
2632 lines
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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "precomp.h"
#include "adaptDispatch.hpp"
#include "conGetSet.hpp"
#include "../../types/inc/Viewport.hpp"
#include "../../types/inc/utils.hpp"
#include "../../inc/unicode.hpp"
#include "../parser/ascii.hpp"
using namespace Microsoft::Console::Types;
using namespace Microsoft::Console::VirtualTerminal;
// Routine Description:
// - No Operation helper. It's just here to make sure they're always all the same.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - Always false to signify we didn't handle it.
bool NoOp() noexcept
return false;
// Note: AdaptDispatch will take ownership of pConApi and pDefaults
AdaptDispatch::AdaptDispatch(std::unique_ptr<ConGetSet> pConApi,
std::unique_ptr<AdaptDefaults> pDefaults) :
_pConApi{ std::move(pConApi) },
_pDefaults{ std::move(pDefaults) },
_isOriginModeRelative(false), // by default, the DECOM origin mode is absolute.
_isDECCOLMAllowed(false), // by default, DECCOLM is not allowed.
_scrollMargins = { 0 }; // initially, there are no scroll margins.
// Routine Description:
// - Translates and displays a single character
// Arguments:
// - wchPrintable - Printable character
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void AdaptDispatch::Print(const wchar_t wchPrintable)
const auto wchTranslated = _termOutput.TranslateKey(wchPrintable);
// By default the DEL character is meant to be ignored in the same way as a
// NUL character. However, it's possible that it could be translated to a
// printable character in a 96-character set. This condition makes sure that
// a character is only output if the DEL is translated to something else.
if (wchTranslated != AsciiChars::DEL)
// Routine Description
// - Forward an entire string through. May translate, if necessary, to key input sequences
// based on the locale
// Arguments:
// - string - Text to display
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void AdaptDispatch::PrintString(const std::wstring_view string)
if (_termOutput.NeedToTranslate())
std::wstring buffer;
for (auto& wch : string)
// Routine Description:
// - CUU - Handles cursor upward movement by given distance.
// CUU and CUD are handled separately from other CUP sequences, because they are
// constrained by the margins.
// See: https://vt100.net/docs/vt510-rm/CUU.html
// "The cursor stops at the top margin. If the cursor is already above the top
// margin, then the cursor stops at the top line."
// Arguments:
// - distance - Distance to move
// Return Value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::CursorUp(const size_t distance)
return _CursorMovePosition(Offset::Backward(distance), Offset::Unchanged(), true);
// Routine Description:
// - CUD - Handles cursor downward movement by given distance
// CUU and CUD are handled separately from other CUP sequences, because they are
// constrained by the margins.
// See: https://vt100.net/docs/vt510-rm/CUD.html
// "The cursor stops at the bottom margin. If the cursor is already above the
// bottom margin, then the cursor stops at the bottom line."
// Arguments:
// - distance - Distance to move
// Return Value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::CursorDown(const size_t distance)
return _CursorMovePosition(Offset::Forward(distance), Offset::Unchanged(), true);
// Routine Description:
// - CUF - Handles cursor forward movement by given distance
// Arguments:
// - distance - Distance to move
// Return Value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::CursorForward(const size_t distance)
return _CursorMovePosition(Offset::Unchanged(), Offset::Forward(distance), true);
// Routine Description:
// - CUB - Handles cursor backward movement by given distance
// Arguments:
// - distance - Distance to move
// Return Value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::CursorBackward(const size_t distance)
return _CursorMovePosition(Offset::Unchanged(), Offset::Backward(distance), true);
// Routine Description:
// - CNL - Handles cursor movement to the following line (or N lines down)
// - Moves to the beginning X/Column position of the line.
// Arguments:
// - distance - Distance to move
// Return Value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::CursorNextLine(const size_t distance)
return _CursorMovePosition(Offset::Forward(distance), Offset::Absolute(1), true);
// Routine Description:
// - CPL - Handles cursor movement to the previous line (or N lines up)
// - Moves to the beginning X/Column position of the line.
// Arguments:
// - distance - Distance to move
// Return Value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::CursorPrevLine(const size_t distance)
return _CursorMovePosition(Offset::Backward(distance), Offset::Absolute(1), true);
// Routine Description:
// - Generalizes cursor movement to a specific position, which can be absolute or relative.
// Arguments:
// - rowOffset - The row to move to
// - colOffset - The column to move to
// - clampInMargins - Should the position be clamped within the scrolling margins
// Return Value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::_CursorMovePosition(const Offset rowOffset, const Offset colOffset, const bool clampInMargins) const
bool success = true;
// First retrieve some information about the buffer
csbiex.cbSize = sizeof(CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFOEX);
// Make sure to reset the viewport (with MoveToBottom )to where it was
// before the user scrolled the console output
success = (_pConApi->MoveToBottom() && _pConApi->GetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx(csbiex));
if (success)
// Calculate the viewport boundaries as inclusive values.
// srWindow is exclusive so we need to subtract 1 from the bottom.
const int viewportTop = csbiex.srWindow.Top;
const int viewportBottom = csbiex.srWindow.Bottom - 1;
// Calculate the absolute margins of the scrolling area.
const int topMargin = viewportTop + _scrollMargins.Top;
const int bottomMargin = viewportTop + _scrollMargins.Bottom;
const bool marginsSet = topMargin < bottomMargin;
// For relative movement, the given offsets will be relative to
// the current cursor position.
int row = csbiex.dwCursorPosition.Y;
int col = csbiex.dwCursorPosition.X;
// But if the row is absolute, it will be relative to the top of the
// viewport, or the top margin, depending on the origin mode.
if (rowOffset.IsAbsolute)
row = _isOriginModeRelative ? topMargin : viewportTop;
// And if the column is absolute, it'll be relative to column 0.
// Horizontal positions are not affected by the viewport.
if (colOffset.IsAbsolute)
col = 0;
// Adjust the base position by the given offsets and clamp the results.
// The row is constrained within the viewport's vertical boundaries,
// while the column is constrained by the buffer width.
row = std::clamp(row + rowOffset.Value, viewportTop, viewportBottom);
col = std::clamp(col + colOffset.Value, 0, csbiex.dwSize.X - 1);
// If the operation needs to be clamped inside the margins, or the origin
// mode is relative (which always requires margin clamping), then the row
// may need to be adjusted further.
if (marginsSet && (clampInMargins || _isOriginModeRelative))
// See microsoft/terminal#2929 - If the cursor is _below_ the top
// margin, it should stay below the top margin. If it's _above_ the
// bottom, it should stay above the bottom. Cursor movements that stay
// outside the margins shouldn't necessarily be affected. For example,
// moving up while below the bottom margin shouldn't just jump straight
// to the bottom margin. See
// ScreenBufferTests::CursorUpDownOutsideMargins for a test of that
// behavior.
if (csbiex.dwCursorPosition.Y >= topMargin)
row = std::max(row, topMargin);
if (csbiex.dwCursorPosition.Y <= bottomMargin)
row = std::min(row, bottomMargin);
// Finally, attempt to set the adjusted cursor position back into the console.
const COORD newPos = { gsl::narrow_cast<SHORT>(col), gsl::narrow_cast<SHORT>(row) };
success = _pConApi->SetConsoleCursorPosition(newPos);
return success;
// Routine Description:
// - CHA - Moves the cursor to an exact X/Column position on the current line.
// Arguments:
// - column - Specific X/Column position to move to
// Return Value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::CursorHorizontalPositionAbsolute(const size_t column)
return _CursorMovePosition(Offset::Unchanged(), Offset::Absolute(column), false);
// Routine Description:
// - VPA - Moves the cursor to an exact Y/row position on the current column.
// Arguments:
// - line - Specific Y/Row position to move to
// Return Value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::VerticalLinePositionAbsolute(const size_t line)
return _CursorMovePosition(Offset::Absolute(line), Offset::Unchanged(), false);
// Routine Description:
// - HPR - Handles cursor forward movement by given distance
// - Unlike CUF, this is not constrained by margin settings.
// Arguments:
// - distance - Distance to move
// Return Value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::HorizontalPositionRelative(const size_t distance)
return _CursorMovePosition(Offset::Unchanged(), Offset::Forward(distance), false);
// Routine Description:
// - VPR - Handles cursor downward movement by given distance
// - Unlike CUD, this is not constrained by margin settings.
// Arguments:
// - distance - Distance to move
// Return Value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::VerticalPositionRelative(const size_t distance)
return _CursorMovePosition(Offset::Forward(distance), Offset::Unchanged(), false);
// Routine Description:
// - CUP - Moves the cursor to an exact X/Column and Y/Row/Line coordinate position.
// Arguments:
// - line - Specific Y/Row/Line position to move to
// - column - Specific X/Column position to move to
// Return Value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::CursorPosition(const size_t line, const size_t column)
return _CursorMovePosition(Offset::Absolute(line), Offset::Absolute(column), false);
// Routine Description:
// - DECSC - Saves the current "cursor state" into a memory buffer. This
// includes the cursor position, origin mode, graphic rendition, and
// active character set.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::CursorSaveState()
// First retrieve some information about the buffer
csbiex.cbSize = sizeof(CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFOEX);
// Make sure to reset the viewport (with MoveToBottom )to where it was
// before the user scrolled the console output
bool success = (_pConApi->MoveToBottom() && _pConApi->GetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx(csbiex));
TextAttribute attributes;
success = success && (_pConApi->PrivateGetTextAttributes(attributes));
if (success)
// The cursor is given to us by the API as relative to the whole buffer.
// But in VT speak, the cursor row should be relative to the current viewport top.
COORD coordCursor = csbiex.dwCursorPosition;
coordCursor.Y -= csbiex.srWindow.Top;
// VT is also 1 based, not 0 based, so correct by 1.
auto& savedCursorState = _savedCursorState.at(_usingAltBuffer);
savedCursorState.Column = coordCursor.X + 1;
savedCursorState.Row = coordCursor.Y + 1;
savedCursorState.IsOriginModeRelative = _isOriginModeRelative;
savedCursorState.Attributes = attributes;
savedCursorState.TermOutput = _termOutput;
savedCursorState.C1ControlsAccepted = _pConApi->GetParserMode(StateMachine::Mode::AcceptC1);
return success;
// Routine Description:
// - DECRC - Restores a saved "cursor state" from the DECSC command back into
// the console state. This includes the cursor position, origin mode, graphic
// rendition, and active character set.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::CursorRestoreState()
auto& savedCursorState = _savedCursorState.at(_usingAltBuffer);
auto row = savedCursorState.Row;
const auto col = savedCursorState.Column;
// If the origin mode is relative, and the scrolling region is set (the bottom is non-zero),
// we need to make sure the restored position is clamped within the margins.
if (savedCursorState.IsOriginModeRelative && _scrollMargins.Bottom != 0)
// VT origin is at 1,1 so we need to add 1 to these margins.
row = std::clamp(row, _scrollMargins.Top + 1u, _scrollMargins.Bottom + 1u);
// The saved coordinates are always absolute, so we need reset the origin mode temporarily.
_isOriginModeRelative = false;
bool success = CursorPosition(row, col);
// Once the cursor position is restored, we can then restore the actual origin mode.
_isOriginModeRelative = savedCursorState.IsOriginModeRelative;
// Restore text attributes.
success = (_pConApi->PrivateSetTextAttributes(savedCursorState.Attributes)) && success;
// Restore designated character set.
_termOutput = savedCursorState.TermOutput;
// Restore the parsing state of C1 control codes.
// Restore the code page if it was previously saved.
if (savedCursorState.CodePage != 0)
success = _pConApi->SetConsoleOutputCP(savedCursorState.CodePage);
return success;
// Routine Description:
// - DECTCEM - Sets the show/hide visibility status of the cursor.
// Arguments:
// - fIsVisible - Turns the cursor rendering on (TRUE) or off (FALSE).
// Return Value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::CursorVisibility(const bool fIsVisible)
// This uses a private API instead of the public one, because the public API
// will set the cursor shape back to legacy.
return _pConApi->PrivateShowCursor(fIsVisible);
// Routine Description:
// - This helper will do the work of performing an insert or delete character operation
// - Both operations are similar in that they cut text and move it left or right in the buffer, padding the leftover area with spaces.
// Arguments:
// - count - The number of characters to insert
// - isInsert - TRUE if insert mode (cut and paste to the right, away from the cursor). FALSE if delete mode (cut and paste to the left, toward the cursor)
// Return Value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::_InsertDeleteHelper(const size_t count, const bool isInsert) const
// We'll be doing short math on the distance since all console APIs use shorts. So check that we can successfully convert the uint into a short first.
SHORT distance;
RETURN_BOOL_IF_FALSE(SUCCEEDED(SizeTToShort(count, &distance)));
// get current cursor, attributes
csbiex.cbSize = sizeof(CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFOEX);
// Make sure to reset the viewport (with MoveToBottom )to where it was
// before the user scrolled the console output
const auto cursor = csbiex.dwCursorPosition;
// Rectangle to cut out of the existing buffer. This is inclusive.
SMALL_RECT srScroll;
srScroll.Left = cursor.X;
srScroll.Right = _pConApi->PrivateGetLineWidth(cursor.Y) - 1;
srScroll.Top = cursor.Y;
srScroll.Bottom = srScroll.Top;
// Paste coordinate for cut text above
COORD coordDestination;
coordDestination.Y = cursor.Y;
coordDestination.X = cursor.X;
bool success = false;
if (isInsert)
// Insert makes space by moving characters out to the right. So move the destination of the cut/paste region.
success = SUCCEEDED(ShortAdd(coordDestination.X, distance, &coordDestination.X));
// Delete scrolls the affected region to the left, relying on the clipping rect to actually delete the characters.
success = SUCCEEDED(ShortSub(coordDestination.X, distance, &coordDestination.X));
if (success)
// Note the revealed characters are filled with the standard erase attributes.
success = _pConApi->PrivateScrollRegion(srScroll, srScroll, coordDestination, true);
return success;
// Routine Description:
// ICH - Insert Character - Blank/default attribute characters will be inserted at the current cursor position.
// - Each inserted character will push all text in the row to the right.
// Arguments:
// - count - The number of characters to insert
// Return Value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::InsertCharacter(const size_t count)
return _InsertDeleteHelper(count, true);
// Routine Description:
// DCH - Delete Character - The character at the cursor position will be deleted. Blank/attribute characters will
// be inserted from the right edge of the current line.
// Arguments:
// - count - The number of characters to delete
// Return Value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::DeleteCharacter(const size_t count)
return _InsertDeleteHelper(count, false);
// Routine Description:
// - Internal helper to erase one particular line of the buffer. Either from beginning to the cursor, from the cursor to the end, or the entire line.
// - Used by both erase line (used just once) and by erase screen (used in a loop) to erase a portion of the buffer.
// Arguments:
// - csbiex - Pointer to the console screen buffer that we will be erasing (and getting cursor data from within)
// - eraseType - Enumeration mode of which kind of erase to perform: beginning to cursor, cursor to end, or entire line.
// - lineId - The line number (array index value, starts at 0) of the line to operate on within the buffer.
// - This is not aware of circular buffer. Line 0 is always the top visible line if you scrolled the whole way up the window.
// Return Value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::_EraseSingleLineHelper(const CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFOEX& csbiex,
const DispatchTypes::EraseType eraseType,
const size_t lineId) const
COORD coordStartPosition = { 0 };
if (FAILED(SizeTToShort(lineId, &coordStartPosition.Y)))
return false;
// determine start position from the erase type
// remember that erases are inclusive of the current cursor position.
switch (eraseType)
case DispatchTypes::EraseType::FromBeginning:
case DispatchTypes::EraseType::All:
coordStartPosition.X = 0; // from beginning and the whole line start from the left most edge of the buffer.
case DispatchTypes::EraseType::ToEnd:
coordStartPosition.X = csbiex.dwCursorPosition.X; // from the current cursor position (including it)
DWORD nLength = 0;
// determine length of erase from erase type
switch (eraseType)
case DispatchTypes::EraseType::FromBeginning:
// +1 because if cursor were at the left edge, the length would be 0 and we want to paint at least the 1 character the cursor is on.
nLength = csbiex.dwCursorPosition.X + 1;
case DispatchTypes::EraseType::ToEnd:
case DispatchTypes::EraseType::All:
// Remember the .X value is 1 farther than the right most column in the buffer. Therefore no +1.
nLength = _pConApi->PrivateGetLineWidth(lineId) - coordStartPosition.X;
// Note that the region is filled with the standard erase attributes.
return _pConApi->PrivateFillRegion(coordStartPosition, nLength, L' ', true);
// Routine Description:
// - ECH - Erase Characters from the current cursor position, by replacing
// them with a space. This will only erase characters in the current line,
// and won't wrap to the next. The attributes of any erased positions
// receive the currently selected attributes.
// Arguments:
// - numChars - The number of characters to erase.
// Return Value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::EraseCharacters(const size_t numChars)
csbiex.cbSize = sizeof(CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFOEX);
bool success = _pConApi->GetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx(csbiex);
if (success)
const COORD startPosition = csbiex.dwCursorPosition;
const SHORT remainingSpaces = csbiex.dwSize.X - startPosition.X;
const size_t actualRemaining = gsl::narrow_cast<size_t>((remainingSpaces < 0) ? 0 : remainingSpaces);
// erase at max the number of characters remaining in the line from the current position.
const auto eraseLength = (numChars <= actualRemaining) ? numChars : actualRemaining;
// Note that the region is filled with the standard erase attributes.
success = _pConApi->PrivateFillRegion(startPosition, eraseLength, L' ', true);
return success;
// Routine Description:
// - ED - Erases a portion of the current viewable area (viewport) of the console.
// Arguments:
// - eraseType - Determines whether to erase:
// From beginning (top-left corner) to the cursor
// From cursor to end (bottom-right corner)
// The entire viewport area
// The scrollback (outside the viewport area)
// Return Value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::EraseInDisplay(const DispatchTypes::EraseType eraseType)
RETURN_BOOL_IF_FALSE(eraseType <= DispatchTypes::EraseType::Scrollback);
// First things first. If this is a "Scrollback" clear, then just do that.
// Scrollback clears erase everything in the "scrollback" of a *nix terminal
// Everything that's scrolled off the screen so far.
// Or if it's an Erase All, then we also need to handle that specially
// by moving the current contents of the viewport into the scrollback.
if (eraseType == DispatchTypes::EraseType::Scrollback)
const bool eraseScrollbackResult = _EraseScrollback();
// GH#2715 - If this succeeded, but we're in a conpty, return `false` to
// make the state machine propagate this ED sequence to the connected
// terminal application. While we're in conpty mode, we don't really
// have a scrollback, but the attached terminal might.
const bool isPty = _pConApi->IsConsolePty();
return eraseScrollbackResult && (!isPty);
else if (eraseType == DispatchTypes::EraseType::All)
// GH#5683 - If this succeeded, but we're in a conpty, return `false` to
// make the state machine propagate this ED sequence to the connected
// terminal application. While we're in conpty mode, when the client
// requests a Erase All operation, we need to manually tell the
// connected terminal to do the same thing, so that the terminal will
// move it's own buffer contents into the scrollback.
const bool eraseAllResult = _EraseAll();
const bool isPty = _pConApi->IsConsolePty();
return eraseAllResult && (!isPty);
csbiex.cbSize = sizeof(CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFOEX);
// Make sure to reset the viewport (with MoveToBottom )to where it was
// before the user scrolled the console output
bool success = (_pConApi->MoveToBottom() && _pConApi->GetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx(csbiex));
if (success)
// When erasing the display, every line that is erased in full should be
// reset to single width. When erasing to the end, this could include
// the current line, if the cursor is in the first column. When erasing
// from the beginning, though, the current line would never be included,
// because the cursor could never be in the rightmost column (assuming
// the line is double width).
if (eraseType == DispatchTypes::EraseType::FromBeginning)
const auto endRow = csbiex.dwCursorPosition.Y;
_pConApi->PrivateResetLineRenditionRange(csbiex.srWindow.Top, endRow);
if (eraseType == DispatchTypes::EraseType::ToEnd)
const auto startRow = csbiex.dwCursorPosition.Y + (csbiex.dwCursorPosition.X > 0 ? 1 : 0);
_pConApi->PrivateResetLineRenditionRange(startRow, csbiex.srWindow.Bottom);
// What we need to erase is grouped into 3 types:
// 1. Lines before cursor
// 2. Cursor Line
// 3. Lines after cursor
// We erase one or more of these based on the erase type:
// A. FromBeginning - Erase 1 and Some of 2.
// B. ToEnd - Erase some of 2 and 3.
// C. All - Erase 1, 2, and 3.
// 1. Lines before cursor line
if (eraseType == DispatchTypes::EraseType::FromBeginning)
// For beginning and all, erase all complete lines before (above vertically) from the cursor position.
for (SHORT startLine = csbiex.srWindow.Top; startLine < csbiex.dwCursorPosition.Y; startLine++)
success = _EraseSingleLineHelper(csbiex, DispatchTypes::EraseType::All, startLine);
if (!success)
if (success)
// 2. Cursor Line
success = _EraseSingleLineHelper(csbiex, eraseType, csbiex.dwCursorPosition.Y);
if (success)
// 3. Lines after cursor line
if (eraseType == DispatchTypes::EraseType::ToEnd)
// For beginning and all, erase all complete lines after (below vertically) the cursor position.
// Remember that the viewport bottom value is 1 beyond the viewable area of the viewport.
for (SHORT startLine = csbiex.dwCursorPosition.Y + 1; startLine < csbiex.srWindow.Bottom; startLine++)
success = _EraseSingleLineHelper(csbiex, DispatchTypes::EraseType::All, startLine);
if (!success)
return success;
// Routine Description:
// - EL - Erases the line that the cursor is currently on.
// Arguments:
// - eraseType - Determines whether to erase: From beginning (left edge) to the cursor, from cursor to end (right edge), or the entire line.
// Return Value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::EraseInLine(const DispatchTypes::EraseType eraseType)
RETURN_BOOL_IF_FALSE(eraseType <= DispatchTypes::EraseType::All);
csbiex.cbSize = sizeof(CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFOEX);
bool success = _pConApi->GetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx(csbiex);
if (success)
success = _EraseSingleLineHelper(csbiex, eraseType, csbiex.dwCursorPosition.Y);
return success;
// Routine Description:
// - DECSWL/DECDWL/DECDHL - Sets the line rendition attribute for the current line.
// Arguments:
// - rendition - Determines whether the line will be rendered as single width, double
// width, or as one half of a double height line.
// Return Value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::SetLineRendition(const LineRendition rendition)
return _pConApi->PrivateSetCurrentLineRendition(rendition);
// Routine Description:
// - DSR - Reports status of a console property back to the STDIN based on the type of status requested.
// - This particular routine responds to ANSI status patterns only (CSI # n), not the DEC format (CSI ? # n)
// Arguments:
// - statusType - ANSI status type indicating what property we should report back
// Return Value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::DeviceStatusReport(const DispatchTypes::AnsiStatusType statusType)
bool success = false;
switch (statusType)
case DispatchTypes::AnsiStatusType::OS_OperatingStatus:
success = _OperatingStatus();
case DispatchTypes::AnsiStatusType::CPR_CursorPositionReport:
success = _CursorPositionReport();
return success;
// Routine Description:
// - DA - Reports the identity of this Virtual Terminal machine to the caller.
// - In our case, we'll report back to acknowledge we understand, but reveal no "hardware" upgrades like physical terminals of old.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::DeviceAttributes()
// See: http://vt100.net/docs/vt100-ug/chapter3.html#DA
return _WriteResponse(L"\x1b[?1;0c");
// Routine Description:
// - DA2 - Reports the terminal type, firmware version, and hardware options.
// For now we're following the XTerm practice of using 0 to represent a VT100
// terminal, the version is hardcoded as 10 (1.0), and the hardware option
// is set to 1 (indicating a PC Keyboard).
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::SecondaryDeviceAttributes()
return _WriteResponse(L"\x1b[>0;10;1c");
// Routine Description:
// - DA3 - Reports the terminal unit identification code. Terminal emulators
// typically return a hardcoded value, the most common being all zeros.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::TertiaryDeviceAttributes()
return _WriteResponse(L"\x1bP!|00000000\x1b\\");
// Routine Description:
// - VT52 Identify - Reports the identity of the terminal in VT52 emulation mode.
// An actual VT52 terminal would typically identify itself with ESC / K.
// But for a terminal that is emulating a VT52, the sequence should be ESC / Z.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::Vt52DeviceAttributes()
return _WriteResponse(L"\x1b/Z");
// Routine Description:
// - DECREQTPARM - This sequence was originally used on the VT100 terminal to
// report the serial communication parameters (baud rate, data bits, parity,
// etc.). On modern terminal emulators, the response is simply hardcoded.
// Arguments:
// - permission - This would originally have determined whether the terminal
// was allowed to send unsolicited reports or not.
// Return Value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::RequestTerminalParameters(const DispatchTypes::ReportingPermission permission)
// We don't care whether unsolicited reports are allowed or not, but the
// requested permission does determine the value of the first response
// parameter. The remaining parameters are just hardcoded to indicate a
// 38400 baud connection, which matches the XTerm response. The full
// parameter sequence is as follows:
// - response type: 2 or 3 (unsolicited or solicited)
// - parity: 1 (no parity)
// - data bits: 1 (8 bits per character)
// - transmit speed: 128 (38400 baud)
// - receive speed: 128 (38400 baud)
// - clock multiplier: 1
// - flags: 0
switch (permission)
case DispatchTypes::ReportingPermission::Unsolicited:
return _WriteResponse(L"\x1b[2;1;1;128;128;1;0x");
case DispatchTypes::ReportingPermission::Solicited:
return _WriteResponse(L"\x1b[3;1;1;128;128;1;0x");
return false;
// Routine Description:
// - DSR-OS - Reports the operating status back to the input channel
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::_OperatingStatus() const
// We always report a good operating condition.
return _WriteResponse(L"\x1b[0n");
// Routine Description:
// - DSR-CPR - Reports the current cursor position within the viewport back to the input channel
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::_CursorPositionReport() const
csbiex.cbSize = sizeof(CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFOEX);
// Make sure to reset the viewport (with MoveToBottom )to where it was
// before the user scrolled the console output
bool success = (_pConApi->MoveToBottom() && _pConApi->GetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx(csbiex));
if (success)
// First pull the cursor position relative to the entire buffer out of the console.
COORD coordCursorPos = csbiex.dwCursorPosition;
// Now adjust it for its position in respect to the current viewport top.
coordCursorPos.Y -= csbiex.srWindow.Top;
// NOTE: 1,1 is the top-left corner of the viewport in VT-speak, so add 1.
// If the origin mode is relative, line numbers start at top margin of the scrolling region.
if (_isOriginModeRelative)
coordCursorPos.Y -= _scrollMargins.Top;
// Now send it back into the input channel of the console.
// First format the response string.
const auto response = wil::str_printf<std::wstring>(L"\x1b[%d;%dR", coordCursorPos.Y, coordCursorPos.X);
success = _WriteResponse(response);
return success;
// Routine Description:
// - Helper to send a string reply to the input stream of the console.
// - Used by various commands where the program attached would like a reply to one of the commands issued.
// - This will generate two "key presses" (one down, one up) for every character in the string and place them into the head of the console's input stream.
// Arguments:
// - reply - The reply string to transmit back to the input stream
// Return Value:
// - True if the string was converted to input events and placed into the console input buffer successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::_WriteResponse(const std::wstring_view reply) const
bool success = false;
std::deque<std::unique_ptr<IInputEvent>> inEvents;
// generate a paired key down and key up event for every
// character to be sent into the console's input buffer
for (const auto& wch : reply)
// This wasn't from a real keyboard, so we're leaving key/scan codes blank.
KeyEvent keyEvent{ TRUE, 1, 0, 0, wch, 0 };
catch (...)
return false;
size_t eventsWritten;
// TODO GH#4954 During the input refactor we may want to add a "priority" input list
// to make sure that "response" input is spooled directly into the application.
// We switched this to an append (vs. a prepend) to fix GH#1637, a bug where two CPR
// could collide with eachother.
success = _pConApi->PrivateWriteConsoleInputW(inEvents, eventsWritten);
return success;
// Routine Description:
// - Generalizes scrolling movement for up/down
// Arguments:
// - scrollDirection - Specific direction to move
// - distance - Magnitude of the move
// Return Value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::_ScrollMovement(const ScrollDirection scrollDirection, const size_t distance) const
// We'll be doing short math on the distance since all console APIs use shorts. So check that we can successfully convert the size_t into a short first.
SHORT dist;
bool success = SUCCEEDED(SizeTToShort(distance, &dist));
if (success)
// get current cursor
csbiex.cbSize = sizeof(CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFOEX);
// Make sure to reset the viewport (with MoveToBottom )to where it was
// before the user scrolled the console output
success = (_pConApi->MoveToBottom() && _pConApi->GetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx(csbiex));
if (success)
// Rectangle to cut out of the existing buffer. This is inclusive.
// It will be clipped to the buffer boundaries so SHORT_MAX gives us the full buffer width.
SMALL_RECT srScreen;
srScreen.Left = 0;
srScreen.Right = SHORT_MAX;
srScreen.Top = csbiex.srWindow.Top;
srScreen.Bottom = csbiex.srWindow.Bottom - 1; // srWindow is exclusive, hence the - 1
// Clip to the DECSTBM margin boundaries
if (_scrollMargins.Top < _scrollMargins.Bottom)
srScreen.Top = csbiex.srWindow.Top + _scrollMargins.Top;
srScreen.Bottom = csbiex.srWindow.Top + _scrollMargins.Bottom;
// Paste coordinate for cut text above
COORD coordDestination;
coordDestination.X = srScreen.Left;
coordDestination.Y = srScreen.Top + dist * (scrollDirection == ScrollDirection::Up ? -1 : 1);
// Note the revealed lines are filled with the standard erase attributes.
success = _pConApi->PrivateScrollRegion(srScreen, srScreen, coordDestination, true);
return success;
// Routine Description:
// - SU - Pans the window DOWN by given distance (distance new lines appear at the bottom of the screen)
// Arguments:
// - distance - Distance to move
// Return Value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::ScrollUp(const size_t uiDistance)
return _ScrollMovement(ScrollDirection::Up, uiDistance);
// Routine Description:
// - SD - Pans the window UP by given distance (distance new lines appear at the top of the screen)
// Arguments:
// - distance - Distance to move
// Return Value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::ScrollDown(const size_t uiDistance)
return _ScrollMovement(ScrollDirection::Down, uiDistance);
// Routine Description:
// - DECSCPP / DECCOLM Sets the number of columns "per page" AKA sets the console width.
// DECCOLM also clear the screen (like a CSI 2 J sequence), while DECSCPP just sets the width.
// (DECCOLM will do this separately of this function)
// Arguments:
// - columns - Number of columns
// Return Value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::SetColumns(const size_t columns)
SHORT col;
bool success = SUCCEEDED(SizeTToShort(columns, &col));
if (success)
csbiex.cbSize = sizeof(CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFOEX);
success = _pConApi->GetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx(csbiex);
if (success)
csbiex.dwSize.X = col;
success = _pConApi->SetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx(csbiex);
return success;
// Routine Description:
// - DECCOLM not only sets the number of columns, but also clears the screen buffer,
// resets the page margins and origin mode, and places the cursor at 1,1
// Arguments:
// - columns - Number of columns
// Return Value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::_DoDECCOLMHelper(const size_t columns)
if (!_isDECCOLMAllowed)
// Only proceed if DECCOLM is allowed. Return true, as this is technically a successful handling.
return true;
bool success = SetColumns(columns);
if (success)
success = SetOriginMode(false);
if (success)
success = CursorPosition(1, 1);
if (success)
success = EraseInDisplay(DispatchTypes::EraseType::All);
if (success)
success = _DoSetTopBottomScrollingMargins(0, 0);
return success;
// Routine Description:
// - Support routine for routing private mode parameters to be set/reset as flags
// Arguments:
// - param - mode parameter to set/reset
// - enable - True for set, false for unset.
// Return Value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::_ModeParamsHelper(const DispatchTypes::ModeParams param, const bool enable)
bool success = false;
switch (param)
case DispatchTypes::ModeParams::DECCKM_CursorKeysMode:
// set - Enable Application Mode, reset - Normal mode
success = SetCursorKeysMode(enable);
case DispatchTypes::ModeParams::DECANM_AnsiMode:
success = SetAnsiMode(enable);
case DispatchTypes::ModeParams::DECCOLM_SetNumberOfColumns:
success = _DoDECCOLMHelper(enable ? DispatchTypes::s_sDECCOLMSetColumns : DispatchTypes::s_sDECCOLMResetColumns);
case DispatchTypes::ModeParams::DECSCNM_ScreenMode:
success = SetScreenMode(enable);
case DispatchTypes::ModeParams::DECOM_OriginMode:
// The cursor is also moved to the new home position when the origin mode is set or reset.
success = SetOriginMode(enable) && CursorPosition(1, 1);
case DispatchTypes::ModeParams::DECAWM_AutoWrapMode:
success = SetAutoWrapMode(enable);
case DispatchTypes::ModeParams::ATT610_StartCursorBlink:
success = EnableCursorBlinking(enable);
case DispatchTypes::ModeParams::DECTCEM_TextCursorEnableMode:
success = CursorVisibility(enable);
case DispatchTypes::ModeParams::XTERM_EnableDECCOLMSupport:
success = EnableDECCOLMSupport(enable);
case DispatchTypes::ModeParams::VT200_MOUSE_MODE:
success = EnableVT200MouseMode(enable);
case DispatchTypes::ModeParams::BUTTON_EVENT_MOUSE_MODE:
success = EnableButtonEventMouseMode(enable);
case DispatchTypes::ModeParams::ANY_EVENT_MOUSE_MODE:
success = EnableAnyEventMouseMode(enable);
case DispatchTypes::ModeParams::UTF8_EXTENDED_MODE:
success = EnableUTF8ExtendedMouseMode(enable);
case DispatchTypes::ModeParams::SGR_EXTENDED_MODE:
success = EnableSGRExtendedMouseMode(enable);
case DispatchTypes::ModeParams::ALTERNATE_SCROLL:
success = EnableAlternateScroll(enable);
case DispatchTypes::ModeParams::ASB_AlternateScreenBuffer:
success = enable ? UseAlternateScreenBuffer() : UseMainScreenBuffer();
case DispatchTypes::ModeParams::W32IM_Win32InputMode:
success = EnableWin32InputMode(enable);
// If no functions to call, overall dispatch was a failure.
success = false;
return success;
// Routine Description:
// - DECSET - Enables the given DEC private mode params.
// Arguments:
// - param - mode parameter to set
// Return Value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::SetMode(const DispatchTypes::ModeParams param)
return _ModeParamsHelper(param, true);
// Routine Description:
// - DECRST - Disables the given DEC private mode params.
// Arguments:
// - param - mode parameter to reset
// Return Value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::ResetMode(const DispatchTypes::ModeParams param)
return _ModeParamsHelper(param, false);
// - DECKPAM, DECKPNM - Sets the keypad input mode to either Application mode or Numeric mode (true, false respectively)
// Arguments:
// - applicationMode - set to true to enable Application Mode Input, false for Numeric Mode Input.
// Return Value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::SetKeypadMode(const bool fApplicationMode)
return _pConApi->SetInputMode(TerminalInput::Mode::Keypad, fApplicationMode);
// Method Description:
// - win32-input-mode: Enable sending full input records encoded as a string of
// characters to the client application.
// Arguments:
// - win32InputMode - set to true to enable win32-input-mode, false to disable.
// Return Value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::EnableWin32InputMode(const bool win32InputMode)
return _pConApi->SetInputMode(TerminalInput::Mode::Win32, win32InputMode);
// - DECCKM - Sets the cursor keys input mode to either Application mode or Normal mode (true, false respectively)
// Arguments:
// - applicationMode - set to true to enable Application Mode Input, false for Normal Mode Input.
// Return Value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::SetCursorKeysMode(const bool applicationMode)
return _pConApi->SetInputMode(TerminalInput::Mode::CursorKey, applicationMode);
// - att610 - Enables or disables the cursor blinking.
// Arguments:
// - enable - set to true to enable blinking, false to disable
// Return Value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::EnableCursorBlinking(const bool enable)
return _pConApi->PrivateAllowCursorBlinking(enable);
// Routine Description:
// - IL - This control function inserts one or more blank lines, starting at the cursor.
// As lines are inserted, lines below the cursor and in the scrolling region move down.
// Lines scrolled off the page are lost. IL has no effect outside the page margins.
// Arguments:
// - distance - number of lines to insert
// Return Value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::InsertLine(const size_t distance)
return _pConApi->InsertLines(distance);
// Routine Description:
// - DL - This control function deletes one or more lines in the scrolling
// region, starting with the line that has the cursor.
// As lines are deleted, lines below the cursor and in the scrolling region
// move up. The terminal adds blank lines with no visual character
// attributes at the bottom of the scrolling region. If distance is greater than
// the number of lines remaining on the page, DL deletes only the remaining
// lines. DL has no effect outside the scrolling margins.
// Arguments:
// - distance - number of lines to delete
// Return Value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::DeleteLine(const size_t distance)
return _pConApi->DeleteLines(distance);
// - DECANM - Sets the terminal emulation mode to either ANSI-compatible or VT52.
// Arguments:
// - ansiMode - set to true to enable the ANSI mode, false for VT52 mode.
// Return Value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::SetAnsiMode(const bool ansiMode)
// When an attempt is made to update the mode, the designated character sets
// need to be reset to defaults, even if the mode doesn't actually change.
_termOutput = {};
_pConApi->SetParserMode(StateMachine::Mode::Ansi, ansiMode);
_pConApi->SetInputMode(TerminalInput::Mode::Ansi, ansiMode);
// We don't check the SetInputMode return value, because we'll never want
// to forward a DECANM mode change over conpty.
return true;
// Routine Description:
// - DECSCNM - Sets the screen mode to either normal or reverse.
// When in reverse screen mode, the background and foreground colors are switched.
// Arguments:
// - reverseMode - set to true to enable reverse screen mode, false for normal mode.
// Return Value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::SetScreenMode(const bool reverseMode)
// If we're a conpty, always return false
if (_pConApi->IsConsolePty())
return false;
return _pConApi->PrivateSetScreenMode(reverseMode);
// Routine Description:
// - DECOM - Sets the cursor addressing origin mode to relative or absolute.
// When relative, line numbers start at top margin of the user-defined scrolling region.
// When absolute, line numbers are independent of the scrolling region.
// Arguments:
// - relativeMode - set to true to use relative addressing, false for absolute addressing.
// Return Value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::SetOriginMode(const bool relativeMode) noexcept
_isOriginModeRelative = relativeMode;
return true;
// Routine Description:
// - DECAWM - Sets the Auto Wrap Mode.
// This controls whether the cursor moves to the beginning of the next row
// when it reaches the end of the current row.
// Arguments:
// - wrapAtEOL - set to true to wrap, false to overwrite the last character.
// Return Value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::SetAutoWrapMode(const bool wrapAtEOL)
return _pConApi->PrivateSetAutoWrapMode(wrapAtEOL);
// Routine Description:
// - DECSTBM - Set Scrolling Region
// This control function sets the top and bottom margins for the current page.
// You cannot perform scrolling outside the margins.
// Default: Margins are at the page limits.
// Arguments:
// - topMargin - the line number for the top margin.
// - bottomMargin - the line number for the bottom margin.
// Return Value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::_DoSetTopBottomScrollingMargins(const size_t topMargin,
const size_t bottomMargin)
csbiex.cbSize = sizeof(CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFOEX);
// Make sure to reset the viewport (with MoveToBottom )to where it was
// before the user scrolled the console output
bool success = (_pConApi->MoveToBottom() && _pConApi->GetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx(csbiex));
// so notes time: (input -> state machine out -> adapter out -> conhost internal)
// having only a top param is legal ([3;r -> 3,0 -> 3,h -> 3,h,true)
// having only a bottom param is legal ([;3r -> 0,3 -> 1,3 -> 1,3,true)
// having neither uses the defaults ([;r [r -> 0,0 -> 0,0 -> 0,0,false)
// an illegal combo (eg, 3;2r) is ignored
if (success)
SHORT actualTop = 0;
SHORT actualBottom = 0;
success = SUCCEEDED(SizeTToShort(topMargin, &actualTop)) && SUCCEEDED(SizeTToShort(bottomMargin, &actualBottom));
if (success)
const SHORT screenHeight = csbiex.srWindow.Bottom - csbiex.srWindow.Top;
// The default top margin is line 1
if (actualTop == 0)
actualTop = 1;
// The default bottom margin is the screen height
if (actualBottom == 0)
actualBottom = screenHeight;
// The top margin must be less than the bottom margin, and the
// bottom margin must be less than or equal to the screen height
success = (actualTop < actualBottom && actualBottom <= screenHeight);
if (success)
if (actualTop == 1 && actualBottom == screenHeight)
// Client requests setting margins to the entire screen
// - clear them instead of setting them.
// This is for apps like `apt` (NOT `apt-get` which set scroll
// margins, but don't use the alt buffer.)
actualTop = 0;
actualBottom = 0;
// In VT, the origin is 1,1. For our array, it's 0,0. So subtract 1.
actualTop -= 1;
actualBottom -= 1;
_scrollMargins.Top = actualTop;
_scrollMargins.Bottom = actualBottom;
success = _pConApi->PrivateSetScrollingRegion(_scrollMargins);
return success;
// Routine Description:
// - DECSTBM - Set Scrolling Region
// This control function sets the top and bottom margins for the current page.
// You cannot perform scrolling outside the margins.
// Default: Margins are at the page limits.
// Arguments:
// - topMargin - the line number for the top margin.
// - bottomMargin - the line number for the bottom margin.
// Return Value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::SetTopBottomScrollingMargins(const size_t topMargin,
const size_t bottomMargin)
// When this is called, the cursor should also be moved to home.
// Other functions that only need to set/reset the margins should call _DoSetTopBottomScrollingMargins
return _DoSetTopBottomScrollingMargins(topMargin, bottomMargin) && CursorPosition(1, 1);
// Routine Description:
// - BEL - Rings the warning bell.
// Causes the terminal to emit an audible tone of brief duration.
// Arguments:
// - None
// Return Value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::WarningBell()
return _pConApi->PrivateWarningBell();
// Routine Description:
// - CR - Performs a carriage return.
// Moves the cursor to the leftmost column.
// Arguments:
// - None
// Return Value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::CarriageReturn()
return _CursorMovePosition(Offset::Unchanged(), Offset::Absolute(1), true);
// Routine Description:
// - IND/NEL - Performs a line feed, possibly preceded by carriage return.
// Moves the cursor down one line, and possibly also to the leftmost column.
// Arguments:
// - lineFeedType - Specify whether a carriage return should be performed as well.
// Return Value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::LineFeed(const DispatchTypes::LineFeedType lineFeedType)
switch (lineFeedType)
case DispatchTypes::LineFeedType::DependsOnMode:
return _pConApi->PrivateLineFeed(_pConApi->PrivateGetLineFeedMode());
case DispatchTypes::LineFeedType::WithoutReturn:
return _pConApi->PrivateLineFeed(false);
case DispatchTypes::LineFeedType::WithReturn:
return _pConApi->PrivateLineFeed(true);
return false;
// Routine Description:
// - RI - Performs a "Reverse line feed", essentially, the opposite of '\n'.
// Moves the cursor up one line, and tries to keep its position in the line
// Arguments:
// - None
// Return Value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::ReverseLineFeed()
return _pConApi->PrivateReverseLineFeed();
// Routine Description:
// - OSC Set Window Title - Sets the title of the window
// Arguments:
// - title - The string to set the title to. Must be null terminated.
// Return Value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::SetWindowTitle(std::wstring_view title)
return _pConApi->SetConsoleTitleW(title);
// - ASBSET - Creates and swaps to the alternate screen buffer. In virtual terminals, there exists both a "main"
// screen buffer and an alternate. ASBSET creates a new alternate, and switches to it. If there is an already
// existing alternate, it is discarded.
// Arguments:
// - None
// Return Value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::UseAlternateScreenBuffer()
bool success = CursorSaveState();
if (success)
success = _pConApi->PrivateUseAlternateScreenBuffer();
if (success)
_usingAltBuffer = true;
return success;
// Routine Description:
// - ASBRST - From the alternate buffer, returns to the main screen buffer.
// From the main screen buffer, does nothing. The alternate is discarded.
// Arguments:
// - None
// Return Value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::UseMainScreenBuffer()
bool success = _pConApi->PrivateUseMainScreenBuffer();
if (success)
_usingAltBuffer = false;
if (success)
success = CursorRestoreState();
return success;
//Routine Description:
// HTS - sets a VT tab stop in the cursor's current column.
// - None
// Return value:
// True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::HorizontalTabSet()
csbiex.cbSize = sizeof(CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFOEX);
const bool success = _pConApi->GetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx(csbiex);
if (success)
const auto width = csbiex.dwSize.X;
const auto column = csbiex.dwCursorPosition.X;
_tabStopColumns.at(column) = true;
return success;
//Routine Description:
// CHT - performing a forwards tab. This will take the
// cursor to the tab stop following its current location. If there are no
// more tabs in this row, it will take it to the right side of the window.
// If it's already in the last column of the row, it will move it to the next line.
// - numTabs - the number of tabs to perform
// Return value:
// True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::ForwardTab(const size_t numTabs)
csbiex.cbSize = sizeof(CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFOEX);
bool success = _pConApi->GetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx(csbiex);
if (success)
const auto width = csbiex.dwSize.X;
const auto row = csbiex.dwCursorPosition.Y;
auto column = csbiex.dwCursorPosition.X;
auto tabsPerformed = 0u;
while (column + 1 < width && tabsPerformed < numTabs)
if (til::at(_tabStopColumns, column))
success = _pConApi->SetConsoleCursorPosition({ column, row });
return success;
//Routine Description:
// CBT - performing a backwards tab. This will take the cursor to the tab stop
// previous to its current location. It will not reverse line feed.
// - numTabs - the number of tabs to perform
// Return value:
// True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::BackwardsTab(const size_t numTabs)
csbiex.cbSize = sizeof(CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFOEX);
bool success = _pConApi->GetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx(csbiex);
if (success)
const auto width = csbiex.dwSize.X;
const auto row = csbiex.dwCursorPosition.Y;
auto column = csbiex.dwCursorPosition.X;
auto tabsPerformed = 0u;
while (column > 0 && tabsPerformed < numTabs)
if (til::at(_tabStopColumns, column))
success = _pConApi->SetConsoleCursorPosition({ column, row });
return success;
//Routine Description:
// TBC - Used to clear set tab stops. ClearType ClearCurrentColumn (0) results
// in clearing only the tab stop in the cursor's current column, if there
// is one. ClearAllColumns (3) results in resetting all set tab stops.
// - clearType - Whether to clear the current column, or all columns, defined in DispatchTypes::TabClearType
// Return value:
// True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::TabClear(const DispatchTypes::TabClearType clearType)
bool success = false;
switch (clearType)
case DispatchTypes::TabClearType::ClearCurrentColumn:
success = _ClearSingleTabStop();
case DispatchTypes::TabClearType::ClearAllColumns:
success = _ClearAllTabStops();
success = false;
return success;
// Routine Description:
// - Clears the tab stop in the cursor's current column, if there is one.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::_ClearSingleTabStop()
csbiex.cbSize = sizeof(CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFOEX);
const bool success = _pConApi->GetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx(csbiex);
if (success)
const auto width = csbiex.dwSize.X;
const auto column = csbiex.dwCursorPosition.X;
_tabStopColumns.at(column) = false;
return success;
// Routine Description:
// - Clears all tab stops and resets the _initDefaultTabStops flag to indicate
// that they shouldn't be reinitialized at the default positions.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::_ClearAllTabStops() noexcept
_initDefaultTabStops = false;
return true;
// Routine Description:
// - Clears all tab stops and sets the _initDefaultTabStops flag to indicate
// that the default positions should be reinitialized when needed.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return value:
// - <none>
void AdaptDispatch::_ResetTabStops() noexcept
_initDefaultTabStops = true;
// Routine Description:
// - Resizes the _tabStopColumns table so it's large enough to support the
// current screen width, initializing tab stops every 8 columns in the
// newly allocated space, iff the _initDefaultTabStops flag is set.
// Arguments:
// - width - the width of the screen buffer that we need to accomodate
// Return value:
// - <none>
void AdaptDispatch::_InitTabStopsForWidth(const size_t width)
const auto initialWidth = _tabStopColumns.size();
if (width > initialWidth)
if (_initDefaultTabStops)
for (auto column = 8u; column < _tabStopColumns.size(); column += 8)
if (column >= initialWidth)
til::at(_tabStopColumns, column) = true;
//Routine Description:
// DOCS - Selects the coding system through which character sets are activated.
// When ISO2022 is selected, the code page is set to ISO-8859-1, C1 control
// codes are accepted, and both GL and GR areas of the code table can be
// remapped. When UTF8 is selected, the code page is set to UTF-8, the C1
// control codes are disabled, and only the GL area can be remapped.
// - codingSystem - The coding system that will be selected.
// Return value:
// True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::DesignateCodingSystem(const VTID codingSystem)
// If we haven't previously saved the initial code page, do so now.
// This will be used to restore the code page in response to a reset.
if (!_initialCodePage.has_value())
unsigned int currentCodePage;
_initialCodePage = currentCodePage;
bool success = false;
switch (codingSystem)
case DispatchTypes::CodingSystem::ISO2022:
success = _pConApi->SetConsoleOutputCP(28591);
if (success)
case DispatchTypes::CodingSystem::UTF8:
success = _pConApi->SetConsoleOutputCP(CP_UTF8);
if (success)
success = false;
return success;
//Routine Description:
// Designate Charset - Selects a specific 94-character set into one of the four G-sets.
// See http://invisible-island.net/xterm/ctlseqs/ctlseqs.html#h3-Controls-beginning-with-ESC
// for a list of all charsets and their codes.
// If the specified charset is unsupported, we do nothing (remain on the current one)
// - gsetNumber - The G-set into which the charset will be selected.
// - charset - The identifier indicating the charset that will be used.
// Return value:
// True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::Designate94Charset(const size_t gsetNumber, const VTID charset)
return _termOutput.Designate94Charset(gsetNumber, charset);
//Routine Description:
// Designate Charset - Selects a specific 96-character set into one of the four G-sets.
// See http://invisible-island.net/xterm/ctlseqs/ctlseqs.html#h3-Controls-beginning-with-ESC
// for a list of all charsets and their codes.
// If the specified charset is unsupported, we do nothing (remain on the current one)
// - gsetNumber - The G-set into which the charset will be selected.
// - charset - The identifier indicating the charset that will be used.
// Return value:
// True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::Designate96Charset(const size_t gsetNumber, const VTID charset)
return _termOutput.Designate96Charset(gsetNumber, charset);
//Routine Description:
// Locking Shift - Invoke one of the G-sets into the left half of the code table.
// - gsetNumber - The G-set that will be invoked.
// Return value:
// True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::LockingShift(const size_t gsetNumber)
return _termOutput.LockingShift(gsetNumber);
//Routine Description:
// Locking Shift Right - Invoke one of the G-sets into the right half of the code table.
// - gsetNumber - The G-set that will be invoked.
// Return value:
// True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::LockingShiftRight(const size_t gsetNumber)
return _termOutput.LockingShiftRight(gsetNumber);
//Routine Description:
// Single Shift - Temporarily invoke one of the G-sets into the code table.
// - gsetNumber - The G-set that will be invoked.
// Return value:
// True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::SingleShift(const size_t gsetNumber)
return _termOutput.SingleShift(gsetNumber);
//Routine Description:
// DECAC1 - Enable or disable the reception of C1 control codes in the parser.
// - enabled - true to allow C1 controls to be used, false to disallow.
// Return value:
// True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::AcceptC1Controls(const bool enabled)
return _pConApi->SetParserMode(StateMachine::Mode::AcceptC1, enabled);
//Routine Description:
// Soft Reset - Perform a soft reset. See http://www.vt100.net/docs/vt510-rm/DECSTR.html
// The following table lists everything that should be done, 'X's indicate the ones that
// we actually perform. As the appropriate functionality is added to our ANSI support,
// we should update this.
// X Text cursor enable DECTCEM Cursor enabled.
// Insert/replace IRM Replace mode.
// X Origin DECOM Absolute (cursor origin at upper-left of screen.)
// X Autowrap DECAWM Autowrap enabled (matches XTerm behavior).
// National replacement DECNRCM Multinational set.
// character set
// Keyboard action KAM Unlocked.
// X Numeric keypad DECNKM Numeric characters.
// X Cursor keys DECCKM Normal (arrow keys).
// X Set top and bottom margins DECSTBM Top margin = 1; bottom margin = page length.
// X All character sets G0, G1, G2, Default settings.
// G3, GL, GR
// X Select graphic rendition SGR Normal rendition.
// Select character attribute DECSCA Normal (erasable by DECSEL and DECSED).
// X Save cursor state DECSC Home position.
// Assign user preference DECAUPSS Set selected in Set-Up.
// supplemental set
// Select active DECSASD Main display.
// status display
// Keyboard position mode DECKPM Character codes.
// Cursor direction DECRLM Reset (Left-to-right), regardless of NVR setting.
// PC Term mode DECPCTERM Always reset.
// <none>
// Return value:
// True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::SoftReset()
bool success = CursorVisibility(true); // Cursor enabled.
success = SetOriginMode(false) && success; // Absolute cursor addressing.
success = SetAutoWrapMode(true) && success; // Wrap at end of line.
success = SetCursorKeysMode(false) && success; // Normal characters.
success = SetKeypadMode(false) && success; // Numeric characters.
// Top margin = 1; bottom margin = page length.
success = _DoSetTopBottomScrollingMargins(0, 0) && success;
_termOutput = {}; // Reset all character set designations.
if (_initialCodePage.has_value())
// Restore initial code page if previously changed by a DOCS sequence.
success = _pConApi->SetConsoleOutputCP(_initialCodePage.value()) && success;
// Disable parsing of C1 control codes.
success = AcceptC1Controls(false) && success;
success = SetGraphicsRendition({}) && success; // Normal rendition.
// Reset the saved cursor state.
// Note that XTerm only resets the main buffer state, but that
// seems likely to be a bug. Most other terminals reset both.
_savedCursorState.at(0) = {}; // Main buffer
_savedCursorState.at(1) = {}; // Alt buffer
return success;
//Routine Description:
// Full Reset - Perform a hard reset of the terminal. http://vt100.net/docs/vt220-rm/chapter4.html
// RIS performs the following actions: (Items with sub-bullets are supported)
// - Switches to the main screen buffer if in the alt buffer.
// * This matches the XTerm behaviour, which is the de facto standard for the alt buffer.
// - Performs a communications line disconnect.
// - Clears UDKs.
// - Clears a down-line-loaded character set.
// * The soft font is reset in the renderer and the font buffer is deleted.
// - Clears the screen.
// * This is like Erase in Display (3), also clearing scrollback, as well as ED(2)
// - Returns the cursor to the upper-left corner of the screen.
// * CUP(1;1)
// - Sets the SGR state to normal.
// * SGR(Off)
// - Sets the selective erase attribute write state to "not erasable".
// - Sets all character sets to the default.
// * G0(USASCII)
// <none>
// Return value:
// True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::HardReset()
bool success = true;
// If in the alt buffer, switch back to main before doing anything else.
if (_usingAltBuffer)
success = _pConApi->PrivateUseMainScreenBuffer();
_usingAltBuffer = !success;
// Sets the SGR state to normal - this must be done before EraseInDisplay
// to ensure that it clears with the default background color.
success = SoftReset() && success;
// Clears the screen - Needs to be done in two operations.
success = EraseInDisplay(DispatchTypes::EraseType::All) && success;
success = EraseInDisplay(DispatchTypes::EraseType::Scrollback) && success;
// Set the DECSCNM screen mode back to normal.
success = SetScreenMode(false) && success;
// Cursor to 1,1 - the Soft Reset guarantees this is absolute
success = CursorPosition(1, 1) && success;
// Reset the mouse mode
success = EnableSGRExtendedMouseMode(false) && success;
success = EnableAnyEventMouseMode(false) && success;
// Delete all current tab stops and reapply
// Clear the soft font in the renderer and delete the font buffer.
success = _pConApi->PrivateUpdateSoftFont({}, {}, false) && success;
_fontBuffer = nullptr;
// GH#2715 - If all this succeeded, but we're in a conpty, return `false` to
// make the state machine propagate this RIS sequence to the connected
// terminal application. We've reset our state, but the connected terminal
// might need to do more.
if (_pConApi->IsConsolePty())
return false;
return success;
// Routine Description:
// - DECALN - Fills the entire screen with a test pattern of uppercase Es,
// resets the margins and rendition attributes, and moves the cursor to
// the home position.
// Arguments:
// - None
// Return Value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::ScreenAlignmentPattern()
csbiex.cbSize = sizeof(CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFOEX);
// Make sure to reset the viewport (with MoveToBottom )to where it was
// before the user scrolled the console output
bool success = _pConApi->MoveToBottom() && _pConApi->GetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx(csbiex);
if (success)
// Fill the screen with the letter E using the default attributes.
auto fillPosition = COORD{ 0, csbiex.srWindow.Top };
const auto fillLength = (csbiex.srWindow.Bottom - csbiex.srWindow.Top) * csbiex.dwSize.X;
success = _pConApi->PrivateFillRegion(fillPosition, fillLength, L'E', false);
// Reset the line rendition for all of these rows.
success = success && _pConApi->PrivateResetLineRenditionRange(csbiex.srWindow.Top, csbiex.srWindow.Bottom);
// Reset the meta/extended attributes (but leave the colors unchanged).
TextAttribute attr;
if (_pConApi->PrivateGetTextAttributes(attr))
success = success && _pConApi->PrivateSetTextAttributes(attr);
// Reset the origin mode to absolute.
success = success && SetOriginMode(false);
// Clear the scrolling margins.
success = success && _DoSetTopBottomScrollingMargins(0, 0);
// Set the cursor position to home.
success = success && CursorPosition(1, 1);
return success;
//Routine Description:
// - Erase Scrollback (^[[3J - ED extension by xterm)
// Because conhost doesn't exactly have a scrollback, We have to be tricky here.
// We need to move the entire viewport to 0,0, and clear everything outside
// (0, 0, viewportWidth, viewportHeight) To give the appearance that
// everything above the viewport was cleared.
// We don't want to save the text BELOW the viewport, because in *nix, there isn't anything there
// (There isn't a scroll-forward, only a scrollback)
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::_EraseScrollback()
csbiex.cbSize = sizeof(csbiex);
// Make sure to reset the viewport (with MoveToBottom )to where it was
// before the user scrolled the console output
bool success = (_pConApi->GetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx(csbiex) && _pConApi->MoveToBottom());
if (success)
const SMALL_RECT screen = csbiex.srWindow;
const SHORT height = screen.Bottom - screen.Top;
FAIL_FAST_IF(!(height > 0));
const COORD cursor = csbiex.dwCursorPosition;
// Rectangle to cut out of the existing buffer
// It will be clipped to the buffer boundaries so SHORT_MAX gives us the full buffer width.
SMALL_RECT scroll = screen;
scroll.Left = 0;
scroll.Right = SHORT_MAX;
// Paste coordinate for cut text above
COORD destination;
destination.X = 0;
destination.Y = 0;
// Typically a scroll operation should fill with standard erase attributes, but in
// this case we need to use the default attributes, hence standardFillAttrs is false.
success = _pConApi->PrivateScrollRegion(scroll, std::nullopt, destination, false);
if (success)
// Clear everything after the viewport.
const DWORD totalAreaBelow = csbiex.dwSize.X * (csbiex.dwSize.Y - height);
const COORD coordBelowStartPosition = { 0, height };
// Again we need to use the default attributes, hence standardFillAttrs is false.
success = _pConApi->PrivateFillRegion(coordBelowStartPosition, totalAreaBelow, L' ', false);
// Also reset the line rendition for all of the cleared rows.
success = success && _pConApi->PrivateResetLineRenditionRange(height, csbiex.dwSize.Y);
if (success)
// Move the viewport (CAN'T be done in one call with SetConsolescreenBufferInfoEx, because legacy)
SMALL_RECT newViewport;
newViewport.Left = screen.Left;
newViewport.Top = 0;
// SetConsoleWindowInfo uses an inclusive rect, while GetConsolescreenBufferInfo is exclusive
newViewport.Right = screen.Right - 1;
newViewport.Bottom = height - 1;
success = _pConApi->SetConsoleWindowInfo(true, newViewport);
if (success)
// Move the cursor to the same relative location.
const COORD newcursor = { cursor.X, cursor.Y - screen.Top };
success = _pConApi->SetConsoleCursorPosition(newcursor);
return success;
//Routine Description:
// Erase All (^[[2J - ED)
// Erase the current contents of the viewport. In most terminals, because they
// only have a scrollback (and not a buffer per-se), they implement this
// by scrolling the current contents of the buffer off of the screen.
// We can't properly replicate this behavior with only the public API, because
// we need to know where the last character in the buffer is. (it may be below the viewport)
// <none>
// Return value:
// True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::_EraseAll()
return _pConApi->PrivateEraseAll();
// Routine Description:
// - Enables or disables support for the DECCOLM escape sequence.
// Arguments:
// - enabled - set to true to allow DECCOLM to be used, false to disallow.
// Return Value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::EnableDECCOLMSupport(const bool enabled) noexcept
_isDECCOLMAllowed = enabled;
return true;
//Routine Description:
// Enable VT200 Mouse Mode - Enables/disables the mouse input handler in default tracking mode.
// - enabled - true to enable, false to disable.
// Return value:
// True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::EnableVT200MouseMode(const bool enabled)
return _pConApi->SetInputMode(TerminalInput::Mode::DefaultMouseTracking, enabled);
//Routine Description:
// Enable UTF-8 Extended Encoding - this changes the encoding scheme for sequences
// emitted by the mouse input handler. Does not enable/disable mouse mode on its own.
// - enabled - true to enable, false to disable.
// Return value:
// True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::EnableUTF8ExtendedMouseMode(const bool enabled)
return _pConApi->SetInputMode(TerminalInput::Mode::Utf8MouseEncoding, enabled);
//Routine Description:
// Enable SGR Extended Encoding - this changes the encoding scheme for sequences
// emitted by the mouse input handler. Does not enable/disable mouse mode on its own.
// - enabled - true to enable, false to disable.
// Return value:
// True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::EnableSGRExtendedMouseMode(const bool enabled)
return _pConApi->SetInputMode(TerminalInput::Mode::SgrMouseEncoding, enabled);
//Routine Description:
// Enable Button Event mode - send mouse move events WITH A BUTTON PRESSED to the input.
// - enabled - true to enable, false to disable.
// Return value:
// True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::EnableButtonEventMouseMode(const bool enabled)
return _pConApi->SetInputMode(TerminalInput::Mode::ButtonEventMouseTracking, enabled);
//Routine Description:
// Enable Any Event mode - send all mouse events to the input.
// - enabled - true to enable, false to disable.
// Return value:
// True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::EnableAnyEventMouseMode(const bool enabled)
return _pConApi->SetInputMode(TerminalInput::Mode::AnyEventMouseTracking, enabled);
//Routine Description:
// Enable Alternate Scroll Mode - When in the Alt Buffer, send CUP and CUD on
// scroll up/down events instead of the usual sequences
// - enabled - true to enable, false to disable.
// Return value:
// True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::EnableAlternateScroll(const bool enabled)
return _pConApi->SetInputMode(TerminalInput::Mode::AlternateScroll, enabled);
//Routine Description:
// Enable "bracketed paste mode".
// - enabled - true to enable, false to disable.
// Return value:
// True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::EnableXtermBracketedPasteMode(const bool /*enabled*/) noexcept
return NoOp();
//Routine Description:
// Set Cursor Style - Changes the cursor's style to match the given Dispatch
// cursor style. Unix styles are a combination of the shape and the blinking state.
// - cursorStyle - The unix-like cursor style to apply to the cursor
// Return value:
// True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::SetCursorStyle(const DispatchTypes::CursorStyle cursorStyle)
CursorType actualType = CursorType::Legacy;
bool fEnableBlinking = false;
switch (cursorStyle)
case DispatchTypes::CursorStyle::UserDefault:
fEnableBlinking = true;
case DispatchTypes::CursorStyle::BlinkingBlock:
fEnableBlinking = true;
actualType = CursorType::FullBox;
case DispatchTypes::CursorStyle::SteadyBlock:
fEnableBlinking = false;
actualType = CursorType::FullBox;
case DispatchTypes::CursorStyle::BlinkingUnderline:
fEnableBlinking = true;
actualType = CursorType::Underscore;
case DispatchTypes::CursorStyle::SteadyUnderline:
fEnableBlinking = false;
actualType = CursorType::Underscore;
case DispatchTypes::CursorStyle::BlinkingBar:
fEnableBlinking = true;
actualType = CursorType::VerticalBar;
case DispatchTypes::CursorStyle::SteadyBar:
fEnableBlinking = false;
actualType = CursorType::VerticalBar;
// Invalid argument should be handled by the connected terminal.
return false;
bool success = _pConApi->SetCursorStyle(actualType);
if (success)
success = _pConApi->PrivateAllowCursorBlinking(fEnableBlinking);
// If we're a conpty, always return false, so that this cursor state will be
// sent to the connected terminal
if (_pConApi->IsConsolePty())
return false;
return success;
// Method Description:
// - Sets a single entry of the colortable to a new value
// Arguments:
// - tableIndex: The VT color table index
// - dwColor: The new RGB color value to use.
// Return Value:
// True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::SetCursorColor(const COLORREF cursorColor)
if (_pConApi->IsConsolePty())
return false;
return _pConApi->SetCursorColor(cursorColor);
// Routine Description:
// - OSC Copy to Clipboard
// Arguments:
// - content - The content to copy to clipboard. Must be null terminated.
// Return Value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::SetClipboard(const std::wstring_view /*content*/) noexcept
return false;
// Method Description:
// - Sets a single entry of the colortable to a new value
// Arguments:
// - tableIndex: The VT color table index
// - dwColor: The new RGB color value to use.
// Return Value:
// True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::SetColorTableEntry(const size_t tableIndex, const DWORD dwColor)
const bool success = _pConApi->SetColorTableEntry(tableIndex, dwColor);
// If we're a conpty, always return false, so that we send the updated color
// value to the terminal. Still handle the sequence so apps that use
// the API or VT to query the values of the color table still read the
// correct color.
if (_pConApi->IsConsolePty())
return false;
return success;
// Method Description:
// - Sets the default foreground color to a new value
// Arguments:
// - dwColor: The new RGB color value to use, as a COLORREF, format 0x00BBGGRR.
// Return Value:
// True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::SetDefaultForeground(const DWORD dwColor)
bool success = true;
success = _pConApi->SetColorTableEntry(TextColor::DEFAULT_FOREGROUND, dwColor);
// If we're a conpty, always return false, so that we send the updated color
// value to the terminal. Still handle the sequence so apps that use
// the API or VT to query the values of the color table still read the
// correct color.
if (_pConApi->IsConsolePty())
return false;
return success;
// Method Description:
// - Sets the default background color to a new value
// Arguments:
// - dwColor: The new RGB color value to use, as a COLORREF, format 0x00BBGGRR.
// Return Value:
// True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::SetDefaultBackground(const DWORD dwColor)
bool success = true;
success = _pConApi->SetColorTableEntry(TextColor::DEFAULT_BACKGROUND, dwColor);
// If we're a conpty, always return false, so that we send the updated color
// value to the terminal. Still handle the sequence so apps that use
// the API or VT to query the values of the color table still read the
// correct color.
if (_pConApi->IsConsolePty())
return false;
return success;
//Routine Description:
// Window Manipulation - Performs a variety of actions relating to the window,
// such as moving the window position, resizing the window, querying
// window state, forcing the window to repaint, etc.
// This is kept separate from the input version, as there may be
// codes that are supported in one direction but not the other.
// - function - An identifier of the WindowManipulation function to perform
// - parameter1 - The first optional parameter for the function
// - parameter2 - The second optional parameter for the function
// Return value:
// True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool AdaptDispatch::WindowManipulation(const DispatchTypes::WindowManipulationType function,
const VTParameter parameter1,
const VTParameter parameter2)
bool success = false;
// Other Window Manipulation functions:
// MSFT:13271098 - QueryViewport
// MSFT:13271146 - QueryScreenSize
switch (function)
case DispatchTypes::WindowManipulationType::RefreshWindow:
success = DispatchCommon::s_RefreshWindow(*_pConApi);
case DispatchTypes::WindowManipulationType::ResizeWindowInCharacters:
success = DispatchCommon::s_ResizeWindow(*_pConApi, parameter2.value_or(0), parameter1.value_or(0));
success = false;
return success;
// Method Description:
// - Starts a hyperlink
// Arguments:
// - The hyperlink URI, optional additional parameters
// Return Value:
// - true
bool AdaptDispatch::AddHyperlink(const std::wstring_view uri, const std::wstring_view params)
return _pConApi->PrivateAddHyperlink(uri, params);
// Method Description:
// - Ends a hyperlink
// Return Value:
// - true
bool AdaptDispatch::EndHyperlink()
return _pConApi->PrivateEndHyperlink();
// Method Description:
// - Ascribes to the ITermDispatch interface
// - Not actually used in conhost
// Return Value:
// - false (so that the command gets flushed to terminal)
bool AdaptDispatch::DoConEmuAction(const std::wstring_view /*string*/) noexcept
return false;
// Method Description:
// - DECDLD - Downloads one or more characters of a dynamically redefinable
// character set (DRCS) with a specified pixel pattern. The pixel array is
// transmitted in sixel format via the returned StringHandler function.
// Arguments:
// - fontNumber - The buffer number into which the font will be loaded.
// - startChar - The first character in the set that will be replaced.
// - eraseControl - Which characters to erase before loading the new data.
// - cellMatrix - The character cell width (sometimes also height in legacy formats).
// - fontSet - The screen size for which the font is designed.
// - fontUsage - Whether it is a text font or a full-cell font.
// - cellHeight - The character cell height (if not defined by cellMatrix).
// - charsetSize - Whether the character set is 94 or 96 characters.
// Return Value:
// - a function to receive the pixel data or nullptr if parameters are invalid
ITermDispatch::StringHandler AdaptDispatch::DownloadDRCS(const size_t fontNumber,
const VTParameter startChar,
const DispatchTypes::DrcsEraseControl eraseControl,
const DispatchTypes::DrcsCellMatrix cellMatrix,
const DispatchTypes::DrcsFontSet fontSet,
const DispatchTypes::DrcsFontUsage fontUsage,
const VTParameter cellHeight,
const DispatchTypes::DrcsCharsetSize charsetSize)
// If we're a conpty, we're just going to ignore the operation for now.
// There's no point in trying to pass it through without also being able
// to pass through the character set designations.
if (_pConApi->IsConsolePty())
return nullptr;
// The font buffer is created on demand.
if (!_fontBuffer)
_fontBuffer = std::make_unique<FontBuffer>();
// Only one font buffer is supported, so only 0 (default) and 1 are valid.
auto success = fontNumber <= 1;
success = success && _fontBuffer->SetEraseControl(eraseControl);
success = success && _fontBuffer->SetAttributes(cellMatrix, cellHeight, fontSet, fontUsage);
success = success && _fontBuffer->SetStartChar(startChar, charsetSize);
// If any of the parameters are invalid, we return a null handler to let
// the state machine know we want to ignore the subsequent data string.
if (!success)
return nullptr;
return [=](const auto ch) {
// We pass the data string straight through to the font buffer class
// until we receive an ESC, indicating the end of the string. At that
// point we can finalize the buffer, and if valid, update the renderer
// with the constructed bit pattern.
if (ch != AsciiChars::ESC)
else if (_fontBuffer->FinalizeSixelData())
// We also need to inform the character set mapper of the ID that
// will map to this font (we only support one font buffer so there
// will only ever be one active dynamic character set).
if (charsetSize == DispatchTypes::DrcsCharsetSize::Size96)
const auto bitPattern = _fontBuffer->GetBitPattern();
const auto cellSize = _fontBuffer->GetCellSize();
const auto centeringHint = _fontBuffer->GetTextCenteringHint();
_pConApi->PrivateUpdateSoftFont(bitPattern, cellSize, centeringHint);
return true;
// Method Description:
// - DECRQSS - Requests the state of a VT setting. The value being queried is
// identified by the intermediate and final characters of its control
// sequence, which are passed to the string handler.
// Arguments:
// - None
// Return Value:
// - a function to receive the VTID of the setting being queried
ITermDispatch::StringHandler AdaptDispatch::RequestSetting()
// We use a VTIDBuilder to parse the characters in the control string into
// an ID which represents the setting being queried. If the given ID isn't
// supported, we respond with an error sequence: DCS 0 $ r ST. Note that
// this is the opposite of what is documented in most DEC manuals, which
// say that 0 is for a valid response, and 1 is for an error. The correct
// interpretation is documented in the DEC STD 070 reference.
const auto idBuilder = std::make_shared<VTIDBuilder>();
return [=](const auto ch) {
if (ch >= '\x40' && ch <= '\x7e')
const auto id = idBuilder->Finalize(ch);
switch (id)
case VTID('m'):
case VTID('r'):
return false;
if (ch >= '\x20' && ch <= '\x2f')
return true;
// Method Description:
// - Reports the current SGR attributes in response to a DECRQSS query.
// Arguments:
// - None
// Return Value:
// - None
void AdaptDispatch::_ReportSGRSetting() const
using namespace std::string_view_literals;
// A valid response always starts with DCS 1 $ r.
// Then the '0' parameter is to reset the SGR attributes to the defaults.
fmt::basic_memory_buffer<wchar_t, 64> response;
TextAttribute attr;
if (_pConApi->PrivateGetTextAttributes(attr))
// For each boolean attribute that is set, we add the appropriate
// parameter value to the response string.
const auto addAttribute = [&](const auto& parameter, const auto enabled) {
if (enabled)
addAttribute(L";1"sv, attr.IsBold());
addAttribute(L";2"sv, attr.IsFaint());
addAttribute(L";3"sv, attr.IsItalic());
addAttribute(L";4"sv, attr.IsUnderlined());
addAttribute(L";5"sv, attr.IsBlinking());
addAttribute(L";7"sv, attr.IsReverseVideo());
addAttribute(L";8"sv, attr.IsInvisible());
addAttribute(L";9"sv, attr.IsCrossedOut());
addAttribute(L";21"sv, attr.IsDoublyUnderlined());
addAttribute(L";53"sv, attr.IsOverlined());
// We also need to add the appropriate color encoding parameters for
// both the foreground and background colors.
const auto addColor = [&](const auto base, const auto color) {
if (color.IsIndex16())
const auto index = color.GetIndex();
const auto colorParameter = base + (index >= 8 ? 60 : 0) + (index % 8);
fmt::format_to(std::back_inserter(response), FMT_COMPILE(L";{}"), colorParameter);
else if (color.IsIndex256())
const auto index = color.GetIndex();
fmt::format_to(std::back_inserter(response), FMT_COMPILE(L";{};5;{}"), base + 8, index);
else if (color.IsRgb())
const auto r = GetRValue(color.GetRGB());
const auto g = GetGValue(color.GetRGB());
const auto b = GetBValue(color.GetRGB());
fmt::format_to(std::back_inserter(response), FMT_COMPILE(L";{};2;{};{};{}"), base + 8, r, g, b);
addColor(30, attr.GetForeground());
addColor(40, attr.GetBackground());
// The 'm' indicates this is an SGR response, and ST ends the sequence.
_WriteResponse({ response.data(), response.size() });
// Method Description:
// - Reports the DECSTBM margin range in response to a DECRQSS query.
// Arguments:
// - None
// Return Value:
// - None
void AdaptDispatch::_ReportDECSTBMSetting() const
using namespace std::string_view_literals;
// A valid response always starts with DCS 1 $ r.
fmt::basic_memory_buffer<wchar_t, 64> response;
csbiex.cbSize = sizeof(CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFOEX);
if (_pConApi->GetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx(csbiex))
auto marginTop = _scrollMargins.Top + 1;
auto marginBottom = _scrollMargins.Bottom + 1;
// If the margin top is greater than or equal to the bottom, then the
// margins aren't actually set, so we need to return the full height
// of the window for the margin range.
if (marginTop >= marginBottom)
marginTop = 1;
marginBottom = csbiex.srWindow.Bottom - csbiex.srWindow.Top;
fmt::format_to(std::back_inserter(response), FMT_COMPILE(L"{};{}"), marginTop, marginBottom);
// The 'r' indicates this is an DECSTBM response, and ST ends the sequence.
_WriteResponse({ response.data(), response.size() });