Don-Vito c089ae0c57
Allow exporting terminal buffer into file via tab context menu (#11062)
## Summary of the Pull Request
**Naive implementation** of exporting the text buffer of the current pane
into a text file triggered from the tab context menu.

**Disclaimer: this is not an export of the command  history,** 
but rather just a text buffer dumped into a file when asked explicitly.

## References
Should provide partial solution for #642.

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments
The logic is following:
* Open a file save picker
  * The location is Downloads folder (should be always accessible)
  * The suggest name of the file equals to the pane's title
  * The allowed file formats list contains .txt only
* If no file selected stop
* Lock terminal
* Read all lines till the cursor
* Format each line by removing trailing white-spaces and adding CRLF if not wrapped
* Asynchronously write to selected file
* Show confirmation

As the action is relatively fast didn't add a progress bar or any other UX.
As the buffer is relatively small, holding it entirely in the memory rather than
writing line by line to disk.
2021-08-31 19:36:43 +00:00

274 lines
11 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
// Module Name:
// - ControlCore.h
// Abstract:
// - This encapsulates a `Terminal` instance, a `DxEngine` and `Renderer`, and
// an `ITerminalConnection`. This is intended to be everything that someone
// might need to stand up a terminal instance in a control, but without any
// regard for how the UX works.
// Author:
// - Mike Griese (zadjii-msft) 01-Apr-2021
#pragma once
#include "EventArgs.h"
#include "ControlCore.g.h"
#include "../../renderer/base/Renderer.hpp"
#include "../../renderer/dx/DxRenderer.hpp"
#include "../../renderer/uia/UiaRenderer.hpp"
#include "../../cascadia/TerminalCore/Terminal.hpp"
#include "../buffer/out/search.h"
#include "cppwinrt_utils.h"
namespace ControlUnitTests
class ControlCoreTests;
class ControlInteractivityTests;
namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Control::implementation
struct ControlCore : ControlCoreT<ControlCore>
ControlCore(IControlSettings settings,
TerminalConnection::ITerminalConnection connection);
bool Initialize(const double actualWidth,
const double actualHeight,
const double compositionScale);
void EnablePainting();
void UpdateSettings(const IControlSettings& settings);
void UpdateAppearance(const IControlAppearance& newAppearance);
void SizeChanged(const double width, const double height);
void ScaleChanged(const double scale);
uint64_t SwapChainHandle() const;
void AdjustFontSize(int fontSizeDelta);
void ResetFontSize();
FontInfo GetFont() const;
til::size FontSizeInDips() const;
winrt::Windows::Foundation::Size FontSize() const noexcept;
winrt::hstring FontFaceName() const noexcept;
uint16_t FontWeight() const noexcept;
til::color BackgroundColor() const;
void SetBackgroundOpacity(const double opacity);
void SendInput(const winrt::hstring& wstr);
void PasteText(const winrt::hstring& hstr);
bool CopySelectionToClipboard(bool singleLine, const Windows::Foundation::IReference<CopyFormat>& formats);
void ToggleShaderEffects();
void AdjustOpacity(const double adjustment);
void ResumeRendering();
void UpdatePatternLocations();
void SetHoveredCell(Core::Point terminalPosition);
void ClearHoveredCell();
winrt::hstring GetHyperlink(const til::point position) const;
winrt::hstring HoveredUriText() const;
Windows::Foundation::IReference<Core::Point> HoveredCell() const;
::Microsoft::Console::Types::IUiaData* GetUiaData() const;
void Close();
#pragma region ICoreState
const size_t TaskbarState() const noexcept;
const size_t TaskbarProgress() const noexcept;
hstring Title();
Windows::Foundation::IReference<winrt::Windows::UI::Color> TabColor() noexcept;
hstring WorkingDirectory() const;
TerminalConnection::ConnectionState ConnectionState() const;
int ScrollOffset();
int ViewHeight() const;
int BufferHeight() const;
bool BracketedPasteEnabled() const noexcept;
#pragma endregion
#pragma region ITerminalInput
bool TrySendKeyEvent(const WORD vkey,
const WORD scanCode,
const ::Microsoft::Terminal::Core::ControlKeyStates modifiers,
const bool keyDown);
bool SendCharEvent(const wchar_t ch,
const WORD scanCode,
const ::Microsoft::Terminal::Core::ControlKeyStates modifiers);
bool SendMouseEvent(const til::point viewportPos,
const unsigned int uiButton,
const ::Microsoft::Terminal::Core::ControlKeyStates states,
const short wheelDelta,
const ::Microsoft::Console::VirtualTerminal::TerminalInput::MouseButtonState state);
void UserScrollViewport(const int viewTop);
#pragma endregion
void BlinkAttributeTick();
void BlinkCursor();
bool CursorOn() const;
void CursorOn(const bool isCursorOn);
bool IsVtMouseModeEnabled() const;
til::point CursorPosition() const;
bool HasSelection() const;
bool CopyOnSelect() const;
Windows::Foundation::Collections::IVector<winrt::hstring> SelectedText(bool trimTrailingWhitespace) const;
void SetSelectionAnchor(til::point const& position);
void SetEndSelectionPoint(til::point const& position);
void Search(const winrt::hstring& text,
const bool goForward,
const bool caseSensitive);
void LeftClickOnTerminal(const til::point terminalPosition,
const int numberOfClicks,
const bool altEnabled,
const bool shiftEnabled,
const bool isOnOriginalPosition,
bool& selectionNeedsToBeCopied);
void AttachUiaEngine(::Microsoft::Console::Render::IRenderEngine* const pEngine);
bool IsInReadOnlyMode() const;
void ToggleReadOnlyMode();
hstring ReadEntireBuffer() const;
// -------------------------------- WinRT Events ---------------------------------
// clang-format off
WINRT_CALLBACK(FontSizeChanged, Control::FontSizeChangedEventArgs);
TYPED_EVENT(CopyToClipboard, IInspectable, Control::CopyToClipboardEventArgs);
TYPED_EVENT(TitleChanged, IInspectable, Control::TitleChangedEventArgs);
TYPED_EVENT(WarningBell, IInspectable, IInspectable);
TYPED_EVENT(TabColorChanged, IInspectable, IInspectable);
TYPED_EVENT(BackgroundColorChanged, IInspectable, IInspectable);
TYPED_EVENT(ScrollPositionChanged, IInspectable, Control::ScrollPositionChangedArgs);
TYPED_EVENT(CursorPositionChanged, IInspectable, IInspectable);
TYPED_EVENT(TaskbarProgressChanged, IInspectable, IInspectable);
TYPED_EVENT(ConnectionStateChanged, IInspectable, IInspectable);
TYPED_EVENT(HoveredHyperlinkChanged, IInspectable, IInspectable);
TYPED_EVENT(RendererEnteredErrorState, IInspectable, IInspectable);
TYPED_EVENT(SwapChainChanged, IInspectable, IInspectable);
TYPED_EVENT(RendererWarning, IInspectable, Control::RendererWarningArgs);
TYPED_EVENT(RaiseNotice, IInspectable, Control::NoticeEventArgs);
TYPED_EVENT(TransparencyChanged, IInspectable, Control::TransparencyChangedEventArgs);
TYPED_EVENT(ReceivedOutput, IInspectable, IInspectable);
// clang-format on
bool _initializedTerminal{ false };
bool _closing{ false };
TerminalConnection::ITerminalConnection _connection{ nullptr };
event_token _connectionOutputEventToken;
TerminalConnection::ITerminalConnection::StateChanged_revoker _connectionStateChangedRevoker;
std::unique_ptr<::Microsoft::Terminal::Core::Terminal> _terminal{ nullptr };
// NOTE: _renderEngine must be ordered before _renderer.
// As _renderer has a dependency on _renderEngine (through a raw pointer)
// we must ensure the _renderer is deallocated first.
// (C++ class members are destroyed in reverse order.)
std::unique_ptr<::Microsoft::Console::Render::DxEngine> _renderEngine{ nullptr };
std::unique_ptr<::Microsoft::Console::Render::Renderer> _renderer{ nullptr };
IControlSettings _settings{ nullptr };
FontInfoDesired _desiredFont;
FontInfo _actualFont;
// storage location for the leading surrogate of a utf-16 surrogate pair
std::optional<wchar_t> _leadingSurrogate{ std::nullopt };
std::optional<til::point> _lastHoveredCell{ std::nullopt };
// Track the last hyperlink ID we hovered over
uint16_t _lastHoveredId{ 0 };
bool _isReadOnly{ false };
std::optional<interval_tree::IntervalTree<til::point, size_t>::interval> _lastHoveredInterval{ std::nullopt };
// These members represent the size of the surface that we should be
// rendering to.
double _panelWidth{ 0 };
double _panelHeight{ 0 };
double _compositionScale{ 0 };
winrt::Windows::System::DispatcherQueue _dispatcher{ nullptr };
std::shared_ptr<ThrottledFuncTrailing<>> _tsfTryRedrawCanvas;
std::shared_ptr<ThrottledFuncTrailing<>> _updatePatternLocations;
std::shared_ptr<ThrottledFuncTrailing<Control::ScrollPositionChangedArgs>> _updateScrollBar;
winrt::fire_and_forget _asyncCloseConnection();
void _setFontSize(int fontSize);
void _updateFont(const bool initialUpdate = false);
void _refreshSizeUnderLock();
void _doResizeUnderLock(const double newWidth,
const double newHeight);
void _sendInputToConnection(std::wstring_view wstr);
#pragma region TerminalCoreCallbacks
void _terminalCopyToClipboard(std::wstring_view wstr);
void _terminalWarningBell();
void _terminalTitleChanged(std::wstring_view wstr);
void _terminalTabColorChanged(const std::optional<til::color> color);
void _terminalBackgroundColorChanged(const COLORREF color);
void _terminalScrollPositionChanged(const int viewTop,
const int viewHeight,
const int bufferSize);
void _terminalCursorPositionChanged();
void _terminalTaskbarProgressChanged();
#pragma endregion
#pragma region RendererCallbacks
void _rendererWarning(const HRESULT hr);
void _renderEngineSwapChainChanged();
#pragma endregion
void _raiseReadOnlyWarning();
void _updateAntiAliasingMode(::Microsoft::Console::Render::DxEngine* const dxEngine);
void _connectionOutputHandler(const hstring& hstr);
void _updateHoveredCell(const std::optional<til::point> terminalPosition);
inline bool _IsClosing() const noexcept
#ifndef NDEBUG
if (_dispatcher)
// _closing isn't atomic and may only be accessed from the main thread.
// Though, the unit tests don't actually run in TAEF's main
// thread, so we don't care when we're running in tests.
assert(_inUnitTests || _dispatcher.HasThreadAccess());
return _closing;
friend class ControlUnitTests::ControlCoreTests;
friend class ControlUnitTests::ControlInteractivityTests;
bool _inUnitTests{ false };
namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Control::factory_implementation