Mike Griese 5cd8096d42 Revert 5173ea30f5
> yes, but also, no. I tried doing that in 5173ea3, but alas, that doesn't work. There's a lot of places that assumes `IControlSettings requires IControlAppearance`. If you make `ControlSettings` only implement `IControlSettings` and `ICoreSettings`, and not the Appearances as well, then there are various places in UpdateSettings that will crash. (Those could likely be re-written as well, with some pain.)
> In almost all cases where we're using a `IControlSettings` as an Appearance, we're only interested in the `FocusedAppearance`'s value.
2021-11-10 12:54:45 -06:00

82 lines
3.8 KiB

Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
Licensed under the MIT license.
#pragma once
#include "../../inc/cppwinrt_utils.h"
#include "../../inc/ControlProperties.h"
#include <DefaultSettings.h>
#include <conattrs.hpp>
#include "ControlAppearance.h"
using IFontFeatureMap = winrt::Windows::Foundation::Collections::IMap<winrt::hstring, uint32_t>;
using IFontAxesMap = winrt::Windows::Foundation::Collections::IMap<winrt::hstring, float>;
namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Control::implementation
struct ControlSettings : public winrt::implements<ControlSettings, Microsoft::Terminal::Control::IControlSettings, Microsoft::Terminal::Control::IControlAppearance, Microsoft::Terminal::Core::ICoreSettings, Microsoft::Terminal::Core::ICoreAppearance>
// Getters and setters for each *Setting member. We're not using
// WINRT_PROPERTY for these, because they actually exist inside the
// _focusedAppearance member. We don't need to reserve another member to
// hold them.
#define SETTINGS_GEN(type, name, ...) WINRT_PROPERTY(type, name, __VA_ARGS__);
winrt::com_ptr<ControlAppearance> _unfocusedAppearance{ nullptr };
winrt::com_ptr<ControlAppearance> _focusedAppearance{ nullptr };
bool _hasUnfocusedAppearance{ false };
ControlSettings(const Control::IControlSettings& settings,
const Control::IControlAppearance& unfocusedAppearance)
_hasUnfocusedAppearance = unfocusedAppearance != nullptr;
_focusedAppearance = winrt::make_self<implementation::ControlAppearance>(settings);
_unfocusedAppearance = unfocusedAppearance ?
winrt::make_self<implementation::ControlAppearance>(unfocusedAppearance) :
// Copy every value from the passed in settings, into us.
#define COPY_SETTING(type, name, ...) _##name = settings.name();
winrt::com_ptr<ControlAppearance> UnfocusedAppearance() { return _unfocusedAppearance; }
winrt::com_ptr<ControlAppearance> FocusedAppearance() { return _focusedAppearance; }
bool HasUnfocusedAppearance() { return _hasUnfocusedAppearance; }
// Getters and setters for each Appearance member. We're not using
// WINRT_PROPERTY for these, because they actually exist inside the
// _focusedAppearance member. We don't need to reserve another member to
// hold them.
// The Appearance members (including GetColorTableEntry below) are used
// when this ControlSettings is cast to a IControlAppearance or
// ICoreAppearance. In those cases, we'll always return the Focused
// appearance's version of the member. Callers who care about which
// appearance is being used should be more careful. Fortunately, this
// situation is generally only used when a control is first created, or
// when calling UpdateSettings.
#define APPEARANCE_GEN(type, name, ...) \
type name() const noexcept { return _focusedAppearance->name(); } \
void name(const type& value) noexcept { _focusedAppearance->name(value); }
winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Core::Color GetColorTableEntry(int32_t index) noexcept
return _focusedAppearance->GetColorTableEntry(index);