2021-09-22 14:12:34 -07:00

694 lines
27 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "pch.h"
#include "Command.h"
#include "Command.g.cpp"
#include "ActionAndArgs.h"
#include "KeyChordSerialization.h"
#include <LibraryResources.h>
#include "TerminalSettingsSerializationHelpers.h"
using namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model;
using namespace winrt::Windows::Foundation::Collections;
using namespace ::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model;
namespace winrt
namespace MUX = Microsoft::UI::Xaml;
namespace WUX = Windows::UI::Xaml;
static constexpr std::string_view NameKey{ "name" };
static constexpr std::string_view IconKey{ "icon" };
static constexpr std::string_view ActionKey{ "command" };
static constexpr std::string_view ArgsKey{ "args" };
static constexpr std::string_view IterateOnKey{ "iterateOn" };
static constexpr std::string_view CommandsKey{ "commands" };
static constexpr std::string_view KeysKey{ "keys" };
static constexpr std::string_view IdKey{ "id" };
static constexpr std::string_view ProfileNameToken{ "${profile.name}" };
static constexpr std::string_view ProfileIconToken{ "${profile.icon}" };
static constexpr std::string_view SchemeNameToken{ "${scheme.name}" };
namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::implementation
com_ptr<Command> Command::Copy() const
auto command{ winrt::make_self<Command>() };
command->_name = _name;
command->_ActionAndArgs = *get_self<implementation::ActionAndArgs>(_ActionAndArgs)->Copy();
command->_keyMappings = _keyMappings;
command->_iconPath = _iconPath;
command->_IterateOn = _IterateOn;
command->_originalJson = _originalJson;
command->_nestedCommand = _nestedCommand;
if (HasNestedCommands())
command->_subcommands = winrt::single_threaded_map<winrt::hstring, Model::Command>();
for (auto kv : NestedCommands())
const auto subCmd{ winrt::get_self<Command>(kv.Value()) };
command->_subcommands.Insert(kv.Key(), *subCmd->Copy());
return command;
IMapView<winrt::hstring, Model::Command> Command::NestedCommands() const
return _subcommands ? _subcommands.GetView() : nullptr;
void Command::NestedCommands(const IMapView<winrt::hstring, Model::Command>& commands)
for (auto kv : commands)
const auto subCmd{ winrt::get_self<Command>(kv.Value()) };
_subcommands.Insert(kv.Key(), *subCmd->Copy());
// Function Description:
// - reports if the current command has nested commands
// - This CANNOT detect { "name": "foo", "commands": null }
bool Command::HasNestedCommands() const
return _subcommands ? _subcommands.Size() > 0 : false;
// Function Description:
// - reports if the current command IS a nested command
// - This CAN be used to detect cases like { "name": "foo", "commands": null }
bool Command::IsNestedCommand() const noexcept
return _nestedCommand;
bool Command::HasName() const noexcept
return _name.has_value();
hstring Command::Name() const noexcept
if (_name.has_value())
// name was explicitly set, return that value.
return hstring{ _name.value() };
else if (_ActionAndArgs)
// generate a name from our action
return get_self<implementation::ActionAndArgs>(_ActionAndArgs)->GenerateName();
// we have no name
return {};
void Command::Name(const hstring& value)
if (!_name.has_value() || _name.value() != value)
_name = value;
std::vector<Control::KeyChord> Command::KeyMappings() const noexcept
return _keyMappings;
// Function Description:
// - Add the key chord to the command's list of key mappings.
// - If the key chord was already registered, move it to the back
// of the line, and dispatch a notification that Command::Keys changed.
// Arguments:
// - keys: the new key chord that we are registering this command to
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Command::RegisterKey(const Control::KeyChord& keys)
if (!keys)
// Remove the KeyChord and add it to the back of the line.
// This makes it so that the main key chord associated with this
// command is updated.
// Function Description:
// - Remove the key chord from the command's list of key mappings.
// Arguments:
// - keys: the key chord that we are unregistering
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Command::EraseKey(const Control::KeyChord& keys)
_keyMappings.erase(std::remove_if(_keyMappings.begin(), _keyMappings.end(), [&keys](const Control::KeyChord& iterKey) {
return keys.Modifiers() == iterKey.Modifiers() && keys.Vkey() == iterKey.Vkey();
// Function Description:
// - Keys is the Command's identifying KeyChord. The command may have multiple keys associated
// with it, but we'll only ever display the most recently added one externally. To do this,
// _keyMappings stores all of the associated key chords, but ensures that the last entry
// is the most recently added one.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - the primary key chord associated with this Command
Control::KeyChord Command::Keys() const noexcept
if (_keyMappings.empty())
return nullptr;
return _keyMappings.back();
hstring Command::KeyChordText() const noexcept
return KeyChordSerialization::ToString(Keys());
hstring Command::IconPath() const noexcept
if (_iconPath.has_value())
return hstring{ *_iconPath };
return {};
void Command::IconPath(const hstring& val)
if (!_iconPath.has_value() || _iconPath.value() != val)
_iconPath = val;
// Function Description:
// - attempt to get the name of this command from the provided json object.
// * If the "name" property is a string, return that value.
// * If the "name" property is an object, attempt to lookup the string
// resource specified by the "key" property, to support localizable
// command names.
// Arguments:
// - json: The Json::Value representing the command object we should get the name for.
// Return Value:
// - the empty string if we couldn't find a name, otherwise the command's name.
static std::optional<std::wstring> _nameFromJson(const Json::Value& json)
if (const auto name{ json[JsonKey(NameKey)] })
if (name.isObject())
if (const auto resourceKey{ JsonUtils::GetValueForKey<std::optional<std::wstring>>(name, "key") })
if (HasLibraryResourceWithName(*resourceKey))
return std::wstring{ GetLibraryResourceString(*resourceKey) };
else if (name.isString())
return JsonUtils::GetValue<std::wstring>(name);
else if (json.isMember(JsonKey(NameKey)))
// { "name": null, "command": "copy" } will land in this case, which
// should also be used for unbinding.
return std::wstring{};
return std::nullopt;
// Method Description:
// - Deserialize a Command from the `json` object. The json object should
// contain a "name" and "action", and optionally an "icon".
// * "name": string|object - the name of the command to display in the
// command palette. If this is an object, look for the "key" property,
// and try to load the string from our resources instead.
// * "action": string|object - A ShortcutAction, either as a name or as an
// ActionAndArgs serialization. See ActionAndArgs::FromJson for details.
// If this is null, we'll remove this command from the list of commands.
// Arguments:
// - json: the Json::Value to deserialize into a Command
// - warnings: If there were any warnings during parsing, they'll be
// appended to this vector.
// Return Value:
// - the newly constructed Command object.
winrt::com_ptr<Command> Command::FromJson(const Json::Value& json,
std::vector<SettingsLoadWarnings>& warnings)
auto result = winrt::make_self<Command>();
if (const auto idJson{ json[JsonKey(IdKey)] })
if (idJson.isString())
bool nested = false;
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, IterateOnKey, result->_IterateOn);
// For iterable commands, we'll make another pass at parsing them once
// the json is patched. So ignore parsing sub-commands for now. Commands
// will only be marked iterable on the first pass.
if (const auto nestedCommandsJson{ json[JsonKey(CommandsKey)] })
// Initialize our list of subcommands.
result->_subcommands = winrt::single_threaded_map<winrt::hstring, Model::Command>();
result->_nestedCommand = true;
auto nestedWarnings = Command::LayerJson(result->_subcommands, nestedCommandsJson);
// It's possible that the nested commands have some warnings
warnings.insert(warnings.end(), nestedWarnings.begin(), nestedWarnings.end());
if (result->_subcommands.Size() == 0)
result->_ActionAndArgs = make<implementation::ActionAndArgs>();
nested = true;
else if (json.isMember(JsonKey(CommandsKey)))
// { "name": "foo", "commands": null } will land in this case, which
// should also be used for unbinding.
// create an "invalid" ActionAndArgs
result->_ActionAndArgs = make<implementation::ActionAndArgs>();
result->_nestedCommand = true;
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, IconKey, result->_iconPath);
// If we're a nested command, we can ignore the current action.
if (!nested)
if (const auto actionJson{ json[JsonKey(ActionKey)] })
result->_ActionAndArgs = *ActionAndArgs::FromJson(actionJson, warnings);
// { name: "foo", action: null } will land in this case, which
// should also be used for unbinding.
// create an "invalid" ActionAndArgs
result->_ActionAndArgs = make<implementation::ActionAndArgs>();
// GH#4239 - If the user provided more than one key
// chord to a "keys" array, warn the user here.
// TODO: GH#1334 - remove this check.
const auto keysJson{ json[JsonKey(KeysKey)] };
if (keysJson.isArray() && keysJson.size() > 1)
Control::KeyChord keys{ nullptr };
if (JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, KeysKey, keys))
// If an iterable command doesn't have a name set, we'll still just
// try and generate a fake name for the command give the string we
// currently have. It'll probably generate something like "New tab,
// profile: ${profile.name}". This string will only be temporarily
// used internally, so there's no problem.
result->_name = _nameFromJson(json);
// Stash the original json value in this object. If the command is
// iterable, we'll need to re-parse it later, once we know what all the
// values we can iterate on are.
result->_originalJson = json;
return result;
// Function Description:
// - Attempt to parse all the json objects in `json` into new Command
// objects, and add them to the map of commands.
// - If any parsed command has
// the same Name as an existing command in commands, the new one will
// layer on top of the existing one.
// Arguments:
// - commands: a map of Name->Command which new commands should be layered upon.
// - json: A Json::Value containing an array of serialized commands
// Return Value:
// - A vector containing any warnings detected while parsing
std::vector<SettingsLoadWarnings> Command::LayerJson(IMap<winrt::hstring, Model::Command>& commands,
const Json::Value& json)
std::vector<SettingsLoadWarnings> warnings;
for (const auto& value : json)
if (value.isObject())
const auto result = Command::FromJson(value, warnings);
if (result->ActionAndArgs().Action() == ShortcutAction::Invalid && !result->HasNestedCommands())
// If there wasn't a parsed command, then try to get the
// name from the json blob. If that name currently
// exists in our list of commands, we should remove it.
const auto name = _nameFromJson(value);
if (name.has_value() && !name->empty())
// Override commands with the same name
commands.Insert(result->Name(), *result);
return warnings;
// Function Description:
// - Serialize the Command into an array of json actions
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - an array of serialized actions
Json::Value Command::ToJson() const
Json::Value cmdList{ Json::ValueType::arrayValue };
if (_nestedCommand || _IterateOn != ExpandCommandType::None)
// handle special commands
// For these, we can trust _originalJson to be correct.
// In fact, we _need_ to use it here because we don't actually deserialize `iterateOn`
// until we expand the command.
else if (_keyMappings.empty())
// only write out one command
Json::Value cmdJson{ Json::ValueType::objectValue };
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(cmdJson, IconKey, _iconPath);
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(cmdJson, NameKey, _name);
if (_ActionAndArgs)
cmdJson[JsonKey(ActionKey)] = ActionAndArgs::ToJson(_ActionAndArgs);
// we'll write out one command per key mapping
for (auto keys{ _keyMappings.begin() }; keys != _keyMappings.end(); ++keys)
Json::Value cmdJson{ Json::ValueType::objectValue };
if (keys == _keyMappings.begin())
// First iteration also writes icon and name
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(cmdJson, IconKey, _iconPath);
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(cmdJson, NameKey, _name);
if (_ActionAndArgs)
cmdJson[JsonKey(ActionKey)] = ActionAndArgs::ToJson(_ActionAndArgs);
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(cmdJson, KeysKey, *keys);
return cmdList;
// Function Description:
// - Helper to escape a string as a json string. This function will also
// trim off the leading and trailing double-quotes, so the output string
// can be inserted directly into another json blob.
// Arguments:
// - input: the string to JSON escape.
// Return Value:
// - the input string escaped properly to be inserted into another json blob.
std::string _escapeForJson(const std::string& input)
Json::Value inJson{ input };
Json::StreamWriterBuilder builder;
builder.settings_["indentation"] = "";
std::string out{ Json::writeString(builder, inJson) };
if (out.size() >= 2)
// trim off the leading/trailing '"'s
auto ss{ out.substr(1, out.size() - 2) };
return ss;
return out;
// Method Description:
// - Iterate over all the provided commands, and recursively expand any
// commands with `iterateOn` set. If we successfully generated expanded
// commands for them, then we'll remove the original command, and add all
// the newly generated commands.
// - For more specific implementation details, see _expandCommand.
// Arguments:
// - commands: a map of commands to expand. Newly created commands will be
// inserted into the map to replace the expandable commands.
// - profiles: A list of all the profiles that this command should be expanded on.
// - warnings: If there were any warnings during parsing, they'll be
// appended to this vector.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Command::ExpandCommands(IMap<winrt::hstring, Model::Command> commands,
IVectorView<Model::Profile> profiles,
IVectorView<Model::ColorScheme> schemes,
IVector<SettingsLoadWarnings> warnings)
std::vector<winrt::hstring> commandsToRemove;
std::vector<Model::Command> commandsToAdd;
// First, collect up all the commands that need replacing.
for (const auto& nameAndCmd : commands)
auto cmd{ get_self<implementation::Command>(nameAndCmd.Value()) };
auto newCommands = _expandCommand(cmd, profiles, schemes, warnings);
if (newCommands.size() > 0)
commandsToAdd.insert(commandsToAdd.end(), newCommands.begin(), newCommands.end());
// Second, remove all the commands that need to be removed.
for (auto& name : commandsToRemove)
// Finally, add all the new commands.
for (auto& cmd : commandsToAdd)
commands.Insert(cmd.Name(), cmd);
// Function Description:
// - Attempts to expand the given command into many commands, if the command
// has `"iterateOn": "profiles"` set.
// - If it doesn't, this function will do
// nothing and return an empty vector.
// - If it does, we're going to attempt to build a new set of commands using
// the given command as a prototype. We'll attempt to create a new command
// for each and every profile, to replace the original command.
// * For the new commands, we'll replace any instance of "${profile.name}"
// in the original json used to create this action with the name of the
// given profile.
// - If we encounter any errors while re-parsing the json with the replaced
// name, we'll just return immediately.
// - At the end, we'll return all the new commands we've build for the given command.
// Arguments:
// - expandable: the Command to potentially turn into more commands
// - profiles: A list of all the profiles that this command should be expanded on.
// - warnings: If there were any warnings during parsing, they'll be
// appended to this vector.
// Return Value:
// - and empty vector if the command wasn't expandable, otherwise a list of
// the newly-created commands.
std::vector<Model::Command> Command::_expandCommand(Command* const expandable,
IVectorView<Model::Profile> profiles,
IVectorView<Model::ColorScheme> schemes,
IVector<SettingsLoadWarnings>& warnings)
std::vector<Model::Command> newCommands;
if (expandable->HasNestedCommands())
ExpandCommands(expandable->_subcommands, profiles, schemes, warnings);
if (expandable->_IterateOn == ExpandCommandType::None)
return newCommands;
std::string errs; // This string will receive any error text from failing to parse.
std::unique_ptr<Json::CharReader> reader{ Json::CharReaderBuilder::CharReaderBuilder().newCharReader() };
// First, get a string for the original Json::Value
auto oldJsonString = expandable->_originalJson.toStyledString();
auto reParseJson = [&](const auto& newJsonString) -> bool {
// - Now, re-parse the modified value.
Json::Value newJsonValue;
const auto actualDataStart = newJsonString.data();
const auto actualDataEnd = newJsonString.data() + newJsonString.size();
if (!reader->parse(actualDataStart, actualDataEnd, &newJsonValue, &errs))
// If we encounter a re-parsing error, just stop processing the rest of the commands.
return false;
// Pass the new json back though FromJson, to get the new expanded value.
std::vector<SettingsLoadWarnings> newWarnings;
if (auto newCmd{ Command::FromJson(newJsonValue, newWarnings) })
std::for_each(newWarnings.begin(), newWarnings.end(), [warnings](auto& warn) { warnings.Append(warn); });
return true;
if (expandable->_IterateOn == ExpandCommandType::Profiles)
for (const auto& p : profiles)
// For each profile, create a new command. This command will have:
// * the icon path and keychord text of the original command
// * the Name will have any instances of "${profile.name}"
// replaced with the profile's name
// * for the action, we'll take the original json, replace any
// instances of "${profile.name}" with the profile's name,
// then re-attempt to parse the action and args.
// Replace all the keywords in the original json, and try and parse that
// - Escape the profile name for JSON appropriately
auto escapedProfileName = _escapeForJson(til::u16u8(p.Name()));
auto escapedProfileIcon = _escapeForJson(til::u16u8(p.Icon()));
auto newJsonString = til::replace_needle_in_haystack(oldJsonString,
// If we encounter a re-parsing error, just stop processing the rest of the commands.
if (!reParseJson(newJsonString))
else if (expandable->_IterateOn == ExpandCommandType::ColorSchemes)
for (const auto& s : schemes)
// For each scheme, create a new command. We'll take the
// original json, replace any instances of "${scheme.name}" with
// the scheme's name, then re-attempt to parse the action and
// args.
// - Escape the profile name for JSON appropriately
auto escapedSchemeName = _escapeForJson(til::u16u8(s.Name()));
auto newJsonString = til::replace_needle_in_haystack(oldJsonString,
// If we encounter a re-parsing error, just stop processing the rest of the commands.
if (!reParseJson(newJsonString))
return newCommands;
void Command::LayerCommand(const Model::Command& cmd)
// Merge the incoming cmd with the one found in staging.
// We'll overwrite the staging cmd's values if the incoming cmd has those values.
const auto cmdImpl{ get_self<Command>(cmd) };
if (cmdImpl->HasName())
for (const auto& keys : cmdImpl->KeyMappings())
if (!cmdImpl->IconPath().empty())
// Copy over the nested commands if there are some.
// Otherwise just copy the ActionAndArgs if they're valid.
if (cmdImpl->HasNestedCommands())
if (cmd.ActionAndArgs().Action() != ShortcutAction::Invalid)