Don-Vito cb55cec275
Teach CmdPal search to use user locale (#9943)
## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/issues/9941
* [x] CLA signed.

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments
The bug is due to us using std::tolower, while the default locale is not user's locale.
The fix here is to use the same approach as upon sorting: lstrcmpi.
While there are additional methods to do locale aware comparison,
here we convert chars to string and call lstrcmpi.
While this approach seems somewhat inefficient it ensures consistency
(with the order of locales that lstrcmi tries to apply internally).
2021-05-04 23:31:15 +00:00

243 lines
11 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "pch.h"
#include "CommandPalette.h"
#include "HighlightedText.h"
#include <LibraryResources.h>
#include "FilteredCommand.g.cpp"
using namespace winrt;
using namespace winrt::TerminalApp;
using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::Core;
using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml;
using namespace winrt::Windows::System;
using namespace winrt::Windows::Foundation;
using namespace winrt::Windows::Foundation::Collections;
using namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model;
namespace winrt::TerminalApp::implementation
// This class is a wrapper of PaletteItem, that is used as an item of a filterable list in CommandPalette.
// It manages a highlighted text that is computed by matching search filter characters to item name
FilteredCommand::FilteredCommand(winrt::TerminalApp::PaletteItem const& item) :
_HighlightedName = _computeHighlightedName();
// Recompute the highlighted name if the item name changes
_itemChangedRevoker = _Item.PropertyChanged(winrt::auto_revoke, [weakThis{ get_weak() }](auto& /*sender*/, auto& e) {
auto filteredCommand{ weakThis.get() };
if (filteredCommand && e.PropertyName() == L"Name")
void FilteredCommand::UpdateFilter(winrt::hstring const& filter)
// If the filter was not changed we want to prevent the re-computation of matching
// that might result in triggering a notification event
if (filter != _Filter)
// Method Description:
// - Looks up the filter characters within the item name.
// Iterating through the filter and the item name it tries to associate the next filter character
// with the first appearance of this character in the item name suffix.
// E.g., for filter="c l t s" and name="close all tabs after this", the match will be "CLose TabS after this".
// The item name is then split into segments (groupings of matched and non matched characters).
// E.g., the segments were the example above will be "CL", "ose ", "T", "ab", "S", "after this".
// The segments matching the filter characters are marked as highlighted.
// E.g., ("CL", true) ("ose ", false), ("T", true), ("ab", false), ("S", true), ("after this", false)
// TODO: we probably need to merge this logic with _getWeight computation?
// Return Value:
// - The HighlightedText object initialized with the segments computed according to the algorithm above.
winrt::TerminalApp::HighlightedText FilteredCommand::_computeHighlightedName()
const auto segments = winrt::single_threaded_observable_vector<winrt::TerminalApp::HighlightedTextSegment>();
auto commandName = _Item.Name();
bool isProcessingMatchedSegment = false;
uint32_t nextOffsetToReport = 0;
uint32_t currentOffset = 0;
for (const auto searchChar : _Filter)
const WCHAR searchCharAsString[] = { searchChar, L'\0' };
while (true)
if (currentOffset == commandName.size())
// There are still unmatched filter characters but we finished scanning the name.
// In this case we return the entire item name as unmatched
auto entireNameSegment{ winrt::make<HighlightedTextSegment>(commandName, false) };
return winrt::make<HighlightedText>(segments);
// GH#9941: search should be locale-aware as well
// We use the same comparison method as upon sorting to guarantee consistent behavior
const WCHAR currentCharAsString[] = { commandName[currentOffset], L'\0' };
auto isCurrentCharMatched = lstrcmpi(searchCharAsString, currentCharAsString) == 0;
if (isProcessingMatchedSegment != isCurrentCharMatched)
// We reached the end of the region (matched character came after a series of unmatched or vice versa).
// Conclude the segment and add it to the list.
// Skip segment if it is empty (might happen when the first character of the name is matched)
auto sizeToReport = currentOffset - nextOffsetToReport;
if (sizeToReport > 0)
winrt::hstring segment{ commandName.data() + nextOffsetToReport, sizeToReport };
auto highlightedSegment{ winrt::make<HighlightedTextSegment>(segment, isProcessingMatchedSegment) };
nextOffsetToReport = currentOffset;
isProcessingMatchedSegment = isCurrentCharMatched;
if (isCurrentCharMatched)
// We have matched this filter character, let's move to matching the next filter char
// Either the filter or the item name were fully processed.
// If we were in the middle of the matched segment - add it.
if (isProcessingMatchedSegment)
auto sizeToReport = currentOffset - nextOffsetToReport;
if (sizeToReport > 0)
winrt::hstring segment{ commandName.data() + nextOffsetToReport, sizeToReport };
auto highlightedSegment{ winrt::make<HighlightedTextSegment>(segment, true) };
nextOffsetToReport = currentOffset;
// Now create a segment for all remaining characters.
// We will have remaining characters as long as the filter is shorter than the item name.
auto sizeToReport = commandName.size() - nextOffsetToReport;
if (sizeToReport > 0)
winrt::hstring segment{ commandName.data() + nextOffsetToReport, sizeToReport };
auto highlightedSegment{ winrt::make<HighlightedTextSegment>(segment, false) };
return winrt::make<HighlightedText>(segments);
// Function Description:
// - Calculates a "weighting" by which should be used to order a item
// name relative to other names, given a specific search string.
// Currently, this is based off of two factors:
// * The weight is incremented once for each matched character of the
// search text.
// * If a matching character from the search text was found at the start
// of a word in the name, then we increment the weight again.
// * For example, for a search string "sp", we want "Split Pane" to
// appear in the list before "Close Pane"
// * Consecutive matches will be weighted higher than matches with
// characters in between the search characters.
// - This will return 0 if the item should not be shown. If all the
// characters of search text appear in order in `name`, then this function
// will return a positive number. There can be any number of characters
// separating consecutive characters in searchText.
// * For example:
// "name": "New Tab"
// "name": "Close Tab"
// "name": "Close Pane"
// "name": "[-] Split Horizontal"
// "name": "[ | ] Split Vertical"
// "name": "Next Tab"
// "name": "Prev Tab"
// "name": "Open Settings"
// "name": "Open Media Controls"
// * "open" should return both "**Open** Settings" and "**Open** Media Controls".
// * "Tab" would return "New **Tab**", "Close **Tab**", "Next **Tab**" and "Prev
// **Tab**".
// * "P" would return "Close **P**ane", "[-] S**p**lit Horizontal", "[ | ]
// S**p**lit Vertical", "**P**rev Tab", "O**p**en Settings" and "O**p**en Media
// Controls".
// * "sv" would return "[ | ] Split Vertical" (by matching the **S** in
// "Split", then the **V** in "Vertical").
// Arguments:
// - searchText: the string of text to search for in `name`
// - name: the name to check
// Return Value:
// - the relative weight of this match
int FilteredCommand::_computeWeight()
int result = 0;
bool isNextSegmentWordBeginning = true;
for (const auto& segment : _HighlightedName.Segments())
const auto& segmentText = segment.TextSegment();
const auto segmentSize = segmentText.size();
if (segment.IsHighlighted())
// Give extra point for each consecutive match
result += (segmentSize <= 1) ? segmentSize : 1 + 2 * (segmentSize - 1);
// Give extra point if this segment is at the beginning of a word
if (isNextSegmentWordBeginning)
isNextSegmentWordBeginning = segmentSize > 0 && segmentText[segmentSize - 1] == L' ';
return result;
// Function Description:
// - Implementation of Compare for FilteredCommand interface.
// Compares first instance of the interface with the second instance, first by weight, then by name.
// In the case of a tie prefers the first instance.
// Arguments:
// - other: another instance of FilteredCommand interface
// Return Value:
// - Returns true if the first is "bigger" (aka should appear first)
int FilteredCommand::Compare(winrt::TerminalApp::FilteredCommand const& first, winrt::TerminalApp::FilteredCommand const& second)
auto firstWeight{ first.Weight() };
auto secondWeight{ second.Weight() };
if (firstWeight == secondWeight)
std::wstring_view firstName{ first.Item().Name() };
std::wstring_view secondName{ second.Item().Name() };
return lstrcmpi(firstName.data(), secondName.data()) < 0;
return firstWeight > secondWeight;