Carlos Zamora d3b9a780d3
Allow setting the action on Actions page (#10220)
This introduces the ability to set the action for a key binding. A combo box is used to let the user select a new action.

## References
#6900 - Actions page Epic
#9427 - Actions page design doc
#9949 - Actions page PR

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments
### Settings Model Changes
- `ActionAndArgs`
   - new ctor that just takes a `ShortcutAction`
- `ActionMap`
   - `AvailableActions` provides a map of all the "acceptable" actions to choose from. This is a merged list of (1) all `{ "command": X }` style actions and (2) any actions with args that are already defined in the ActionMap (or any parents).
   - `RegisterKeyBinding` introduces a new unnamed key binding to the action map.

### Editor Changes
   - Pretty straightforward, when in edit mode, we replace the text block with a combo box. This combo box just presents the actions you can choose from.
- `RebindKeysEventArgs` --> `ModifyKeyBindingEventArgs`
- `AvailableActionAndArgs`
   - stores the list of actions to choose from in the combo box
   - _Unfortunately_, `KeyBindingViewModel` needs this so that we can populate the combo box
   - `Actions` stores and maintains this though. We populate this from the settings model on navigation.
- `ProposedAction` vs `CurrentAction`
   - similar to `ProposedKeys` and `Keys`, we need a way to distinguish the value from the settings model and the value of the control (i.e. combo box).
   - `CurrentAction` --> settings model
   - `ProposedAction` --> combo box selected item

## Validation Steps Performed
- Cancel:
   - ✔️ change action --> cancel button --> begin editing action again --> original action is selected
- Accept:
   - ✔️ don't change anything
   - ✔️ change action --> OK! --> Save!
      - NOTE: The original action is still left as a stub `{ "command": "closePane" }`. This is intentional because we want to prevent all modifications to the command palette.
   - ✔️ change action & change key chord --> OK! --> Save!
   - ✔️ change action & change key chord (conflicting key chord) --> OK! --> click ok on flyout --> Save!
      - NOTE: original action is left as a stub; original key chord explicitly unbound; new command/keys combo added.
2021-07-02 15:35:55 -07:00

31 lines
1.4 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
import "Command.idl";
namespace Microsoft.Terminal.Settings.Model
// This interface ensures that no changes are made to ActionMap
interface IActionMapView
Command GetActionByKeyChord(Microsoft.Terminal.Control.KeyChord keys);
Microsoft.Terminal.Control.KeyChord GetKeyBindingForAction(ShortcutAction action);
[method_name("GetKeyBindingForActionWithArgs")] Microsoft.Terminal.Control.KeyChord GetKeyBindingForAction(ShortcutAction action, IActionArgs actionArgs);
Windows.Foundation.Collections.IMapView<String, ActionAndArgs> AvailableActions { get; };
Windows.Foundation.Collections.IMapView<String, Command> NameMap { get; };
Windows.Foundation.Collections.IMapView<Microsoft.Terminal.Control.KeyChord, Command> KeyBindings { get; };
Windows.Foundation.Collections.IMapView<Microsoft.Terminal.Control.KeyChord, Command> GlobalHotkeys { get; };
[default_interface] runtimeclass ActionMap : IActionMapView
void RebindKeys(Microsoft.Terminal.Control.KeyChord oldKeys, Microsoft.Terminal.Control.KeyChord newKeys);
void DeleteKeyBinding(Microsoft.Terminal.Control.KeyChord keys);
void RegisterKeyBinding(Microsoft.Terminal.Control.KeyChord keys, ActionAndArgs action);