Dustin Howett d4d59fa339 Initial release of the Windows Terminal source code
This commit introduces all of the Windows Terminal and Console Host source,
under the MIT license.
2019-05-02 15:29:04 -07:00

367 lines
13 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "precomp.h"
#include "popup.h"
#include "_output.h"
#include "output.h"
#include "dbcs.h"
#include "srvinit.h"
#include "stream.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include "utils.hpp"
#include "..\interactivity\inc\ServiceLocator.hpp"
#pragma hdrstop
using namespace Microsoft::Console::Types;
// Routine Description:
// - Creates an object representing an interactive popup overlay during cooked mode command line editing.
// - NOTE: Modifies global popup count (and adjusts cursor visibility as appropriate.)
// Arguments:
// - screenInfo - Reference to screen on which the popup should be drawn/overlayed.
// - proposedSize - Suggested size of the popup. May be adjusted based on screen size.
Popup::Popup(SCREEN_INFORMATION& screenInfo, const COORD proposedSize) :
_attributes = screenInfo.GetPopupAttributes()->GetLegacyAttributes();
const COORD size = _CalculateSize(screenInfo, proposedSize);
const COORD origin = _CalculateOrigin(screenInfo, size);
_region.Left = origin.X;
_region.Top = origin.Y;
_region.Right = gsl::narrow<SHORT>(origin.X + size.X - 1i16);
_region.Bottom = gsl::narrow<SHORT>(origin.Y + size.Y - 1i16);
_oldScreenSize = screenInfo.GetBufferSize().Dimensions();
SMALL_RECT TargetRect;
TargetRect.Left = 0;
TargetRect.Top = _region.Top;
TargetRect.Right = _oldScreenSize.X - 1;
TargetRect.Bottom = _region.Bottom;
// copy the data into the backup buffer
_oldContents = std::move(screenInfo.ReadRect(Viewport::FromInclusive(TargetRect)));
CONSOLE_INFORMATION& gci = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().getConsoleInformation();
const auto countWas = gci.PopupCount.fetch_add(1ui16);
if (0 == countWas)
// If this is the first popup to be shown, stop the cursor from appearing/blinking
// Routine Description:
// - Cleans up a popup object
// - NOTE: Modifies global popup count (and adjusts cursor visibility as appropriate.)
CONSOLE_INFORMATION& gci = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().getConsoleInformation();
const auto countWas = gci.PopupCount.fetch_sub(1i16);
if (1 == countWas)
// Notify we're done showing popups.
void Popup::Draw()
// Routine Description:
// - Draws the outlines of the popup area in the screen buffer
void Popup::_DrawBorder()
// fill attributes of top line
COORD WriteCoord;
WriteCoord.X = _region.Left;
WriteCoord.Y = _region.Top;
_screenInfo.Write(OutputCellIterator(_attributes, Width() + 2), WriteCoord);
// draw upper left corner
_screenInfo.Write(OutputCellIterator(_screenInfo.LineChar[UPPER_LEFT_CORNER], 1), WriteCoord);
// draw upper bar
WriteCoord.X += 1;
_screenInfo.Write(OutputCellIterator(_screenInfo.LineChar[HORIZONTAL_LINE], Width()), WriteCoord);
// draw upper right corner
WriteCoord.X = _region.Right;
_screenInfo.Write(OutputCellIterator(_screenInfo.LineChar[UPPER_RIGHT_CORNER], 1), WriteCoord);
for (SHORT i = 0; i < Height(); i++)
WriteCoord.Y += 1;
WriteCoord.X = _region.Left;
// fill attributes
_screenInfo.Write(OutputCellIterator(_attributes, Width() + 2), WriteCoord);
_screenInfo.Write(OutputCellIterator(_screenInfo.LineChar[VERTICAL_LINE], 1), WriteCoord);
WriteCoord.X = _region.Right;
_screenInfo.Write(OutputCellIterator(_screenInfo.LineChar[VERTICAL_LINE], 1), WriteCoord);
// Draw bottom line.
// Fill attributes of top line.
WriteCoord.X = _region.Left;
WriteCoord.Y = _region.Bottom;
_screenInfo.Write(OutputCellIterator(_attributes, Width() + 2), WriteCoord);
// Draw bottom left corner.
WriteCoord.X = _region.Left;
_screenInfo.Write(OutputCellIterator(_screenInfo.LineChar[BOTTOM_LEFT_CORNER], 1), WriteCoord);
// Draw lower bar.
WriteCoord.X += 1;
_screenInfo.Write(OutputCellIterator(_screenInfo.LineChar[HORIZONTAL_LINE], Width()), WriteCoord);
// draw lower right corner
WriteCoord.X = _region.Right;
_screenInfo.Write(OutputCellIterator(_screenInfo.LineChar[BOTTOM_RIGHT_CORNER], 1), WriteCoord);
// Routine Description:
// - Draws prompt information in the popup area to tell the user what to enter.
// Arguments:
// - id - Resource ID for string to display to user
void Popup::_DrawPrompt(const UINT id)
std::wstring text = _LoadString(id);
// Draw empty popup.
COORD WriteCoord;
WriteCoord.X = _region.Left + 1i16;
WriteCoord.Y = _region.Top + 1i16;
size_t lStringLength = Width();
for (SHORT i = 0; i < Height(); i++)
const OutputCellIterator it(UNICODE_SPACE, _attributes, lStringLength);
const auto done = _screenInfo.Write(it, WriteCoord);
lStringLength = done.GetCellDistance(it);
WriteCoord.Y += 1;
WriteCoord.X = _region.Left + 1i16;
WriteCoord.Y = _region.Top + 1i16;
// write prompt to screen
lStringLength = text.size();
if (lStringLength > (ULONG)Width())
text = text.substr(0, Width());
size_t used;
// Routine Description:
// - Updates the colors of the backed up information inside this popup.
// - This is useful if user preferences change while a popup is displayed.
// Arguments:
// - newAttr - The new default color for text in the buffer
// - newPopupAttr - The new color for text in popups
// - oldAttr - The previous default color for text in the buffer
// - oldPopupAttr - The previous color for text in popups
void Popup::UpdateStoredColors(const TextAttribute& newAttr,
const TextAttribute& newPopupAttr,
const TextAttribute& oldAttr,
const TextAttribute& oldPopupAttr)
// We also want to find and replace the inversion of the popup colors in case there are highlights
const WORD wOldPopupLegacy = oldPopupAttr.GetLegacyAttributes();
const WORD wNewPopupLegacy = newPopupAttr.GetLegacyAttributes();
const WORD wOldPopupAttrInv = (WORD)(((wOldPopupLegacy << 4) & 0xf0) | ((wOldPopupLegacy >> 4) & 0x0f));
const WORD wNewPopupAttrInv = (WORD)(((wNewPopupLegacy << 4) & 0xf0) | ((wNewPopupLegacy >> 4) & 0x0f));
const TextAttribute oldPopupInv{ wOldPopupAttrInv };
const TextAttribute newPopupInv{ wNewPopupAttrInv };
// Walk through every row in the rectangle
for (size_t i = 0; i < _oldContents.Height(); i++)
auto row = _oldContents.GetRow(i);
// Walk through every cell
for (auto& cell : row)
auto& attr = cell.TextAttr();
if (attr == oldAttr)
attr = newAttr;
else if (attr == oldPopupAttr)
attr = newPopupAttr;
else if (attr == oldPopupInv)
attr = newPopupInv;
// Routine Description:
// - Cleans up a popup by restoring the stored buffer information to the region of
// the screen that the popup was covering and frees resources.
void Popup::End()
// restore previous contents to screen
SMALL_RECT SourceRect;
SourceRect.Left = 0i16;
SourceRect.Top = _region.Top;
SourceRect.Right = _oldScreenSize.X - 1i16;
SourceRect.Bottom = _region.Bottom;
const auto sourceViewport = Viewport::FromInclusive(SourceRect);
_screenInfo.WriteRect(_oldContents, sourceViewport.Origin());
// Routine Description:
// - Helper to calculate the size of the popup.
// Arguments:
// - screenInfo - Screen buffer we will be drawing into
// - proposedSize - The suggested size of the popup that may need to be adjusted to fit
// Return Value:
// - Coordinate size that the popup should consume in the screen buffer
COORD Popup::_CalculateSize(const SCREEN_INFORMATION& screenInfo, const COORD proposedSize)
// determine popup dimensions
COORD size = proposedSize;
size.X += 2; // add borders
size.Y += 2; // add borders
const COORD viewportSize = screenInfo.GetViewport().Dimensions();
size.X = std::min(size.X, viewportSize.X);
size.Y = std::min(size.Y, viewportSize.Y);
// make sure there's enough room for the popup borders
THROW_HR_IF(E_NOT_SUFFICIENT_BUFFER, size.X < 2 || size.Y < 2);
return size;
// Routine Description:
// - Helper to calculate the origin point (within the screen buffer) for the popup
// Arguments:
// - screenInfo - Screen buffer we will be drawing into
// - size - The size that the popup will consume
// Return Value:
// - Coordinate position of the origin point of the popup
COORD Popup::_CalculateOrigin(const SCREEN_INFORMATION& screenInfo, const COORD size)
const auto viewport = screenInfo.GetViewport();
// determine origin. center popup on window
COORD origin;
origin.X = gsl::narrow<SHORT>((viewport.Width() - size.X) / 2 + viewport.Left());
origin.Y = gsl::narrow<SHORT>((viewport.Height() - size.Y) / 2 + viewport.Top());
return origin;
// Routine Description:
// - Helper to return the width of the popup in columns
// Return Value:
// - Width of popup inside attached screen buffer.
SHORT Popup::Width() const noexcept
return _region.Right - _region.Left - 1i16;
// Routine Description:
// - Helper to return the height of the popup in columns
// Return Value:
// - Height of popup inside attached screen buffer.
SHORT Popup::Height() const noexcept
return _region.Bottom - _region.Top - 1i16;
// Routine Description:
// - Helper to get the position on top of some types of popup dialogs where
// we should overlay the cursor for user input.
// Return Value:
// - Coordinate location on the popup where the cursor should be placed.
COORD Popup::GetCursorPosition() const noexcept
COORD CursorPosition;
CursorPosition.X = _region.Right - static_cast<SHORT>(MINIMUM_COMMAND_PROMPT_SIZE);
CursorPosition.Y = _region.Top + 1i16;
return CursorPosition;
// Routine Description:
// - changes the function used to gather user input. for allowing custom input during unit tests only
// Arguments:
// - function - function to use to fetch input
void Popup::SetUserInputFunction(UserInputFunction function) noexcept
_userInputFunction = function;
// Routine Description:
// - gets a single char input from the user
// Arguments:
// - cookedReadData - cookedReadData for this popup operation
// - popupKey - on completion, will be true if key was a popup key
// - wch - on completion, the char read from the user
// Return Value:
// - relevant NTSTATUS
NTSTATUS Popup::_getUserInput(COOKED_READ_DATA& cookedReadData, bool& popupKey, DWORD& modifiers, wchar_t& wch) noexcept
return _userInputFunction(cookedReadData, popupKey, modifiers, wch);
// Routine Description:
// - gets a single char input from the user using the InputBuffer
// Arguments:
// - cookedReadData - cookedReadData for this popup operation
// - popupKey - on completion, will be true if key was a popup key
// - wch - on completion, the char read from the user
// Return Value:
// - relevant NTSTATUS
NTSTATUS Popup::_getUserInputInternal(COOKED_READ_DATA& cookedReadData,
bool& popupKey,
DWORD& modifiers,
wchar_t& wch) noexcept
InputBuffer* const pInputBuffer = cookedReadData.GetInputBuffer();
NTSTATUS Status = GetChar(pInputBuffer,
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status) && Status != CONSOLE_STATUS_WAIT)
cookedReadData.BytesRead() = 0;
return Status;