PankajBhojwani 3a71ead757
Remove some unnecessary font features from our default feature list (#10774)
Turns out, DWrite will automatically turn some features on even if they weren't included in the feature vector passed into it. Remove these features from our default list for easier readability.
2021-07-26 16:27:07 +00:00

854 lines
42 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "precomp.h"
#include "DxFontRenderData.h"
#include "unicode.hpp"
#include <VersionHelpers.h>
static constexpr float POINTS_PER_INCH = 72.0f;
static constexpr std::wstring_view FALLBACK_FONT_FACES[] = { L"Consolas", L"Lucida Console", L"Courier New" };
static constexpr std::wstring_view FALLBACK_LOCALE = L"en-us";
static constexpr size_t TAG_LENGTH = 4;
using namespace Microsoft::Console::Render;
DxFontRenderData::DxFontRenderData(::Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IDWriteFactory1> dwriteFactory) noexcept :
[[nodiscard]] Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IDWriteTextAnalyzer1> DxFontRenderData::Analyzer()
if (!_dwriteTextAnalyzer)
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IDWriteTextAnalyzer> analyzer;
return _dwriteTextAnalyzer;
[[nodiscard]] Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IDWriteFontFallback> DxFontRenderData::SystemFontFallback()
if (!_systemFontFallback)
::Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IDWriteFactory2> factory2;
return _systemFontFallback;
[[nodiscard]] std::wstring DxFontRenderData::UserLocaleName()
if (_userLocaleName.empty())
std::array<wchar_t, LOCALE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH> localeName;
const auto returnCode = GetUserDefaultLocaleName(localeName.data(), gsl::narrow<int>(localeName.size()));
if (returnCode)
_userLocaleName = { localeName.data() };
_userLocaleName = { FALLBACK_LOCALE.data(), FALLBACK_LOCALE.size() };
return _userLocaleName;
[[nodiscard]] til::size DxFontRenderData::GlyphCell() noexcept
return _glyphCell;
[[nodiscard]] DxFontRenderData::LineMetrics DxFontRenderData::GetLineMetrics() noexcept
return _lineMetrics;
[[nodiscard]] DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT DxFontRenderData::DefaultFontWeight() noexcept
return _defaultFontInfo.GetWeight();
[[nodiscard]] DWRITE_FONT_STYLE DxFontRenderData::DefaultFontStyle() noexcept
return _defaultFontInfo.GetStyle();
[[nodiscard]] DWRITE_FONT_STRETCH DxFontRenderData::DefaultFontStretch() noexcept
return _defaultFontInfo.GetStretch();
[[nodiscard]] const std::vector<DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE>& DxFontRenderData::DefaultFontFeatures() const noexcept
return _featureVector;
[[nodiscard]] Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IDWriteTextFormat> DxFontRenderData::DefaultTextFormat()
return TextFormatWithAttribute(_defaultFontInfo.GetWeight(), _defaultFontInfo.GetStyle(), _defaultFontInfo.GetStretch());
[[nodiscard]] Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IDWriteFontFace1> DxFontRenderData::DefaultFontFace()
return FontFaceWithAttribute(_defaultFontInfo.GetWeight(), _defaultFontInfo.GetStyle(), _defaultFontInfo.GetStretch());
[[nodiscard]] Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IBoxDrawingEffect> DxFontRenderData::DefaultBoxDrawingEffect()
if (!_boxDrawingEffect)
// Calculate and cache the box effect for the base font. Scale is 1.0f because the base font is exactly the scale we want already.
THROW_IF_FAILED(s_CalculateBoxEffect(DefaultTextFormat().Get(), _glyphCell.width(), DefaultFontFace().Get(), 1.0f, &_boxDrawingEffect));
return _boxDrawingEffect;
[[nodiscard]] Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IDWriteTextFormat> DxFontRenderData::TextFormatWithAttribute(DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT weight,
const auto textFormatIt = _textFormatMap.find(_ToMapKey(weight, style, stretch));
if (textFormatIt == _textFormatMap.end())
DxFontInfo fontInfo = _defaultFontInfo;
// Create the font with the fractional pixel height size.
// It should have an integer pixel width by our math.
// Then below, apply the line spacing to the format to position the floating point pixel height characters
// into a cell that has an integer pixel height leaving some padding above/below as necessary to round them out.
std::wstring localeName = UserLocaleName();
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IDWriteTextFormat> textFormat;
THROW_IF_FAILED(_BuildTextFormat(fontInfo, localeName).As(&textFormat));
THROW_IF_FAILED(textFormat->SetLineSpacing(_lineSpacing.method, _lineSpacing.height, _lineSpacing.baseline));
_textFormatMap.emplace(_ToMapKey(weight, style, stretch), textFormat);
return textFormat;
return textFormatIt->second;
[[nodiscard]] Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IDWriteFontFace1> DxFontRenderData::FontFaceWithAttribute(DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT weight,
const auto fontFaceIt = _fontFaceMap.find(_ToMapKey(weight, style, stretch));
if (fontFaceIt == _fontFaceMap.end())
DxFontInfo fontInfo = _defaultFontInfo;
std::wstring fontLocaleName = UserLocaleName();
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IDWriteFontFace1> fontFace = fontInfo.ResolveFontFaceWithFallback(_dwriteFactory.Get(), fontLocaleName);
_fontFaceMap.emplace(_ToMapKey(weight, style, stretch), fontFace);
return fontFace;
return fontFaceIt->second;
// Routine Description:
// - Updates the font used for drawing
// Arguments:
// - desired - Information specifying the font that is requested
// - actual - Filled with the nearest font actually chosen for drawing
// - dpi - The DPI of the screen
// Return Value:
// - S_OK or relevant DirectX error
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxFontRenderData::UpdateFont(const FontInfoDesired& desired, FontInfo& actual, const int dpi, const std::unordered_map<std::wstring_view, uint32_t>& features, const std::unordered_map<std::wstring_view, float>& axes) noexcept
// Initialize the default font info and build everything from here.
_defaultFontInfo = DxFontInfo(desired.GetFaceName(),
_BuildFontRenderData(desired, actual, dpi);
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Calculates the box drawing scale/translate matrix values to fit a box glyph into the cell as perfectly as possible.
// Arguments:
// - format - Text format used to determine line spacing (height including ascent & descent) as calculated from the base font.
// - widthPixels - The pixel width of the available cell.
// - face - The font face that is currently being used, may differ from the base font from the layout.
// - fontScale - if the given font face is going to be scaled versus the format, we need to know so we can compensate for that. pass 1.0f for no scaling.
// - effect - Receives the effect to apply to box drawing characters. If no effect is received, special treatment isn't required.
// Return Value:
// - S_OK, GSL/WIL errors, DirectWrite errors, or math errors.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE DxFontRenderData::s_CalculateBoxEffect(IDWriteTextFormat* format, size_t widthPixels, IDWriteFontFace1* face, float fontScale, IBoxDrawingEffect** effect) noexcept
// Check for bad in parameters.
// Check the out parameter and fill it up with null.
*effect = nullptr;
// The format is based around the main font that was specified by the user.
// We need to know its size as well as the final spacing that was calculated around
// it when it was first selected to get an idea of how large the bounding box is.
const auto fontSize = format->GetFontSize();
float lineSpacing; // total height of the cells
float baseline; // vertical position counted down from the top where the characters "sit"
RETURN_IF_FAILED(format->GetLineSpacing(&spacingMethod, &lineSpacing, &baseline));
const float ascentPixels = baseline;
const float descentPixels = lineSpacing - baseline;
// We need this for the designUnitsPerEm which will be required to move back and forth between
// Design Units and Pixels. I'll elaborate below.
// If we had font fallback occur, the size of the font given to us (IDWriteFontFace1) can be different
// than the font size used for the original format (IDWriteTextFormat).
const auto scaledFontSize = fontScale * fontSize;
// This is Unicode FULL BLOCK U+2588.
// We presume that FULL BLOCK should be filling its entire cell in all directions so it should provide a good basis
// in knowing exactly where to touch every single edge.
// We're also presuming that the other box/line drawing glyphs were authored in this font to perfectly inscribe
// inside of FULL BLOCK, with the same left/top/right/bottom bearings so they would look great when drawn adjacent.
const UINT32 blockCodepoint = L'\x2588';
// Get the index of the block out of the font.
UINT16 glyphIndex;
RETURN_IF_FAILED(face->GetGlyphIndicesW(&blockCodepoint, 1, &glyphIndex));
// If it was 0, it wasn't found in the font. We're going to try again with
// Unicode BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL U+253C which should be touching
// all the edges of the possible rectangle, much like a full block should.
if (glyphIndex == 0)
const UINT32 alternateCp = L'\x253C';
RETURN_IF_FAILED(face->GetGlyphIndicesW(&alternateCp, 1, &glyphIndex));
// If we still didn't find the glyph index, we haven't implemented any further logic to figure out the box dimensions.
// So we're just going to leave successfully as is and apply no scaling factor. It might look not-right, but it won't
// stop the rendering pipeline.
RETURN_HR_IF(S_FALSE, glyphIndex == 0);
// Get the metrics of the given glyph, which we're going to treat as the outline box in which all line/block drawing
// glyphs will be inscribed within, perfectly touching each edge as to align when two cells meet.
DWRITE_GLYPH_METRICS boxMetrics = { 0 };
RETURN_IF_FAILED(face->GetDesignGlyphMetrics(&glyphIndex, 1, &boxMetrics));
// NOTE: All metrics we receive from DWRITE are going to be in "design units" which are a somewhat agnostic
// way of describing proportions.
// Converting back and forth between real pixels and design units is possible using
// any font's specific fontSize and the designUnitsPerEm FONT_METRIC value.
// Here's what to know about the boxMetrics:
// topLeft --> +--------------------------------+ ---
// | ^ | |
// | | topSide | |
// | | Bearing | |
// | v | |
// | +-----------------+ | |
// | | | | |
// | | | | | a
// | | | | | d
// | | | | | v
// +<---->+ | | | a
// | | | | | n
// | left | | | | c
// | Side | | | | e
// | Bea- | | | | H
// | ring | | right | | e
// vertical | | | Side | | i
// OriginY --> x | | Bea- | | g
// | | | ring | | h
// | | | | | t
// | | +<----->+ |
// | +-----------------+ | |
// | ^ | |
// | bottomSide | | |
// | Bearing | | |
// | v | |
// +--------------------------------+ ---
// | |
// +--------------------------------+
// | advanceWidth |
// NOTE: The bearings can be negative, in which case it is specifying that the glyphs overhang the box
// as defined by the advanceHeight/width.
// See also: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/dwrite/ns-dwrite-dwrite_glyph_metrics
// The scale is a multiplier and the translation is addition. So *1 and +0 will mean nothing happens.
const float defaultBoxVerticalScaleFactor = 1.0f;
float boxVerticalScaleFactor = defaultBoxVerticalScaleFactor;
const float defaultBoxVerticalTranslation = 0.0f;
float boxVerticalTranslation = defaultBoxVerticalTranslation;
// First, find the dimensions of the glyph representing our fully filled box.
// Ascent is how far up from the baseline we'll draw.
// verticalOriginY is the measure from the topLeft corner of the bounding box down to where
// the glyph's version of the baseline is.
// topSideBearing is how much "gap space" is left between that topLeft and where the glyph
// starts drawing. Subtract the gap space to find how far is drawn upward from baseline.
const auto boxAscentDesignUnits = boxMetrics.verticalOriginY - boxMetrics.topSideBearing;
// Descent is how far down from the baseline we'll draw.
// advanceHeight is the total height of the drawn bounding box.
// verticalOriginY is how much was given to the ascent, so subtract that out.
// What remains is then the descent value. Remove the
// bottomSideBearing as the "gap space" on the bottom to find how far is drawn downward from baseline.
const auto boxDescentDesignUnits = boxMetrics.advanceHeight - boxMetrics.verticalOriginY - boxMetrics.bottomSideBearing;
// The height, then, of the entire box is just the sum of the ascent above the baseline and the descent below.
const auto boxHeightDesignUnits = boxAscentDesignUnits + boxDescentDesignUnits;
// Second, find the dimensions of the cell we're going to attempt to fit within.
// We know about the exact ascent/descent units in pixels as calculated when we chose a font and
// adjusted the ascent/descent for a nice perfect baseline and integer total height.
// All we need to do is adapt it into Design Units so it meshes nicely with the Design Units above.
// Use the formula: Pixels * Design Units Per Em / Font Size = Design Units
const auto cellAscentDesignUnits = ascentPixels * fontMetrics.designUnitsPerEm / scaledFontSize;
const auto cellDescentDesignUnits = descentPixels * fontMetrics.designUnitsPerEm / scaledFontSize;
const auto cellHeightDesignUnits = cellAscentDesignUnits + cellDescentDesignUnits;
// OK, now do a few checks. If the drawn box touches the top and bottom of the cell
// and the box is overall tall enough, then we'll not bother adjusting.
// We will presume the font author has set things as they wish them to be.
const auto boxTouchesCellTop = boxAscentDesignUnits >= cellAscentDesignUnits;
const auto boxTouchesCellBottom = boxDescentDesignUnits >= cellDescentDesignUnits;
const auto boxIsTallEnoughForCell = boxHeightDesignUnits >= cellHeightDesignUnits;
// If not...
if (!(boxTouchesCellTop && boxTouchesCellBottom && boxIsTallEnoughForCell))
// Find a scaling factor that will make the total height drawn of this box
// perfectly fit the same number of design units as the cell.
// Since scale factor is a multiplier, it doesn't matter that this is design units.
// The fraction between the two heights in pixels should be exactly the same
// (which is what will matter when we go to actually render it... the pixels that is.)
// Don't scale below 1.0. If it'd shrink, just center it at the prescribed scale.
boxVerticalScaleFactor = std::max(cellHeightDesignUnits / boxHeightDesignUnits, 1.0f);
// The box as scaled might be hanging over the top or bottom of the cell (or both).
// We find out the amount of overhang/underhang on both the top and the bottom.
const auto extraAscent = boxAscentDesignUnits * boxVerticalScaleFactor - cellAscentDesignUnits;
const auto extraDescent = boxDescentDesignUnits * boxVerticalScaleFactor - cellDescentDesignUnits;
// This took a bit of time and effort and it's difficult to put into words, but here goes.
// We want the average of the two magnitudes to find out how much to "take" from one and "give"
// to the other such that both are equal. We presume the glyphs are designed to be drawn
// centered in their box vertically to look good.
// The ordering around subtraction is required to ensure that the direction is correct with a negative
// translation moving up (taking excess descent and adding to ascent) and positive is the opposite.
const auto boxVerticalTranslationDesignUnits = (extraAscent - extraDescent) / 2;
// The translation is just a raw movement of pixels up or down. Since we were working in Design Units,
// we need to run the opposite algorithm shown above to go from Design Units to Pixels.
boxVerticalTranslation = boxVerticalTranslationDesignUnits * scaledFontSize / fontMetrics.designUnitsPerEm;
// The horizontal adjustments follow the exact same logic as the vertical ones.
const float defaultBoxHorizontalScaleFactor = 1.0f;
float boxHorizontalScaleFactor = defaultBoxHorizontalScaleFactor;
const float defaultBoxHorizontalTranslation = 0.0f;
float boxHorizontalTranslation = defaultBoxHorizontalTranslation;
// This is the only difference. We don't have a horizontalOriginX from the metrics.
// However, https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/dwrite/ns-dwrite-dwrite_glyph_metrics says
// the X coordinate is specified by half the advanceWidth to the right of the horizontalOrigin.
// So we'll use that as the "center" and apply it the role that verticalOriginY had above.
const auto boxCenterDesignUnits = boxMetrics.advanceWidth / 2;
const auto boxLeftDesignUnits = boxCenterDesignUnits - boxMetrics.leftSideBearing;
const auto boxRightDesignUnits = boxMetrics.advanceWidth - boxMetrics.rightSideBearing - boxCenterDesignUnits;
const auto boxWidthDesignUnits = boxLeftDesignUnits + boxRightDesignUnits;
const auto cellWidthDesignUnits = widthPixels * fontMetrics.designUnitsPerEm / scaledFontSize;
const auto cellLeftDesignUnits = cellWidthDesignUnits / 2;
const auto cellRightDesignUnits = cellLeftDesignUnits;
const auto boxTouchesCellLeft = boxLeftDesignUnits >= cellLeftDesignUnits;
const auto boxTouchesCellRight = boxRightDesignUnits >= cellRightDesignUnits;
const auto boxIsWideEnoughForCell = boxWidthDesignUnits >= cellWidthDesignUnits;
if (!(boxTouchesCellLeft && boxTouchesCellRight && boxIsWideEnoughForCell))
boxHorizontalScaleFactor = std::max(cellWidthDesignUnits / boxWidthDesignUnits, 1.0f);
const auto extraLeft = boxLeftDesignUnits * boxHorizontalScaleFactor - cellLeftDesignUnits;
const auto extraRight = boxRightDesignUnits * boxHorizontalScaleFactor - cellRightDesignUnits;
const auto boxHorizontalTranslationDesignUnits = (extraLeft - extraRight) / 2;
boxHorizontalTranslation = boxHorizontalTranslationDesignUnits * scaledFontSize / fontMetrics.designUnitsPerEm;
// If we set anything, make a drawing effect. Otherwise, there isn't one.
if (defaultBoxVerticalScaleFactor != boxVerticalScaleFactor ||
defaultBoxVerticalTranslation != boxVerticalTranslation ||
defaultBoxHorizontalScaleFactor != boxHorizontalScaleFactor ||
defaultBoxHorizontalTranslation != boxHorizontalTranslation)
// OK, make the object that will represent our effect, stuff the metrics into it, and return it.
RETURN_IF_FAILED(WRL::MakeAndInitialize<BoxDrawingEffect>(effect, boxVerticalScaleFactor, boxVerticalTranslation, boxHorizontalScaleFactor, boxHorizontalTranslation));
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Returns whether the user set or updated any of the font features to be applied
bool DxFontRenderData::DidUserSetFeatures() const noexcept
return _didUserSetFeatures;
// Routine Description:
// - Updates our internal map of font features with the given features
// - NOTE TO CALLER: Make sure to call _BuildFontRenderData after calling this for the feature changes
// to take place
// Arguments:
// - features - the features to update our map with
void DxFontRenderData::_SetFeatures(const std::unordered_map<std::wstring_view, uint32_t>& features)
// Populate the feature map with the standard list first
std::unordered_map<DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG, uint32_t> featureMap{
{ DWRITE_MAKE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG('c', 'a', 'l', 't'), 1 }, // Contextual Alternates
{ DWRITE_MAKE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG('l', 'i', 'g', 'a'), 1 }, // Standard Ligatures
{ DWRITE_MAKE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG('c', 'l', 'i', 'g'), 1 }, // Contextual Ligatures
{ DWRITE_MAKE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG('k', 'e', 'r', 'n'), 1 } // Kerning
// Update our feature map with the provided features
if (!features.empty())
for (const auto [tag, param] : features)
if (tag.length() == TAG_LENGTH)
featureMap.insert_or_assign(DWRITE_MAKE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG(til::at(tag, 0), til::at(tag, 1), til::at(tag, 2), til::at(tag, 3)), param);
_didUserSetFeatures = true;
_didUserSetFeatures = false;
// Convert the data to DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE and store it in a vector for CustomTextLayout
for (const auto [tag, param] : featureMap)
_featureVector.push_back(DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE{ tag, param });
// Routine Description:
// - Updates our internal map of font axes with the given axes
// - NOTE TO CALLER: Make sure to call _BuildFontRenderData after calling this for the axes changes
// to take place
// Arguments:
// - axes - the axes to update our map with
void DxFontRenderData::_SetAxes(const std::unordered_map<std::wstring_view, float>& axes)
// Update our axis map with the provided axes
#pragma warning(suppress : 26445) // the analyzer doesn't like reference to string_view
for (const auto& [axis, value] : axes)
if (axis.length() == TAG_LENGTH)
const auto dwriteTag = DWRITE_MAKE_FONT_AXIS_TAG(til::at(axis, 0), til::at(axis, 1), til::at(axis, 2), til::at(axis, 3));
_axesVector.emplace_back(DWRITE_FONT_AXIS_VALUE{ dwriteTag, value });
// Method Description:
// - Converts a DWRITE_FONT_STRETCH enum into the corresponding float value to
// create a DWRITE_FONT_AXIS_VALUE with
// Arguments:
// - fontStretch: the old DWRITE_FONT_STRETCH enum to be converted into an axis value
// Return value:
// - The float value corresponding to the passed in fontStretch
float DxFontRenderData::_FontStretchToWidthAxisValue(DWRITE_FONT_STRETCH fontStretch) noexcept
static constexpr auto fontStretchEnumToVal = std::array{ 100.0f, 50.0f, 62.5f, 75.0f, 87.5f, 100.0f, 112.5f, 125.0f, 150.0f, 200.0f };
if (gsl::narrow_cast<size_t>(fontStretch) > fontStretchEnumToVal.size())
return til::at(fontStretchEnumToVal, fontStretch);
// Method Description:
// - Converts a DWRITE_FONT_STYLE enum into the corresponding float value to
// create a DWRITE_FONT_AXIS_VALUE with
// Arguments:
// - fontStyle: the old DWRITE_FONT_STYLE enum to be converted into an axis value
// Return value:
// - The float value corresponding to the passed in fontStyle
float DxFontRenderData::_FontStyleToSlantFixedAxisValue(DWRITE_FONT_STYLE fontStyle) noexcept
static constexpr auto fontStyleEnumToVal = std::array{ 0.0f, -20.0f, -12.0f };
// Though an italic font technically need not have slant (there exist upright ones), the
// vast majority of italic fonts are also slanted. Ideally the slant comes from the
// 'slnt' value in the STAT or fvar table, or the post table italic angle.
if (gsl::narrow_cast<size_t>(fontStyle) > fontStyleEnumToVal.size())
return til::at(fontStyleEnumToVal, fontStyle);
// Method Description:
// - Fill any missing axis values that might be known but were unspecified, such as omitting
// the 'wght' axis tag but specifying the old DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT enum
// - This function will only be called with a valid IDWriteTextFormat3
// (on platforms where IDWriteTextFormat3 is supported)
// Arguments:
// - fontWeight: the old DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT enum to be converted into an axis value
// - fontStretch: the old DWRITE_FONT_STRETCH enum to be converted into an axis value
// - fontStyle: the old DWRITE_FONT_STYLE enum to be converted into an axis value
// - fontSize: the number to convert into an axis value
// - format: the IDWriteTextFormat3 to get the defined axes from
// Return value:
// - The fully formed axes vector
#pragma warning(suppress : 26429) // the analyzer doesn't detect that our FAIL_FAST_IF_NULL macro \
// checks format for nullness
std::vector<DWRITE_FONT_AXIS_VALUE> DxFontRenderData::GetAxisVector(const DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT fontWeight,
const DWRITE_FONT_STRETCH fontStretch,
const DWRITE_FONT_STYLE fontStyle,
IDWriteTextFormat3* format)
const auto axesCount = format->GetFontAxisValueCount();
std::vector<DWRITE_FONT_AXIS_VALUE> axesVector;
format->GetFontAxisValues(axesVector.data(), axesCount);
auto axisTagPresence = AxisTagPresence::None;
for (const auto& fontAxisValue : axesVector)
switch (fontAxisValue.axisTag)
WI_SetFlag(axisTagPresence, AxisTagPresence::Weight);
WI_SetFlag(axisTagPresence, AxisTagPresence::Width);
WI_SetFlag(axisTagPresence, AxisTagPresence::Italic);
WI_SetFlag(axisTagPresence, AxisTagPresence::Slant);
if (WI_IsFlagClear(axisTagPresence, AxisTagPresence::Weight))
axesVector.emplace_back(DWRITE_FONT_AXIS_VALUE{ DWRITE_FONT_AXIS_TAG_WEIGHT, gsl::narrow<float>(fontWeight) });
if (WI_IsFlagClear(axisTagPresence, AxisTagPresence::Width))
axesVector.emplace_back(DWRITE_FONT_AXIS_VALUE{ DWRITE_FONT_AXIS_TAG_WIDTH, _FontStretchToWidthAxisValue(fontStretch) });
if (WI_IsFlagClear(axisTagPresence, AxisTagPresence::Italic))
axesVector.emplace_back(DWRITE_FONT_AXIS_VALUE{ DWRITE_FONT_AXIS_TAG_ITALIC, (fontStyle == DWRITE_FONT_STYLE_ITALIC ? 1.0f : 0.0f) });
if (WI_IsFlagClear(axisTagPresence, AxisTagPresence::Slant))
axesVector.emplace_back(DWRITE_FONT_AXIS_VALUE{ DWRITE_FONT_AXIS_TAG_SLANT, _FontStyleToSlantFixedAxisValue(fontStyle) });
return axesVector;
// Routine Description:
// - Build the needed data for rendering according to the font used
// Arguments:
// - desired - Information specifying the font that is requested
// - actual - Filled with the nearest font actually chosen for drawing
// - dpi - The DPI of the screen
// Return Value:
// - None
void DxFontRenderData::_BuildFontRenderData(const FontInfoDesired& desired, FontInfo& actual, const int dpi)
std::wstring fontLocaleName = UserLocaleName();
// This is the first attempt to resolve font face after `UpdateFont`.
// Note that the following line may cause property changes _inside_ `_defaultFontInfo` because the desired font may not exist.
// See the implementation of `ResolveFontFaceWithFallback` for details.
const Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IDWriteFontFace1> face = _defaultFontInfo.ResolveFontFaceWithFallback(_dwriteFactory.Get(), fontLocaleName);
const UINT32 spaceCodePoint = L'M';
UINT16 spaceGlyphIndex;
THROW_IF_FAILED(face->GetGlyphIndicesW(&spaceCodePoint, 1, &spaceGlyphIndex));
INT32 advanceInDesignUnits;
THROW_IF_FAILED(face->GetDesignGlyphAdvances(1, &spaceGlyphIndex, &advanceInDesignUnits));
DWRITE_GLYPH_METRICS spaceMetrics = { 0 };
THROW_IF_FAILED(face->GetDesignGlyphMetrics(&spaceGlyphIndex, 1, &spaceMetrics));
// The math here is actually:
// Requested Size in Points * DPI scaling factor * Points to Pixels scaling factor.
// - DPI = dots per inch
// - PPI = points per inch or "points" as usually seen when choosing a font size
// - The DPI scaling factor is the current monitor DPI divided by 96, the default DPI.
// - The Points to Pixels factor is based on the typography definition of 72 points per inch.
// As such, converting requires taking the 96 pixel per inch default and dividing by the 72 points per inch
// to get a factor of 1 and 1/3.
// This turns into something like:
// - 12 ppi font * (96 dpi / 96 dpi) * (96 dpi / 72 points per inch) = 16 pixels tall font for 100% display (96 dpi is 100%)
// - 12 ppi font * (144 dpi / 96 dpi) * (96 dpi / 72 points per inch) = 24 pixels tall font for 150% display (144 dpi is 150%)
// - 12 ppi font * (192 dpi / 96 dpi) * (96 dpi / 72 points per inch) = 32 pixels tall font for 200% display (192 dpi is 200%)
float heightDesired = static_cast<float>(desired.GetEngineSize().Y) * static_cast<float>(USER_DEFAULT_SCREEN_DPI) / POINTS_PER_INCH;
// The advance is the number of pixels left-to-right (X dimension) for the given font.
// We're finding a proportional factor here with the design units in "ems", not an actual pixel measurement.
// Now we play trickery with the font size. Scale by the DPI to get the height we expect.
heightDesired *= (static_cast<float>(dpi) / static_cast<float>(USER_DEFAULT_SCREEN_DPI));
const float widthAdvance = static_cast<float>(advanceInDesignUnits) / fontMetrics.designUnitsPerEm;
// Use the real pixel height desired by the "em" factor for the width to get the number of pixels
// we will need per character in width. This will almost certainly result in fractional X-dimension pixels.
const float widthApprox = heightDesired * widthAdvance;
// Since we can't deal with columns of the presentation grid being fractional pixels in width, round to the nearest whole pixel.
const float widthExact = round(widthApprox);
// Now reverse the "em" factor from above to turn the exact pixel width into a (probably) fractional
// height in pixels of each character. It's easier for us to pad out height and align vertically
// than it is horizontally.
const auto fontSize = widthExact / widthAdvance;
_fontSize = fontSize;
// Now figure out the basic properties of the character height which include ascent and descent
// for this specific font size.
const float ascent = (fontSize * fontMetrics.ascent) / fontMetrics.designUnitsPerEm;
const float descent = (fontSize * fontMetrics.descent) / fontMetrics.designUnitsPerEm;
// Get the gap.
const float gap = (fontSize * fontMetrics.lineGap) / fontMetrics.designUnitsPerEm;
const float halfGap = gap / 2;
// We're going to build a line spacing object here to track all of this data in our format.
DWRITE_LINE_SPACING lineSpacing = {};
// We need to make sure the baseline falls on a round pixel (not a fractional pixel).
// If the baseline is fractional, the text appears blurry, especially at small scales.
// Since we also need to make sure the bounding box as a whole is round pixels
// (because the entire console system maths in full cell units),
// we're just going to ceiling up the ascent and descent to make a full pixel amount
// and set the baseline to the full round pixel ascent value.
// For reference, for the letters "ag":
// ...
// gggggg bottom of previous line
// ----------------- <===========================================|
// | topSideBearing | 1/2 lineGap |
// aaaaaa ggggggg <-------------------------|-------------| |
// a g g | | |
// aaaaa ggggg |<-ascent | |
// a a g | | |---- lineHeight
// aaaaa a gggggg <----baseline, verticalOriginY----------|---|
// g g |<-descent | |
// gggggg <-------------------------|-------------| |
// | bottomSideBearing | 1/2 lineGap |
// ----------------- <===========================================|
// aaaaaa ggggggg top of next line
// ...
// Also note...
// We're going to add half the line gap to the ascent and half the line gap to the descent
// to ensure that the spacing is balanced vertically.
// Generally speaking, the line gap is added to the ascent by DirectWrite itself for
// horizontally drawn text which can place the baseline and glyphs "lower" in the drawing
// box than would be desired for proper alignment of things like line and box characters
// which will try to sit centered in the area and touch perfectly with their neighbors.
const auto fullPixelAscent = ceil(ascent + halfGap);
const auto fullPixelDescent = ceil(descent + halfGap);
lineSpacing.height = fullPixelAscent + fullPixelDescent;
lineSpacing.baseline = fullPixelAscent;
// According to MSDN (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/dwrite_3/ne-dwrite_3-dwrite_font_line_gap_usage)
// Setting "ENABLED" means we've included the line gapping in the spacing numbers given.
lineSpacing.fontLineGapUsage = DWRITE_FONT_LINE_GAP_USAGE_ENABLED;
_lineSpacing = lineSpacing;
// The scaled size needs to represent the pixel box that each character will fit within for the purposes
// of hit testing math and other such multiplication/division.
COORD coordSize = { 0 };
coordSize.X = gsl::narrow<SHORT>(widthExact);
coordSize.Y = gsl::narrow_cast<SHORT>(lineSpacing.height);
// Unscaled is for the purposes of re-communicating this font back to the renderer again later.
// As such, we need to give the same original size parameter back here without padding
// or rounding or scaling manipulation.
const COORD unscaled = desired.GetEngineSize();
const COORD scaled = coordSize;
LineMetrics lineMetrics;
// There is no font metric for the grid line width, so we use a small
// multiple of the font size, which typically rounds to a pixel.
lineMetrics.gridlineWidth = std::round(fontSize * 0.025f);
// All other line metrics are in design units, so to get a pixel value,
// we scale by the font size divided by the design-units-per-em.
const auto scale = fontSize / fontMetrics.designUnitsPerEm;
lineMetrics.underlineOffset = std::round(fontMetrics.underlinePosition * scale);
lineMetrics.underlineWidth = std::round(fontMetrics.underlineThickness * scale);
lineMetrics.strikethroughOffset = std::round(fontMetrics.strikethroughPosition * scale);
lineMetrics.strikethroughWidth = std::round(fontMetrics.strikethroughThickness * scale);
// We always want the lines to be visible, so if a stroke width ends up
// at zero after rounding, we need to make it at least 1 pixel.
lineMetrics.gridlineWidth = std::max(lineMetrics.gridlineWidth, 1.0f);
lineMetrics.underlineWidth = std::max(lineMetrics.underlineWidth, 1.0f);
lineMetrics.strikethroughWidth = std::max(lineMetrics.strikethroughWidth, 1.0f);
// Offsets are relative to the base line of the font, so we subtract
// from the ascent to get an offset relative to the top of the cell.
lineMetrics.underlineOffset = fullPixelAscent - lineMetrics.underlineOffset;
lineMetrics.strikethroughOffset = fullPixelAscent - lineMetrics.strikethroughOffset;
// For double underlines we need a second offset, just below the first,
// but with a bit of a gap (about double the grid line width).
lineMetrics.underlineOffset2 = lineMetrics.underlineOffset +
lineMetrics.underlineWidth +
std::round(fontSize * 0.05f);
// However, we don't want the underline to extend past the bottom of the
// cell, so we clamp the offset to fit just inside.
const auto maxUnderlineOffset = lineSpacing.height - lineMetrics.underlineWidth;
lineMetrics.underlineOffset2 = std::min(lineMetrics.underlineOffset2, maxUnderlineOffset);
// But if the resulting gap isn't big enough even to register as a thicker
// line, it's better to place the second line slightly above the first.
if (lineMetrics.underlineOffset2 < lineMetrics.underlineOffset + lineMetrics.gridlineWidth)
lineMetrics.underlineOffset2 = lineMetrics.underlineOffset - lineMetrics.gridlineWidth;
// We also add half the stroke width to the offsets, since the line
// coordinates designate the center of the line.
lineMetrics.underlineOffset += lineMetrics.underlineWidth / 2.0f;
lineMetrics.underlineOffset2 += lineMetrics.underlineWidth / 2.0f;
lineMetrics.strikethroughOffset += lineMetrics.strikethroughWidth / 2.0f;
_lineMetrics = lineMetrics;
_glyphCell = actual.GetSize();
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IDWriteTextFormat> DxFontRenderData::_BuildTextFormat(const DxFontInfo fontInfo, const std::wstring_view localeName)
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IDWriteTextFormat> format;
// If the OS supports IDWriteTextFormat3, set the font axes
::Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IDWriteTextFormat3> format3;
if (!_axesVector.empty() && !FAILED(format->QueryInterface(IID_PPV_ARGS(&format3))))
DWRITE_FONT_AXIS_VALUE const* axesList = _axesVector.data();
format3->SetFontAxisValues(axesList, gsl::narrow<uint32_t>(_axesVector.size()));
return format;