Leonard Hecker a8e4bedae3
Introduce til::rle - a run length encoded vector (#10099)
## Summary of the Pull Request

Introduces `til::rle`, a vector-like container which stores elements of
type T in a run length encoded format. This allows efficient compaction
of repeated elements within the vector.

## References

* #8000 - Supports buffer rewrite work. A re-use of `til::rle` will be
  useful as a column counter as we pursue NxM storage and presentation.
* #3075 - The new iterators allow skipping forward by multiple units,
  which wasn't possible under `TextBuffer-/OutputCellIterator`.
  Additionally it also allows a bulk insertions.
* #8787 and #410 - High probability this should be `pmr`-ified
  like `bitmap` for things like `chafa` and `cacafire`
  which are changing the run length frequently.

## PR Checklist

* [x] Closes #8741
* [x] I work here.
* [x] Tests added.
* [x] Tests passed.

## Validation Steps Performed

* [x] Ran `cacafire` in `OpenConsole.exe` and it looked beautiful
* [x] Ran new suite of `RunLengthEncodingTests.cpp`

Co-authored-by: Michael Niksa <miniksa@microsoft.com>
2021-05-20 17:27:50 +00:00

408 lines
13 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "precomp.h"
#include "TextAttribute.hpp"
#include "../../inc/conattrs.hpp"
// Keeping TextColor compact helps us keeping TextAttribute compact,
// which in turn ensures that our buffer memory usage is low.
static_assert(sizeof(TextAttribute) == 14);
static_assert(alignof(TextAttribute) == 2);
// Ensure that we can memcpy() and memmove() the struct for performance.
BYTE TextAttribute::s_legacyDefaultForeground = 7;
BYTE TextAttribute::s_legacyDefaultBackground = 0;
// Routine Description:
// - Sets the legacy attributes which map to and from the default colors.
// Parameters:
// - defaultAttributes: the attribute values to be used for default colors.
// Return value:
// - None
void TextAttribute::SetLegacyDefaultAttributes(const WORD defaultAttributes) noexcept
s_legacyDefaultForeground = defaultAttributes & FG_ATTRS;
s_legacyDefaultBackground = (defaultAttributes & BG_ATTRS) >> 4;
// Routine Description:
// Pursuant to GH#6807
// This routine replaces VT colors from the 16-color set with the "default"
// flag. It is intended to be used as part of the "VT Quirk" in
// WriteConsole[AW].
// There is going to be a very long tail of applications that will
// explicitly request VT SGR 40/37 when what they really want is to
// SetConsoleTextAttribute() with a black background/white foreground.
// Instead of making those applications look bad (and therefore making us
// look bad, because we're releasing this as an update to something that
// "looks good" already), we're introducing this compatibility hack. Before
// the color reckoning in GH#6698 + GH#6506, *every* color was subject to
// being spontaneously and erroneously turned into the default color. Now,
// only the 16-color palette value that matches the active console
// background color will be destroyed when the quirk is enabled.
// This is not intended to be a long-term solution. This comment will be
// discovered in forty years(*) time and people will laugh at our hubris.
// *it doesn't matter when you're reading this, it will always be 40 years
// from now.
TextAttribute TextAttribute::StripErroneousVT16VersionsOfLegacyDefaults(const TextAttribute& attribute) noexcept
const auto fg{ attribute.GetForeground() };
const auto bg{ attribute.GetBackground() };
auto copy{ attribute };
if (fg.IsIndex16() &&
attribute.IsBold() == WI_IsFlagSet(s_legacyDefaultForeground, FOREGROUND_INTENSITY) &&
fg.GetIndex() == (s_legacyDefaultForeground & ~FOREGROUND_INTENSITY))
// We don't want to turn 1;37m into 39m (or even 1;39m), as this was meant to mimic a legacy color.
if (bg.IsIndex16() && bg.GetIndex() == s_legacyDefaultBackground)
return copy;
// Routine Description:
// - Returns a WORD with legacy-style attributes for this textattribute.
// Parameters:
// - None
// Return value:
// - a WORD with legacy-style attributes for this textattribute.
WORD TextAttribute::GetLegacyAttributes() const noexcept
const BYTE fgIndex = _foreground.GetLegacyIndex(s_legacyDefaultForeground);
const BYTE bgIndex = _background.GetLegacyIndex(s_legacyDefaultBackground);
const WORD metaAttrs = _wAttrLegacy & META_ATTRS;
const bool brighten = IsBold() && _foreground.CanBeBrightened();
return fgIndex | (bgIndex << 4) | metaAttrs | (brighten ? FOREGROUND_INTENSITY : 0);
bool TextAttribute::IsLegacy() const noexcept
return _foreground.IsLegacy() && _background.IsLegacy();
// Routine Description:
// - Calculates rgb colors based off of current color table and active modification attributes.
// Arguments:
// - colorTable: the current color table rgb values.
// - defaultFgColor: the default foreground color rgb value.
// - defaultBgColor: the default background color rgb value.
// - reverseScreenMode: true if the screen mode is reversed.
// - blinkingIsFaint: true if blinking should be interpreted as faint.
// Return Value:
// - the foreground and background colors that should be displayed.
std::pair<COLORREF, COLORREF> TextAttribute::CalculateRgbColors(const gsl::span<const COLORREF> colorTable,
const COLORREF defaultFgColor,
const COLORREF defaultBgColor,
const bool reverseScreenMode,
const bool blinkingIsFaint) const noexcept
auto fg = _foreground.GetColor(colorTable, defaultFgColor, IsBold());
auto bg = _background.GetColor(colorTable, defaultBgColor);
if (IsFaint() || (IsBlinking() && blinkingIsFaint))
fg = (fg >> 1) & 0x7F7F7F; // Divide foreground color components by two.
if (IsReverseVideo() ^ reverseScreenMode)
std::swap(fg, bg);
if (IsInvisible())
fg = bg;
return { fg, bg };
// Method description:
// - Tells us whether the text is a hyperlink or not
// Return value:
// - True if it is a hyperlink, false otherwise
bool TextAttribute::IsHyperlink() const noexcept
// All non-hyperlink text have a default hyperlinkId of 0 while
// all hyperlink text have a non-zero hyperlinkId
return _hyperlinkId != 0;
TextColor TextAttribute::GetForeground() const noexcept
return _foreground;
TextColor TextAttribute::GetBackground() const noexcept
return _background;
// Method description:
// - Retrieves the hyperlink ID of the text
// Return value:
// - The hyperlink ID
uint16_t TextAttribute::GetHyperlinkId() const noexcept
return _hyperlinkId;
void TextAttribute::SetForeground(const TextColor foreground) noexcept
_foreground = foreground;
void TextAttribute::SetBackground(const TextColor background) noexcept
_background = background;
void TextAttribute::SetForeground(const COLORREF rgbForeground) noexcept
_foreground = TextColor(rgbForeground);
void TextAttribute::SetBackground(const COLORREF rgbBackground) noexcept
_background = TextColor(rgbBackground);
void TextAttribute::SetIndexedForeground(const BYTE fgIndex) noexcept
_foreground = TextColor(fgIndex, false);
void TextAttribute::SetIndexedBackground(const BYTE bgIndex) noexcept
_background = TextColor(bgIndex, false);
void TextAttribute::SetIndexedForeground256(const BYTE fgIndex) noexcept
_foreground = TextColor(fgIndex, true);
void TextAttribute::SetIndexedBackground256(const BYTE bgIndex) noexcept
_background = TextColor(bgIndex, true);
void TextAttribute::SetColor(const COLORREF rgbColor, const bool fIsForeground) noexcept
if (fIsForeground)
// Method description:
// - Sets the hyperlink ID of the text
// Arguments:
// - id - the id we wish to set
void TextAttribute::SetHyperlinkId(uint16_t id) noexcept
_hyperlinkId = id;
bool TextAttribute::IsLeadingByte() const noexcept
return WI_IsFlagSet(_wAttrLegacy, COMMON_LVB_LEADING_BYTE);
bool TextAttribute::IsTrailingByte() const noexcept
return WI_IsFlagSet(_wAttrLegacy, COMMON_LVB_LEADING_BYTE);
bool TextAttribute::IsTopHorizontalDisplayed() const noexcept
return WI_IsFlagSet(_wAttrLegacy, COMMON_LVB_GRID_HORIZONTAL);
bool TextAttribute::IsBottomHorizontalDisplayed() const noexcept
return WI_IsFlagSet(_wAttrLegacy, COMMON_LVB_UNDERSCORE);
bool TextAttribute::IsLeftVerticalDisplayed() const noexcept
return WI_IsFlagSet(_wAttrLegacy, COMMON_LVB_GRID_LVERTICAL);
bool TextAttribute::IsRightVerticalDisplayed() const noexcept
return WI_IsFlagSet(_wAttrLegacy, COMMON_LVB_GRID_RVERTICAL);
void TextAttribute::SetLeftVerticalDisplayed(const bool isDisplayed) noexcept
WI_UpdateFlag(_wAttrLegacy, COMMON_LVB_GRID_LVERTICAL, isDisplayed);
void TextAttribute::SetRightVerticalDisplayed(const bool isDisplayed) noexcept
WI_UpdateFlag(_wAttrLegacy, COMMON_LVB_GRID_RVERTICAL, isDisplayed);
bool TextAttribute::IsBold() const noexcept
return WI_IsFlagSet(_extendedAttrs, ExtendedAttributes::Bold);
bool TextAttribute::IsFaint() const noexcept
return WI_IsFlagSet(_extendedAttrs, ExtendedAttributes::Faint);
bool TextAttribute::IsItalic() const noexcept
return WI_IsFlagSet(_extendedAttrs, ExtendedAttributes::Italics);
bool TextAttribute::IsBlinking() const noexcept
return WI_IsFlagSet(_extendedAttrs, ExtendedAttributes::Blinking);
bool TextAttribute::IsInvisible() const noexcept
return WI_IsFlagSet(_extendedAttrs, ExtendedAttributes::Invisible);
bool TextAttribute::IsCrossedOut() const noexcept
return WI_IsFlagSet(_extendedAttrs, ExtendedAttributes::CrossedOut);
bool TextAttribute::IsUnderlined() const noexcept
return WI_IsFlagSet(_extendedAttrs, ExtendedAttributes::Underlined);
bool TextAttribute::IsDoublyUnderlined() const noexcept
return WI_IsFlagSet(_extendedAttrs, ExtendedAttributes::DoublyUnderlined);
bool TextAttribute::IsOverlined() const noexcept
return WI_IsFlagSet(_wAttrLegacy, COMMON_LVB_GRID_HORIZONTAL);
bool TextAttribute::IsReverseVideo() const noexcept
return WI_IsFlagSet(_wAttrLegacy, COMMON_LVB_REVERSE_VIDEO);
void TextAttribute::SetBold(bool isBold) noexcept
WI_UpdateFlag(_extendedAttrs, ExtendedAttributes::Bold, isBold);
void TextAttribute::SetFaint(bool isFaint) noexcept
WI_UpdateFlag(_extendedAttrs, ExtendedAttributes::Faint, isFaint);
void TextAttribute::SetItalic(bool isItalic) noexcept
WI_UpdateFlag(_extendedAttrs, ExtendedAttributes::Italics, isItalic);
void TextAttribute::SetBlinking(bool isBlinking) noexcept
WI_UpdateFlag(_extendedAttrs, ExtendedAttributes::Blinking, isBlinking);
void TextAttribute::SetInvisible(bool isInvisible) noexcept
WI_UpdateFlag(_extendedAttrs, ExtendedAttributes::Invisible, isInvisible);
void TextAttribute::SetCrossedOut(bool isCrossedOut) noexcept
WI_UpdateFlag(_extendedAttrs, ExtendedAttributes::CrossedOut, isCrossedOut);
void TextAttribute::SetUnderlined(bool isUnderlined) noexcept
WI_UpdateFlag(_extendedAttrs, ExtendedAttributes::Underlined, isUnderlined);
void TextAttribute::SetDoublyUnderlined(bool isDoublyUnderlined) noexcept
WI_UpdateFlag(_extendedAttrs, ExtendedAttributes::DoublyUnderlined, isDoublyUnderlined);
void TextAttribute::SetOverlined(bool isOverlined) noexcept
WI_UpdateFlag(_wAttrLegacy, COMMON_LVB_GRID_HORIZONTAL, isOverlined);
void TextAttribute::SetReverseVideo(bool isReversed) noexcept
WI_UpdateFlag(_wAttrLegacy, COMMON_LVB_REVERSE_VIDEO, isReversed);
ExtendedAttributes TextAttribute::GetExtendedAttributes() const noexcept
return _extendedAttrs;
// Routine Description:
// - swaps foreground and background color
void TextAttribute::Invert() noexcept
WI_ToggleFlag(_wAttrLegacy, COMMON_LVB_REVERSE_VIDEO);
void TextAttribute::SetDefaultForeground() noexcept
_foreground = TextColor();
void TextAttribute::SetDefaultBackground() noexcept
_background = TextColor();
// Method description:
// - Resets only the meta and extended attributes
void TextAttribute::SetDefaultMetaAttrs() noexcept
_extendedAttrs = ExtendedAttributes::Normal;
_wAttrLegacy = 0;
// Method Description:
// - Returns true if this attribute indicates its background is the "default"
// background. Its _rgbBackground will contain the actual value of the
// default background. If the default colors are ever changed, this method
// should be used to identify attributes with the default bg value, and
// update them accordingly.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - true iff this attribute indicates it's the "default" background color.
bool TextAttribute::BackgroundIsDefault() const noexcept
return _background.IsDefault();
// Routine Description:
// - Resets the meta and extended attributes, which is what the VT standard
// requires for most erasing and filling operations.
void TextAttribute::SetStandardErase() noexcept
_hyperlinkId = 0;