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Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
Licensed under the MIT license.
Module Name:
- ObjectHeader.h
- This file defines the header information to count handles attached to a given object
- Michael Niksa (miniksa) 12-Oct-2016
Revision History:
- Adapted from original items in handle.h
#pragma once
#include "ObjectHandle.h"
class ConsoleObjectHeader
// NOTE: This class must have a virtual method for the stored "this" pointers to match what we're actually looking for.
// If there is no virtual method, we may have the "this" pointer be offset by 8 from the actual object that inherits ConsoleObjectHeader.
virtual ~ConsoleObjectHeader(){};
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT AllocateIoHandle(const ConsoleHandleData::HandleType ulHandleType,
const ACCESS_MASK amDesired,
const ULONG ulShareMode,
std::unique_ptr<ConsoleHandleData>& out);
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT FreeIoHandle(_In_ ConsoleHandleData* const pFree);
bool HasAnyOpenHandles() const;
// TODO: MSFT 9355013 come up with a better solution than this. http://osgvsowi/9355013
// It's currently a "load bearing" piece because things like the renderer expect there to always be a "current screen buffer"
void IncrementOriginalScreenBuffer();
ULONG _ulOpenCount;
ULONG _ulReaderCount;
ULONG _ulWriterCount;
ULONG _ulReadShareCount;
ULONG _ulWriteShareCount;