Mike Griese b140299e50
Implement user-specified pixel shaders, redux (#8565)
Co-authored-by: mrange <marten_range@hotmail.com>

I loved the pixel shaders in #7058, but that PR needed a bit of polish
to be ready for ingestion. This PR is almost _exactly_ that PR, with
some small changes.

* It adds a new pre-profile setting `"experimental.pixelShaderPath"`,
  which lets the user set a pixel shader to use with the Terminal.
    - CHANGED FROM #7058: It does _not_ add any built-in shaders.
    - CHANGED FROM #7058: it will _override_
* It adds a bunch of sample shaders in `samples/shaders`. Included: 
    - A NOP shader as a base to build from.
    - An "invert" shader that inverts the colors, as a simple example
    - An "grayscale" shader that converts all colors to grayscale, as a
      simple example
    - An "raster bars" shader that draws some colored bars on the screen
      with a drop shadow, as a more involved example
    - The original retro terminal effects, as a more involved example
    - It also includes a broken shader, as an example of what heppens
      when the shader fails to compile
    - CHANGED FROM #7058: It does _not_ add the "retroII" shader we were
      all worried about.
* When a shader fails to be found or fails to compile, we'll display an
  error dialog to the user with a relevant error message.
    - CHANGED FROM #7058: Originally, #7058 would display "error bars"
      on the screen. I've removed that, and had the Terminal disable the
      shader entirely then.
* Renames the `toggleRetroEffect` action to `toggleShaderEffect`.
  (`toggleRetroEffect` is now an alias to `toggleShaderEffect`). This
  action will turn the shader OR the retro effects on/off. 

`toggleShaderEffect` works the way you'd expect it to, but the mental
math on _how_ is a little weird. The logic is basically:

useShader = shaderEffectsEnabled ? 
                (pixelShaderProvided ? 
                    pixelShader : 
                    (retroEffectEnabled ? 
                        retroEffect : null
                ) : 

and `toggleShaderEffect` toggles `shaderEffectsEnabled`.

* If you've got both a shader and retro enabled, `toggleShaderEffect`
  will toggle between the shader on/off.
* If you've got a shader and retro disabled, `toggleShaderEffect` will
  toggle between the shader on/off.

References #6191
References #7058

Closes #7013

Closes #3930 "Add setting to retro terminal shader to control blur
radius, color" 
Closes #3929 "Add setting to retro terminal shader to enable drawing
     - At this point, just roll your own version of the shader.
2020-12-15 20:40:22 +00:00

537 lines
24 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "pch.h"
#include "Profile.h"
#include "JsonUtils.h"
#include "../../types/inc/Utils.hpp"
#include <DefaultSettings.h>
#include "LegacyProfileGeneratorNamespaces.h"
#include "TerminalSettingsSerializationHelpers.h"
#include "Profile.g.cpp"
using namespace Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model;
using namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::implementation;
using namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::TerminalControl;
using namespace winrt::Windows::UI;
using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml;
using namespace winrt::Windows::Foundation;
using namespace ::Microsoft::Console;
static constexpr std::string_view NameKey{ "name" };
static constexpr std::string_view GuidKey{ "guid" };
static constexpr std::string_view SourceKey{ "source" };
static constexpr std::string_view ColorSchemeKey{ "colorScheme" };
static constexpr std::string_view HiddenKey{ "hidden" };
static constexpr std::string_view ForegroundKey{ "foreground" };
static constexpr std::string_view BackgroundKey{ "background" };
static constexpr std::string_view SelectionBackgroundKey{ "selectionBackground" };
static constexpr std::string_view TabTitleKey{ "tabTitle" };
static constexpr std::string_view SuppressApplicationTitleKey{ "suppressApplicationTitle" };
static constexpr std::string_view HistorySizeKey{ "historySize" };
static constexpr std::string_view SnapOnInputKey{ "snapOnInput" };
static constexpr std::string_view AltGrAliasingKey{ "altGrAliasing" };
static constexpr std::string_view CursorColorKey{ "cursorColor" };
static constexpr std::string_view CursorShapeKey{ "cursorShape" };
static constexpr std::string_view CursorHeightKey{ "cursorHeight" };
static constexpr std::string_view ConnectionTypeKey{ "connectionType" };
static constexpr std::string_view CommandlineKey{ "commandline" };
static constexpr std::string_view FontFaceKey{ "fontFace" };
static constexpr std::string_view FontSizeKey{ "fontSize" };
static constexpr std::string_view FontWeightKey{ "fontWeight" };
static constexpr std::string_view AcrylicTransparencyKey{ "acrylicOpacity" };
static constexpr std::string_view UseAcrylicKey{ "useAcrylic" };
static constexpr std::string_view ScrollbarStateKey{ "scrollbarState" };
static constexpr std::string_view CloseOnExitKey{ "closeOnExit" };
static constexpr std::string_view PaddingKey{ "padding" };
static constexpr std::string_view StartingDirectoryKey{ "startingDirectory" };
static constexpr std::string_view IconKey{ "icon" };
static constexpr std::string_view BackgroundImageKey{ "backgroundImage" };
static constexpr std::string_view BackgroundImageOpacityKey{ "backgroundImageOpacity" };
static constexpr std::string_view BackgroundImageStretchModeKey{ "backgroundImageStretchMode" };
static constexpr std::string_view BackgroundImageAlignmentKey{ "backgroundImageAlignment" };
static constexpr std::string_view RetroTerminalEffectKey{ "experimental.retroTerminalEffect" };
static constexpr std::string_view AntialiasingModeKey{ "antialiasingMode" };
static constexpr std::string_view TabColorKey{ "tabColor" };
static constexpr std::string_view BellStyleKey{ "bellStyle" };
static constexpr std::string_view PixelShaderPathKey{ "experimental.pixelShaderPath" };
static constexpr std::wstring_view DesktopWallpaperEnum{ L"desktopWallpaper" };
Profile::Profile(guid guid) :
winrt::com_ptr<Profile> Profile::CopySettings(winrt::com_ptr<Profile> source)
auto profile{ winrt::make_self<Profile>() };
profile->_Guid = source->_Guid;
profile->_Name = source->_Name;
profile->_Source = source->_Source;
profile->_Hidden = source->_Hidden;
profile->_Icon = source->_Icon;
profile->_CloseOnExit = source->_CloseOnExit;
profile->_TabTitle = source->_TabTitle;
profile->_TabColor = source->_TabColor;
profile->_SuppressApplicationTitle = source->_SuppressApplicationTitle;
profile->_UseAcrylic = source->_UseAcrylic;
profile->_AcrylicOpacity = source->_AcrylicOpacity;
profile->_ScrollState = source->_ScrollState;
profile->_FontFace = source->_FontFace;
profile->_FontSize = source->_FontSize;
profile->_FontWeight = source->_FontWeight;
profile->_Padding = source->_Padding;
profile->_Commandline = source->_Commandline;
profile->_StartingDirectory = source->_StartingDirectory;
profile->_BackgroundImagePath = source->_BackgroundImagePath;
profile->_BackgroundImageOpacity = source->_BackgroundImageOpacity;
profile->_BackgroundImageStretchMode = source->_BackgroundImageStretchMode;
profile->_AntialiasingMode = source->_AntialiasingMode;
profile->_RetroTerminalEffect = source->_RetroTerminalEffect;
profile->_ForceFullRepaintRendering = source->_ForceFullRepaintRendering;
profile->_SoftwareRendering = source->_SoftwareRendering;
profile->_ColorSchemeName = source->_ColorSchemeName;
profile->_Foreground = source->_Foreground;
profile->_Background = source->_Background;
profile->_SelectionBackground = source->_SelectionBackground;
profile->_CursorColor = source->_CursorColor;
profile->_HistorySize = source->_HistorySize;
profile->_SnapOnInput = source->_SnapOnInput;
profile->_AltGrAliasing = source->_AltGrAliasing;
profile->_CursorShape = source->_CursorShape;
profile->_CursorHeight = source->_CursorHeight;
profile->_BellStyle = source->_BellStyle;
profile->_PixelShaderPath = source->_PixelShaderPath;
profile->_BackgroundImageAlignment = source->_BackgroundImageAlignment;
profile->_ConnectionType = source->_ConnectionType;
return profile;
// Method Description:
// - Creates a copy of the inheritance graph by performing a depth-first traversal recursively.
// Profiles are recorded as visited via the "visited" parameter.
// Unvisited Profiles are copied into the "cloneGraph" parameter, then marked as visited.
// Arguments:
// - sourceGraph - the graph of Profile's we're cloning
// - cloneGraph - the clone of sourceGraph that is being constructed
// - visited - a map of which Profiles have been visited, and, if so, a reference to the Profile's clone
// Return Value:
// - a clone in both inheritance structure and Profile values of sourceGraph
winrt::com_ptr<Profile> Profile::CloneInheritanceGraph(winrt::com_ptr<Profile> sourceGraph, winrt::com_ptr<Profile> cloneGraph, std::unordered_map<void*, winrt::com_ptr<Profile>>& visited)
// If this is an unexplored Profile
// and we have parents...
if (visited.find(sourceGraph.get()) == visited.end() && !sourceGraph->_parents.empty())
// iterate through all of our parents to copy them
for (const auto& sourceParent : sourceGraph->_parents)
// If we visited this Profile already...
auto kv{ visited.find(sourceParent.get()) };
if (kv != visited.end())
// add this Profile's clone as a parent
// We have not visited this Profile yet,
// copy contents of sourceParent to clone
winrt::com_ptr<Profile> clone{ CopySettings(sourceParent) };
// add the new copy to the cloneGraph
// copy the sub-graph at "clone"
CloneInheritanceGraph(sourceParent, clone, visited);
// mark clone as "visited"
// save it to the map in case somebody else references it
visited[sourceParent.get()] = clone;
// we have no more to explore down this path.
return cloneGraph;
// Method Description:
// - Generates a Json::Value which is a "stub" of this profile. This stub will
// have enough information that it could be layered with this profile.
// - This method is used during dynamic profile generation - if a profile is
// ever generated that didn't already exist in the user's settings, we'll add
// this stub to the user's settings file, so the user has an easy point to
// modify the generated profile.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - A json::Value with a guid, name and source (if applicable).
Json::Value Profile::GenerateStub() const
Json::Value stub;
///// Profile-specific settings /////
stub[JsonKey(GuidKey)] = winrt::to_string(Utils::GuidToString(Guid()));
stub[JsonKey(NameKey)] = winrt::to_string(Name());
const auto source{ Source() };
if (!source.empty())
stub[JsonKey(SourceKey)] = winrt::to_string(source);
stub[JsonKey(HiddenKey)] = Hidden();
return stub;
// Method Description:
// - Create a new instance of this class from a serialized JsonObject.
// Arguments:
// - json: an object which should be a serialization of a Profile object.
// Return Value:
// - a new Profile instance created from the values in `json`
winrt::com_ptr<winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::implementation::Profile> Profile::FromJson(const Json::Value& json)
auto result = winrt::make_self<Profile>();
return result;
// Method Description:
// - Returns true if we think the provided json object represents an instance of
// the same object as this object. If true, we should layer that json object
// on us, instead of creating a new object.
// Arguments:
// - json: The json object to query to see if it's the same
// Return Value:
// - true iff the json object has the same `GUID` as we do.
bool Profile::ShouldBeLayered(const Json::Value& json) const
// First, check that GUIDs match. This is easy. If they don't match, they
// should _definitely_ not layer.
const auto otherGuid{ JsonUtils::GetValueForKey<std::optional<winrt::guid>>(json, GuidKey) };
const auto otherSource{ JsonUtils::GetValueForKey<std::optional<winrt::hstring>>(json, SourceKey) };
if (otherGuid)
if (otherGuid.value() != Guid())
return false;
// If the other json object didn't have a GUID,
// check if we auto-generate the same guid using the name and source.
const auto otherName{ JsonUtils::GetValueForKey<std::optional<winrt::hstring>>(json, NameKey) };
if (Guid() != _GenerateGuidForProfile(otherName ? *otherName : L"Default", otherSource ? *otherSource : L""))
return false;
// For profiles with a `source`, also check the `source` property.
bool sourceMatches = false;
const auto mySource{ Source() };
if (!mySource.empty())
if (otherSource.has_value())
// If we have a source and the other has a source, compare them!
sourceMatches = *otherSource == mySource;
// Special case the legacy dynamic profiles here. In this case,
// `this` is a dynamic profile with a source, and our _source is one
// of the legacy DPG namespaces. We're looking to see if the other
// json object has the same guid, but _no_ "source"
if (mySource == WslGeneratorNamespace ||
mySource == AzureGeneratorNamespace ||
mySource == PowershellCoreGeneratorNamespace)
sourceMatches = true;
// We do not have a source. The only way we match is if source is unset or set to "".
sourceMatches = (!otherSource.has_value() || otherSource.value() == L"");
return sourceMatches;
// Method Description:
// - Layer values from the given json object on top of the existing properties
// of this object. For any keys we're expecting to be able to parse in the
// given object, we'll parse them and replace our settings with values from
// the new json object. Properties that _aren't_ in the json object will _not_
// be replaced.
// - Optional values in the profile that are set to `null` in the json object
// will be set to nullopt.
// Arguments:
// - json: an object which should be a partial serialization of a Profile object.
// Return Value:
// <none>
void Profile::LayerJson(const Json::Value& json)
// Profile-specific Settings
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, NameKey, _Name);
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, GuidKey, _Guid);
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, HiddenKey, _Hidden);
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, SourceKey, _Source);
// Core Settings
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, ForegroundKey, _Foreground);
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, BackgroundKey, _Background);
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, SelectionBackgroundKey, _SelectionBackground);
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, CursorColorKey, _CursorColor);
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, ColorSchemeKey, _ColorSchemeName);
// TODO:MSFT:20642297 - Use a sentinel value (-1) for "Infinite scrollback"
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, HistorySizeKey, _HistorySize);
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, SnapOnInputKey, _SnapOnInput);
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, AltGrAliasingKey, _AltGrAliasing);
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, CursorHeightKey, _CursorHeight);
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, CursorShapeKey, _CursorShape);
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, TabTitleKey, _TabTitle);
// Control Settings
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, FontWeightKey, _FontWeight);
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, ConnectionTypeKey, _ConnectionType);
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, CommandlineKey, _Commandline);
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, FontFaceKey, _FontFace);
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, FontSizeKey, _FontSize);
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, AcrylicTransparencyKey, _AcrylicOpacity);
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, UseAcrylicKey, _UseAcrylic);
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, SuppressApplicationTitleKey, _SuppressApplicationTitle);
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, CloseOnExitKey, _CloseOnExit);
// Padding was never specified as an integer, but it was a common working mistake.
// Allow it to be permissive.
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, PaddingKey, _Padding, JsonUtils::OptionalConverter<hstring, JsonUtils::PermissiveStringConverter<std::wstring>>{});
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, ScrollbarStateKey, _ScrollState);
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, StartingDirectoryKey, _StartingDirectory);
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, IconKey, _Icon);
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, BackgroundImageKey, _BackgroundImagePath);
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, BackgroundImageOpacityKey, _BackgroundImageOpacity);
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, BackgroundImageStretchModeKey, _BackgroundImageStretchMode);
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, BackgroundImageAlignmentKey, _BackgroundImageAlignment);
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, RetroTerminalEffectKey, _RetroTerminalEffect);
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, AntialiasingModeKey, _AntialiasingMode);
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, TabColorKey, _TabColor);
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, BellStyleKey, _BellStyle);
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, PixelShaderPathKey, _PixelShaderPath);
// Method Description:
// - Either Returns this profile's background image path, if one is set, expanding
// - Returns this profile's background image path, if one is set, expanding
// any environment variables in the path, if there are any.
// - Or if "DesktopWallpaper" is set, then gets the path to the desktops wallpaper.
// Return Value:
// - This profile's expanded background image path / desktops's wallpaper path /the empty string.
winrt::hstring Profile::ExpandedBackgroundImagePath() const
const auto path{ BackgroundImagePath() };
if (path.empty())
return path;
// checks if the user would like to copy their desktop wallpaper
// if so, replaces the path with the desktop wallpaper's path
else if (path == DesktopWallpaperEnum)
WCHAR desktopWallpaper[MAX_PATH];
// "The returned string will not exceed MAX_PATH characters" as of 2020
if (SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETDESKWALLPAPER, MAX_PATH, desktopWallpaper, SPIF_UPDATEINIFILE))
return winrt::hstring{ (desktopWallpaper) };
return winrt::hstring{ L"" };
return winrt::hstring{ wil::ExpandEnvironmentStringsW<std::wstring>(path.c_str()) };
winrt::hstring Profile::EvaluatedStartingDirectory() const
auto path{ StartingDirectory() };
if (!path.empty())
return winrt::hstring{ Profile::EvaluateStartingDirectory(path.c_str()) };
// treated as "inherit directory from parent process"
return path;
// Method Description:
// - Helper function for expanding any environment variables in a user-supplied starting directory and validating the resulting path
// Arguments:
// - The value from the settings.json file
// Return Value:
// - The directory string with any environment variables expanded. If the resulting path is invalid,
// - the function returns an evaluated version of %userprofile% to avoid blocking the session from starting.
std::wstring Profile::EvaluateStartingDirectory(const std::wstring& directory)
// First expand path
DWORD numCharsInput = ExpandEnvironmentStrings(directory.c_str(), nullptr, 0);
std::unique_ptr<wchar_t[]> evaluatedPath = std::make_unique<wchar_t[]>(numCharsInput);
THROW_LAST_ERROR_IF(0 == ExpandEnvironmentStrings(directory.c_str(), evaluatedPath.get(), numCharsInput));
// Validate that the resulting path is legitimate
const DWORD dwFileAttributes = GetFileAttributes(evaluatedPath.get());
if ((dwFileAttributes != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) && (WI_IsFlagSet(dwFileAttributes, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)))
return std::wstring(evaluatedPath.get(), numCharsInput);
// In the event where the user supplied a path that can't be resolved, use a reasonable default (in this case, %userprofile%)
const DWORD numCharsDefault = ExpandEnvironmentStrings(DEFAULT_STARTING_DIRECTORY.c_str(), nullptr, 0);
std::unique_ptr<wchar_t[]> defaultPath = std::make_unique<wchar_t[]>(numCharsDefault);
THROW_LAST_ERROR_IF(0 == ExpandEnvironmentStrings(DEFAULT_STARTING_DIRECTORY.c_str(), defaultPath.get(), numCharsDefault));
return std::wstring(defaultPath.get(), numCharsDefault);
// Function Description:
// - Returns true if the given JSON object represents a dynamic profile object.
// If it is a dynamic profile object, we should make sure to only layer the
// object on a matching profile from a dynamic source.
// Arguments:
// - json: the partial serialization of a profile object to check
// Return Value:
// - true iff the object has a non-null `source` property
bool Profile::IsDynamicProfileObject(const Json::Value& json)
const auto& source = json.isMember(JsonKey(SourceKey)) ? json[JsonKey(SourceKey)] : Json::Value::null;
return !source.isNull();
// Function Description:
// - Generates a unique guid for a profile, given the name. For an given name, will always return the same GUID.
// Arguments:
// - name: The name to generate a unique GUID from
// Return Value:
// - a uuidv5 GUID generated from the given name.
winrt::guid Profile::_GenerateGuidForProfile(const hstring& name, const hstring& source) noexcept
// If we have a _source, then we can from a dynamic profile generator. Use
// our source to build the namespace guid, instead of using the default GUID.
const GUID namespaceGuid = !source.empty() ?
Utils::CreateV5Uuid(RUNTIME_GENERATED_PROFILE_NAMESPACE_GUID, gsl::as_bytes(gsl::make_span(source))) :
// Always use the name to generate the temporary GUID. That way, across
// reloads, we'll generate the same static GUID.
return { Utils::CreateV5Uuid(namespaceGuid, gsl::as_bytes(gsl::make_span(name))) };
// Function Description:
// - Parses the given JSON object to get its GUID. If the json object does not
// have a `guid` set, we'll generate one, using the `name` field.
// Arguments:
// - json: the JSON object to get a GUID from, or generate a unique GUID for
// (given the `name`)
// Return Value:
// - The json's `guid`, or a guid synthesized for it.
winrt::guid Profile::GetGuidOrGenerateForJson(const Json::Value& json) noexcept
if (const auto guid{ JsonUtils::GetValueForKey<std::optional<GUID>>(json, GuidKey) })
return { guid.value() };
const auto name{ JsonUtils::GetValueForKey<hstring>(json, NameKey) };
const auto source{ JsonUtils::GetValueForKey<hstring>(json, SourceKey) };
return Profile::_GenerateGuidForProfile(name, source);
// Method Description:
// - Create a new serialized JsonObject from an instance of this class
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - the JsonObject representing this instance
Json::Value Profile::ToJson() const
Json::Value json{ Json::ValueType::objectValue };
// Profile-specific Settings
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, NameKey, _Name);
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, GuidKey, _Guid);
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, HiddenKey, _Hidden);
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, SourceKey, _Source);
// Core Settings
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, ForegroundKey, _Foreground);
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, BackgroundKey, _Background);
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, SelectionBackgroundKey, _SelectionBackground);
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, CursorColorKey, _CursorColor);
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, ColorSchemeKey, _ColorSchemeName);
// TODO:MSFT:20642297 - Use a sentinel value (-1) for "Infinite scrollback"
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, HistorySizeKey, _HistorySize);
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, SnapOnInputKey, _SnapOnInput);
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, AltGrAliasingKey, _AltGrAliasing);
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, CursorHeightKey, _CursorHeight);
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, CursorShapeKey, _CursorShape);
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, TabTitleKey, _TabTitle);
// Control Settings
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, FontWeightKey, _FontWeight);
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, ConnectionTypeKey, _ConnectionType);
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, CommandlineKey, _Commandline);
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, FontFaceKey, _FontFace);
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, FontSizeKey, _FontSize);
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, AcrylicTransparencyKey, _AcrylicOpacity);
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, UseAcrylicKey, _UseAcrylic);
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, SuppressApplicationTitleKey, _SuppressApplicationTitle);
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, CloseOnExitKey, _CloseOnExit);
// PermissiveStringConverter is unnecessary for serialization
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, PaddingKey, _Padding);
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, ScrollbarStateKey, _ScrollState);
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, StartingDirectoryKey, _StartingDirectory);
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, IconKey, _Icon);
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, BackgroundImageKey, _BackgroundImagePath);
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, BackgroundImageOpacityKey, _BackgroundImageOpacity);
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, BackgroundImageStretchModeKey, _BackgroundImageStretchMode);
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, BackgroundImageAlignmentKey, _BackgroundImageAlignment);
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, RetroTerminalEffectKey, _RetroTerminalEffect);
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, AntialiasingModeKey, _AntialiasingMode);
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, TabColorKey, _TabColor);
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, BellStyleKey, _BellStyle);
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, PixelShaderPathKey, _PixelShaderPath);
return json;