Dustin L. Howett b664761c79 Allow FontInfo{,Base,Desired} to store a font name > 32 wch (#3107)
We now truncate the font name as it goes out to GDI APIs, in console API
servicing, and in the propsheet.

I attempted to defer truncating the font to as far up the stack as
possible, so as to make FontInfo usable for the broadest set of cases.

There were a couple questions that came up: I know that `Settings` gets
memset (memsat?) by the registry deserializer, and perhaps that's
another place for us to tackle. Right now, this pull request enables
fonts whose names are >= 32 characters _in Windows Terminal only_, but
the underpinnings are there for conhost as well. We'd need to explicitly
break at the API, or perhaps return a failure or log something to

* Should we log truncation at the API boundary to telemetry?
-> Later; followup filed (#3123)

* Should we fix Settings here, or later?
-> Later; followup filed (#3123)

* `TrueTypeFontList` is built out of things in winconp, the private
console header. Concern about interop structures.
-> Not used for interop, followup filed to clean it up (#3123)

* Is `unsigned int` right for codepage? For width?
-> Yes: codepage became UINT (from WORD) when we moved from Win16 to

This commit also includes a workaround for #3170. Growing
CONSOLE_INFORMATION made us lose the struct layout lottery during
release builds, and this was an expedient fix.

Closes #602.
Related to #3123.
2019-10-14 21:23:45 -07:00

1243 lines
45 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "precomp.h"
#include "textBuffer.hpp"
#include "CharRow.hpp"
#include "../types/inc/utils.hpp"
#include "../types/inc/convert.hpp"
#pragma hdrstop
using namespace Microsoft::Console;
using namespace Microsoft::Console::Types;
// Routine Description:
// - Creates a new instance of TextBuffer
// Arguments:
// - fontInfo - The font to use for this text buffer as specified in the global font cache
// - screenBufferSize - The X by Y dimensions of the new screen buffer
// - fill - Uses the .Attributes property to decide which default color to apply to all text in this buffer
// - cursorSize - The height of the cursor within this buffer
// Return Value:
// - constructed object
// Note: may throw exception
TextBuffer::TextBuffer(const COORD screenBufferSize,
const TextAttribute defaultAttributes,
const UINT cursorSize,
Microsoft::Console::Render::IRenderTarget& renderTarget) :
_firstRow{ 0 },
_currentAttributes{ defaultAttributes },
_cursor{ cursorSize, *this },
_renderTarget{ renderTarget }
// initialize ROWs
for (size_t i = 0; i < static_cast<size_t>(screenBufferSize.Y); ++i)
_storage.emplace_back(static_cast<SHORT>(i), screenBufferSize.X, _currentAttributes, this);
// Routine Description:
// - Copies properties from another text buffer into this one.
// - This is primarily to copy properties that would otherwise not be specified during CreateInstance
// Arguments:
// - OtherBuffer - The text buffer to copy properties from
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void TextBuffer::CopyProperties(const TextBuffer& OtherBuffer) noexcept
// Routine Description:
// - Gets the number of rows in the buffer
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - Total number of rows in the buffer
UINT TextBuffer::TotalRowCount() const noexcept
return gsl::narrow<UINT>(_storage.size());
// Routine Description:
// - Retrieves a row from the buffer by its offset from the first row of the text buffer (what corresponds to
// the top row of the screen buffer)
// Arguments:
// - Number of rows down from the first row of the buffer.
// Return Value:
// - const reference to the requested row. Asserts if out of bounds.
const ROW& TextBuffer::GetRowByOffset(const size_t index) const
const size_t totalRows = TotalRowCount();
// Rows are stored circularly, so the index you ask for is offset by the start position and mod the total of rows.
const size_t offsetIndex = (_firstRow + index) % totalRows;
return _storage.at(offsetIndex);
// Routine Description:
// - Retrieves a row from the buffer by its offset from the first row of the text buffer (what corresponds to
// the top row of the screen buffer)
// Arguments:
// - Number of rows down from the first row of the buffer.
// Return Value:
// - reference to the requested row. Asserts if out of bounds.
ROW& TextBuffer::GetRowByOffset(const size_t index)
const size_t totalRows = TotalRowCount();
// Rows are stored circularly, so the index you ask for is offset by the start position and mod the total of rows.
const size_t offsetIndex = (_firstRow + index) % totalRows;
return _storage.at(offsetIndex);
// Routine Description:
// - Retrieves read-only text iterator at the given buffer location
// Arguments:
// - at - X,Y position in buffer for iterator start position
// Return Value:
// - Read-only iterator of text data only.
TextBufferTextIterator TextBuffer::GetTextDataAt(const COORD at) const
return TextBufferTextIterator(GetCellDataAt(at));
// Routine Description:
// - Retrieves read-only cell iterator at the given buffer location
// Arguments:
// - at - X,Y position in buffer for iterator start position
// Return Value:
// - Read-only iterator of cell data.
TextBufferCellIterator TextBuffer::GetCellDataAt(const COORD at) const
return TextBufferCellIterator(*this, at);
// Routine Description:
// - Retrieves read-only text iterator at the given buffer location
// but restricted to only the specific line (Y coordinate).
// Arguments:
// - at - X,Y position in buffer for iterator start position
// Return Value:
// - Read-only iterator of text data only.
TextBufferTextIterator TextBuffer::GetTextLineDataAt(const COORD at) const
return TextBufferTextIterator(GetCellLineDataAt(at));
// Routine Description:
// - Retrieves read-only cell iterator at the given buffer location
// but restricted to only the specific line (Y coordinate).
// Arguments:
// - at - X,Y position in buffer for iterator start position
// Return Value:
// - Read-only iterator of cell data.
TextBufferCellIterator TextBuffer::GetCellLineDataAt(const COORD at) const
limit.Top = at.Y;
limit.Bottom = at.Y;
limit.Left = 0;
limit.Right = GetSize().RightInclusive();
return TextBufferCellIterator(*this, at, Viewport::FromInclusive(limit));
// Routine Description:
// - Retrieves read-only text iterator at the given buffer location
// but restricted to operate only inside the given viewport.
// Arguments:
// - at - X,Y position in buffer for iterator start position
// - limit - boundaries for the iterator to operate within
// Return Value:
// - Read-only iterator of text data only.
TextBufferTextIterator TextBuffer::GetTextDataAt(const COORD at, const Viewport limit) const
return TextBufferTextIterator(GetCellDataAt(at, limit));
// Routine Description:
// - Retrieves read-only cell iterator at the given buffer location
// but restricted to operate only inside the given viewport.
// Arguments:
// - at - X,Y position in buffer for iterator start position
// - limit - boundaries for the iterator to operate within
// Return Value:
// - Read-only iterator of cell data.
TextBufferCellIterator TextBuffer::GetCellDataAt(const COORD at, const Viewport limit) const
return TextBufferCellIterator(*this, at, limit);
//Routine Description:
// - Corrects and enforces consistent double byte character state (KAttrs line) within a row of the text buffer.
// - This will take the given double byte information and check that it will be consistent when inserted into the buffer
// at the current cursor position.
// - It will correct the buffer (by erasing the character prior to the cursor) if necessary to make a consistent state.
// - dbcsAttribute - Double byte information associated with the character about to be inserted into the buffer
//Return Value:
// - True if it is valid to insert a character with the given double byte attributes. False otherwise.
bool TextBuffer::_AssertValidDoubleByteSequence(const DbcsAttribute dbcsAttribute)
// To figure out if the sequence is valid, we have to look at the character that comes before the current one
const COORD coordPrevPosition = _GetPreviousFromCursor();
ROW& prevRow = GetRowByOffset(coordPrevPosition.Y);
DbcsAttribute prevDbcsAttr;
prevDbcsAttr = prevRow.GetCharRow().DbcsAttrAt(coordPrevPosition.X);
catch (...)
return false;
bool fValidSequence = true; // Valid until proven otherwise
bool fCorrectableByErase = false; // Can't be corrected until proven otherwise
// Here's the matrix of valid items:
// N = None (single byte)
// L = Lead (leading byte of double byte sequence
// T = Trail (trailing byte of double byte sequence
// Prev Curr Result
// N N OK.
// N L OK.
// N T Fail, uncorrectable. Trailing byte must have had leading before it.
// L N Fail, OK with erase. Lead needs trailing pair. Can erase lead to correct.
// L L Fail, OK with erase. Lead needs trailing pair. Can erase prev lead to correct.
// L T OK.
// T N OK.
// T L OK.
// T T Fail, uncorrectable. New trailing byte must have had leading before it.
// Check for only failing portions of the matrix:
if (prevDbcsAttr.IsSingle() && dbcsAttribute.IsTrailing())
// N, T failing case (uncorrectable)
fValidSequence = false;
else if (prevDbcsAttr.IsLeading())
if (dbcsAttribute.IsSingle() || dbcsAttribute.IsLeading())
// L, N and L, L failing cases (correctable)
fValidSequence = false;
fCorrectableByErase = true;
else if (prevDbcsAttr.IsTrailing() && dbcsAttribute.IsTrailing())
// T, T failing case (uncorrectable)
fValidSequence = false;
// If it's correctable by erase, erase the previous character
if (fCorrectableByErase)
// Erase previous character into an N type.
catch (...)
return false;
// Sequence is now N N or N L, which are both okay. Set sequence back to valid.
fValidSequence = true;
return fValidSequence;
//Routine Description:
// - Call before inserting a character into the buffer.
// - This will ensure a consistent double byte state (KAttrs line) within the text buffer
// - It will attempt to correct the buffer if we're inserting an unexpected double byte character type
// and it will pad out the buffer if we're going to split a double byte sequence across two rows.
// - dbcsAttribute - Double byte information associated with the character about to be inserted into the buffer
//Return Value:
// - true if we successfully prepared the buffer and moved the cursor
// - false otherwise (out of memory)
bool TextBuffer::_PrepareForDoubleByteSequence(const DbcsAttribute dbcsAttribute)
// Assert the buffer state is ready for this character
// This function corrects most errors. If this is false, we had an uncorrectable one.
FAIL_FAST_IF(!(_AssertValidDoubleByteSequence(dbcsAttribute))); // Shouldn't be uncorrectable sequences unless something is very wrong.
bool fSuccess = true;
// Now compensate if we don't have enough space for the upcoming double byte sequence
// We only need to compensate for leading bytes
if (dbcsAttribute.IsLeading())
short const sBufferWidth = GetSize().Width();
// If we're about to lead on the last column in the row, we need to add a padding space
if (GetCursor().GetPosition().X == sBufferWidth - 1)
// set that we're wrapping for double byte reasons
CharRow& charRow = GetRowByOffset(GetCursor().GetPosition().Y).GetCharRow();
// then move the cursor forward and onto the next row
fSuccess = IncrementCursor();
return fSuccess;
// Routine Description:
// - Writes cells to the output buffer. Writes at the cursor.
// Arguments:
// - givenIt - Iterator representing output cell data to write
// Return Value:
// - The final position of the iterator
OutputCellIterator TextBuffer::Write(const OutputCellIterator givenIt)
const auto& cursor = GetCursor();
const auto target = cursor.GetPosition();
const auto finalIt = Write(givenIt, target);
return finalIt;
// Routine Description:
// - Writes cells to the output buffer.
// Arguments:
// - givenIt - Iterator representing output cell data to write
// - target - the row/column to start writing the text to
// - wrap - change the wrap flag if we hit the end of the row while writing and there's still more data
// Return Value:
// - The final position of the iterator
OutputCellIterator TextBuffer::Write(const OutputCellIterator givenIt,
const COORD target,
const std::optional<bool> wrap)
// Make mutable copy so we can walk.
auto it = givenIt;
// Make mutable target so we can walk down lines.
auto lineTarget = target;
// Get size of the text buffer so we can stay in bounds.
const auto size = GetSize();
// While there's still data in the iterator and we're still targeting in bounds...
while (it && size.IsInBounds(lineTarget))
// Attempt to write as much data as possible onto this line.
// NOTE: if wrap = true/false, we want to set the line's wrap to true/false (respectively) if we reach the end of the line
it = WriteLine(it, lineTarget, wrap);
// Move to the next line down.
lineTarget.X = 0;
return it;
// Routine Description:
// - Writes one line of text to the output buffer.
// Arguments:
// - givenIt - The iterator that will dereference into cell data to insert
// - target - Coordinate targeted within output buffer
// - wrap - change the wrap flag if we hit the end of the row while writing and there's still more data in the iterator.
// - limitRight - Optionally restrict the right boundary for writing (e.g. stop writing earlier than the end of line)
// Return Value:
// - The iterator, but advanced to where we stopped writing. Use to find input consumed length or cells written length.
OutputCellIterator TextBuffer::WriteLine(const OutputCellIterator givenIt,
const COORD target,
const std::optional<bool> wrap,
std::optional<size_t> limitRight)
// If we're not in bounds, exit early.
if (!GetSize().IsInBounds(target))
return givenIt;
// Get the row and write the cells
ROW& row = GetRowByOffset(target.Y);
const auto newIt = row.WriteCells(givenIt, target.X, wrap, limitRight);
// Take the cell distance written and notify that it needs to be repainted.
const auto written = newIt.GetCellDistance(givenIt);
const Viewport paint = Viewport::FromDimensions(target, { gsl::narrow<SHORT>(written), 1 });
return newIt;
//Routine Description:
// - Inserts one codepoint into the buffer at the current cursor position and advances the cursor as appropriate.
// - chars - The codepoint to insert
// - dbcsAttribute - Double byte information associated with the codepoint
// - bAttr - Color data associated with the character
//Return Value:
// - true if we successfully inserted the character
// - false otherwise (out of memory)
bool TextBuffer::InsertCharacter(const std::wstring_view chars,
const DbcsAttribute dbcsAttribute,
const TextAttribute attr)
// Ensure consistent buffer state for double byte characters based on the character type we're about to insert
bool fSuccess = _PrepareForDoubleByteSequence(dbcsAttribute);
if (fSuccess)
// Get the current cursor position
short const iRow = GetCursor().GetPosition().Y; // row stored as logical position, not array position
short const iCol = GetCursor().GetPosition().X; // column logical and array positions are equal.
// Get the row associated with the given logical position
ROW& Row = GetRowByOffset(iRow);
// Store character and double byte data
CharRow& charRow = Row.GetCharRow();
short const cBufferWidth = GetSize().Width();
charRow.GlyphAt(iCol) = chars;
charRow.DbcsAttrAt(iCol) = dbcsAttribute;
catch (...)
return false;
// Store color data
fSuccess = Row.GetAttrRow().SetAttrToEnd(iCol, attr);
if (fSuccess)
// Advance the cursor
fSuccess = IncrementCursor();
return fSuccess;
//Routine Description:
// - Inserts one ucs2 codepoint into the buffer at the current cursor position and advances the cursor as appropriate.
// - wch - The codepoint to insert
// - dbcsAttribute - Double byte information associated with the codepoint
// - bAttr - Color data associated with the character
//Return Value:
// - true if we successfully inserted the character
// - false otherwise (out of memory)
bool TextBuffer::InsertCharacter(const wchar_t wch, const DbcsAttribute dbcsAttribute, const TextAttribute attr)
return InsertCharacter({ &wch, 1 }, dbcsAttribute, attr);
//Routine Description:
// - Finds the current row in the buffer (as indicated by the cursor position)
// and specifies that we have forced a line wrap on that row
// - <none> - Always sets to wrap
//Return Value:
// - <none>
void TextBuffer::_SetWrapOnCurrentRow()
//Routine Description:
// - Finds the current row in the buffer (as indicated by the cursor position)
// and specifies whether or not it should have a line wrap flag.
// - fSet - True if this row has a wrap. False otherwise.
//Return Value:
// - <none>
void TextBuffer::_AdjustWrapOnCurrentRow(const bool fSet)
// The vertical position of the cursor represents the current row we're manipulating.
const UINT uiCurrentRowOffset = GetCursor().GetPosition().Y;
// Set the wrap status as appropriate
//Routine Description:
// - Increments the cursor one position in the buffer as if text is being typed into the buffer.
// - NOTE: Will introduce a wrap marker if we run off the end of the current row
// - <none>
//Return Value:
// - true if we successfully moved the cursor.
// - false otherwise (out of memory)
bool TextBuffer::IncrementCursor()
// Cursor position is stored as logical array indices (starts at 0) for the window
// Buffer Size is specified as the "length" of the array. It would say 80 for valid values of 0-79.
// So subtract 1 from buffer size in each direction to find the index of the final column in the buffer
const short iFinalColumnIndex = GetSize().RightInclusive();
// Move the cursor one position to the right
bool fSuccess = true;
// If we've passed the final valid column...
if (GetCursor().GetPosition().X > iFinalColumnIndex)
// Then mark that we've been forced to wrap
// Then move the cursor to a new line
fSuccess = NewlineCursor();
return fSuccess;
//Routine Description:
// - Increments the cursor one line down in the buffer and to the beginning of the line
// - <none>
//Return Value:
// - true if we successfully moved the cursor.
bool TextBuffer::NewlineCursor()
bool fSuccess = false;
short const iFinalRowIndex = GetSize().BottomInclusive();
// Reset the cursor position to 0 and move down one line
// If we've passed the final valid row...
if (GetCursor().GetPosition().Y > iFinalRowIndex)
// Stay on the final logical/offset row of the buffer.
// Instead increment the circular buffer to move us into the "oldest" row of the backing buffer
fSuccess = IncrementCircularBuffer();
fSuccess = true;
return fSuccess;
//Routine Description:
// - Increments the circular buffer by one. Circular buffer is represented by FirstRow variable.
// - <none>
//Return Value:
// - true if we successfully incremented the buffer.
bool TextBuffer::IncrementCircularBuffer()
// FirstRow is at any given point in time the array index in the circular buffer that corresponds
// to the logical position 0 in the window (cursor coordinates and all other coordinates).
// First, clean out the old "first row" as it will become the "last row" of the buffer after the circle is performed.
const bool fSuccess = _storage.at(_firstRow).Reset(_currentAttributes);
if (fSuccess)
// Now proceed to increment.
// Incrementing it will cause the next line down to become the new "top" of the window (the new "0" in logical coordinates)
// If we pass up the height of the buffer, loop back to 0.
if (_firstRow >= GetSize().Height())
_firstRow = 0;
return fSuccess;
//Routine Description:
// - Retrieves the position of the last non-space character on the final line of the text buffer.
// - By default, we search the entire buffer to find the last non-space character
// - <none>
//Return Value:
// - Coordinate position in screen coordinates (offset coordinates, not array index coordinates).
COORD TextBuffer::GetLastNonSpaceCharacter() const
return GetLastNonSpaceCharacter(GetSize());
//Routine Description:
// - Retrieves the position of the last non-space character in the given viewport
// - This is basically an optimized version of GetLastNonSpaceCharacter(), and can be called when
// - we know the last character is within the given viewport (so we don't need to check the entire buffer)
// - The viewport
//Return value:
// - Coordinate position (relative to the text buffer)
COORD TextBuffer::GetLastNonSpaceCharacter(const Microsoft::Console::Types::Viewport viewport) const
COORD coordEndOfText = { 0 };
// Search the given viewport by starting at the bottom.
coordEndOfText.Y = viewport.BottomInclusive();
const auto& currRow = GetRowByOffset(coordEndOfText.Y);
// The X position of the end of the valid text is the Right draw boundary (which is one beyond the final valid character)
coordEndOfText.X = gsl::narrow<short>(currRow.GetCharRow().MeasureRight()) - 1;
// If the X coordinate turns out to be -1, the row was empty, we need to search backwards for the real end of text.
const auto viewportTop = viewport.Top();
bool fDoBackUp = (coordEndOfText.X < 0 && coordEndOfText.Y > viewportTop); // this row is empty, and we're not at the top
while (fDoBackUp)
const auto& backupRow = GetRowByOffset(coordEndOfText.Y);
// We need to back up to the previous row if this line is empty, AND there are more rows
coordEndOfText.X = gsl::narrow<short>(backupRow.GetCharRow().MeasureRight()) - 1;
fDoBackUp = (coordEndOfText.X < 0 && coordEndOfText.Y > viewportTop);
// don't allow negative results
coordEndOfText.Y = std::max(coordEndOfText.Y, 0i16);
coordEndOfText.X = std::max(coordEndOfText.X, 0i16);
return coordEndOfText;
// Routine Description:
// - Retrieves the position of the previous character relative to the current cursor position
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - Coordinate position in screen coordinates of the character just before the cursor.
// - NOTE: Will return 0,0 if already in the top left corner
COORD TextBuffer::_GetPreviousFromCursor() const
COORD coordPosition = GetCursor().GetPosition();
// If we're not at the left edge, simply move the cursor to the left by one
if (coordPosition.X > 0)
// Otherwise, only if we're not on the top row (e.g. we don't move anywhere in the top left corner. there is no previous)
if (coordPosition.Y > 0)
// move the cursor to the right edge
coordPosition.X = GetSize().RightInclusive();
// and up one line
return coordPosition;
const SHORT TextBuffer::GetFirstRowIndex() const noexcept
return _firstRow;
const Viewport TextBuffer::GetSize() const
return Viewport::FromDimensions({ 0, 0 }, { gsl::narrow<SHORT>(_storage.at(0).size()), gsl::narrow<SHORT>(_storage.size()) });
void TextBuffer::_SetFirstRowIndex(const SHORT FirstRowIndex) noexcept
_firstRow = FirstRowIndex;
void TextBuffer::ScrollRows(const SHORT firstRow, const SHORT size, const SHORT delta)
// If we don't have to move anything, leave early.
if (delta == 0)
// OK. We're about to play games by moving rows around within the deque to
// scroll a massive region in a faster way than copying things.
// To make this easier, first correct the circular buffer to have the first row be 0 again.
if (_firstRow != 0)
// Rotate the buffer to put the first row at the front.
std::rotate(_storage.begin(), _storage.begin() + _firstRow, _storage.end());
// The first row is now at the top.
_firstRow = 0;
// Rotate just the subsection specified
if (delta < 0)
// The layout is like this:
// delta is -2, size is 3, firstRow is 5
// We want 3 rows from 5 (5, 6, and 7) to move up 2 spots.
// --- (storage) ----
// | 0 begin
// | 1
// | 2
// | 3 A. begin + firstRow + delta (because delta is negative)
// | 4
// | 5 B. begin + firstRow
// | 6
// | 7
// | 8 C. begin + firstRow + size
// | 9
// | 10
// | 11
// - end
// We want B to slide up to A (the negative delta) and everything from [B,C) to slide up with it.
// So the final layout will be
// --- (storage) ----
// | 0 begin
// | 1
// | 2
// | 5
// | 6
// | 7
// | 3
// | 4
// | 8
// | 9
// | 10
// | 11
// - end
std::rotate(_storage.begin() + firstRow + delta, _storage.begin() + firstRow, _storage.begin() + firstRow + size);
// The layout is like this:
// delta is 2, size is 3, firstRow is 5
// We want 3 rows from 5 (5, 6, and 7) to move down 2 spots.
// --- (storage) ----
// | 0 begin
// | 1
// | 2
// | 3
// | 4
// | 5 A. begin + firstRow
// | 6
// | 7
// | 8 B. begin + firstRow + size
// | 9
// | 10 C. begin + firstRow + size + delta
// | 11
// - end
// We want B-1 to slide down to C-1 (the positive delta) and everything from [A, B) to slide down with it.
// So the final layout will be
// --- (storage) ----
// | 0 begin
// | 1
// | 2
// | 3
// | 4
// | 8
// | 9
// | 5
// | 6
// | 7
// | 10
// | 11
// - end
std::rotate(_storage.begin() + firstRow, _storage.begin() + firstRow + size, _storage.begin() + firstRow + size + delta);
// Renumber the IDs now that we've rearranged where the rows sit within the buffer.
// Refreshing should also delegate to the UnicodeStorage to re-key all the stored unicode sequences (where applicable).
Cursor& TextBuffer::GetCursor() noexcept
return _cursor;
const Cursor& TextBuffer::GetCursor() const noexcept
return _cursor;
[[nodiscard]] TextAttribute TextBuffer::GetCurrentAttributes() const noexcept
return _currentAttributes;
void TextBuffer::SetCurrentAttributes(const TextAttribute currentAttributes) noexcept
_currentAttributes = currentAttributes;
// Routine Description:
// - Resets the text contents of this buffer with the default character
// and the default current color attributes
void TextBuffer::Reset()
const auto attr = GetCurrentAttributes();
for (auto& row : _storage)
// Routine Description:
// - This is the legacy screen resize with minimal changes
// Arguments:
// - newSize - new size of screen.
// Return Value:
// - Success if successful. Invalid parameter if screen buffer size is unexpected. No memory if allocation failed.
[[nodiscard]] NTSTATUS TextBuffer::ResizeTraditional(const COORD newSize)
RETURN_HR_IF(E_INVALIDARG, newSize.X < 0 || newSize.Y < 0);
const auto currentSize = GetSize().Dimensions();
const auto attributes = GetCurrentAttributes();
SHORT TopRow = 0; // new top row of the screen buffer
if (newSize.Y <= GetCursor().GetPosition().Y)
TopRow = GetCursor().GetPosition().Y - newSize.Y + 1;
const SHORT TopRowIndex = (GetFirstRowIndex() + TopRow) % currentSize.Y;
// rotate rows until the top row is at index 0
const ROW& newTopRow = _storage.at(TopRowIndex);
while (&newTopRow != &_storage.front())
// realloc in the Y direction
// remove rows if we're shrinking
while (_storage.size() > static_cast<size_t>(newSize.Y))
// add rows if we're growing
while (_storage.size() < static_cast<size_t>(newSize.Y))
_storage.emplace_back(static_cast<short>(_storage.size()), newSize.X, attributes, this);
// Now that we've tampered with the row placement, refresh all the row IDs.
// Also take advantage of the row ID refresh loop to resize the rows in the X dimension
// and cleanup the UnicodeStorage characters that might fall outside the resized buffer.
return S_OK;
const UnicodeStorage& TextBuffer::GetUnicodeStorage() const noexcept
return _unicodeStorage;
UnicodeStorage& TextBuffer::GetUnicodeStorage() noexcept
return _unicodeStorage;
// Routine Description:
// - Method to help refresh all the Row IDs after manipulating the row
// by shuffling pointers around.
// - This will also update parent pointers that are stored in depth within the buffer
// (e.g. it will update CharRow parents pointing at Rows that might have been moved around)
// - Optionally takes a new row width if we're resizing to perform a resize operation and cleanup
// any high unicode (UnicodeStorage) runs while we're already looping through the rows.
// Arguments:
// - newRowWidth - Optional new value for the row width.
void TextBuffer::_RefreshRowIDs(std::optional<SHORT> newRowWidth)
std::map<SHORT, SHORT> rowMap;
SHORT i = 0;
for (auto& it : _storage)
// Build a map so we can update Unicode Storage
rowMap.emplace(it.GetId(), i);
// Update the IDs
// Also update the char row parent pointers as they can get shuffled up in the rotates.
// Resize the rows in the X dimension if we have a new width
if (newRowWidth.has_value())
// Realloc in the X direction
// Give the new mapping to Unicode Storage
_unicodeStorage.Remap(rowMap, newRowWidth);
void TextBuffer::_NotifyPaint(const Viewport& viewport) const
// Routine Description:
// - Retrieves the first row from the underlying buffer.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - reference to the first row.
ROW& TextBuffer::_GetFirstRow()
return GetRowByOffset(0);
// Routine Description:
// - Retrieves the row that comes before the given row.
// - Does not wrap around the screen buffer.
// Arguments:
// - The current row.
// Return Value:
// - reference to the previous row
// Note:
// - will throw exception if called with the first row of the text buffer
ROW& TextBuffer::_GetPrevRowNoWrap(const ROW& Row)
int prevRowIndex = Row.GetId() - 1;
if (prevRowIndex < 0)
prevRowIndex = TotalRowCount() - 1;
THROW_HR_IF(E_FAIL, Row.GetId() == _firstRow);
return _storage.at(prevRowIndex);
// Method Description:
// - Retrieves this buffer's current render target.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - This buffer's current render target.
Microsoft::Console::Render::IRenderTarget& TextBuffer::GetRenderTarget() noexcept
return _renderTarget;
// Routine Description:
// - Retrieves the text data from the selected region and presents it in a clipboard-ready format (given little post-processing).
// Arguments:
// - lineSelection - true if entire line is being selected. False otherwise (box selection)
// - trimTrailingWhitespace - setting flag removes trailing whitespace at the end of each row in selection
// - selectionRects - the selection regions from which the data will be extracted from the buffer
// - GetForegroundColor - function used to map TextAttribute to RGB COLORREF for foreground color
// - GetBackgroundColor - function used to map TextAttribute to RGB COLORREF for foreground color
// Return Value:
// - The text, background color, and foreground color data of the selected region of the text buffer.
const TextBuffer::TextAndColor TextBuffer::GetTextForClipboard(const bool lineSelection,
const bool trimTrailingWhitespace,
const std::vector<SMALL_RECT>& selectionRects,
std::function<COLORREF(TextAttribute&)> GetForegroundColor,
std::function<COLORREF(TextAttribute&)> GetBackgroundColor) const
TextAndColor data;
// preallocate our vectors to reduce reallocs
size_t const rows = selectionRects.size();
// for each row in the selection
for (UINT i = 0; i < rows; i++)
const UINT iRow = selectionRects.at(i).Top;
const Viewport highlight = Viewport::FromInclusive(selectionRects.at(i));
// retrieve the data from the screen buffer
auto it = GetCellDataAt(highlight.Origin(), highlight);
// allocate a string buffer
std::wstring selectionText;
std::vector<COLORREF> selectionFgAttr;
std::vector<COLORREF> selectionBkAttr;
// preallocate to avoid reallocs
selectionText.reserve(gsl::narrow<size_t>(highlight.Width()) + 2); // + 2 for \r\n if we munged it
selectionFgAttr.reserve(gsl::narrow<size_t>(highlight.Width()) + 2);
selectionBkAttr.reserve(gsl::narrow<size_t>(highlight.Width()) + 2);
// copy char data into the string buffer, skipping trailing bytes
while (it)
const auto& cell = *it;
auto cellData = cell.TextAttr();
COLORREF const CellFgAttr = GetForegroundColor(cellData);
COLORREF const CellBkAttr = GetBackgroundColor(cellData);
if (!cell.DbcsAttr().IsTrailing())
for (const wchar_t wch : cell.Chars())
#pragma warning(suppress : 26444)
// TODO GH 2675: figure out why there's custom construction/destruction happening here
// trim trailing spaces if SHIFT key not held
if (trimTrailingWhitespace)
const ROW& Row = GetRowByOffset(iRow);
// FOR LINE SELECTION ONLY: if the row was wrapped, don't remove the spaces at the end.
if (!lineSelection || !Row.GetCharRow().WasWrapForced())
while (!selectionText.empty() && selectionText.back() == UNICODE_SPACE)
// apply CR/LF to the end of the final string, unless we're the last line.
// a.k.a if we're earlier than the bottom, then apply CR/LF.
if (i < selectionRects.size() - 1)
// FOR LINE SELECTION ONLY: if the row was wrapped, do not apply CR/LF.
// a.k.a. if the row was NOT wrapped, then we can assume a CR/LF is proper
// always apply \r\n for box selection
if (!lineSelection || !GetRowByOffset(iRow).GetCharRow().WasWrapForced())
COLORREF const Blackness = RGB(0x00, 0x00, 0x00); // cant see CR/LF so just use black FG & BK
return data;
// Routine Description:
// - Generates a CF_HTML compliant structure based on the passed in text and color data
// Arguments:
// - rows - the text and color data we will format & encapsulate
// - backgroundColor - default background color for characters, also used in padding
// - fontHeightPoints - the unscaled font height
// - fontFaceName - the name of the font used
// - htmlTitle - value used in title tag of html header. Used to name the application
// Return Value:
// - string containing the generated HTML
std::string TextBuffer::GenHTML(const TextAndColor& rows, const int fontHeightPoints, const std::wstring_view fontFaceName, const COLORREF backgroundColor, const std::string& htmlTitle)
std::ostringstream htmlBuilder;
// First we have to add some standard
// HTML boiler plate required for CF_HTML
// as part of the HTML Clipboard format
const std::string htmlHeader =
"<!DOCTYPE><HTML><HEAD><TITLE>" + htmlTitle + "</TITLE></HEAD><BODY>";
htmlBuilder << htmlHeader;
htmlBuilder << "<!--StartFragment -->";
// apply global style in div element
htmlBuilder << "<DIV STYLE=\"";
htmlBuilder << "display:inline-block;";
htmlBuilder << "white-space:pre;";
htmlBuilder << "background-color:";
htmlBuilder << Utils::ColorToHexString(backgroundColor);
htmlBuilder << ";";
htmlBuilder << "font-family:";
htmlBuilder << "'";
htmlBuilder << ConvertToA(CP_UTF8, fontFaceName);
htmlBuilder << "',";
// even with different font, add monospace as fallback
htmlBuilder << "monospace;";
htmlBuilder << "font-size:";
htmlBuilder << fontHeightPoints;
htmlBuilder << "pt;";
// note: MS Word doesn't support padding (in this way at least)
htmlBuilder << "padding:";
htmlBuilder << 4; // todo: customizable padding
htmlBuilder << "px;";
htmlBuilder << "\">";
// copy text and info color from buffer
bool hasWrittenAnyText = false;
std::optional<COLORREF> fgColor = std::nullopt;
std::optional<COLORREF> bkColor = std::nullopt;
for (size_t row = 0; row < rows.text.size(); row++)
size_t startOffset = 0;
if (row != 0)
htmlBuilder << "<BR>";
for (size_t col = 0; col < rows.text.at(row).length(); col++)
// do not include \r nor \n as they don't have attributes
// and are not HTML friendly. For line break use '<BR>' instead.
const bool isLastCharInRow =
col == rows.text.at(row).length() - 1 ||
rows.text.at(row).at(col + 1) == '\r' ||
rows.text.at(row).at(col + 1) == '\n';
bool colorChanged = false;
if (!fgColor.has_value() || rows.FgAttr.at(row).at(col) != fgColor.value())
fgColor = rows.FgAttr.at(row).at(col);
colorChanged = true;
if (!bkColor.has_value() || rows.BkAttr.at(row).at(col) != bkColor.value())
bkColor = rows.BkAttr.at(row).at(col);
colorChanged = true;
const auto writeAccumulatedChars = [&](bool includeCurrent) {
if (col > startOffset)
const auto unescapedText = ConvertToA(CP_UTF8, std::wstring_view(rows.text.at(row)).substr(startOffset, col - startOffset + includeCurrent));
for (const auto c : unescapedText)
switch (c)
case '<':
htmlBuilder << "&lt;";
case '>':
htmlBuilder << "&gt;";
case '&':
htmlBuilder << "&amp;";
htmlBuilder << c;
startOffset = col;
if (colorChanged)
if (hasWrittenAnyText)
htmlBuilder << "</SPAN>";
htmlBuilder << "<SPAN STYLE=\"";
htmlBuilder << "color:";
htmlBuilder << Utils::ColorToHexString(fgColor.value());
htmlBuilder << ";";
htmlBuilder << "background-color:";
htmlBuilder << Utils::ColorToHexString(bkColor.value());
htmlBuilder << ";";
htmlBuilder << "\">";
hasWrittenAnyText = true;
if (isLastCharInRow)
if (hasWrittenAnyText)
// last opened span wasn't closed in loop above, so close it now
htmlBuilder << "</SPAN>";
htmlBuilder << "</DIV>";
htmlBuilder << "<!--EndFragment -->";
constexpr std::string_view HtmlFooter = "</BODY></HTML>";
htmlBuilder << HtmlFooter;
// once filled with values, there will be exactly 157 bytes in the clipboard header
constexpr size_t ClipboardHeaderSize = 157;
// these values are byte offsets from start of clipboard
const size_t htmlStartPos = ClipboardHeaderSize;
const size_t htmlEndPos = ClipboardHeaderSize + gsl::narrow<size_t>(htmlBuilder.tellp());
const size_t fragStartPos = ClipboardHeaderSize + gsl::narrow<size_t>(htmlHeader.length());
const size_t fragEndPos = htmlEndPos - HtmlFooter.length();
// header required by HTML 0.9 format
std::ostringstream clipHeaderBuilder;
clipHeaderBuilder << "Version:0.9\r\n";
clipHeaderBuilder << std::setfill('0');
clipHeaderBuilder << "StartHTML:" << std::setw(10) << htmlStartPos << "\r\n";
clipHeaderBuilder << "EndHTML:" << std::setw(10) << htmlEndPos << "\r\n";
clipHeaderBuilder << "StartFragment:" << std::setw(10) << fragStartPos << "\r\n";
clipHeaderBuilder << "EndFragment:" << std::setw(10) << fragEndPos << "\r\n";
clipHeaderBuilder << "StartSelection:" << std::setw(10) << fragStartPos << "\r\n";
clipHeaderBuilder << "EndSelection:" << std::setw(10) << fragEndPos << "\r\n";
return clipHeaderBuilder.str() + htmlBuilder.str();
catch (...)
return {};