Leonard Hecker eaeab7a807
Upgrade Windows SDK to 19041 (#10118)
## Summary of the Pull Request

Upgrade the Windows SDK to 19041 by setting `WindowsTargetPlatformMinVersion` to 17763 and `WindowsTargetPlatformVersion` to 19041.

## PR Checklist
* [x] I work here
* [x] Tests added/passed

## Validation Steps Performed

General usage of the Windows Terminal application appears fine.
2021-05-20 16:04:25 +00:00

116 lines
4.8 KiB

[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true,
HelpMessage="Path to the .appx/.msix to validate")]
[Parameter(HelpMessage="Path to Windows Kit")]
[ValidateScript({Test-Path $_ -Type Leaf})]
$WindowsKitPath = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.19041.0"
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
If ($null -Eq (Get-Item $WindowsKitPath -EA:SilentlyContinue)) {
Write-Error "Could not find a windows SDK at at `"$WindowsKitPath`".`nMake sure that WindowsKitPath points to a valid SDK."
Exit 1
$makeAppx = "$WindowsKitPath\x86\MakeAppx.exe"
$makePri = "$WindowsKitPath\x86\MakePri.exe"
Function Expand-ApplicationPackage {
[Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
$sentinelFile = New-TemporaryFile
$directory = New-Item -Type Directory "$($sentinelFile.FullName)_Package"
Remove-Item $sentinelFile -Force -EA:Ignore
& $makeAppx unpack /p $Path /d $directory /nv /o
If ($LastExitCode -Ne 0) {
Throw "Failed to expand AppX"
Write-Verbose "Expanding $Path"
$AppxPackageRoot = Expand-ApplicationPackage $Path
$AppxPackageRootPath = $AppxPackageRoot.FullName
Write-Verbose "Expanded to $AppxPackageRootPath"
Try {
& $makePri dump /if "$AppxPackageRootPath\resources.pri" /of "$AppxPackageRootPath\resources.pri.xml" /o
If ($LastExitCode -Ne 0) {
Throw "Failed to dump PRI"
$Manifest = [xml](Get-Content "$AppxPackageRootPath\AppxManifest.xml")
$PRIFile = [xml](Get-Content "$AppxPackageRootPath\resources.pri.xml")
### Check the activatable class entries for a few DLLs we need.
$inProcServers = $Manifest.Package.Extensions.Extension.InProcessServer.Path
$RequiredInProcServers = ("TerminalApp.dll", "Microsoft.Terminal.Control.dll", "Microsoft.Terminal.Remoting.dll", "Microsoft.Terminal.Settings.Editor.dll", "Microsoft.Terminal.Settings.Model.dll", "TerminalConnection.dll")
Write-Verbose "InProc Servers: $inProcServers"
ForEach ($req in $RequiredInProcServers) {
If ($req -NotIn $inProcServers) {
Throw "Failed to find $req in InProcServer list $inProcServers"
$dependencies = $Manifest.Package.Dependencies.PackageDependency.Name
$depsHasVclibsDesktop = ("Microsoft.VCLibs.140.00.UWPDesktop" -in $dependencies) -or ("Microsoft.VCLibs.140.00.Debug.UWPDesktop" -in $dependencies)
$depsHasVcLibsAppX = ("Microsoft.VCLibs.140.00" -in $dependencies) -or ("Microsoft.VCLibs.140.00.Debug" -in $dependencies)
$filesHasVclibsDesktop = ($null -ne (Get-Item "$AppxPackageRootPath\vcruntime140.dll" -EA:Ignore)) -or ($null -ne (Get-Item "$AppxPackageRootPath\vcruntime140d.dll" -EA:Ignore))
$filesHasVclibsAppX = ($null -ne (Get-Item "$AppxPackageRootPath\vcruntime140_app.dll" -EA:Ignore)) -or ($null -ne (Get-Item "$AppxPackageRootPath\vcruntime140d_app.dll" -EA:Ignore))
If ($depsHasVclibsDesktop -Eq $filesHasVclibsDesktop) {
$eitherBoth = if ($depsHasVclibsDesktop) { "both" } else { "neither" }
$neitherNor = if ($depsHasVclibsDesktop) { "and" } else { "nor" }
Throw "Package has $eitherBoth Dependency $neitherNor Integrated Desktop VCLibs"
If ($depsHasVclibsAppx -Eq $filesHasVclibsAppx) {
if ($depsHasVclibsAppx) {
# We've shipped like this forever, so downgrade to warning.
Write-Warning "Package has both Dependency and Integrated AppX VCLibs"
} else {
Throw "Package has neither Dependency nor Integrated AppX VCLibs"
### Check that we have an App.xbf (which is a proxy for our resources having been merged)
$resourceXpath = '/PriInfo/ResourceMap/ResourceMapSubtree[@name="Files"]/NamedResource[@name="App.xbf"]'
$AppXbf = $PRIFile.SelectSingleNode($resourceXpath)
If ($null -eq $AppXbf) {
Throw "Failed to find App.xbf (TerminalApp project) in resources.pri"
If (($null -eq (Get-Item "$AppxPackageRootPath\cpprest142_2_10.dll" -EA:Ignore)) -And
($null -eq (Get-Item "$AppxPackageRootPath\cpprest142_2_10d.dll" -EA:Ignore))) {
Throw "Failed to find cpprest142_2_10.dll -- check the WAP packaging project"
If (($null -eq (Get-Item "$AppxPackageRootPath\wtd.exe" -EA:Ignore)) -And
($null -eq (Get-Item "$AppxPackageRootPath\wt.exe" -EA:Ignore))) {
Throw "Failed to find wt.exe/wtd.exe -- check the WAP packaging project"
If ($null -eq (Get-Item "$AppxPackageRootPath\OpenConsole.exe" -EA:Ignore)) {
Throw "Failed to find OpenConsole.exe -- check the WAP packaging project"
} Finally {
Remove-Item -Recurse -Force $AppxPackageRootPath