Mike Griese b140299e50
Implement user-specified pixel shaders, redux (#8565)
Co-authored-by: mrange <marten_range@hotmail.com>

I loved the pixel shaders in #7058, but that PR needed a bit of polish
to be ready for ingestion. This PR is almost _exactly_ that PR, with
some small changes.

* It adds a new pre-profile setting `"experimental.pixelShaderPath"`,
  which lets the user set a pixel shader to use with the Terminal.
    - CHANGED FROM #7058: It does _not_ add any built-in shaders.
    - CHANGED FROM #7058: it will _override_
* It adds a bunch of sample shaders in `samples/shaders`. Included: 
    - A NOP shader as a base to build from.
    - An "invert" shader that inverts the colors, as a simple example
    - An "grayscale" shader that converts all colors to grayscale, as a
      simple example
    - An "raster bars" shader that draws some colored bars on the screen
      with a drop shadow, as a more involved example
    - The original retro terminal effects, as a more involved example
    - It also includes a broken shader, as an example of what heppens
      when the shader fails to compile
    - CHANGED FROM #7058: It does _not_ add the "retroII" shader we were
      all worried about.
* When a shader fails to be found or fails to compile, we'll display an
  error dialog to the user with a relevant error message.
    - CHANGED FROM #7058: Originally, #7058 would display "error bars"
      on the screen. I've removed that, and had the Terminal disable the
      shader entirely then.
* Renames the `toggleRetroEffect` action to `toggleShaderEffect`.
  (`toggleRetroEffect` is now an alias to `toggleShaderEffect`). This
  action will turn the shader OR the retro effects on/off. 

`toggleShaderEffect` works the way you'd expect it to, but the mental
math on _how_ is a little weird. The logic is basically:

useShader = shaderEffectsEnabled ? 
                (pixelShaderProvided ? 
                    pixelShader : 
                    (retroEffectEnabled ? 
                        retroEffect : null
                ) : 

and `toggleShaderEffect` toggles `shaderEffectsEnabled`.

* If you've got both a shader and retro enabled, `toggleShaderEffect`
  will toggle between the shader on/off.
* If you've got a shader and retro disabled, `toggleShaderEffect` will
  toggle between the shader on/off.

References #6191
References #7058

Closes #7013

Closes #3930 "Add setting to retro terminal shader to control blur
radius, color" 
Closes #3929 "Add setting to retro terminal shader to enable drawing
     - At this point, just roll your own version of the shader.
2020-12-15 20:40:22 +00:00

135 lines
5.5 KiB

Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
Licensed under the MIT license.
Module Name:
- Profile.hpp
- A profile acts as a single set of terminal settings. Many tabs or panes could
exist side-by-side with different profiles simultaneously.
- Mike Griese - March 2019
#pragma once
#include "Profile.g.h"
#include "IInheritable.h"
#include "../inc/cppwinrt_utils.h"
#include "JsonUtils.h"
#include <DefaultSettings.h>
// fwdecl unittest classes
namespace SettingsModelLocalTests
class DeserializationTests;
class ProfileTests;
class ColorSchemeTests;
class KeyBindingsTests;
namespace TerminalAppUnitTests
class DynamicProfileTests;
class JsonTests;
// GUID used for generating GUIDs at runtime, for profiles that did not have a
// GUID specified manually.
constexpr GUID RUNTIME_GENERATED_PROFILE_NAMESPACE_GUID = { 0xf65ddb7e, 0x706b, 0x4499, { 0x8a, 0x50, 0x40, 0x31, 0x3c, 0xaf, 0x51, 0x0a } };
namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::implementation
struct Profile : ProfileT<Profile>, IInheritable<Profile>
Profile(guid guid);
static com_ptr<Profile> CloneInheritanceGraph(com_ptr<Profile> oldProfile, com_ptr<Profile> newProfile, std::unordered_map<void*, com_ptr<Profile>>& visited);
static com_ptr<Profile> CopySettings(com_ptr<Profile> source);
Json::Value GenerateStub() const;
static com_ptr<Profile> FromJson(const Json::Value& json);
bool ShouldBeLayered(const Json::Value& json) const;
void LayerJson(const Json::Value& json);
static bool IsDynamicProfileObject(const Json::Value& json);
Json::Value ToJson() const;
hstring EvaluatedStartingDirectory() const;
hstring ExpandedBackgroundImagePath() const;
static guid GetGuidOrGenerateForJson(const Json::Value& json) noexcept;
GETSET_SETTING(guid, Guid, _GenerateGuidForProfile(Name(), Source()));
GETSET_SETTING(hstring, Name, L"Default");
GETSET_SETTING(hstring, Source);
GETSET_SETTING(bool, Hidden, false);
GETSET_SETTING(guid, ConnectionType);
// Default Icon: Segoe MDL2 CommandPrompt icon
GETSET_SETTING(hstring, Icon, L"\uE756");
GETSET_SETTING(CloseOnExitMode, CloseOnExit, CloseOnExitMode::Graceful);
GETSET_SETTING(hstring, TabTitle);
GETSET_NULLABLE_SETTING(Windows::UI::Color, TabColor, nullptr);
GETSET_SETTING(bool, SuppressApplicationTitle, false);
GETSET_SETTING(bool, UseAcrylic, false);
GETSET_SETTING(double, AcrylicOpacity, 0.5);
GETSET_SETTING(Microsoft::Terminal::TerminalControl::ScrollbarState, ScrollState, Microsoft::Terminal::TerminalControl::ScrollbarState::Visible);
GETSET_SETTING(Windows::UI::Text::FontWeight, FontWeight, DEFAULT_FONT_WEIGHT);
GETSET_SETTING(hstring, Commandline, L"cmd.exe");
GETSET_SETTING(hstring, StartingDirectory);
GETSET_SETTING(hstring, BackgroundImagePath);
GETSET_SETTING(double, BackgroundImageOpacity, 1.0);
GETSET_SETTING(Windows::UI::Xaml::Media::Stretch, BackgroundImageStretchMode, Windows::UI::Xaml::Media::Stretch::UniformToFill);
GETSET_SETTING(ConvergedAlignment, BackgroundImageAlignment, ConvergedAlignment::Horizontal_Center | ConvergedAlignment::Vertical_Center);
GETSET_SETTING(Microsoft::Terminal::TerminalControl::TextAntialiasingMode, AntialiasingMode, Microsoft::Terminal::TerminalControl::TextAntialiasingMode::Grayscale);
GETSET_SETTING(bool, RetroTerminalEffect, false);
GETSET_SETTING(hstring, PixelShaderPath, L"");
GETSET_SETTING(bool, ForceFullRepaintRendering, false);
GETSET_SETTING(bool, SoftwareRendering, false);
GETSET_SETTING(hstring, ColorSchemeName, L"Campbell");
GETSET_NULLABLE_SETTING(Windows::UI::Color, Foreground, nullptr);
GETSET_NULLABLE_SETTING(Windows::UI::Color, Background, nullptr);
GETSET_NULLABLE_SETTING(Windows::UI::Color, SelectionBackground, nullptr);
GETSET_NULLABLE_SETTING(Windows::UI::Color, CursorColor, nullptr);
GETSET_SETTING(bool, SnapOnInput, true);
GETSET_SETTING(bool, AltGrAliasing, true);
GETSET_SETTING(Microsoft::Terminal::TerminalControl::CursorStyle, CursorShape, Microsoft::Terminal::TerminalControl::CursorStyle::Bar);
GETSET_SETTING(Model::BellStyle, BellStyle, BellStyle::Audible);
static std::wstring EvaluateStartingDirectory(const std::wstring& directory);
static guid _GenerateGuidForProfile(const hstring& name, const hstring& source) noexcept;
friend class SettingsModelLocalTests::DeserializationTests;
friend class SettingsModelLocalTests::ProfileTests;
friend class SettingsModelLocalTests::ColorSchemeTests;
friend class SettingsModelLocalTests::KeyBindingsTests;
friend class TerminalAppUnitTests::DynamicProfileTests;
friend class TerminalAppUnitTests::JsonTests;
namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::factory_implementation