2021-11-10 12:40:40 -06:00

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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
import "CascadiaSettings.idl";
namespace Microsoft.Terminal.Settings.Model
runtimeclass TerminalSettingsCreateResult
TerminalSettingsCreateResult(TerminalSettings defaultSettings);
TerminalSettings DefaultSettings { get; };
TerminalSettings UnfocusedSettings { get; };
// Class Description:
// TerminalSettings encapsulates all settings that control the
// TermControl's behavior. In these settings there is both the entirety
// of the Core ICoreSettings properties and the IControlSettings
// properties. It's the Profile's responsibility to build this from
// settings it contains, in combination with the global settings.
// The TerminalControl will pull settings it requires from this object,
// and pass along the Core properties to the terminal core.
runtimeclass TerminalSettings : Microsoft.Terminal.Core.ICoreSettings,
static TerminalSettingsCreateResult CreateWithProfile(CascadiaSettings appSettings, Profile profile, Microsoft.Terminal.Control.IKeyBindings keybindings);
static TerminalSettingsCreateResult CreateWithNewTerminalArgs(CascadiaSettings appSettings, NewTerminalArgs newTerminalArgs, Microsoft.Terminal.Control.IKeyBindings keybindings);
void ApplyColorScheme(ColorScheme scheme);
ColorScheme AppliedColorScheme;
// The getters for these are already defined in IControlSettings. So
// we're just adding the setters here, because TerminalApp likes to be
// able to change these at runtime (e.g. when duplicating a pane).
String Commandline { set; };
String StartingDirectory { set; };
String EnvironmentVariables { set; };