Dustin L. Howett d33ca7e8eb
From orbit, nuke the Telnet connection and all supporting infra. (#7840)
This is not going to be our plan of record for Universal going forward.

This updates the Universal configuration to 1) match non-universal and 2) switch to local applications
2020-10-09 18:59:58 +00:00

993 lines
38 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "pch.h"
#include "AzureConnection.h"
#include "AzureClientID.h"
#include <sstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <LibraryResources.h>
#include <unicode.hpp>
#include "AzureConnection.g.cpp"
#include "winrt/Windows.System.UserProfile.h"
#include "../../types/inc/Utils.hpp"
using namespace ::Microsoft::Console;
using namespace ::Microsoft::Terminal::Azure;
using namespace web;
using namespace web::http;
using namespace web::http::client;
using namespace web::websockets::client;
using namespace winrt::Windows::Security::Credentials;
static constexpr int CurrentCredentialVersion = 1;
static constexpr auto PasswordVaultResourceName = L"Terminal";
static constexpr auto HttpUserAgent = L"Terminal/0.0";
static constexpr int USER_INPUT_COLOR = 93; // yellow - the color of something the user can type
static constexpr int USER_INFO_COLOR = 97; // white - the color of clarifying information
static constexpr winrt::guid AzureConnectionType = { 0xd9fcfdfa, 0xa479, 0x412c, { 0x83, 0xb7, 0xc5, 0x64, 0xe, 0x61, 0xcd, 0x62 } };
static inline std::wstring _colorize(const unsigned int colorCode, const std::wstring_view text)
return fmt::format(L"\x1b[{0}m{1}\x1b[m", colorCode, text);
// Takes N resource names, loads the first one as a format string, and then
// loads all the remaining ones into the %s arguments in the first one after
// colorizing them in the USER_INPUT_COLOR.
// This is intended to be used to drop UserEntry resources into an existing string.
template<typename... Args>
static inline std::wstring _formatResWithColoredUserInputOptions(const std::wstring_view resourceKey, Args&&... args)
return fmt::format(std::wstring_view{ GetLibraryResourceString(resourceKey) }, (_colorize(USER_INPUT_COLOR, GetLibraryResourceString(args)))...);
static inline std::wstring _formatTenant(int tenantNumber, const Tenant& tenant)
return fmt::format(std::wstring_view{ RS_(L"AzureIthTenant") },
_colorize(USER_INPUT_COLOR, std::to_wstring(tenantNumber)),
_colorize(USER_INFO_COLOR, tenant.DisplayName.value_or(std::wstring{ RS_(L"AzureUnknownTenantName") })),
tenant.DefaultDomain.value_or(tenant.ID)); // use the domain name if possible, ID if not.
namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::TerminalConnection::implementation
winrt::guid AzureConnection::ConnectionType() noexcept
return AzureConnectionType;
// This function exists because the clientID only gets added by the release pipelines
// and is not available on local builds, so we want to be able to make sure we don't
// try to make an Azure connection if its a local build
bool AzureConnection::IsAzureConnectionAvailable() noexcept
return (AzureClientID != L"0");
AzureConnection::AzureConnection(const uint32_t initialRows, const uint32_t initialCols) :
_initialRows{ initialRows },
_initialCols{ initialCols },
// Method description:
// - helper that will write an unterminated string (generally, from a resource) to the output stream.
// Arguments:
// - str: the string to write.
void AzureConnection::_WriteStringWithNewline(const std::wstring_view str)
_TerminalOutputHandlers(str + L"\r\n");
// Method description:
// - helper that prints exception information to the output stream.
// Arguments:
// - [IMPLICIT] the current exception context
void AzureConnection::_WriteCaughtExceptionRecord()
catch (const std::exception& runtimeException)
// This also catches the AzureException, which has a .what()
_TerminalOutputHandlers(_colorize(91, til::u8u16(std::string{ runtimeException.what() })));
catch (...)
// Method description:
// - ascribes to the ITerminalConnection interface
// - creates the output thread (where we will do the authentication and actually connect to Azure)
void AzureConnection::Start()
// Create our own output handling thread
// Each connection needs to make sure to drain the output from its backing host.
[](LPVOID lpParameter) noexcept {
AzureConnection* const pInstance = static_cast<AzureConnection*>(lpParameter);
if (pInstance)
return pInstance->_OutputThread();
return gsl::narrow_cast<DWORD>(E_INVALIDARG);
std::optional<std::wstring> AzureConnection::_ReadUserInput(InputMode mode)
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> inputLock{ _inputMutex };
if (_isStateAtOrBeyond(ConnectionState::Closing))
return std::nullopt;
_currentInputMode = mode;
_TerminalOutputHandlers(L"> \x1b[92m"); // Make prompted user input green
_inputEvent.wait(inputLock, [this, mode]() {
return _currentInputMode != mode || _isStateAtOrBeyond(ConnectionState::Closing);
if (_isStateAtOrBeyond(ConnectionState::Closing))
return std::nullopt;
std::wstring readInput{};
return readInput;
// Method description:
// - ascribes to the ITerminalConnection interface
// - handles the different possible inputs in the different states
// Arguments:
// the user's input
void AzureConnection::WriteInput(hstring const& data)
// We read input while connected AND connecting.
if (!_isStateOneOf(ConnectionState::Connected, ConnectionState::Connecting))
if (_state == AzureState::TermConnected)
// If we're connected, we don't need to do any fun input shenanigans.
websocket_outgoing_message msg;
const auto str = winrt::to_string(data);
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock{ _inputMutex };
if (data.size() > 0 && (gsl::at(data, 0) == UNICODE_BACKSPACE || gsl::at(data, 0) == UNICODE_DEL)) // BS or DEL
if (_userInput.size() > 0)
_TerminalOutputHandlers(L"\x08 \x08"); // overstrike the character with a space
_TerminalOutputHandlers(data); // echo back
switch (_currentInputMode)
case InputMode::Line:
if (data.size() > 0 && gsl::at(data, 0) == UNICODE_CARRIAGERETURN)
_TerminalOutputHandlers(L"\r\n"); // we probably got a \r, so we need to advance to the next line.
_currentInputMode = InputMode::None; // toggling the mode indicates completion
std::copy(data.cbegin(), data.cend(), std::back_inserter(_userInput));
// Method description:
// - ascribes to the ITerminalConnection interface
// - resizes the terminal
// Arguments:
// - the new rows/cols values
void AzureConnection::Resize(uint32_t rows, uint32_t columns)
if (!_isConnected())
_initialRows = rows;
_initialCols = columns;
else // We only transition to Connected when we've established the websocket.
// Initialize client
http_client terminalClient(_cloudShellUri);
// Initialize the request
http_request terminalRequest(L"POST");
terminalRequest.set_request_uri(fmt::format(L"terminals/{}/size?cols={}&rows={}&version=2019-01-01", _terminalID, columns, rows));
// Send the request (don't care about the response)
(void)_SendAuthenticatedRequestReturningJson(terminalClient, terminalRequest);
// Method description:
// - ascribes to the ITerminalConnection interface
// - closes the websocket connection and the output thread
void AzureConnection::Close()
if (_transitionToState(ConnectionState::Closing))
if (_state == AzureState::TermConnected)
// Close the websocket connection
auto closedTask = _cloudShellSocket.close();
if (_hOutputThread)
// Tear down our output thread
WaitForSingleObject(_hOutputThread.get(), INFINITE);
// Method description:
// - This method returns a tenant's ID and display name (if one is available).
// If there is no display name, a placeholder is returned in its stead.
// Arguments:
// - tenant - the unparsed tenant
// Return value:
// - a tuple containing the ID and display name of the tenant.
static Tenant _crackTenant(const json::value& jsonTenant)
Tenant tenant{};
if (jsonTenant.has_string_field(L"tenantID"))
// for compatibility with version 1 credentials
tenant.ID = jsonTenant.at(L"tenantID").as_string();
// This one comes in off the wire
tenant.ID = jsonTenant.at(L"tenantId").as_string();
if (jsonTenant.has_string_field(L"displayName"))
tenant.DisplayName = jsonTenant.at(L"displayName").as_string();
if (jsonTenant.has_string_field(L"defaultDomain"))
tenant.DefaultDomain = jsonTenant.at(L"defaultDomain").as_string();
return tenant;
static void _packTenant(json::value& jsonTenant, const Tenant& tenant)
jsonTenant[L"tenantId"] = json::value::string(tenant.ID);
if (tenant.DisplayName.has_value())
jsonTenant[L"displayName"] = json::value::string(*tenant.DisplayName);
if (tenant.DefaultDomain.has_value())
jsonTenant[L"defaultDomain"] = json::value::string(*tenant.DefaultDomain);
// Method description:
// - this is the output thread, where we initiate the connection to Azure
// and establish a websocket connection
// Return value:
// - return status
DWORD AzureConnection::_OutputThread()
while (true)
if (_isStateAtOrBeyond(ConnectionState::Closing))
// If we enter a new state while closing, just bail.
return S_FALSE;
switch (_state)
// Initial state, check if the user has any stored connection settings and allow them to login with those
// or allow them to login with a different account or allow them to remove the saved settings
case AzureState::AccessStored:
// User has no saved connection settings or has opted to login with a different account
// Azure authentication happens here
case AzureState::DeviceFlow:
// User has multiple tenants in their Azure account, they need to choose which one to connect to
case AzureState::TenantChoice:
// Ask the user if they want to save these connection settings for future logins
case AzureState::StoreTokens:
// Connect to Azure, we only get here once we have everything we need (tenantID, accessToken, refreshToken)
case AzureState::TermConnecting:
// We are connected, continuously read from the websocket until its closed
case AzureState::TermConnected:
while (true)
// Read from websocket
pplx::task<websocket_incoming_message> msgT;
msgT = _cloudShellSocket.receive();
catch (...)
// Websocket has been closed; consider it a graceful exit?
// This should result in our termination.
if (_transitionToState(ConnectionState::Closed))
// End the output thread.
return S_FALSE;
auto msg = msgT.get();
auto msgStringTask = msg.extract_string();
auto msgString = msgStringTask.get();
// Convert to hstring
const auto hstr = winrt::to_hstring(msgString);
// Pass the output to our registered event handlers
return S_OK;
catch (...)
return E_FAIL;
// Method description:
// - helper function to get the stored credentials (if any) and let the user choose what to do next
void AzureConnection::_RunAccessState()
bool oldVersionEncountered = false;
auto vault = PasswordVault();
winrt::Windows::Foundation::Collections::IVectorView<PasswordCredential> credList;
// FindAllByResource throws an exception if there are no credentials stored under the given resource so we wrap it in a try-catch block
credList = vault.FindAllByResource(PasswordVaultResourceName);
catch (...)
// No credentials are stored, so start the device flow
_state = AzureState::DeviceFlow;
int numTenants{ 0 };
for (const auto& entry : credList)
auto nameJson = json::value::parse(entry.UserName().c_str());
std::optional<int> credentialVersion;
if (nameJson.has_integer_field(U("ver")))
credentialVersion = nameJson.at(U("ver")).as_integer();
if (!credentialVersion.has_value() || credentialVersion.value() != CurrentCredentialVersion)
// ignore credentials that aren't from the latest credential revision
oldVersionEncountered = true;
auto newTenant{ _tenantList.emplace_back(_crackTenant(nameJson)) };
_WriteStringWithNewline(_formatTenant(numTenants, newTenant));
if (!numTenants)
if (oldVersionEncountered)
// No valid up-to-date credentials were found, so start the device flow
_state = AzureState::DeviceFlow;
_WriteStringWithNewline(_formatResWithColoredUserInputOptions(USES_RESOURCE(L"AzureNewLogin"), USES_RESOURCE(L"AzureUserEntry_NewLogin")));
_WriteStringWithNewline(_formatResWithColoredUserInputOptions(USES_RESOURCE(L"AzureRemoveStored"), USES_RESOURCE(L"AzureUserEntry_RemoveStored")));
int selectedTenant{ -1 };
auto maybeTenantSelection = _ReadUserInput(InputMode::Line);
if (!maybeTenantSelection.has_value())
const auto& tenantSelection = maybeTenantSelection.value();
if (tenantSelection == RS_(L"AzureUserEntry_RemoveStored"))
// User wants to remove the stored settings
_state = AzureState::DeviceFlow;
else if (tenantSelection == RS_(L"AzureUserEntry_NewLogin"))
// User wants to login with a different account
_state = AzureState::DeviceFlow;
selectedTenant = std::stoi(tenantSelection);
if (selectedTenant < 0 || selectedTenant >= numTenants)
continue; // go 'round again
catch (...)
// suppress exceptions in conversion
// if we got here, we didn't break out of the loop early and need to go 'round again
_WriteStringWithNewline(_formatResWithColoredUserInputOptions(USES_RESOURCE(L"AzureInvalidAccessInput"), USES_RESOURCE(L"AzureUserEntry_NewLogin"), USES_RESOURCE(L"AzureUserEntry_RemoveStored")));
} while (true);
// User wants to login with one of the saved connection settings
auto desiredCredential = credList.GetAt(selectedTenant);
auto passWordJson = json::value::parse(desiredCredential.Password().c_str());
_currentTenant = til::at(_tenantList, selectedTenant); // we already unpacked the name info, so we should just use it
_accessToken = passWordJson.at(L"accessToken").as_string();
_refreshToken = passWordJson.at(L"refreshToken").as_string();
_expiry = std::stoi(passWordJson.at(L"expiry").as_string());
const auto t1 = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
const auto timeNow = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::seconds>(t1.time_since_epoch()).count();
// Check if the token is close to expiring and refresh if so
if (timeNow + _expireLimit > _expiry)
// Store the updated tokens under the same username
catch (const AzureException& e)
if (e.GetCode() == ErrorCodes::InvalidGrant)
// Delete this credential and try again.
_state = AzureState::AccessStored;
throw; // rethrow. we couldn't handle this error.
// We have everything we need, so go ahead and connect
_state = AzureState::TermConnecting;
// Method description:
// - helper function to start the device code flow (required for authentication to Azure)
void AzureConnection::_RunDeviceFlowState()
// Initiate device code flow
const auto deviceCodeResponse = _GetDeviceCode();
// Print the message and store the device code, polling interval and expiry
const auto message = winrt::to_hstring(deviceCodeResponse.at(L"message").as_string().c_str());
const auto devCode = deviceCodeResponse.at(L"device_code").as_string();
const auto pollInterval = std::stoi(deviceCodeResponse.at(L"interval").as_string());
const auto expiresIn = std::stoi(deviceCodeResponse.at(L"expires_in").as_string());
// Wait for user authentication and obtain the access/refresh tokens
json::value authenticatedResponse = _WaitForUser(devCode, pollInterval, expiresIn);
_accessToken = authenticatedResponse.at(L"access_token").as_string();
_refreshToken = authenticatedResponse.at(L"refresh_token").as_string();
// Get the tenants and the required tenant id
if (_tenantList.size() == 0)
else if (_tenantList.size() == 1)
_currentTenant = til::at(_tenantList, 0);
// We have to refresh now that we have the tenantID
_state = AzureState::StoreTokens;
_state = AzureState::TenantChoice;
// Method description:
// - helper function to list the user's tenants and let them decide which tenant they wish to connect to
void AzureConnection::_RunTenantChoiceState()
auto numTenants = gsl::narrow<int>(_tenantList.size());
for (int i = 0; i < numTenants; i++)
_WriteStringWithNewline(_formatTenant(i, til::at(_tenantList, i)));
int selectedTenant{ -1 };
auto maybeTenantSelection = _ReadUserInput(InputMode::Line);
if (!maybeTenantSelection.has_value())
const auto& tenantSelection = maybeTenantSelection.value();
selectedTenant = std::stoi(tenantSelection);
if (selectedTenant < 0 || selectedTenant >= numTenants)
catch (...)
// suppress exceptions in conversion
// if we got here, we didn't break out of the loop early and need to go 'round again
} while (true);
_currentTenant = til::at(_tenantList, selectedTenant);
// We have to refresh now that we have the tenantID
_state = AzureState::StoreTokens;
// Method description:
// - helper function to ask the user if they wish to store their credentials
void AzureConnection::_RunStoreState()
_WriteStringWithNewline(_formatResWithColoredUserInputOptions(USES_RESOURCE(L"AzureStorePrompt"), USES_RESOURCE(L"AzureUserEntry_Yes"), USES_RESOURCE(L"AzureUserEntry_No")));
// Wait for user input
auto maybeStoreCredentials = _ReadUserInput(InputMode::Line);
if (!maybeStoreCredentials.has_value())
const auto& storeCredentials = maybeStoreCredentials.value();
if (storeCredentials == RS_(L"AzureUserEntry_Yes"))
else if (storeCredentials == RS_(L"AzureUserEntry_No"))
break; // we're done, but the user wants nothing.
// if we got here, we didn't break out of the loop early and need to go 'round again
_WriteStringWithNewline(_formatResWithColoredUserInputOptions(USES_RESOURCE(L"AzureInvalidStoreInput"), USES_RESOURCE(L"AzureUserEntry_Yes"), USES_RESOURCE(L"AzureUserEntry_No")));
} while (true);
_state = AzureState::TermConnecting;
// Method description:
// - helper function to connect the user to the Azure cloud shell
void AzureConnection::_RunConnectState()
// Get user's cloud shell settings
const auto settingsResponse = _GetCloudShellUserSettings();
if (settingsResponse.has_field(L"error"))
// Request for a cloud shell
_cloudShellUri = _GetCloudShell();
// Request for a terminal for said cloud shell
const auto shellType = settingsResponse.at(L"properties").at(L"preferredShellType").as_string();
const auto socketUri = _GetTerminal(shellType);
// Step 8: connecting to said terminal
const auto connReqTask = _cloudShellSocket.connect(socketUri);
_state = AzureState::TermConnected;
std::wstring queuedUserInput{};
std::swap(_userInput, queuedUserInput);
if (queuedUserInput.size() > 0)
WriteInput(static_cast<winrt::hstring>(queuedUserInput)); // send the user's queued up input back through
// Method description:
// - helper function to send requests with default headers and extract responses as json values
// Arguments:
// - a http_client
// - a http_request for the client to send
// Return value:
// - the response from the server as a json value
json::value AzureConnection::_SendRequestReturningJson(http_client& theClient, http_request theRequest)
auto& headers{ theRequest.headers() };
headers.add(L"User-Agent", HttpUserAgent);
headers.add(L"Accept", L"application/json");
json::value jsonResult;
const auto responseTask = theClient.request(theRequest);
const auto response = responseTask.get();
const auto responseJsonTask = response.extract_json();
jsonResult = responseJsonTask.get();
return jsonResult;
// Method description:
// - helper function to send _authenticated_ requests with json bodies whose responses are expected
// to be json. builds on _SendRequestReturningJson.
// Arguments:
// - the http_request
json::value AzureConnection::_SendAuthenticatedRequestReturningJson(http_client& theClient, http_request theRequest)
auto& headers{ theRequest.headers() };
headers.add(L"Authorization", L"Bearer " + _accessToken);
return _SendRequestReturningJson(theClient, std::move(theRequest));
// Method description:
// - helper function to start the device code flow
// Return value:
// - the response to the device code flow initiation
json::value AzureConnection::_GetDeviceCode()
// Initialize the client
http_client loginClient(_loginUri);
// Initialize the request
http_request commonRequest(L"POST");
const auto body{ fmt::format(L"client_id={}&resource={}", AzureClientID, _wantedResource) };
commonRequest.set_body(body.c_str(), L"application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
// Send the request and receive the response as a json value
return _SendRequestReturningJson(loginClient, commonRequest);
// Method description:
// - helper function to wait for the user to authenticate using their web browser
// Arguments:
// - the device code that would have been received when authentication was initiated
// - the polling interval duration
// - the duration the code is still valid for
// Return value:
// - if authentication is done successfully, then return the response from the server
// - else, throw an exception
json::value AzureConnection::_WaitForUser(const utility::string_t deviceCode, int pollInterval, int expiresIn)
// Initialize the client
http_client pollingClient(_loginUri);
// Continuously send a poll request until the user authenticates
const auto body{ fmt::format(L"grant_type=device_code&resource={}&client_id={}&code={}", _wantedResource, AzureClientID, deviceCode) };
const auto requestUri = L"common/oauth2/token";
// use a steady clock here so it's not impacted by local time discontinuities
const auto tokenExpiry{ std::chrono::steady_clock::now() + std::chrono::seconds(expiresIn) };
while (std::chrono::steady_clock::now() < tokenExpiry)
// User might close the tab while we wait for them to authenticate, this case handles that
if (_isStateAtOrBeyond(ConnectionState::Closing))
// We're going down, there's no valid user for us to return
http_request pollRequest(L"POST");
pollRequest.set_body(body.c_str(), L"application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
auto response{ _SendRequestReturningJson(pollingClient, pollRequest) };
// Got a valid response: we're done
return response;
catch (const AzureException& e)
if (e.GetCode() == ErrorCodes::AuthorizationPending)
// Handle the "auth pending" exception by retrying.
} // uncaught exceptions bubble up to the caller
return json::value::null();
// Method description:
// - helper function to acquire the user's Azure tenants
// Return value:
// - the response which contains a list of the user's Azure tenants
void AzureConnection::_PopulateTenantList()
// Initialize the client
http_client tenantClient(_resourceUri);
// Initialize the request
http_request tenantRequest(L"GET");
// Send the request and return the response as a json value
auto tenantResponse{ _SendAuthenticatedRequestReturningJson(tenantClient, tenantRequest) };
auto tenantList{ tenantResponse.at(L"value").as_array() };
std::transform(tenantList.begin(), tenantList.end(), std::back_inserter(_tenantList), _crackTenant);
// Method description:
// - helper function to refresh the access/refresh tokens
// Return value:
// - the response with the new tokens
void AzureConnection::_RefreshTokens()
// Initialize the client
http_client refreshClient(_loginUri);
// Initialize the request
http_request refreshRequest(L"POST");
refreshRequest.set_request_uri(_currentTenant->ID + L"/oauth2/token");
const auto body{ fmt::format(L"client_id={}&resource={}&grant_type=refresh_token&refresh_token={}", AzureClientID, _wantedResource, _refreshToken) };
refreshRequest.set_body(body.c_str(), L"application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
// Send the request and return the response as a json value
auto refreshResponse{ _SendRequestReturningJson(refreshClient, refreshRequest) };
_accessToken = refreshResponse.at(L"access_token").as_string();
_refreshToken = refreshResponse.at(L"refresh_token").as_string();
_expiry = std::stoi(refreshResponse.at(L"expires_on").as_string());
// Method description:
// - helper function to get the user's cloud shell settings
// Return value:
// - the user's cloud shell settings
json::value AzureConnection::_GetCloudShellUserSettings()
// Initialize client
http_client settingsClient(_resourceUri);
// Initialize request
http_request settingsRequest(L"GET");
return _SendAuthenticatedRequestReturningJson(settingsClient, settingsRequest);
// Method description:
// - helper function to request for a cloud shell
// Return value:
// - the uri for the cloud shell
utility::string_t AzureConnection::_GetCloudShell()
// Initialize client
http_client cloudShellClient(_resourceUri);
// Initialize request
http_request shellRequest(L"PUT");
// { "properties": { "osType": "linux" } }
auto body = json::value::object({ { U("properties"), json::value::object({ { U("osType"), json::value::string(U("linux")) } }) } });
// Send the request and get the response as a json value
const auto cloudShell = _SendAuthenticatedRequestReturningJson(cloudShellClient, shellRequest);
// Return the uri
return cloudShell.at(L"properties").at(L"uri").as_string() + L"/";
// Method description:
// - helper function to request for a terminal
// Return value:
// - the uri for the terminal
utility::string_t AzureConnection::_GetTerminal(utility::string_t shellType)
// Initialize client
http_client terminalClient(_cloudShellUri);
// Initialize the request
http_request terminalRequest(L"POST");
terminalRequest.set_request_uri(fmt::format(L"terminals?cols={}&rows={}&version=2019-01-01&shell={}", _initialCols, _initialRows, shellType));
// LOAD-BEARING. the API returns "'content-type' should be 'application/json' or 'multipart/form-data'"
// Send the request and get the response as a json value
const auto terminalResponse = _SendAuthenticatedRequestReturningJson(terminalClient, terminalRequest);
_terminalID = terminalResponse.at(L"id").as_string();
// Return the uri
return terminalResponse.at(L"socketUri").as_string();
// Method description:
// - helper function to store the credentials
// - we store the display name, tenant ID, access/refresh tokens, and token expiry
void AzureConnection::_StoreCredential()
json::value userName;
userName[U("ver")] = CurrentCredentialVersion;
_packTenant(userName, *_currentTenant);
json::value passWord;
passWord[U("accessToken")] = json::value::string(_accessToken);
passWord[U("refreshToken")] = json::value::string(_refreshToken);
passWord[U("expiry")] = json::value::string(std::to_wstring(_expiry));
PasswordVault vault;
PasswordCredential newCredential{ PasswordVaultResourceName, userName.serialize(), passWord.serialize() };
// Method description:
// - helper function to remove all stored credentials
void AzureConnection::_RemoveCredentials()
PasswordVault vault;
winrt::Windows::Foundation::Collections::IVectorView<PasswordCredential> credList;
// FindAllByResource throws an exception if there are no credentials stored under the given resource so we wrap it in a try-catch block
credList = vault.FindAllByResource(PasswordVaultResourceName);
catch (...)
// No credentials are stored, so just return
for (const auto& cred : credList)