Luan Vitor Simião Oliveira c5124956a9
OpenConsole.psm1: use DevShell module; tidy up for PowerShell 6+ (#9508)
Saw this while snooping around, the gci command on PowerShell core seems
to store the full path in the variable as oppose to just the leaf.

The other modification is to use the PowerShell module that vs ships to
setup the environment.
2021-03-16 12:29:38 -05:00

364 lines
11 KiB

# The project's root directory.
Set-Item -force -path "env:OpenConsoleRoot" -value "$PSScriptRoot\.."
# Finds and imports a module that should be local to the project
#.PARAMETER ModuleName
# The name of the module to import
function Import-LocalModule
[parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
$modules_root = "$env:OpenConsoleRoot\.PowershellModules"
$local = $null -eq (Get-Module -Name $Name)
if (-not $local)
if (-not (Test-Path $modules_root)) {
New-Item $modules_root -ItemType 'directory' | Out-Null
if (-not (Test-Path "$modules_root\$Name")) {
Write-Verbose "$Name not downloaded -- downloading now"
$module = Find-Module "$Name"
$version = $module.Version
Write-Verbose "Saving $Name to $modules_root"
Save-Module -InputObject $module -Path $modules_root
Import-Module "$modules_root\$Name\$version\$Name.psd1"
} else {
Write-Verbose "$Name already downloaded"
$versions = Get-ChildItem "$modules_root\$Name" | Sort-Object
Get-ChildItem -Path "$($versions[0].FullName)\$Name.psd1" | Import-Module
# Grabs all environment variable set after vcvarsall.bat is called and pulls
# them into the Powershell environment.
function Set-MsbuildDevEnvironment
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
Import-LocalModule -Name 'VSSetup'
Write-Verbose 'Searching for VC++ instances'
$vsinfo = `
Get-VSSetupInstance -All -Prerelease:$Prerelease `
| Select-VSSetupInstance `
-Latest -Product * `
-Require 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.VC.Tools.x86.x64'
$vspath = $vsinfo.InstallationPath
"amd64" { $arch = "x64" }
"x86" { $arch = "x86" }
default { throw "Unknown architecture: $switch" }
$devShellModule = "$vspath\Common7\Tools\Microsoft.VisualStudio.DevShell.dll"
Import-Module -Global -Name $devShellModule
Write-Verbose 'Setting up environment variables'
Enter-VsDevShell -VsInstallPath $vspath -SkipAutomaticLocation `
-devCmdArguments "-arch=$arch" | Out-Null
Set-Item -Force -path "Env:\Platform" -Value $arch
Write-Host "Dev environment variables set" -ForegroundColor Green
# Runs a Taef test suite in a new OpenConsole window.
#.PARAMETER OpenConsolePath
# Path to the OpenConsole.exe to run.
# Path to the taef.exe to run.
# Path to the test DLL to run with Taef.
# Any arguments to path to Taef.
function Invoke-TaefInNewWindow()
Param (
Start-Process $OpenConsolePath -Wait -ArgumentList "powershell.exe $TaefPath $TestDll $TaefArgs; Read-Host 'Press enter to continue...'"
# Runs OpenConsole's tests. Will only run unit tests by default. Each ft test is
# run in its own window. Note that the uia tests will move the mouse around, so
# it must be left alone for the duration of the test.
# When set, all tests will be run.
# When set, only ft tests will be run.
# Can be used to specify that only a particular test should be run.
# Current values allowed are: host, interactivityWin32, terminal, adapter,
# feature, uia, textbuffer.
# Used to pass any additional arguments to the test runner.
#.PARAMETER Platform
# The platform of the OpenConsole tests to run. Can be "x64" or "x86".
# Defaults to "x64".
#.PARAMETER Configuration
# The configuration of the OpenConsole tests to run. Can be "Debug" or
# "Release". Defaults to "Debug".
function Invoke-OpenConsoleTests()
Param (
[ValidateSet('host', 'interactivityWin32', 'terminal', 'adapter', 'feature', 'uia', 'textbuffer', 'til', 'types', 'terminalCore', 'terminalApp', 'localTerminalApp', 'localSettingsModel', 'unitRemoting')]
[ValidateSet('x64', 'x86')]
[string]$Platform = "x64",
[ValidateSet('Debug', 'Release')]
[string]$Configuration = "Debug"
if (($AllTests -and $FTOnly) -or ($AllTests -and $Test) -or ($FTOnly -and $Test))
Write-Host "Invalid combination of flags" -ForegroundColor Red
$OpenConsolePlatform = $Platform
$TestHostAppPath = "$env:OpenConsoleRoot\$OpenConsolePlatform\$Configuration\TestHostApp"
if ($Platform -eq 'x86')
$OpenConsolePlatform = 'Win32'
$TestHostAppPath = "$env:OpenConsoleRoot\$Configuration\TestHostApp"
$OpenConsolePath = "$env:OpenConsoleroot\bin\$OpenConsolePlatform\$Configuration\OpenConsole.exe"
$TaefExePath = "$env:OpenConsoleRoot\packages\Taef.Redist.Wlk.10.57.200731005-develop\build\Binaries\$Platform\te.exe"
$BinDir = "$env:OpenConsoleRoot\bin\$OpenConsolePlatform\$Configuration"
[xml]$TestConfig = Get-Content "$env:OpenConsoleRoot\tools\tests.xml"
# check if WinAppDriver needs to be started
$WinAppDriverExe = $null
if ($AllTests -or $FtOnly -or $Test -eq "uia")
$WinAppDriverExe = [Diagnostics.Process]::Start("$env:OpenConsoleRoot\dep\WinAppDriver\WinAppDriver.exe")
# select tests to run
if ($AllTests)
$TestsToRun = $TestConfig.tests.test
elseif ($FTOnly)
$TestsToRun = $TestConfig.tests.test | Where-Object { $_.type -eq "ft" }
elseif ($Test)
$TestsToRun = $TestConfig.tests.test | Where-Object { $_.name -eq $Test }
# run unit tests by default
$TestsToRun = $TestConfig.tests.test | Where-Object { $_.type -eq "unit" }
# run selected tests
foreach ($t in $TestsToRun)
if ($t.type -eq "unit")
if ($t.runInHostApp -eq "true")
& $TaefExePath "$TestHostAppPath\$($t.binary)" $TaefArgs
& $TaefExePath "$BinDir\$($t.binary)" $TaefArgs
elseif ($t.type -eq "ft")
Invoke-TaefInNewWindow -OpenConsolePath $OpenConsolePath -TaefPath $TaefExePath -TestDll "$BinDir\$($t.binary)" -TaefArgs $TaefArgs
Write-Host "Invalid test type $t.type for test: $t.name" -ForegroundColor Red
# stop running WinAppDriver if it was launched
if ($WinAppDriverExe)
Stop-Process -Id $WinAppDriverExe.Id
# Builds OpenConsole.sln using msbuild. Any arguments get passed on to msbuild.
function Invoke-OpenConsoleBuild()
& "$env:OpenConsoleRoot\dep\nuget\nuget.exe" restore "$env:OpenConsoleRoot\OpenConsole.sln"
msbuild.exe "$env:OpenConsoleRoot\OpenConsole.sln" @args
# Launches an OpenConsole process.
#.PARAMETER Platform
# The platform of the OpenConsole executable to launch. Can be "x64" or "x86".
# Defaults to "x64".
#.PARAMETER Configuration
# The configuration of the OpenConsole executable to launch. Can be "Debug" or
# "Release". Defaults to "Debug".
function Start-OpenConsole()
Param (
[string]$Platform = "x64",
[string]$Configuration = "Debug"
if ($Platform -like "x86")
$Platform = "Win32"
& "$env:OpenConsoleRoot\bin\$Platform\$Configuration\OpenConsole.exe"
# Launches an OpenConsole process and attaches the default debugger.
#.PARAMETER Platform
# The platform of the OpenConsole executable to launch. Can be "x64" or "x86".
# Defaults to "x64".
#.PARAMETER Configuration
# The configuration of the OpenConsole executable to launch. Can be "Debug" or
# "Release". Defaults to "Debug".
function Debug-OpenConsole()
Param (
[string]$Platform = "x64",
[string]$Configuration = "Debug"
if ($Platform -like "x86")
$Platform = "Win32"
$process = [Diagnostics.Process]::Start("$env:OpenConsoleRoot\bin\$Platform\$Configuration\OpenConsole.exe")
Debug-Process -Id $process.Id
# runs clang-format on list of files
# The full paths to the files to format
function Invoke-ClangFormat {
Param (
[string]$ClangFormatPath = "clang-format" # (whichever one is in $PATH)
Begin {
$BatchSize = [int]64
$Paths = @()
Process {
ForEach($_ in $Path) {
$Paths += Get-Item $_ -ErrorAction Stop | Select -Expand FullName
End {
For($i = [int]0; $i -Lt $Paths.Length; $i += $BatchSize) {
Try {
& $ClangFormatPath -i $Paths[$i .. ($i + $BatchSize - 1)]
} Catch {
Write-Error $_
# runs code formatting on all c++ files
function Invoke-CodeFormat() {
& "$env:OpenConsoleRoot\dep\nuget\nuget.exe" restore "$env:OpenConsoleRoot\tools\packages.config"
$clangPackage = ([xml](Get-Content "$env:OpenConsoleRoot\tools\packages.config")).packages.package | Where-Object id -like "clang-format*"
$clangFormatPath = "$env:OpenConsoleRoot\packages\$($clangPackage.id).$($clangPackage.version)\tools\clang-format.exe"
Get-ChildItem -Recurse "$env:OpenConsoleRoot/src" -Include *.cpp, *.hpp, *.h |
Where FullName -NotLike "*Generated Files*" |
Invoke-ClangFormat -ClangFormatPath $clangFormatPath
Export-ModuleMember -Function Set-MsbuildDevEnvironment,Invoke-OpenConsoleTests,Invoke-OpenConsoleBuild,Start-OpenConsole,Debug-OpenConsole,Invoke-CodeFormat