Mike Griese c79334ffbb
Add a file for storing elevated-only state (#11222)
## Summary of the Pull Request

This creates an `elevated-state.json` that lives in `%LOCALAPPDATA%` next to `state.json`, that's only writable when elevated. It doesn't _use_ this file for anything, it just puts the framework down for use later.

It's _just like `ApplicationState`_. We'll use it the same way. 

It's readable when unelevated, which is nice, but not writable. If you're dumb and try to write to the file when unelevated, it'll just silently do nothing.

If we try opening the file and find out the permissions are different, we'll _blow the file away entirely_. This is to prevent someone from renaming the original file (which they can do unelevated), then slapping a new file that's writable by them down in it's place. 

## References
* We're going to use this in #11096, but these PRs need to be broken up.

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes nothing
* [x] I work here
* [x] Tests added/passed
* [ ] Requires documentation to be updated - maybe? not sure we have docs on `state.json` at all yet

## Validation Steps Performed
I've played with this much more in `dev/migrie/f/non-terminal-content-elevation-warning`

###### followed by #11308, #11310
2021-11-13 01:58:43 +01:00

99 lines
3 KiB

Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
- utils.hpp
- Helpful cross-lib utilities
- Mike Griese (migrie) 12-Jun-2018
#pragma once
namespace Microsoft::Console::Utils
// Function Description:
// - Returns -1, 0 or +1 to indicate the sign of the passed-in value.
template<typename T>
constexpr int Sign(T val) noexcept
return (T{ 0 } < val) - (val < T{ 0 });
bool IsValidHandle(const HANDLE handle) noexcept;
// Function Description:
// - Clamps a long in between `min` and `SHRT_MAX`
// Arguments:
// - value: the value to clamp
// - min: the minimum value to clamp to
// Return Value:
// - The clamped value as a short.
constexpr short ClampToShortMax(const long value, const short min) noexcept
return static_cast<short>(std::clamp(value,
std::wstring GuidToString(const GUID guid);
GUID GuidFromString(_Null_terminated_ const wchar_t* str);
GUID CreateGuid();
std::string ColorToHexString(const til::color color);
til::color ColorFromHexString(const std::string_view wstr);
std::optional<til::color> ColorFromXTermColor(const std::wstring_view wstr) noexcept;
std::optional<til::color> ColorFromXParseColorSpec(const std::wstring_view wstr) noexcept;
bool HexToUint(const wchar_t wch, unsigned int& value) noexcept;
bool StringToUint(const std::wstring_view wstr, unsigned int& value);
std::vector<std::wstring_view> SplitString(const std::wstring_view wstr, const wchar_t delimiter) noexcept;
enum FilterOption
None = 0,
// Convert CR+LF and LF-only line endings to CR-only.
CarriageReturnNewline = 1u << 0,
// For security reasons, remove most control characters.
ControlCodes = 1u << 1,
std::wstring FilterStringForPaste(const std::wstring_view wstr, const FilterOption option);
constexpr uint16_t EndianSwap(uint16_t value)
return (value & 0xFF00) >> 8 |
(value & 0x00FF) << 8;
constexpr uint32_t EndianSwap(uint32_t value)
return (value & 0xFF000000) >> 24 |
(value & 0x00FF0000) >> 8 |
(value & 0x0000FF00) << 8 |
(value & 0x000000FF) << 24;
constexpr unsigned long EndianSwap(unsigned long value)
return gsl::narrow_cast<unsigned long>(EndianSwap(gsl::narrow_cast<uint32_t>(value)));
constexpr GUID EndianSwap(GUID value)
value.Data1 = EndianSwap(value.Data1);
value.Data2 = EndianSwap(value.Data2);
value.Data3 = EndianSwap(value.Data3);
return value;
GUID CreateV5Uuid(const GUID& namespaceGuid, const gsl::span<const gsl::byte> name);
bool IsElevated();