ToggleVisibilityKey{ "toggleVisibility" };
static constexpr std::string_view DropdownDurationKey{ "dropdownDuration" };
hstring GenerateName() const;
bool Equals(const IActionArgs& other)
if (auto otherAsUs = other.try_as<GlobalSummonArgs>())
return otherAsUs->_Name == _Name &&
otherAsUs->_Desktop == _Desktop &&
otherAsUs->_Monitor == _Monitor &&
otherAsUs->_DropdownDuration == _DropdownDuration &&
otherAsUs->_ToggleVisibility == _ToggleVisibility;
return false;
static FromJsonResult FromJson(const Json::Value& json)
// LOAD BEARING: Not using make_self here _will_ break you in the future!
auto args = winrt::make_self<GlobalSummonArgs>();
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, NameKey, args->_Name);
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, DesktopKey, args->_Desktop);
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, MonitorKey, args->_Monitor);
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, DropdownDurationKey, args->_DropdownDuration);
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, ToggleVisibilityKey, args->_ToggleVisibility);
return { *args, {} };
static Json::Value ToJson(const IActionArgs& val)
if (!val)
return {};
Json::Value json{ Json::ValueType::objectValue };
const auto args{ get_self<GlobalSummonArgs>(val) };
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, NameKey, args->_Name);
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, DesktopKey, args->_Desktop);
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, MonitorKey, args->_Monitor);
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, DropdownDurationKey, args->_DropdownDuration);
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, ToggleVisibilityKey, args->_ToggleVisibility);
return json;
IActionArgs Copy() const
auto copy{ winrt::make_self<GlobalSummonArgs>() };
copy->_Name = _Name;
copy->_Desktop = _Desktop;
copy->_Monitor = _Monitor;
copy->_DropdownDuration = _DropdownDuration;
copy->_ToggleVisibility = _ToggleVisibility;
return *copy;
// SPECIAL! This deserializer creates a GlobalSummonArgs with the
// default values for quakeMode
static FromJsonResult QuakeModeFromJson(const Json::Value& /*json*/)
// LOAD BEARING: Not using make_self here _will_ break you in the future!
auto args = winrt::make_self<GlobalSummonArgs>();
// We want to summon the window with the name "_quake" specifically.
args->_Name = QuakeWindowName;
// We want the window to dropdown, with a 200ms duration.
args->_DropdownDuration = 200;
return { *args, {} };
size_t Hash() const
return ::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::HashUtils::HashProperty(Name(), Desktop(), Monitor(), DropdownDuration(), ToggleVisibility());
struct FocusPaneArgs : public FocusPaneArgsT<FocusPaneArgs>
FocusPaneArgs() = default;
FocusPaneArgs(uint32_t id) :
_Id{ id } {};
WINRT_PROPERTY(uint32_t, Id);
static constexpr std::string_view IdKey{ "id" };
hstring GenerateName() const;
bool Equals(const IActionArgs& other)
auto otherAsUs = other.try_as<FocusPaneArgs>();
if (otherAsUs)
return otherAsUs->_Id == _Id;
return false;
static FromJsonResult FromJson(const Json::Value& json)
// LOAD BEARING: Not using make_self here _will_ break you in the future!
auto args = winrt::make_self<FocusPaneArgs>();
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, IdKey, args->_Id);
return { *args, {} };
static Json::Value ToJson(const IActionArgs& val)
if (!val)
return {};
Json::Value json{ Json::ValueType::objectValue };
const auto args{ get_self<FocusPaneArgs>(val) };
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, IdKey, args->_Id);
return json;
IActionArgs Copy() const
auto copy{ winrt::make_self<FocusPaneArgs>() };
copy->_Id = _Id;
return *copy;
size_t Hash() const
return ::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::HashUtils::HashProperty(_Id);
struct ClearBufferArgs : public ClearBufferArgsT<ClearBufferArgs>
ClearBufferArgs() = default;
ClearBufferArgs(winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Control::ClearBufferType clearType) :
_Clear{ clearType } {};
WINRT_PROPERTY(winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Control::ClearBufferType, Clear, winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Control::ClearBufferType::All);
static constexpr std::string_view ClearKey{ "clear" };
hstring GenerateName() const;
bool Equals(const IActionArgs& other)
auto otherAsUs = other.try_as<ClearBufferArgs>();
if (otherAsUs)
return otherAsUs->_Clear == _Clear;
return false;
static FromJsonResult FromJson(const Json::Value& json)
// LOAD BEARING: Not using make_self here _will_ break you in the future!
auto args = winrt::make_self<ClearBufferArgs>();
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, ClearKey, args->_Clear);
return { *args, {} };
static Json::Value ToJson(const IActionArgs& val)
if (!val)
return {};
Json::Value json{ Json::ValueType::objectValue };
const auto args{ get_self<ClearBufferArgs>(val) };
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, ClearKey, args->_Clear);
return json;
IActionArgs Copy() const
auto copy{ winrt::make_self<ClearBufferArgs>() };
copy->_Clear = _Clear;
return *copy;
size_t Hash() const
return ::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::HashUtils::HashProperty(_Clear);
struct MultipleActionsArgs : public MultipleActionsArgsT<MultipleActionsArgs>
MultipleActionsArgs() = default;
WINRT_PROPERTY(Windows::Foundation::Collections::IVector<ActionAndArgs>, Actions);
static constexpr std::string_view ActionsKey{ "actions" };
hstring GenerateName() const;
bool Equals(const IActionArgs& other)
auto otherAsUs = other.try_as<MultipleActionsArgs>();
if (otherAsUs)
return otherAsUs->_Actions == _Actions;
return false;
static FromJsonResult FromJson(const Json::Value& json)
// LOAD BEARING: Not using make_self here _will_ break you in the future!
auto args = winrt::make_self<MultipleActionsArgs>();
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, ActionsKey, args->_Actions);
return { *args, {} };
static Json::Value ToJson(const IActionArgs& val)
if (!val)
return {};
Json::Value json{ Json::ValueType::objectValue };
const auto args{ get_self<MultipleActionsArgs>(val) };
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, ActionsKey, args->_Actions);
return json;
IActionArgs Copy() const
auto copy{ winrt::make_self<MultipleActionsArgs>() };
copy->_Actions = _Actions;
return *copy;
size_t Hash() const
return ::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::HashUtils::HashProperty(_Actions);
namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::factory_implementation