Dustin L. Howett (MSFT) 2407828d03
Allow the mapping of OEM keys ({}|\<>/_-=+) in key bindings (#2067)
This commit introduces support for key bindings containing keys
traditionally classified as "OEM" keys. It uses VkKeyScanW and
MapVirtualKeyW, and translates the modifiers that come out of
VkKeyScanW to key chord modifiers.

The net result of this is that you can use bindings like "ctrl+|" in
your settings. That one in particular will be reserialized (and
displayed in any menus) as "ctrl+shift+\". Admittedly, this is not
clear, but it _is_ the truest representation of the key.

This commit also moves the Xaml key chord name override generator into
App as a static function, *AND* it forces its use for all modifier
names. This will present a localization issue, which will be helped in
part by #1972. This is required to work around
microsoft/microsoft-ui-xaml#708. I've kept the original code around
guarded by a puzzling ifdef, because it absolutely has value.

Fixes #1212.
2019-07-23 14:05:07 -07:00

267 lines
8.9 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "pch.h"
#include "KeyChordSerialization.h"
using namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings;
static constexpr std::wstring_view CTRL_KEY{ L"ctrl" };
static constexpr std::wstring_view SHIFT_KEY{ L"shift" };
static constexpr std::wstring_view ALT_KEY{ L"alt" };
static constexpr int MAX_CHORD_PARTS = 4;
// clang-format off
static const std::unordered_map<int32_t, std::wstring_view> vkeyNamePairs {
{ VK_BACK , L"backspace"},
{ VK_TAB , L"tab"},
{ VK_RETURN , L"enter" },
{ VK_ESCAPE , L"esc" },
{ VK_SPACE , L"space" },
{ VK_PRIOR , L"pgup" },
{ VK_NEXT , L"pgdn" },
{ VK_END , L"end" },
{ VK_HOME , L"home" },
{ VK_LEFT , L"left" },
{ VK_UP , L"up" },
{ VK_RIGHT , L"right" },
{ VK_DOWN , L"down" },
{ VK_INSERT , L"insert" },
{ VK_DELETE , L"delete" },
{ VK_NUMPAD0 , L"numpad_0" },
{ VK_NUMPAD1 , L"numpad_1" },
{ VK_NUMPAD2 , L"numpad_2" },
{ VK_NUMPAD3 , L"numpad_3" },
{ VK_NUMPAD4 , L"numpad_4" },
{ VK_NUMPAD5 , L"numpad_5" },
{ VK_NUMPAD6 , L"numpad_6" },
{ VK_NUMPAD7 , L"numpad_7" },
{ VK_NUMPAD8 , L"numpad_8" },
{ VK_NUMPAD9 , L"numpad_9" },
{ VK_MULTIPLY , L"numpad_multiply" },
{ VK_ADD , L"numpad_plus" },
{ VK_SUBTRACT , L"numpad_minus" },
{ VK_DECIMAL , L"numpad_period" },
{ VK_DIVIDE , L"numpad_divide" },
{ VK_F1 , L"f1" },
{ VK_F2 , L"f2" },
{ VK_F3 , L"f3" },
{ VK_F4 , L"f4" },
{ VK_F5 , L"f5" },
{ VK_F6 , L"f6" },
{ VK_F7 , L"f7" },
{ VK_F8 , L"f8" },
{ VK_F9 , L"f9" },
{ VK_F10 , L"f10" },
{ VK_F11 , L"f11" },
{ VK_F12 , L"f12" },
{ VK_F13 , L"f13" },
{ VK_F14 , L"f14" },
{ VK_F15 , L"f15" },
{ VK_F16 , L"f16" },
{ VK_F17 , L"f17" },
{ VK_F18 , L"f18" },
{ VK_F19 , L"f19" },
{ VK_F20 , L"f20" },
{ VK_F21 , L"f21" },
{ VK_F22 , L"f22" },
{ VK_F23 , L"f23" },
{ VK_F24 , L"f24" },
{ VK_OEM_PLUS , L"plus" }
// clang-format on
// Function Description:
// - Deserializes the given string into a new KeyChord instance. If this
// fails to translate the string into a keychord, it will throw a
// hresult_invalid_argument exception.
// - The string should fit the format "[ctrl+][alt+][shift+]<keyName>",
// where each modifier is optional, and keyName is either one of the
// names listed in the vkeyNamePairs vector above, or is one of 0-9a-zA-Z.
// Arguments:
// - hstr: the string to parse into a keychord.
// Return Value:
// - a newly constructed KeyChord
winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::KeyChord KeyChordSerialization::FromString(const winrt::hstring& hstr)
std::wstring wstr{ hstr };
// Split the string on '+'
std::wstring temp;
std::vector<std::wstring> parts;
std::wstringstream wss(wstr);
while (std::getline(wss, temp, L'+'))
// If we have > 4, something's wrong.
if (parts.size() > MAX_CHORD_PARTS)
throw winrt::hresult_invalid_argument();
KeyModifiers modifiers = KeyModifiers::None;
int32_t vkey = 0;
// Look for ctrl, shift, alt. Anything else might be a key
for (const auto& part : parts)
std::wstring lowercase = part;
std::transform(lowercase.begin(), lowercase.end(), lowercase.begin(), std::towlower);
if (lowercase == CTRL_KEY)
modifiers |= KeyModifiers::Ctrl;
else if (lowercase == ALT_KEY)
modifiers |= KeyModifiers::Alt;
else if (lowercase == SHIFT_KEY)
modifiers |= KeyModifiers::Shift;
bool foundKey = false;
// For potential keys, look through the pairs of strings and vkeys
if (part.size() == 1)
const wchar_t wch = part.at(0);
// Quick lookup: ranges of vkeys that correlate directly to a key.
if (wch >= L'0' && wch <= L'9')
vkey = static_cast<int32_t>(wch);
foundKey = true;
else if (wch >= L'a' && wch <= L'z')
// subtract 0x20 to shift to uppercase
vkey = static_cast<int32_t>(wch - 0x20);
foundKey = true;
else if (wch >= L'A' && wch <= L'Z')
vkey = static_cast<int32_t>(wch);
foundKey = true;
// If we didn't find the key with a quick lookup, search the
// table to see if we have a matching name.
if (!foundKey)
for (const auto& pair : vkeyNamePairs)
if (pair.second == part)
vkey = pair.first;
foundKey = true;
// If we haven't found a key, attempt a keyboard mapping
if (!foundKey && part.size() == 1)
auto oemVk = VkKeyScanW(part[0]);
if (oemVk != -1)
vkey = oemVk & 0xFF;
auto oemModifiers = (oemVk & 0xFF00) >> 8;
// We're using WI_SetFlagIf instead of WI_UpdateFlag because we want to be strictly additive
// to the user's specified modifiers. ctrl+| should be the same as ctrl+shift+\,
// but if we used WI_UpdateFlag, ctrl+shift+\ would turn _off_ Shift because \ doesn't
// require it.
WI_SetFlagIf(modifiers, KeyModifiers::Shift, WI_IsFlagSet(oemModifiers, 1U));
WI_SetFlagIf(modifiers, KeyModifiers::Ctrl, WI_IsFlagSet(oemModifiers, 2U));
WI_SetFlagIf(modifiers, KeyModifiers::Alt, WI_IsFlagSet(oemModifiers, 4U));
foundKey = true;
// If we weren't able to find a match, throw an exception.
if (!foundKey)
throw winrt::hresult_invalid_argument();
return winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::KeyChord{ modifiers, vkey };
// Function Description:
// - Serialize this keychord into a string represenation.
// - The string will fit the format "[ctrl+][alt+][shift+]<keyName>",
// where each modifier is optional, and keyName is either one of the
// names listed in the vkeyNamePairs vector above, or is one of 0-9a-z.
// Return Value:
// - a string which is an equivalent serialization of this object.
winrt::hstring KeyChordSerialization::ToString(const KeyChord& chord)
bool serializedSuccessfully = false;
const auto modifiers = chord.Modifiers();
const auto vkey = chord.Vkey();
std::wstring buffer{ L"" };
// Add modifiers
if (WI_IsFlagSet(modifiers, KeyModifiers::Ctrl))
buffer += CTRL_KEY;
buffer += L"+";
if (WI_IsFlagSet(modifiers, KeyModifiers::Alt))
buffer += ALT_KEY;
buffer += L"+";
if (WI_IsFlagSet(modifiers, KeyModifiers::Shift))
buffer += SHIFT_KEY;
buffer += L"+";
// Quick lookup: ranges of vkeys that correlate directly to a key.
if (vkey >= L'0' && vkey <= L'9')
buffer += std::wstring(1, static_cast<wchar_t>(vkey));
serializedSuccessfully = true;
else if (vkey >= L'A' && vkey <= L'Z')
// add 0x20 to shift to lowercase
buffer += std::wstring(1, static_cast<wchar_t>(vkey + 0x20));
serializedSuccessfully = true;
if (vkeyNamePairs.find(vkey) != vkeyNamePairs.end())
buffer += vkeyNamePairs.at(vkey);
serializedSuccessfully = true;
auto mappedChar = MapVirtualKeyW(vkey, MAPVK_VK_TO_CHAR);
if (mappedChar != 0)
wchar_t mappedWch = gsl::narrow_cast<wchar_t>(mappedChar);
buffer += std::wstring_view{ &mappedWch, 1 };
serializedSuccessfully = true;
if (!serializedSuccessfully)
buffer = L"";
return winrt::hstring{ buffer };