2021-09-02 13:54:02 -07:00

476 lines
16 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "pch.h"
#include "Terminal.hpp"
#include "unicode.hpp"
#include <winrt/Microsoft.Terminal.Core.h>
using namespace Microsoft::Terminal::Core;
using namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Core;
/* Selection Pivot Description:
* The pivot helps properly update the selection when a user moves a selection over itself
* See SelectionTest::DoubleClickDrag_Left for an example of the functionality mentioned here
* As an example, consider the following scenario...
* 1. Perform a word selection (double-click) on a word
* |-position where we double-clicked
* _|_
* |word|
* |--|
* start & pivot-| |-end
* 2. Drag your mouse down a line
* start & pivot-|__________
* __|word_______|
* |______|
* |
* |-end & mouse position
* 3. Drag your mouse up two lines
* |-start & mouse position
* |________
* ____| ______|
* |___w|ord
* |-end & pivot
* The pivot never moves until a new selection is created. It ensures that that cell will always be selected.
// Method Description:
// - Helper to determine the selected region of the buffer. Used for rendering.
// Return Value:
// - A vector of rectangles representing the regions to select, line by line. They are absolute coordinates relative to the buffer origin.
std::vector<SMALL_RECT> Terminal::_GetSelectionRects() const noexcept
std::vector<SMALL_RECT> result;
if (!IsSelectionActive())
return result;
return _buffer->GetTextRects(_selection->start, _selection->end, _blockSelection, false);
return result;
// Method Description:
// - Get the current anchor position relative to the whole text buffer
// Arguments:
// - None
// Return Value:
// - None
const COORD Terminal::GetSelectionAnchor() const noexcept
return _selection->start;
// Method Description:
// - Get the current end anchor position relative to the whole text buffer
// Arguments:
// - None
// Return Value:
// - None
const COORD Terminal::GetSelectionEnd() const noexcept
return _selection->end;
// Method Description:
// - Checks if selection is active
// Return Value:
// - bool representing if selection is active. Used to decide copy/paste on right click
const bool Terminal::IsSelectionActive() const noexcept
return _selection.has_value();
const bool Terminal::IsBlockSelection() const noexcept
return _blockSelection;
// Method Description:
// - Perform a multi-click selection at viewportPos expanding according to the expansionMode
// Arguments:
// - viewportPos: the (x,y) coordinate on the visible viewport
// - expansionMode: the SelectionExpansion to dictate the boundaries of the selection anchors
void Terminal::MultiClickSelection(const COORD viewportPos, SelectionExpansion expansionMode)
// set the selection pivot to expand the selection using SetSelectionEnd()
_selection = SelectionAnchors{};
_selection->pivot = _ConvertToBufferCell(viewportPos);
_multiClickSelectionMode = expansionMode;
// we need to set the _selectionPivot again
// for future shift+clicks
_selection->pivot = _selection->start;
// Method Description:
// - Record the position of the beginning of a selection
// Arguments:
// - position: the (x,y) coordinate on the visible viewport
void Terminal::SetSelectionAnchor(const COORD viewportPos)
_selection = SelectionAnchors{};
_selection->pivot = _ConvertToBufferCell(viewportPos);
_multiClickSelectionMode = SelectionExpansion::Char;
_selection->start = _selection->pivot;
// Method Description:
// - Update selection anchors when dragging to a position
// - based on the selection expansion mode
// Arguments:
// - viewportPos: the (x,y) coordinate on the visible viewport
// - newExpansionMode: overwrites the _multiClickSelectionMode for this function call. Used for ShiftClick
void Terminal::SetSelectionEnd(const COORD viewportPos, std::optional<SelectionExpansion> newExpansionMode)
if (!_selection.has_value())
// capture a log for spurious endpoint sets without an active selection
const auto textBufferPos = _ConvertToBufferCell(viewportPos);
// if this is a shiftClick action, we need to overwrite the _multiClickSelectionMode value (even if it's the same)
// Otherwise, we may accidentally expand during other selection-based actions
_multiClickSelectionMode = newExpansionMode.has_value() ? *newExpansionMode : _multiClickSelectionMode;
std::pair<COORD, COORD> anchors;
bool targetStart;
std::tie(anchors.first, anchors.second, targetStart) = _PivotSelection(textBufferPos);
const auto expandedAnchors = _ExpandSelectionAnchors(anchors);
if (newExpansionMode.has_value())
// shift-click operations only expand the target side
auto& anchorToExpand = targetStart ? _selection->start : _selection->end;
anchorToExpand = targetStart ? expandedAnchors.first : expandedAnchors.second;
// the other anchor should then become the pivot (we don't expand it)
auto& anchorToPivot = targetStart ? _selection->end : _selection->start;
anchorToPivot = _selection->pivot;
// expand both anchors
std::tie(_selection->start, _selection->end) = expandedAnchors;
// Method Description:
// - returns a new pair of selection anchors for selecting around the pivot
// - This ensures start < end when compared
// Arguments:
// - targetPos: the (x,y) coordinate we are moving to on the text buffer
// Return Value:
// - COORD: the new start for a selection
// - COORD: the new end for a selection
// - bool: if true, target will be the new start. Otherwise, target will be the new end.
std::tuple<COORD, COORD, bool> Terminal::_PivotSelection(const COORD targetPos) const
const bool targetStart{ _buffer->GetSize().CompareInBounds(targetPos, _selection->pivot) <= 0 };
if (targetStart)
// target is before pivot
// treat target as start
return { targetPos, _selection->pivot, targetStart };
// target is after pivot
// treat pivot as start
return { _selection->pivot, targetPos, targetStart };
// Method Description:
// - Update the selection anchors to expand according to the expansion mode
// Arguments:
// - anchors: a pair of selection anchors representing a desired selection
// Return Value:
// - the new start/end for a selection
std::pair<COORD, COORD> Terminal::_ExpandSelectionAnchors(std::pair<COORD, COORD> anchors) const
COORD start = anchors.first;
COORD end = anchors.second;
const auto bufferSize = _buffer->GetSize();
switch (_multiClickSelectionMode)
case SelectionExpansion::Line:
start = { bufferSize.Left(), start.Y };
end = { bufferSize.RightInclusive(), end.Y };
case SelectionExpansion::Word:
start = _buffer->GetWordStart(start, _wordDelimiters);
end = _buffer->GetWordEnd(end, _wordDelimiters);
case SelectionExpansion::Char:
// no expansion is necessary
return std::make_pair(start, end);
// Method Description:
// - enable/disable block selection (ALT + selection)
// Arguments:
// - isEnabled: new value for _blockSelection
void Terminal::SetBlockSelection(const bool isEnabled) noexcept
_blockSelection = isEnabled;
void Terminal::UpdateSelection(SelectionDirection direction, SelectionExpansion mode)
// 1. Figure out which endpoint to update
// One of the endpoints is the pivot, signifying that the other endpoint is the one we want to move.
const bool movingEnd{ _selection->start == _selection->pivot };
auto targetPos{ movingEnd ? _selection->end : _selection->start };
// 2. Perform the movement
switch (mode)
case SelectionExpansion::Char:
_MoveByChar(direction, targetPos);
case SelectionExpansion::Word:
_MoveByWord(direction, targetPos);
case SelectionExpansion::Viewport:
_MoveByViewport(direction, targetPos);
case SelectionExpansion::Buffer:
_MoveByBuffer(direction, targetPos);
// 3. Actually modify the selection
std::tie(_selection->start, _selection->end, std::ignore) = _PivotSelection(targetPos);
// 4. Scroll (if necessary)
if (const auto viewport = _GetVisibleViewport(); !viewport.IsInBounds(targetPos))
if (const auto amtAboveView = viewport.Top() - targetPos.Y; amtAboveView > 0)
// anchor is above visible viewport, scroll by that amount
_scrollOffset += amtAboveView;
// anchor is below visible viewport, scroll by that amount
const auto amtBelowView = targetPos.Y - viewport.BottomInclusive();
_scrollOffset -= amtBelowView;
void Terminal::_MoveByChar(SelectionDirection direction, COORD& pos)
switch (direction)
case SelectionDirection::Left:
pos = _buffer->GetGlyphStart(pos);
case SelectionDirection::Right:
pos = _buffer->GetGlyphEnd(pos);
case SelectionDirection::Up:
const auto bufferSize{ _buffer->GetSize() };
pos = { pos.X, std::clamp(base::ClampSub<short, short>(pos.Y, 1).RawValue(), bufferSize.Top(), bufferSize.BottomInclusive()) };
case SelectionDirection::Down:
const auto bufferSize{ _buffer->GetSize() };
pos = { pos.X, std::clamp(base::ClampAdd<short, short>(pos.Y, 1).RawValue(), bufferSize.Top(), bufferSize.BottomInclusive()) };
void Terminal::_MoveByWord(SelectionDirection direction, COORD& pos)
switch (direction)
case SelectionDirection::Left:
const auto wordStartPos{ _buffer->GetWordStart(pos, _wordDelimiters) };
if (_buffer->GetSize().CompareInBounds(_selection->pivot, pos) < 0)
// If we're moving towards the pivot, move one more cell
pos = wordStartPos;
else if (wordStartPos == pos)
// already at the beginning of the current word,
// move to the beginning of the previous word
pos = _buffer->GetWordStart(pos, _wordDelimiters);
// move to the beginning of the current word
pos = wordStartPos;
case SelectionDirection::Right:
const auto wordEndPos{ _buffer->GetWordEnd(pos, _wordDelimiters) };
if (_buffer->GetSize().CompareInBounds(pos, _selection->pivot) < 0)
// If we're moving towards the pivot, move one more cell
pos = _buffer->GetWordEnd(pos, _wordDelimiters);
else if (wordEndPos == pos)
// already at the end of the current word,
// move to the end of the next word
pos = _buffer->GetWordEnd(pos, _wordDelimiters);
// move to the end of the current word
pos = wordEndPos;
case SelectionDirection::Up:
_MoveByChar(direction, pos);
pos = _buffer->GetWordStart(pos, _wordDelimiters);
case SelectionDirection::Down:
_MoveByChar(direction, pos);
pos = _buffer->GetWordEnd(pos, _wordDelimiters);
void Terminal::_MoveByViewport(SelectionDirection direction, COORD& pos)
const auto bufferSize{ _buffer->GetSize() };
switch (direction)
case SelectionDirection::Left:
pos = { bufferSize.Left(), pos.Y };
case SelectionDirection::Right:
pos = { bufferSize.RightInclusive(), pos.Y };
case SelectionDirection::Up:
const auto viewportHeight{ _mutableViewport.Height() };
const auto newY{ base::ClampSub<short, short>(pos.Y, viewportHeight) };
pos = newY < bufferSize.Top() ? bufferSize.Origin() : COORD{ pos.X, newY };
case SelectionDirection::Down:
const auto viewportHeight{ _mutableViewport.Height() };
const auto mutableBottom{ _mutableViewport.BottomInclusive() };
const auto newY{ base::ClampAdd<short, short>(pos.Y, viewportHeight) };
pos = newY > mutableBottom ? COORD{ bufferSize.RightInclusive(), mutableBottom } : COORD{ pos.X, newY };
void Terminal::_MoveByBuffer(SelectionDirection direction, COORD& pos)
const auto bufferSize{ _buffer->GetSize() };
switch (direction)
case SelectionDirection::Left:
case SelectionDirection::Up:
pos = bufferSize.Origin();
case SelectionDirection::Right:
case SelectionDirection::Down:
pos = { bufferSize.RightInclusive(), _mutableViewport.BottomInclusive() };
// Method Description:
// - clear selection data and disable rendering it
#pragma warning(disable : 26440) // changing this to noexcept would require a change to ConHost's selection model
void Terminal::ClearSelection()
_selection = std::nullopt;
// Method Description:
// - get wstring text from highlighted portion of text buffer
// Arguments:
// - singleLine: collapse all of the text to one line
// Return Value:
// - wstring text from buffer. If extended to multiple lines, each line is separated by \r\n
const TextBuffer::TextAndColor Terminal::RetrieveSelectedTextFromBuffer(bool singleLine)
auto lock = LockForReading();
const auto selectionRects = _GetSelectionRects();
const auto GetAttributeColors = std::bind(&Terminal::GetAttributeColors, this, std::placeholders::_1);
// GH#6740: Block selection should preserve the visual structure:
// - CRLFs need to be added - so the lines structure is preserved
// - We should apply formatting above to wrapped rows as well (newline should be added).
// GH#9706: Trimming of trailing white-spaces in block selection is configurable.
const auto includeCRLF = !singleLine || _blockSelection;
const auto trimTrailingWhitespace = !singleLine && (!_blockSelection || _trimBlockSelection);
const auto formatWrappedRows = _blockSelection;
return _buffer->GetText(includeCRLF, trimTrailingWhitespace, selectionRects, GetAttributeColors, formatWrappedRows);
// Method Description:
// - convert viewport position to the corresponding location on the buffer
// Arguments:
// - viewportPos: a coordinate on the viewport
// Return Value:
// - the corresponding location on the buffer
COORD Terminal::_ConvertToBufferCell(const COORD viewportPos) const
const auto yPos = base::ClampedNumeric<short>(_VisibleStartIndex()) + viewportPos.Y;
COORD bufferPos = { viewportPos.X, yPos };
return bufferPos;
// Method Description:
// - This method won't be used. We just throw and do nothing. For now we
// need this method to implement UiaData interface
// Arguments:
// - coordSelectionStart - Not used
// - coordSelectionEnd - Not used
// - attr - Not used.
void Terminal::ColorSelection(const COORD, const COORD, const TextAttribute)