Leonard Hecker a8e4bedae3
Introduce til::rle - a run length encoded vector (#10099)
## Summary of the Pull Request

Introduces `til::rle`, a vector-like container which stores elements of
type T in a run length encoded format. This allows efficient compaction
of repeated elements within the vector.

## References

* #8000 - Supports buffer rewrite work. A re-use of `til::rle` will be
  useful as a column counter as we pursue NxM storage and presentation.
* #3075 - The new iterators allow skipping forward by multiple units,
  which wasn't possible under `TextBuffer-/OutputCellIterator`.
  Additionally it also allows a bulk insertions.
* #8787 and #410 - High probability this should be `pmr`-ified
  like `bitmap` for things like `chafa` and `cacafire`
  which are changing the run length frequently.

## PR Checklist

* [x] Closes #8741
* [x] I work here.
* [x] Tests added.
* [x] Tests passed.

## Validation Steps Performed

* [x] Ran `cacafire` in `OpenConsole.exe` and it looked beautiful
* [x] Ran new suite of `RunLengthEncodingTests.cpp`

Co-authored-by: Michael Niksa <miniksa@microsoft.com>
2021-05-20 17:27:50 +00:00

135 lines
4.1 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "precomp.h"
#include "AttrRow.hpp"
// Routine Description:
// - constructor
// Arguments:
// - cchRowWidth - the length of the default text attribute
// - attr - the default text attribute
// Return Value:
// - constructed object
ATTR_ROW::ATTR_ROW(const uint16_t width, const TextAttribute attr) :
_data(width, attr) {}
// Routine Description:
// - Sets all properties of the ATTR_ROW to default values
// Arguments:
// - attr - The default text attributes to use on text in this row.
void ATTR_ROW::Reset(const TextAttribute attr)
_data.replace(0, _data.size(), attr);
// Routine Description:
// - Takes an existing row of attributes, and changes the length so that it fills the NewWidth.
// If the new size is bigger, then the last attr is extended to fill the NewWidth.
// If the new size is smaller, the runs are cut off to fit.
// Arguments:
// - oldWidth - The original width of the row.
// - newWidth - The new width of the row.
// Return Value:
// - <none>, throws exceptions on failures.
void ATTR_ROW::Resize(const uint16_t newWidth)
// Routine Description:
// - returns a copy of the TextAttribute at the specified column
// Arguments:
// - column - the column to get the attribute for
// Return Value:
// - the text attribute at column
// Note:
// - will throw on error
TextAttribute ATTR_ROW::GetAttrByColumn(const uint16_t column) const
return _data.at(column);
// Routine Description:
// - Finds the hyperlink IDs present in this row and returns them
// Return value:
// - The hyperlink IDs present in this row
std::vector<uint16_t> ATTR_ROW::GetHyperlinks() const
std::vector<uint16_t> ids;
for (const auto& run : _data.runs())
if (run.value.IsHyperlink())
return ids;
// Routine Description:
// - Sets the attributes (colors) of all character positions from the given position through the end of the row.
// Arguments:
// - iStart - Starting index position within the row
// - attr - Attribute (color) to fill remaining characters with
// Return Value:
// - <none>
bool ATTR_ROW::SetAttrToEnd(const uint16_t beginIndex, const TextAttribute attr)
_data.replace(gsl::narrow<uint16_t>(beginIndex), _data.size(), attr);
return true;
// Method Description:
// - Replaces all runs in the row with the given toBeReplacedAttr with the new
// attribute replaceWith.
// Arguments:
// - toBeReplacedAttr - the attribute to replace in this row.
// - replaceWith - the new value for the matching runs' attributes.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void ATTR_ROW::ReplaceAttrs(const TextAttribute& toBeReplacedAttr, const TextAttribute& replaceWith)
_data.replace_values(toBeReplacedAttr, replaceWith);
// Routine Description:
// - Takes an attribute, and merges it into this row from beginIndex (inclusive) to endIndex (exclusive).
// - For example, if the current row was was [{4, BLUE}], the merge arguments were
// { beginIndex = 1, endIndex = 3, newAttr = RED }, then the row would modified to be
// [{ 1, BLUE}, {2, RED}, {1, BLUE}].
// Arguments:
// - beginIndex, endIndex: The [beginIndex, endIndex) range that's to be replaced with newAttr.
// - newAttr: The attribute to merge into this row.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void ATTR_ROW::Replace(const uint16_t beginIndex, const uint16_t endIndex, const TextAttribute& newAttr)
_data.replace(beginIndex, endIndex, newAttr);
ATTR_ROW::const_iterator ATTR_ROW::begin() const noexcept
return _data.begin();
ATTR_ROW::const_iterator ATTR_ROW::end() const noexcept
return _data.end();
ATTR_ROW::const_iterator ATTR_ROW::cbegin() const noexcept
return _data.cbegin();
ATTR_ROW::const_iterator ATTR_ROW::cend() const noexcept
return _data.cend();
bool operator==(const ATTR_ROW& a, const ATTR_ROW& b) noexcept
return a._data == b._data;