
148 lines
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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "precomp.h"
#include "ObjectHeader.h"
#include "ObjectHandle.h"
#include "..\host\inputReadHandleData.h"
ConsoleObjectHeader::ConsoleObjectHeader() :
// Routine Description:
// - This routine allocates an input or output handle from the process's handle table.
// - This routine initializes all non-type specific fields in the handle data structure.
// Arguments:
// - ulHandleType - Flag indicating input or output handle.
// - amDesired - The accesses that will be permitted to this handle after creation
// - ulShareMode - The share states that will be permitted to this handle after creation
// - ppOut - On return, filled with a pointer to the handle data structure. When returned to the API caller, cast to a handle value.
// Return Value:
// - HRESULT S_OK or appropriate error.
// Note:
// TODO: MSFT 614400 - Add concurrency SAL to enforce the lock http://osgvsowi/614400
// - The console lock must be held when calling this routine. The handle is allocated from the per-process handle table. Holding the console
// lock serializes both threads within the calling process and any other process that shares the console.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT ConsoleObjectHeader::AllocateIoHandle(const ConsoleHandleData::HandleType ulHandleType,
const ACCESS_MASK amDesired,
const ULONG ulShareMode,
std::unique_ptr<ConsoleHandleData>& out)
// Allocate all necessary state.
std::unique_ptr<ConsoleHandleData> pHandleData = std::make_unique<ConsoleHandleData>(ulHandleType,
// Check the share mode.
if (((pHandleData->IsReadAllowed()) && (_ulOpenCount > _ulReadShareCount)) ||
((!pHandleData->IsReadShared()) && (_ulReaderCount > 0)) ||
((pHandleData->IsWriteAllowed()) && (_ulOpenCount > _ulWriteShareCount)) ||
((!pHandleData->IsWriteShared()) && (_ulWriterCount > 0)))
// Update share/open counts and store handle information.
if (pHandleData->IsReadAllowed())
if (pHandleData->IsReadShared())
if (pHandleData->IsWriteAllowed())
if (pHandleData->IsWriteShared())
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Frees and decrements ref counts of the handle associated with this object.
// Arguments:
// - pFree - Pointer to the handle data to be freed
// Return Value:
// - HRESULT S_OK or appropriate error.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT ConsoleObjectHeader::FreeIoHandle(_In_ ConsoleHandleData* const pFree)
// This absolutely should not happen and our state is corrupt/bad if we try to release past 0.
THROW_HR_IF(E_NOT_VALID_STATE, !(_ulOpenCount > 0));
if (pFree->IsReadAllowed())
if (pFree->IsReadShared())
if (pFree->IsWriteAllowed())
if (pFree->IsWriteShared())
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Checks if there are any known open handles connected to this object.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - True if there are any (>0) open handles. False if there are none (0).
bool ConsoleObjectHeader::HasAnyOpenHandles() const
return _ulOpenCount != 0;
// Routine Description:
// - Adds a fake reference to the ref counts to ensure the original screen buffer is never destroyed.
// - This is a temporary kludge to be solved in TODO http://osgvsowi/9355013
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void ConsoleObjectHeader::IncrementOriginalScreenBuffer()