James Holderness bb71179a24
Consolidate the color palette APIs (#11784)
This PR merges the default colors and cursor color into the main color
table, enabling us to simplify the `ConGetSet` and `ITerminalApi`
interfaces, with just two methods required for getting and setting any
form of color palette entry.

The is a follow-up to the color table standardization in #11602, and a
another small step towards de-duplicating `AdaptDispatch` and
`TerminalDispatch` for issue #3849. It should also make it easier to
support color queries (#3718) and a configurable bold color (#5682) in
the future.

On the conhost side, default colors could originally be either indexed
positions in the 16-color table, or separate standalone RGB values. With
the new system, the default colors will always be in the color table, so
we just need to track their index positions.

To make this work, those positions need to be calculated at startup
based on the loaded registry/shortcut settings, and updated when
settings are changed (this is handled in
`CalculateDefaultColorIndices`). But the plus side is that it's now much
easier to lookup the default color values for rendering.

For now the default colors in Windows Terminal use hardcoded positions,
because it doesn't need indexed default colors like conhost. But in the
future I'd like to extend the index handling to both terminals, so we
can eventually support the VT525 indexed color operations.

As for the cursor color, that was previously stored in the `Cursor`
class, which meant that it needed to be copied around in various places
where cursors were being instantiated. Now that it's managed separately
in the color table, a lot of that code is no longer required.

## Validation
Some of the unit test initialization code needed to be updated to setup
the color table and default index values as required for the new system.
There were also some adjustments needed to account for API changes, in
particular for methods that now take index values for the default colors
in place of COLORREFs. But for the most part, the essential behavior of
the tests remains unchanged.

I've also run a variety of manual tests looking at the legacy console
APIs as well as the various VT color sequences, and checking that
everything works as expected when color schemes are changed, both in
Windows Terminal and conhost, and in the latter case with both indexed
colors and RGB values.

Closes #11768
2021-11-23 18:28:55 +00:00

745 lines
24 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "pch.h"
#include "TerminalDispatch.hpp"
#include "../../types/inc/utils.hpp"
using namespace Microsoft::Console;
using namespace ::Microsoft::Terminal::Core;
using namespace ::Microsoft::Console::VirtualTerminal;
// NOTE:
// Functions related to Set Graphics Renditions (SGR) are in
// TerminalDispatchGraphics.cpp, not this file
TerminalDispatch::TerminalDispatch(ITerminalApi& terminalApi) noexcept :
_terminalApi{ terminalApi }
void TerminalDispatch::Execute(const wchar_t wchControl) noexcept
void TerminalDispatch::Print(const wchar_t wchPrintable) noexcept
_terminalApi.PrintString({ &wchPrintable, 1 });
void TerminalDispatch::PrintString(const std::wstring_view string) noexcept
bool TerminalDispatch::CursorPosition(const size_t line,
const size_t column) noexcept
SHORT x{ 0 };
SHORT y{ 0 };
SUCCEEDED(SizeTToShort(line, &y)));
SUCCEEDED(ShortSub(y, 1, &y)));
return _terminalApi.SetCursorPosition(x, y);
bool TerminalDispatch::CursorVisibility(const bool isVisible) noexcept
return _terminalApi.SetCursorVisibility(isVisible);
bool TerminalDispatch::EnableCursorBlinking(const bool enable) noexcept
return _terminalApi.EnableCursorBlinking(enable);
bool TerminalDispatch::CursorForward(const size_t distance) noexcept
const auto cursorPos = _terminalApi.GetCursorPosition();
const COORD newCursorPos{ cursorPos.X + gsl::narrow<short>(distance), cursorPos.Y };
return _terminalApi.SetCursorPosition(newCursorPos.X, newCursorPos.Y);
bool TerminalDispatch::CursorBackward(const size_t distance) noexcept
const auto cursorPos = _terminalApi.GetCursorPosition();
const COORD newCursorPos{ cursorPos.X - gsl::narrow<short>(distance), cursorPos.Y };
return _terminalApi.SetCursorPosition(newCursorPos.X, newCursorPos.Y);
bool TerminalDispatch::CursorUp(const size_t distance) noexcept
const auto cursorPos = _terminalApi.GetCursorPosition();
const COORD newCursorPos{ cursorPos.X, cursorPos.Y + gsl::narrow<short>(distance) };
return _terminalApi.SetCursorPosition(newCursorPos.X, newCursorPos.Y);
bool TerminalDispatch::LineFeed(const DispatchTypes::LineFeedType lineFeedType) noexcept
switch (lineFeedType)
case DispatchTypes::LineFeedType::DependsOnMode:
// There is currently no need for mode-specific line feeds in the Terminal,
// so for now we just treat them as a line feed without carriage return.
case DispatchTypes::LineFeedType::WithoutReturn:
return _terminalApi.CursorLineFeed(false);
case DispatchTypes::LineFeedType::WithReturn:
return _terminalApi.CursorLineFeed(true);
return false;
bool TerminalDispatch::EraseCharacters(const size_t numChars) noexcept
return _terminalApi.EraseCharacters(numChars);
bool TerminalDispatch::WarningBell() noexcept
return _terminalApi.WarningBell();
bool TerminalDispatch::CarriageReturn() noexcept
const auto cursorPos = _terminalApi.GetCursorPosition();
return _terminalApi.SetCursorPosition(0, cursorPos.Y);
bool TerminalDispatch::SetWindowTitle(std::wstring_view title) noexcept
return _terminalApi.SetWindowTitle(title);
bool TerminalDispatch::HorizontalTabSet() noexcept
const auto width = _terminalApi.GetBufferSize().Dimensions().X;
const auto column = _terminalApi.GetCursorPosition().X;
_tabStopColumns.at(column) = true;
return true;
bool TerminalDispatch::ForwardTab(const size_t numTabs) noexcept
const auto width = _terminalApi.GetBufferSize().Dimensions().X;
const auto cursorPosition = _terminalApi.GetCursorPosition();
auto column = cursorPosition.X;
const auto row = cursorPosition.Y;
auto tabsPerformed = 0u;
while (column + 1 < width && tabsPerformed < numTabs)
if (til::at(_tabStopColumns, column))
return _terminalApi.SetCursorPosition(column, row);
bool TerminalDispatch::BackwardsTab(const size_t numTabs) noexcept
const auto width = _terminalApi.GetBufferSize().Dimensions().X;
const auto cursorPosition = _terminalApi.GetCursorPosition();
auto column = cursorPosition.X;
const auto row = cursorPosition.Y;
auto tabsPerformed = 0u;
while (column > 0 && tabsPerformed < numTabs)
if (til::at(_tabStopColumns, column))
return _terminalApi.SetCursorPosition(column, row);
bool TerminalDispatch::TabClear(const DispatchTypes::TabClearType clearType) noexcept
bool success = false;
switch (clearType)
case DispatchTypes::TabClearType::ClearCurrentColumn:
success = _ClearSingleTabStop();
case DispatchTypes::TabClearType::ClearAllColumns:
success = _ClearAllTabStops();
success = false;
return success;
// Method Description:
// - Sets a single entry of the colortable to a new value
// Arguments:
// - tableIndex: The VT color table index
// - color: The new RGB color value to use.
// Return Value:
// True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool TerminalDispatch::SetColorTableEntry(const size_t tableIndex,
const DWORD color) noexcept
return _terminalApi.SetColorTableEntry(tableIndex, color);
bool TerminalDispatch::SetCursorStyle(const DispatchTypes::CursorStyle cursorStyle) noexcept
return _terminalApi.SetCursorStyle(cursorStyle);
bool TerminalDispatch::SetCursorColor(const DWORD color) noexcept
return _terminalApi.SetColorTableEntry(TextColor::CURSOR_COLOR, color);
bool TerminalDispatch::SetClipboard(std::wstring_view content) noexcept
return _terminalApi.CopyToClipboard(content);
// Method Description:
// - Sets the default foreground color to a new value
// Arguments:
// - color: The new RGB color value to use, in 0x00BBGGRR form
// Return Value:
// True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool TerminalDispatch::SetDefaultForeground(const DWORD color) noexcept
return _terminalApi.SetColorTableEntry(TextColor::DEFAULT_FOREGROUND, color);
// Method Description:
// - Sets the default background color to a new value
// Arguments:
// - color: The new RGB color value to use, in 0x00BBGGRR form
// Return Value:
// True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool TerminalDispatch::SetDefaultBackground(const DWORD color) noexcept
return _terminalApi.SetColorTableEntry(TextColor::DEFAULT_BACKGROUND, color);
// Method Description:
// - Erases characters in the buffer depending on the erase type
// Arguments:
// - eraseType: the erase type (from beginning, to end, or all)
// Return Value:
// True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool TerminalDispatch::EraseInLine(const DispatchTypes::EraseType eraseType) noexcept
return _terminalApi.EraseInLine(eraseType);
// Method Description:
// - Deletes count number of characters starting from where the cursor is currently
// Arguments:
// - count, the number of characters to delete
// Return Value:
// True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool TerminalDispatch::DeleteCharacter(const size_t count) noexcept
return _terminalApi.DeleteCharacter(count);
// Method Description:
// - Adds count number of spaces starting from where the cursor is currently
// Arguments:
// - count, the number of spaces to add
// Return Value:
// True if handled successfully, false otherwise
bool TerminalDispatch::InsertCharacter(const size_t count) noexcept
return _terminalApi.InsertCharacter(count);
// Method Description:
// - Moves the viewport and erases text from the buffer depending on the eraseType
// Arguments:
// - eraseType: the desired erase type
// Return Value:
// True if handled successfully. False otherwise
bool TerminalDispatch::EraseInDisplay(const DispatchTypes::EraseType eraseType) noexcept
return _terminalApi.EraseInDisplay(eraseType);
// - DECKPAM, DECKPNM - Sets the keypad input mode to either Application mode or Numeric mode (true, false respectively)
// Arguments:
// - applicationMode - set to true to enable Application Mode Input, false for Numeric Mode Input.
// Return Value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool TerminalDispatch::SetKeypadMode(const bool applicationMode) noexcept
_terminalApi.SetInputMode(TerminalInput::Mode::Keypad, applicationMode);
return true;
// - DECCKM - Sets the cursor keys input mode to either Application mode or Normal mode (true, false respectively)
// Arguments:
// - applicationMode - set to true to enable Application Mode Input, false for Normal Mode Input.
// Return Value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool TerminalDispatch::SetCursorKeysMode(const bool applicationMode) noexcept
_terminalApi.SetInputMode(TerminalInput::Mode::CursorKey, applicationMode);
return true;
// Routine Description:
// - DECSCNM - Sets the screen mode to either normal or reverse.
// When in reverse screen mode, the background and foreground colors are switched.
// Arguments:
// - reverseMode - set to true to enable reverse screen mode, false for normal mode.
// Return Value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool TerminalDispatch::SetScreenMode(const bool reverseMode) noexcept
return _terminalApi.SetScreenMode(reverseMode);
// Method Description:
// - win32-input-mode: Enable sending full input records encoded as a string of
// characters to the client application.
// Arguments:
// - win32InputMode - set to true to enable win32-input-mode, false to disable.
// Return Value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool TerminalDispatch::EnableWin32InputMode(const bool win32Mode) noexcept
_terminalApi.SetInputMode(TerminalInput::Mode::Win32, win32Mode);
return true;
//Routine Description:
// Enable VT200 Mouse Mode - Enables/disables the mouse input handler in default tracking mode.
// - enabled - true to enable, false to disable.
// Return value:
// True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool TerminalDispatch::EnableVT200MouseMode(const bool enabled) noexcept
_terminalApi.SetInputMode(TerminalInput::Mode::DefaultMouseTracking, enabled);
return true;
//Routine Description:
// Enable UTF-8 Extended Encoding - this changes the encoding scheme for sequences
// emitted by the mouse input handler. Does not enable/disable mouse mode on its own.
// - enabled - true to enable, false to disable.
// Return value:
// True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool TerminalDispatch::EnableUTF8ExtendedMouseMode(const bool enabled) noexcept
_terminalApi.SetInputMode(TerminalInput::Mode::Utf8MouseEncoding, enabled);
return true;
//Routine Description:
// Enable SGR Extended Encoding - this changes the encoding scheme for sequences
// emitted by the mouse input handler. Does not enable/disable mouse mode on its own.
// - enabled - true to enable, false to disable.
// Return value:
// True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool TerminalDispatch::EnableSGRExtendedMouseMode(const bool enabled) noexcept
_terminalApi.SetInputMode(TerminalInput::Mode::SgrMouseEncoding, enabled);
return true;
//Routine Description:
// Enable Button Event mode - send mouse move events WITH A BUTTON PRESSED to the input.
// - enabled - true to enable, false to disable.
// Return value:
// True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool TerminalDispatch::EnableButtonEventMouseMode(const bool enabled) noexcept
_terminalApi.SetInputMode(TerminalInput::Mode::ButtonEventMouseTracking, enabled);
return true;
//Routine Description:
// Enable Any Event mode - send all mouse events to the input.
// - enabled - true to enable, false to disable.
// Return value:
// True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool TerminalDispatch::EnableAnyEventMouseMode(const bool enabled) noexcept
_terminalApi.SetInputMode(TerminalInput::Mode::AnyEventMouseTracking, enabled);
return true;
//Routine Description:
// Enable Alternate Scroll Mode - When in the Alt Buffer, send CUP and CUD on
// scroll up/down events instead of the usual sequences
// - enabled - true to enable, false to disable.
// Return value:
// True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool TerminalDispatch::EnableAlternateScroll(const bool enabled) noexcept
_terminalApi.SetInputMode(TerminalInput::Mode::AlternateScroll, enabled);
return true;
//Routine Description:
// Enable Bracketed Paste Mode - this changes the behavior of pasting.
// See: https://www.xfree86.org/current/ctlseqs.html#Bracketed%20Paste%20Mode
// - enabled - true to enable, false to disable.
// Return value:
// True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool TerminalDispatch::EnableXtermBracketedPasteMode(const bool enabled) noexcept
return true;
bool TerminalDispatch::SetMode(const DispatchTypes::ModeParams param) noexcept
return _ModeParamsHelper(param, true);
bool TerminalDispatch::ResetMode(const DispatchTypes::ModeParams param) noexcept
return _ModeParamsHelper(param, false);
// Method Description:
// - Start a hyperlink
// Arguments:
// - uri - the hyperlink URI
// - params - the optional custom ID
// Return Value:
// - true
bool TerminalDispatch::AddHyperlink(const std::wstring_view uri, const std::wstring_view params) noexcept
return _terminalApi.AddHyperlink(uri, params);
// Method Description:
// - End a hyperlink
// Return Value:
// - true
bool TerminalDispatch::EndHyperlink() noexcept
return _terminalApi.EndHyperlink();
// Method Description:
// - Performs a ConEmu action
// - Currently, the only action we support is setting the taskbar state/progress
// Arguments:
// - string: contains the parameters that define which action we do
// Return Value:
// - true
bool TerminalDispatch::DoConEmuAction(const std::wstring_view string) noexcept
unsigned int state = 0;
unsigned int progress = 0;
const auto parts = Utils::SplitString(string, L';');
unsigned int subParam = 0;
if (parts.size() < 1 || !Utils::StringToUint(til::at(parts, 0), subParam))
return false;
// 4 is SetProgressBar, which sets the taskbar state/progress.
if (subParam == 4)
if (parts.size() >= 2)
// A state parameter is defined, parse it out
const auto stateSuccess = Utils::StringToUint(til::at(parts, 1), state);
if (!stateSuccess && !til::at(parts, 1).empty())
return false;
if (parts.size() >= 3)
// A progress parameter is also defined, parse it out
const auto progressSuccess = Utils::StringToUint(til::at(parts, 2), progress);
if (!progressSuccess && !til::at(parts, 2).empty())
return false;
if (state > TaskbarMaxState)
// state is out of bounds, return false
return false;
if (progress > TaskbarMaxProgress)
// progress is greater than the maximum allowed value, clamp it to the max
progress = TaskbarMaxProgress;
return _terminalApi.SetTaskbarProgress(static_cast<DispatchTypes::TaskbarState>(state), progress);
// 9 is SetWorkingDirectory, which informs the terminal about the current working directory.
else if (subParam == 9)
if (parts.size() >= 2)
const auto path = til::at(parts, 1);
// The path should be surrounded with '"' according to the documentation of ConEmu.
// An example: 9;"D:/"
if (path.at(0) == L'"' && path.at(path.size() - 1) == L'"' && path.size() >= 3)
return _terminalApi.SetWorkingDirectory(path.substr(1, path.size() - 2));
// If we fail to find the surrounding quotation marks, we'll give the path a try anyway.
// ConEmu also does this.
return _terminalApi.SetWorkingDirectory(path);
return false;
// Routine Description:
// - Support routine for routing private mode parameters to be set/reset as flags
// Arguments:
// - param - mode parameter to set/reset
// - enable - True for set, false for unset.
// Return Value:
// - True if handled successfully. False otherwise.
bool TerminalDispatch::_ModeParamsHelper(const DispatchTypes::ModeParams param, const bool enable) noexcept
bool success = false;
switch (param)
case DispatchTypes::ModeParams::DECCKM_CursorKeysMode:
// set - Enable Application Mode, reset - Normal mode
success = SetCursorKeysMode(enable);
case DispatchTypes::ModeParams::DECSCNM_ScreenMode:
success = SetScreenMode(enable);
case DispatchTypes::ModeParams::VT200_MOUSE_MODE:
success = EnableVT200MouseMode(enable);
case DispatchTypes::ModeParams::BUTTON_EVENT_MOUSE_MODE:
success = EnableButtonEventMouseMode(enable);
case DispatchTypes::ModeParams::ANY_EVENT_MOUSE_MODE:
success = EnableAnyEventMouseMode(enable);
case DispatchTypes::ModeParams::UTF8_EXTENDED_MODE:
success = EnableUTF8ExtendedMouseMode(enable);
case DispatchTypes::ModeParams::SGR_EXTENDED_MODE:
success = EnableSGRExtendedMouseMode(enable);
case DispatchTypes::ModeParams::ALTERNATE_SCROLL:
success = EnableAlternateScroll(enable);
case DispatchTypes::ModeParams::DECTCEM_TextCursorEnableMode:
success = CursorVisibility(enable);
case DispatchTypes::ModeParams::ATT610_StartCursorBlink:
success = EnableCursorBlinking(enable);
case DispatchTypes::ModeParams::XTERM_BracketedPasteMode:
success = EnableXtermBracketedPasteMode(enable);
case DispatchTypes::ModeParams::W32IM_Win32InputMode:
success = EnableWin32InputMode(enable);
// If no functions to call, overall dispatch was a failure.
success = false;
return success;
bool TerminalDispatch::_ClearSingleTabStop() noexcept
const auto width = _terminalApi.GetBufferSize().Dimensions().X;
const auto column = _terminalApi.GetCursorPosition().X;
_tabStopColumns.at(column) = false;
return true;
bool TerminalDispatch::_ClearAllTabStops() noexcept
_initDefaultTabStops = false;
return true;
void TerminalDispatch::_ResetTabStops() noexcept
_initDefaultTabStops = true;
void TerminalDispatch::_InitTabStopsForWidth(const size_t width)
const auto initialWidth = _tabStopColumns.size();
if (width > initialWidth)
if (_initDefaultTabStops)
for (auto column = 8u; column < _tabStopColumns.size(); column += 8)
if (column >= initialWidth)
til::at(_tabStopColumns, column) = true;
bool TerminalDispatch::SoftReset() noexcept
// TODO:GH#1883 much of this method is not yet implemented in the Terminal,
// because the Terminal _doesn't need to_ yet. The terminal is only ever
// connected to conpty, so it doesn't implement most of these things that
// Hard/Soft Reset would reset. As those things are implemented, they should
// also get cleared here.
// This code is left here (from its original form in conhost) as a reminder
// of what needs to be done.
bool success = CursorVisibility(true); // Cursor enabled.
// success = SetOriginMode(false) && success; // Absolute cursor addressing.
// success = SetAutoWrapMode(true) && success; // Wrap at end of line.
success = SetCursorKeysMode(false) && success; // Normal characters.
success = SetKeypadMode(false) && success; // Numeric characters.
// // Top margin = 1; bottom margin = page length.
// success = _DoSetTopBottomScrollingMargins(0, 0) && success;
// _termOutput = {}; // Reset all character set designations.
// if (_initialCodePage.has_value())
// {
// // Restore initial code page if previously changed by a DOCS sequence.
// success = _pConApi->SetConsoleOutputCP(_initialCodePage.value()) && success;
// }
success = SetGraphicsRendition({}) && success; // Normal rendition.
// // Reset the saved cursor state.
// // Note that XTerm only resets the main buffer state, but that
// // seems likely to be a bug. Most other terminals reset both.
// _savedCursorState.at(0) = {}; // Main buffer
// _savedCursorState.at(1) = {}; // Alt buffer
return success;
bool TerminalDispatch::HardReset() noexcept
// TODO:GH#1883 much of this method is not yet implemented in the Terminal,
// because the Terminal _doesn't need to_ yet. The terminal is only ever
// connected to conpty, so it doesn't implement most of these things that
// Hard/Soft Reset would reset. As those things ar implemented, they should
// also get cleared here.
// This code is left here (from its original form in conhost) as a reminder
// of what needs to be done.
bool success = true;
// // If in the alt buffer, switch back to main before doing anything else.
// if (_usingAltBuffer)
// {
// success = _pConApi->PrivateUseMainScreenBuffer();
// _usingAltBuffer = !success;
// }
// Sets the SGR state to normal - this must be done before EraseInDisplay
// to ensure that it clears with the default background color.
success = SoftReset() && success;
// Clears the screen - Needs to be done in two operations.
success = EraseInDisplay(DispatchTypes::EraseType::All) && success;
success = EraseInDisplay(DispatchTypes::EraseType::Scrollback) && success;
// Set the DECSCNM screen mode back to normal.
success = SetScreenMode(false) && success;
// Cursor to 1,1 - the Soft Reset guarantees this is absolute
success = CursorPosition(1, 1) && success;
// Reset the mouse mode
success = EnableSGRExtendedMouseMode(false) && success;
success = EnableAnyEventMouseMode(false) && success;
// Delete all current tab stops and reapply
return success;