Leonard Hecker a8e4bedae3
Introduce til::rle - a run length encoded vector (#10099)
## Summary of the Pull Request

Introduces `til::rle`, a vector-like container which stores elements of
type T in a run length encoded format. This allows efficient compaction
of repeated elements within the vector.

## References

* #8000 - Supports buffer rewrite work. A re-use of `til::rle` will be
  useful as a column counter as we pursue NxM storage and presentation.
* #3075 - The new iterators allow skipping forward by multiple units,
  which wasn't possible under `TextBuffer-/OutputCellIterator`.
  Additionally it also allows a bulk insertions.
* #8787 and #410 - High probability this should be `pmr`-ified
  like `bitmap` for things like `chafa` and `cacafire`
  which are changing the run length frequently.

## PR Checklist

* [x] Closes #8741
* [x] I work here.
* [x] Tests added.
* [x] Tests passed.

## Validation Steps Performed

* [x] Ran `cacafire` in `OpenConsole.exe` and it looked beautiful
* [x] Ran new suite of `RunLengthEncodingTests.cpp`

Co-authored-by: Michael Niksa <miniksa@microsoft.com>
2021-05-20 17:27:50 +00:00

199 lines
6.9 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "precomp.h"
#include "Row.hpp"
#include "CharRow.hpp"
#include "textBuffer.hpp"
#include "../types/inc/convert.hpp"
// Routine Description:
// - constructor
// Arguments:
// - rowId - the row index in the text buffer
// - rowWidth - the width of the row, cell elements
// - fillAttribute - the default text attribute
// - pParent - the text buffer that this row belongs to
// Return Value:
// - constructed object
ROW::ROW(const SHORT rowId, const unsigned short rowWidth, const TextAttribute fillAttribute, TextBuffer* const pParent) :
_id{ rowId },
_rowWidth{ rowWidth },
_charRow{ rowWidth, this },
_attrRow{ rowWidth, fillAttribute },
_lineRendition{ LineRendition::SingleWidth },
_wrapForced{ false },
_doubleBytePadded{ false },
_pParent{ pParent }
// Routine Description:
// - Sets all properties of the ROW to default values
// Arguments:
// - Attr - The default attribute (color) to fill
// Return Value:
// - <none>
bool ROW::Reset(const TextAttribute Attr)
_lineRendition = LineRendition::SingleWidth;
_wrapForced = false;
_doubleBytePadded = false;
catch (...)
return false;
return true;
// Routine Description:
// - resizes ROW to new width
// Arguments:
// - width - the new width, in cells
// Return Value:
// - S_OK if successful, otherwise relevant error
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT ROW::Resize(const unsigned short width)
_rowWidth = width;
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - clears char data in column in row
// Arguments:
// - column - 0-indexed column index
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void ROW::ClearColumn(const size_t column)
THROW_HR_IF(E_INVALIDARG, column >= _charRow.size());
UnicodeStorage& ROW::GetUnicodeStorage() noexcept
return _pParent->GetUnicodeStorage();
const UnicodeStorage& ROW::GetUnicodeStorage() const noexcept
return _pParent->GetUnicodeStorage();
// Routine Description:
// - writes cell data to the row
// Arguments:
// - it - custom console iterator to use for seeking input data. bool() false when it becomes invalid while seeking.
// - index - column in row to start writing at
// - wrap - change the wrap flag if we hit the end of the row while writing and there's still more data in the iterator.
// - limitRight - right inclusive column ID for the last write in this row. (optional, will just write to the end of row if nullopt)
// Return Value:
// - iterator to first cell that was not written to this row.
OutputCellIterator ROW::WriteCells(OutputCellIterator it, const size_t index, const std::optional<bool> wrap, std::optional<size_t> limitRight)
THROW_HR_IF(E_INVALIDARG, index >= _charRow.size());
THROW_HR_IF(E_INVALIDARG, limitRight.value_or(0) >= _charRow.size());
// If we're given a right-side column limit, use it. Otherwise, the write limit is the final column index available in the char row.
const auto finalColumnInRow = limitRight.value_or(_charRow.size() - 1);
auto currentColor = it->TextAttr();
uint16_t colorUses = 0;
uint16_t colorStarts = gsl::narrow_cast<uint16_t>(index);
uint16_t currentIndex = colorStarts;
while (it && currentIndex <= finalColumnInRow)
// Fill the color if the behavior isn't set to keeping the current color.
if (it->TextAttrBehavior() != TextAttributeBehavior::Current)
// If the color of this cell is the same as the run we're currently on,
// just increment the counter.
if (currentColor == it->TextAttr())
// Otherwise, commit this color into the run and save off the new one.
// Now commit the new color runs into the attr row.
_attrRow.Replace(colorStarts, currentIndex, currentColor);
currentColor = it->TextAttr();
colorUses = 1;
colorStarts = currentIndex;
// Fill the text if the behavior isn't set to saying there's only a color stored in this iterator.
if (it->TextAttrBehavior() != TextAttributeBehavior::StoredOnly)
const bool fillingLastColumn = currentIndex == finalColumnInRow;
// TODO: MSFT: 19452170 - We need to ensure when writing any trailing byte that the one to the left
// is a matching leading byte. Likewise, if we're writing a leading byte, we need to make sure we still have space in this loop
// for the trailing byte coming up before writing it.
// If we're trying to fill the first cell with a trailing byte, pad it out instead by clearing it.
// Don't increment iterator. We'll advance the index and try again with this value on the next round through the loop.
if (currentIndex == 0 && it->DbcsAttr().IsTrailing())
// If we're trying to fill the last cell with a leading byte, pad it out instead by clearing it.
// Don't increment iterator. We'll exit because we couldn't write a lead at the end of a line.
else if (fillingLastColumn && it->DbcsAttr().IsLeading())
// Otherwise, copy the data given and increment the iterator.
_charRow.DbcsAttrAt(currentIndex) = it->DbcsAttr();
_charRow.GlyphAt(currentIndex) = it->Chars();
// If we're asked to (un)set the wrap status and we just filled the last column with some text...
// NOTE:
// - wrap = std::nullopt --> don't change the wrap value
// - wrap = true --> we're filling cells as a steam, consider this a wrap
// - wrap = false --> we're filling cells as a block, unwrap
if (wrap.has_value() && fillingLastColumn)
// set wrap status on the row to parameter's value.
// Move to the next cell for the next time through the loop.
// Now commit the final color into the attr row
if (colorUses)
_attrRow.Replace(colorStarts, currentIndex, currentColor);
return it;