Mike Griese c79334ffbb
Add a file for storing elevated-only state (#11222)
## Summary of the Pull Request

This creates an `elevated-state.json` that lives in `%LOCALAPPDATA%` next to `state.json`, that's only writable when elevated. It doesn't _use_ this file for anything, it just puts the framework down for use later.

It's _just like `ApplicationState`_. We'll use it the same way. 

It's readable when unelevated, which is nice, but not writable. If you're dumb and try to write to the file when unelevated, it'll just silently do nothing.

If we try opening the file and find out the permissions are different, we'll _blow the file away entirely_. This is to prevent someone from renaming the original file (which they can do unelevated), then slapping a new file that's writable by them down in it's place. 

## References
* We're going to use this in #11096, but these PRs need to be broken up.

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes nothing
* [x] I work here
* [x] Tests added/passed
* [ ] Requires documentation to be updated - maybe? not sure we have docs on `state.json` at all yet

## Validation Steps Performed
I've played with this much more in `dev/migrie/f/non-terminal-content-elevation-warning`

###### followed by #11308, #11310
2021-11-13 01:58:43 +01:00

394 lines
17 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "pch.h"
#include "ApplicationState.h"
#include "CascadiaSettings.h"
#include "ApplicationState.g.cpp"
#include "WindowLayout.g.cpp"
#include "ActionAndArgs.h"
#include "JsonUtils.h"
#include "FileUtils.h"
#include "../../types/inc/utils.hpp"
static constexpr std::wstring_view stateFileName{ L"state.json" };
static constexpr std::wstring_view elevatedStateFileName{ L"elevated-state.json" };
static constexpr std::string_view TabLayoutKey{ "tabLayout" };
static constexpr std::string_view InitialPositionKey{ "initialPosition" };
static constexpr std::string_view InitialSizeKey{ "initialSize" };
namespace Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::JsonUtils
using namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model;
struct ConversionTrait<WindowLayout>
WindowLayout FromJson(const Json::Value& json)
auto layout = winrt::make_self<implementation::WindowLayout>();
GetValueForKey(json, TabLayoutKey, layout->_TabLayout);
GetValueForKey(json, InitialPositionKey, layout->_InitialPosition);
GetValueForKey(json, InitialSizeKey, layout->_InitialSize);
return *layout;
bool CanConvert(const Json::Value& json)
return json.isObject();
Json::Value ToJson(const WindowLayout& val)
Json::Value json{ Json::objectValue };
SetValueForKey(json, TabLayoutKey, val.TabLayout());
SetValueForKey(json, InitialPositionKey, val.InitialPosition());
SetValueForKey(json, InitialSizeKey, val.InitialSize());
return json;
std::string TypeDescription() const
return "WindowLayout";
using namespace ::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model;
namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::implementation
winrt::hstring WindowLayout::ToJson(const Model::WindowLayout& layout)
JsonUtils::ConversionTrait<Model::WindowLayout> trait;
auto json = trait.ToJson(layout);
Json::StreamWriterBuilder wbuilder;
const auto content = Json::writeString(wbuilder, json);
return hstring{ til::u8u16(content) };
Model::WindowLayout WindowLayout::FromJson(const hstring& str)
auto data = til::u16u8(str);
std::string errs;
std::unique_ptr<Json::CharReader> reader{ Json::CharReaderBuilder::CharReaderBuilder().newCharReader() };
Json::Value root;
if (!reader->parse(data.data(), data.data() + data.size(), &root, &errs))
throw winrt::hresult_error(WEB_E_INVALID_JSON_STRING, winrt::to_hstring(errs));
JsonUtils::ConversionTrait<Model::WindowLayout> trait;
return trait.FromJson(root);
ApplicationState::ApplicationState(const std::filesystem::path& stateRoot) noexcept :
_sharedPath{ stateRoot / stateFileName },
_elevatedPath{ stateRoot / elevatedStateFileName },
_throttler{ std::chrono::seconds(1), [this]() { _write(); } }
// The destructor ensures that the last write is flushed to disk before returning.
TraceLoggingDescription("Event at the start of the ApplicationState destructor"),
// This will ensure that we not just cancel the last outstanding timer,
// but instead force it to run as soon as possible and wait for it to complete.
TraceLoggingDescription("Event at the end of the ApplicationState destructor"),
// Re-read the state.json from disk.
void ApplicationState::Reload() const noexcept
bool ApplicationState::IsStatePath(const winrt::hstring& filename)
static const auto sharedPath{ _sharedPath.filename() };
static const auto elevatedPath{ _elevatedPath.filename() };
return filename == sharedPath || filename == elevatedPath;
// Method Description:
// - See GH#11119. Removes all of the data in this ApplicationState object
// and resets it to the defaults. This will delete the state file! That's
// the sure-fire way to make sure the data doesn't come back. If we leave
// it untouched, then when we go to write the file back out, we'll first
// re-read it's contents and try to overlay our new state. However,
// nullopts won't remove keys from the JSON, so we'll end up with the
// original state in the file.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void ApplicationState::Reset() noexcept
*_state.lock() = {};
// Deserializes the state.json and user-state (or elevated-state if
// elevated) into this ApplicationState.
// * ANY errors during app state will result in the creation of a new empty state.
// * ANY errors during runtime will result in changes being partially ignored.
void ApplicationState::_read() const noexcept
std::string errs;
std::unique_ptr<Json::CharReader> reader{ Json::CharReaderBuilder::CharReaderBuilder().newCharReader() };
// First get shared state out of `state.json`.
const auto sharedData = _readSharedContents().value_or(std::string{});
if (!sharedData.empty())
Json::Value root;
if (!reader->parse(sharedData.data(), sharedData.data() + sharedData.size(), &root, &errs))
throw winrt::hresult_error(WEB_E_INVALID_JSON_STRING, winrt::to_hstring(errs));
// - If we're elevated, we want to only load the Shared properties
// from state.json. We'll then load the Local props from
// `elevated-state.json`
// - If we're unelevated, then load _everything_ from state.json.
if (::Microsoft::Console::Utils::IsElevated())
// Only load shared properties if we're elevated
FromJson(root, FileSource::Shared);
// Then, try and get anything in elevated-state
if (const auto localData{ _readLocalContents().value_or(std::string{}) }; !localData.empty())
Json::Value root;
if (!reader->parse(localData.data(), localData.data() + localData.size(), &root, &errs))
throw winrt::hresult_error(WEB_E_INVALID_JSON_STRING, winrt::to_hstring(errs));
FromJson(root, FileSource::Local);
// If we're unelevated, then load everything.
FromJson(root, FileSource::Shared | FileSource::Local);
// Serialized this ApplicationState (in `context`) into the state.json at _path.
// * Errors are only logged.
// * _state->_writeScheduled is set to false, signaling our
// setters that _synchronize() needs to be called again.
void ApplicationState::_write() const noexcept
Json::StreamWriterBuilder wbuilder;
// When we're elevated, we've got to be tricky. We don't want to write
// our window state, allowed commandlines, and other Local properties
// into the shared `state.json`. But, if we only serialize the Shared
// properties to a json blob, then we'll omit windowState entirely,
// _removing_ the window state of the unelevated instance. Oh no!
// So, to be tricky, we'll first _load_ the shared state to a json blob.
// We'll then serialize our view of the shared properties on top of that
// blob. Then we'll write that blob back to the file. This will
// round-trip the Local properties for the unelevated instances
// untouched in state.json
// After that's done, we'll write our Local properties into
// elevated-state.json.
if (::Microsoft::Console::Utils::IsElevated())
std::string errs;
std::unique_ptr<Json::CharReader> reader{ Json::CharReaderBuilder::CharReaderBuilder().newCharReader() };
Json::Value root;
// First load the contents of state.json into a json blob. This will
// contain the Shared properties and the unelevated instance's Local
// properties.
const auto sharedData = _readSharedContents().value_or(std::string{});
if (!sharedData.empty())
if (!reader->parse(sharedData.data(), sharedData.data() + sharedData.size(), &root, &errs))
throw winrt::hresult_error(WEB_E_INVALID_JSON_STRING, winrt::to_hstring(errs));
// Layer our shared properties on top of the blob from state.json,
// and write it back out.
_writeSharedContents(Json::writeString(wbuilder, _toJsonWithBlob(root, FileSource::Shared)));
// Finally, write our Local properties back to elevated-state.json
_writeLocalContents(Json::writeString(wbuilder, ToJson(FileSource::Local)));
// We're unelevated, this is easy. Just write everything back out.
_writeLocalContents(Json::writeString(wbuilder, ToJson(FileSource::Local | FileSource::Shared)));
// Returns the application-global ApplicationState object.
Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::ApplicationState ApplicationState::SharedInstance()
std::filesystem::path root{ GetBaseSettingsPath() };
static auto state = winrt::make_self<ApplicationState>(root);
return *state;
// Method Description:
// - Loads data from the given json blob. Will only read the data that's in
// the specified parseSource - so if we're reading the Local state file,
// we won't destroy previously parsed Shared data.
// - READ: there's no layering for app state.
void ApplicationState::FromJson(const Json::Value& root, FileSource parseSource) const noexcept
auto state = _state.lock();
// GetValueForKey() comes in two variants:
// * take a std::optional<T> reference
// * return std::optional<T> by value
// At the time of writing the former version skips missing fields in the json,
// but we want to explicitly clear state fields that were removed from state.json.
// GH#11222: We only load properties that are of the same type (Local or
// Shared) which we requested. If we didn't want to load this type of
// property, just skip it.
#define MTSM_APPLICATION_STATE_GEN(source, type, name, key, ...) \
if (WI_IsFlagSet(parseSource, source)) \
state->name = JsonUtils::GetValueForKey<std::optional<type>>(root, key);
Json::Value ApplicationState::ToJson(FileSource parseSource) const noexcept
Json::Value root{ Json::objectValue };
return _toJsonWithBlob(root, parseSource);
Json::Value ApplicationState::_toJsonWithBlob(Json::Value& root, FileSource parseSource) const noexcept
auto state = _state.lock_shared();
// GH#11222: We only write properties that are of the same type (Local
// or Shared) which we requested. If we didn't want to serialize this
// type of property, just skip it.
#define MTSM_APPLICATION_STATE_GEN(source, type, name, key, ...) \
if (WI_IsFlagSet(parseSource, source)) \
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(root, key, state->name);
return root;
// Generate all getter/setters
#define MTSM_APPLICATION_STATE_GEN(source, type, name, key, ...) \
type ApplicationState::name() const noexcept \
{ \
const auto state = _state.lock_shared(); \
const auto& value = state->name; \
return value ? *value : type{ __VA_ARGS__ }; \
} \
void ApplicationState::name(const type& value) noexcept \
{ \
{ \
auto state = _state.lock(); \
state->name.emplace(value); \
} \
_throttler(); \
// Method Description:
// - Read the contents of our "shared" state - state that should be shared
// for elevated and unelevated instances. This is things like the list of
// generated profiles, the command palette commandlines.
std::optional<std::string> ApplicationState::_readSharedContents() const
return ReadUTF8FileIfExists(_sharedPath);
// Method Description:
// - Read the contents of our "local" state - state that should be kept in
// separate files for elevated and unelevated instances. This is things
// like the persisted window state, and the approved commandlines (though,
// those don't matter when unelevated).
// - When elevated, this will DELETE `elevated-state.json` if it has bad
// permissions, so we don't potentially read malicious data.
std::optional<std::string> ApplicationState::_readLocalContents() const
return ::Microsoft::Console::Utils::IsElevated() ?
ReadUTF8FileIfExists(_elevatedPath, true) :
ReadUTF8FileIfExists(_sharedPath, false);
// Method Description:
// - Write the contents of our "shared" state - state that should be shared
// for elevated and unelevated instances. This will atomically write to
// `state.json`
void ApplicationState::_writeSharedContents(const std::string_view content) const
WriteUTF8FileAtomic(_sharedPath, content);
// Method Description:
// - Write the contents of our "local" state - state that should be kept in
// separate files for elevated and unelevated instances. When elevated,
// this will write to `elevated-state.json`, and when unelevated, this
// will atomically write to `user-state.json`
void ApplicationState::_writeLocalContents(const std::string_view content) const
if (::Microsoft::Console::Utils::IsElevated())
// DON'T use WriteUTF8FileAtomic, which will write to a temporary file
// then rename that file to the final filename. That actually lets us
// overwrite the elevate file's contents even when unelevated, because
// we're effectively deleting the original file, then renaming a
// different file in it's place.
// We're not worried about someone else doing that though, if they do
// that with the wrong permissions, then we'll just ignore the file and
// start over.
WriteUTF8File(_elevatedPath, content, true);
WriteUTF8FileAtomic(_sharedPath, content);